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imake linux command


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imake options

C preprocessor (cpp) interface to the make utility. imake (for include make) solves the portability problem of make by allowing machine dependencies to be kept in a central set of configuration files, separate from the descriptions of the various items to be built. The targets are contained in the Imakefile, a machine-independent description of the targets to be built, written as cpp macros. imake uses cpp to process the configuration files and the Imakefile, and to generate machine-specific Makefiles, which can then be used by make.

One of the configuration files is a template file, a master file for imake. This template file (default is Imake.tmpl) #includes the other configuration files that contain machine dependencies such as variable assignments, site definitions, and cpp macros, and directs the order in which the files are processed. Each file affects the interpretation of later files and sections of Imake.tmpl. Comments may be included in imake configuration files, but the initial # needs to be preceded with an empty C comment:

For more information, see cpp and make. Also check out the Nutshell Handbook Software Portability with imake, by Paul DuBois.



Set directory-specific variables. This option is passed directly to cpp.


Execute the generated Makefile. Default is to leave this to the user.

-f filename

Name of per-directory input file. Default is Imakefile.


Directory in which imake template and configuration files may be found. This option is passed directly to cpp.

-s filename

Name of make description file to be generated. If filename is a -- , the output is written to stdout. The default is to generate, but not execute, a Makefile.


Name of master template file used by cpp. This file is usually located in the directory specified with the -I option. The default file is Imake.tmpl.


Print the cpp command line used to generate the Makefile.


Following is a list of tools used with imake:

makedepend [options files

Create header file dependencies in Makefiles. make- depend reads the named input source files in sequence and parses them to process #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, #if, and #else directives so it can tell which #include directives would be used in a compilation. makedepend determines the dependencies and writes them to the Makefile. make then knows which object files must be recompiled when a dependency has changed. makedepend has the following options:


Ignore any unrecognized options following a double hyphen. A second double hyphen terminates this action. Recognized options between the hyphens are processed normally.


Append dependencies to any existing ones instead of replacing existing ones.


Write dependencies to filename instead of to Makefile.


Print a warning when encountering a multiple inclusion.


Use string as delimiter in file, instead of # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.


Verbose. List all files included by main source file.


Define name with the given value (first form) or with value 1 (second form).


Add directory dir to the list of directories searched.


Search only dir for include files. Ignore standard include directories.

mkdirhier dir

Create directory dir and all missing parent directories during file installation operations.

xmkmf [option topdir curdir

Bootstrap a Makefile from an Imakefile. topdir specifies the location of the project root directory. curdir (usually omitted) is specified as a relative pathname from the top of the build tree to the current directory. The -a option is equivalent to the following command sequence:

% xmkmf
% make Makefiles
% make includes
% make depend

Configuration files

Following is a list of the imake configuration files:


Master template for imake. Imake.tmpl includes all the other configuration files, plus the Imakefile in the current directory.


Contains definitions that apply across sites and vendors.


Contains cpp macro definitions that are configured for the current platform. The macro definitions are fed into imake, which runs cpp to process the macros. Newlines (line continuations) are indicated by the string @@ (double at sign, backslash).


Contains site-specific (as opposed to vendor-specific) information, such as installation directories, what set of programs to build, and any special versions of programs to use during the build. The site.def file changes from machine to machine.


File containing X-specific variables.


File containing library rules.


File containing server-specific rules.


The .cf files are the vendor-specific VendorFiles that live in Imake.vb. A .cf file contains platform-specific definitions, such as version numbers of the operating system and the compiler and workarounds for missing commands. The definitions in .cf files override the defaults, defined in Imake.params.

The Imakefile

The Imakefile is a per-directory file that indicates targets to be built and installed and rules to be applied. imake reads the Imakefile and expands the rules into Makefile target entries. An Imakefile may also include definitions of make variables and list the dependencies of the targets. The dependencies are expressed as cpp macros, defined in Imake.rules. Whenever you change an Imakefile, you need to rebuild the Makefile and regenerate header file dependencies. For more information on imake, see Software Portability with imake by Paul DuBois.

imake options

C preprocessor (cpp) interface to the make utility. imake (for include make) solves the portability problem of make by allowing machine dependencies to be kept in a central set of configuration files, separate from the descriptions of the various items to be built. The targets are contained in the Imakefile, a machine-independent description of the targets to be built, written as cpp macros. imake uses cpp to process the configuration files and the Imakefile, and to generate machine-specific Makefiles, which can then be used by make.

One of the configuration files is a template file, a master file for imake. This template file (default is Imake.tmpl) #includes the other configuration files that contain machine dependencies such as variable assignments, site definitions, and cpp macros, and directs the order in which the files are processed. Each file affects the interpretation of later files and sections of Imake.tmpl. Comments may be included in imake configuration files, but the initial # needs to be preceded with an empty C comment:

For more information, see cpp and make. Also check out the Nutshell Handbook Software Portability with imake, by Paul DuBois.



Set directory-specific variables. This option is passed directly to cpp.


Execute the generated Makefile. Default is to leave this to the user.

-f filename

Name of per-directory input file. Default is Imakefile.


Directory in which imake template and configuration files may be found. This option is passed directly to cpp.

-s filename

Name of make description file to be generated. If filename is a -- , the output is written to stdout. The default is to generate, but not execute, a Makefile.


Name of master template file used by cpp. This file is usually located in the directory specified with the -I option. The default file is Imake.tmpl.


Print the cpp command line used to generate the Makefile.


Following is a list of tools used with imake:

makedepend [options files

Create header file dependencies in Makefiles. make- depend reads the named input source files in sequence and parses them to process #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, #if, and #else directives so it can tell which #include directives would be used in a compilation. makedepend determines the dependencies and writes them to the Makefile. make then knows which object files must be recompiled when a dependency has changed. makedepend has the following options:


Ignore any unrecognized options following a double hyphen. A second double hyphen terminates this action. Recognized options between the hyphens are processed normally.


Append dependencies to any existing ones instead of replacing existing ones.


Write dependencies to filename instead of to Makefile.


Print a warning when encountering a multiple inclusion.


Use string as delimiter in file, instead of # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.


Verbose. List all files included by main source file.


Define name with the given value (first form) or with value 1 (second form).


Add directory dir to the list of directories searched.


Search only dir for include files. Ignore standard include directories.

mkdirhier dir

Create directory dir and all missing parent directories during file installation operations.

xmkmf [option topdir curdir

Bootstrap a Makefile from an Imakefile. topdir specifies the location of the project root directory. curdir (usually omitted) is specified as a relative pathname from the top of the build tree to the current directory. The -a option is equivalent to the following command sequence:

% xmkmf
% make Makefiles
% make includes
% make depend

Configuration files

Following is a list of the imake configuration files:


Master template for imake. Imake.tmpl includes all the other configuration files, plus the Imakefile in the current directory.


Contains definitions that apply across sites and vendors.


Contains cpp macro definitions that are configured for the current platform. The macro definitions are fed into imake, which runs cpp to process the macros. Newlines (line continuations) are indicated by the string @@ (double at sign, backslash).


Contains site-specific (as opposed to vendor-specific) information, such as installation directories, what set of programs to build, and any special versions of programs to use during the build. The site.def file changes from machine to machine.


File containing X-specific variables.


File containing library rules.


File containing server-specific rules.


The .cf files are the vendor-specific VendorFiles that live in Imake.vb. A .cf file contains platform-specific definitions, such as version numbers of the operating system and the compiler and workarounds for missing commands. The definitions in .cf files override the defaults, defined in Imake.params.

The Imakefile

The Imakefile is a per-directory file that indicates targets to be built and installed and rules to be applied. imake reads the Imakefile and expands the rules into Makefile target entries. An Imakefile may also include definitions of make variables and list the dependencies of the targets. The dependencies are expressed as cpp macros, defined in Imake.rules. Whenever you change an Imakefile, you need to rebuild the Makefile and regenerate header file dependencies. For more information on imake, see Software Portability with imake by Paul DuBois.

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