Using the Numerical Integration Routine
Using the Numerical Integration Routine To use the numerical integration routine, you must first create a Butcher Table object and an ODE object. You will then pass pointers to these objects to the CNumericalIntegrator constructor when you insCiteste tot ... 1071 cuvinte
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Error Tolerance Control Functions
Error Tolerance Control Functions Table 5 lists the error tolerance control functions. These functions determine what the tolerances will be, and tell the integrator which norm to use. Two tolerance criteria are used to determine whether to acCiteste tot ... 892 cuvinte
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Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Object
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Object In order to use the numerical integrator, you must supply it with an ODE object derived from the abstract class CDifferentialEquation. This class defines a number of routines that allow the ODE to comCiteste tot ... 4874 cuvinte
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Functions to Check the Error State
Functions to Check the Error State Table 15 lists the functions which allow you to check the error state of the integrator. Table 15. Functions to Check the Error State. Function Description IntegratorCiteste tot ... 2204 cuvinte
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Integrator Diagnostic Functions
Integrator Diagnostic Functions Table 13 lists the integrator diagnostic functions. These functions return information about the current health of the integrator, such as how many steps have been taken, how many times the derivative function hCiteste tot ... 767 cuvinte
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Output Control Functions
Output Control Functions Table 8 lists the output control functions. These functions set or add requested output times and tell the integrator whether to handle output of the states or rely on the ODE object to perform that function. TableCiteste tot ... 1053 cuvinte
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Initial Condition (IC) Functions
Initial Condition (IC) Functions Table 7 lists the initial condition functions, which set or return the starting time and initial conditions for the integration. Note that the final integration time is set by the last value of the SetTOut() ouCiteste tot ... 528 cuvinte
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Integrator Reset Functions
Integrator Reset Functions Table 14 lists the integrator reset functions. These functions allow you to reset the integrator so integration may start over, or install a new ODE or Butcher Table. Table 14. Integrator Reset Functions.Citeste tot ... 524 cuvinte
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Event Handling Functions
Event Handling Functions Table 10 lists the event handling functions. These functions allow you to tell the integrator how or whether to handle events, and reset the event finder after a terminal event. Note that event handling can only be donCiteste tot ... 557 cuvinte
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Constructor The constructor is called automatically when the numerical integration object is instantiated. It initializes the integrator and prepares it for use. Usage CNumericalIntegrator Integ(pODE, pBT); CNumericalIntegrator Integ(pCiteste tot ... 435 cuvinte
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Step Size Control Functions
Step Size Control Functions Table 3 lists the step size control functions. These functions allow you to choose the initial or current step size, the minimum and maximum allowable step sizes, whether fixed or variable step sizes will be used, aCiteste tot ... 1289 cuvinte
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Integrator Limit Functions
Integrator Limit Functions Table 12 lists the integrator limit functions. These functions set limits on how far the integration will be allowed to proceed to prevent a runaway condition should an error occur or if the ODE is ill conditioned.Citeste tot ... 367 cuvinte
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Integration Functions
Integration Functions Table 2 lists the available Integration functions. These are functions which cause the integrator to perform the actual integration, and report when it is complete. Note that if the integrator has already reached the finalCiteste tot ... 410 cuvinte
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The ODE Test Suite
The ODE Test Suite The ODE test suite is a collection of routines designed to test the functionality of the numerical integration package. It includes a number of integration methods and differential equations. The included methods are the mostCiteste tot ... 3860 cuvinte
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Event Output Functions
Event Output Functions Table 11 lists the event output functions. These functions allow you to retrieve the events after they occur. Note that event handling requires a Butcher Table that has dense output. Table 11. Event Output Functions.Citeste tot ... 378 cuvinte
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Output Functions
Output Functions Table 9 lists the output functions. These functions are used to return the value of the states at each of the requested output times, or the current value of the integrator. Table 9. Integrator Output Functions.Citeste tot ... 474 cuvinte
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Step Size Information Functions
Step Size Information Functions Table 4 lists the step size information functions. These functions report the current and initial step sizes, the minimum and maximum allowable step sizes, whether fixed or variable step sizes are being used, whCiteste tot ... 910 cuvinte
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Exception Handling
Exception Handling Whenever an integration error occurs such that the integration cannot continue, an exception is thrown, to be caught and handled by your driver routine. There is a special purpose exception type defined in CNumericalIntegratoCiteste tot ... 148 cuvinte
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