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quota linux command

quota quota [options] [user|group] Display disk usage and total space allowed for a designated user or group. With no argument, the quota for the current user is displayed. This command reports quotas for all filesystems listed
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locate linux command

locate locate [options] pattern Search database(s) of filenames and print matches. *, ?, [, and ] are treated specially; / and . are not. Matches include all files that contain pattern, unless pattern includes metacharacters
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icmpinfo linux command

icmpinfo icmpinfo [options] TCP/IP command. Intercept and interpret ICMP packets. Print the address and name of the message's sender, the source port, the destination port, the sequence, and the packet size. By default, provide
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badblocks linux command

badblocks badblocks [options] device block-count System administration command. Search device for bad blocks. You must specify the number of blocks on the device (block-count). Options -b blocksize Expect blocksiz
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groupdel linux command

groupdel groupdel group System administration command. Remove group from system account files. You may still need to find and change permissions on files that belong to the removed group.
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sleep linux command

sleep sleep amount[units] Wait a specified amount of time before executing another command. The default for units is seconds. Time Units s seconds
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uncompress linux command

uncompress uncompress [options] files Uncompress files that were compressed (i.e., whose names end in .Z). See compress for the available options; uncompress takes all the same options except -r and -b.
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fingerd linux command

fingerd in.fingerd [option] TCP/IP command. Remote user information server. fingerd provides a network interface to the finger program. It listens for TCP connections on the finger port and, for each connection, reads a sing
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bc linux command

bc bc [options] [files] bc is a language (and compiler) whose syntax resembles that of C, but with unlimited-precision arithmetic. bc consists of identifiers, keywords, and symbols, which are briefly described in the following
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zcmp linux command

zcmp zcmp [options] files Read compressed files and pass them, uncompressed, to the cmp command, along with any command-line options. If a second file is not specified for comparison, look for a file called file.gz.
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free linux command

free free [options] Display statistics about memory usage: total free, used, physical, swap, shared, and buffers used by the kernel. Options -b Calculate memory in bytes. -k Default. Calculate memory in kilobyt
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tr linux command

tr tr [options] [string1 [string2]] Translate characters -- copy standard input to standard output, substituting characters from string1 to string2 or deleting characters in string1. Options -c, --complement Comple
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modprobe linux command

modprobe modprobe [options] [modules] System administration command. With no options, attempt to load the specified module, as well as all modules on which it depends. If more than one module is specified, attempt to load furth
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ypcat linux command

ypcat ypcat [options] mname NFS/NIS command. Print values in an NIS database specified by mname, which may be either a map name or a map nickname. Options -d domain Specify domain other than default domain. -k
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dumpkeys linux command

dumpkeys dumpkeys [options] Print information about the keyboard driver's translation tables to standard output. Further information is available in the manual pages under keytables. Options -1, --separate-lines Print on
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reboot linux command

reboot reboot [options] System administration command. Close out filesystems, shut down the system, then reboot the system. Because this command immediately stops all processes, it should be run only in single-user mode. If the
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tftpd linux command

tftpd tftpd [homedir] TCP/IP command. Trivial File Transfer Protocol server. tftpd is normally started by inetd and operates at the port indicated in the tftp Internet service description in the /etc/inetd.conf file. By defa
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route linux command

route route [option] [command] TCP/IP command. Manually manipulate the routing tables normally maintained by routed. route accepts two commands: add, to add a route, and del, to delete a route. The two commands have the foll
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zdiff linux command

zdiff zdiff [options] files Read compressed files and pass them, uncompressed, to the diff command, along with any command-line options. If a second file is not specified for comparison, look for a file called file.gz.
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rdist linux command

rdist rdist [options] [names] System administration command. Remote file distribution client program. rdist maintains identical copies of files over multiple hosts. It reads commands from a file named distfile to direct the upd
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