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route linux command


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route [option] [command]

TCP/IP command. Manually manipulate the routing tables normally maintained by routed. route accepts two commands: add, to add a route, and del, to delete a route. The two commands have the following syntax:

add [-net | -host] address [gw gateway]
[netmask mask] [mss tcp-mss] [dev device]
del address

address is treated as a plain route unless -net is specified or address is found in /etc/networks. -host can be used to specify that address is a plain route whether or not it is found in /etc/networks. The keyword default means to use this route for all requests if no other route is known. You can specify the gateway through which to route packets headed for that address, its netmask, TCP mss, and the device with which to associate the route. Only a privileged user may modify the routing tables.

If no command is specified, route prints the routing tables.



Show numerical addresses; do not look up hostnames. (Useful if DNS is not functioning properly.)

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