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Pronumele (The Pronoun) - limba engleza


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Pronumele (The Pronoun) - limba engleza

1. Notiuni generale

Un pronume este un cuvant care ia locul unui substantiv.

Noi folosim mai degraba pronumele decat sa repetam substantivele de 'x' ori.

Observa propozitie urmatoare: 'Dan took Dan's hammer and saw and put Dan's hammer and saw on Dan's workbench' sau 'Dan took his hammer and saw and put hammer and saw and put them on his workbench.' Cuvintele subliniate sunt pronume.

Exista 5 clase majore de pronume: (1) personale, (2) indefinite, (3) relative, (4) interogative si (5) demonstrative.

Ce este un pronume personal?

Pronumele personal (personal pronoun) este un pronume care arata prin forma sa 'persoana' substantivului pe care-l inlocuieste.

Ce se intelege prin persoana? Un substantiv sau pronume este la persoana intaia (first person) daca acesta se refera la persoana care vorbeste. Este la persoana a doua (second person) daca acesta se refera la persoana careia i se vorbeste. Este la persoana a treia (third person) daca acesta se refera la persoana sau lucrul despre care se vorbeste.

Exemple: Pers. I a: I speak; Pers. a II a: You whisper; Pers. a III a: He shouts.

Pronumele personale au fost folosite de cand s-a inceput vorbirea limbii engleze. Exemple: I, me, mine = cuvintele noastre favorite - persoana I a.

Pronumele personal se arata si prin cazul substantivului pe care acesta il inlocuieste. Daca un pronume este folosit ca un subiect intr-o propozitie, acesta este in cazul nominativ. Daca este folosit ca un obiect intr-o propozitie, acesta este in cazul obiectiv. Daca acesta indica proprietatea sau relatia, acesta este in cazul posesiv.

Exemplu: My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me.

My este pronume care indica proprietatea sau relatia si este in cazul posesiv;

I, they - sunt pronume folosite ca subiecte in propozitie si sunt in cazul nominativ;

Them, me - sunt pronume folosite ca obiecte si sunt in cazul obiectiv.

Daca un pronume personal se termina in 'self' (de sine) sau 'selves' si se refera la pronumele antecedente lui, acesta este in cazul reflexiv

Exemplu: I am writing this myself.

(Vezi tabelul de pe pagina alaturata care indica pronumele personale la toate persoanele si cazurile lor)

Exemple: I go. You go. She goes. It goes. We go. You go. They go. Please go with me. He is going with us. I, myself, am going. You should go, too. The decision is yours. She hit the ball. It flew over the fence. They ran after it. She said it was hers. They said it was theirs. Thy hit her. She hit them. (Eu merg. Tu mergi. Ea merge. Acesta merge. Noi mergem. Voi mergeti. Ei merg. Te rog vino cu mine. El vine cu noi. Eu insumi merg. Si tu ar trebui sa mergi. Decizia este a ta. Ea a lovit mingea. Aceasta a zburat peste gard. Ei au fugit dupa ea. Ea a spus ca este a ei. Ei au spus ca este a lor. Ei au lovit-o. ea i-a lovit.)

Persoana (person) Cazul (case) Singular Plural

First (intaia) Nominative I (eu) We (noi)

Possessive My/mine (al meu) Our/ours (al nostru)

Objective Me (pe mine, ma.) Us (pe noi, ne.)

Reflexive Myself (insumi, eu) Ourselves (noi insine)

Second (a doua) Nominative You You

Possessive Your/yours Your/yours

Objective You    You

Reflexive Yourself    Yourselves

Third (a treia) Nominative He/she/it They

Possessive His/her/hers/its Their/theirs

Objective Him/her/it Them

Reflexive Himself/herself/itself    Themselves

3. Pronumele posesiv (possessive pronoun)

Pronumele posesiv este un pronume care arata proprietatea sau relatia; unele pronume posesive sunt folosite inaintea substantivelor pe cand altele sunt folosite singure.

Exemple de pronume posesive care sunt folosite inaintea substantivelor: my, our, your, his, her, its, their. Is this your car? (Pronumele posesive care sunt inaintea substantivelor sunt ca adjective si se mai numesc 'adjective posesive'.)

Exemple de pronume posesive ce nu pot fi inaintea unui substantiv: mine, ours, yours, hers, theirs. Acestea stau singure in propozitie. This car is not mine. We sold ours. Is it yours? No, it is hers.

Pronumele posesiv 'his' poate fi folosit inaintea substantivului.

Exemplu: This is his money. Sau poate sta singur.

Exemplu: This money is his.

Regula: Pronumele posesiv nu are niciodata apostrof. Forma de posesiv a lui 'who' (cine) este 'whose' (a cui) nu 'who's' (cine este).

Exemplu: Whose car is this?

CONFUZII: 'Whose' cu 'who's' (= who is)

'Its' cu 'it's' (= it is)

'Your' cu 'you're' (= you are)

'Their' cu 'they're' (= they are)

4. Pronumele reflexiv (The reflexive pronoun)

Pronumele reflexiv este un pronume care se termina in 'self' sau 'selves' si reflecta la antecedentul sau.Exemple: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

Pronumele reflexiv: accentueaza importanta cuvantului pe care-l inlocuieste. Exemplu: I, myself, am a teacher. - accentuand pe 'I' adauga informatie noua despre cuvantul pe care-l inlocuieste. Exemplu: I am a teacher myself. - accentuand 'teacher'

Pronumele trebuie sa fie in acord cu cuvintele dinaintea lui. Antecedentul unui pronume este un cuvant sau un grup de cuvinte la care se refera pronumele. Exemplu: When John grew up, he became a taxi driver. - 'John' fiind antecedentul lui 'he'. Pronumele se acorda cu antecedentul sau in gen, numar si persoana. 'John' - masculin, pers. a 3 a, singular. Ar fi incorect daca am spune: 'When John grew up, she became a taxi driver.' Sau 'Mary was not as happy as he had been in her marriage.'

Test 'Pronoun 1'

Gaseste pronumele personale din urmatoarele propozitii.

__________________ a. Martha said, 'Let us go home.'

__________________ b. Jerry met him when the phone rang.

Inlocuieste urmatoarele substantive cu pronumele care se potrivesc.

Exemplu: 'Life was difficult for Joseph and Mary     them .'

1. Kelly _____ called the company at seven.

When Tom ____ saw Marga ____, John ____ was going home.

Pune in spatiile libere de mai jos numarul persoanei pronumelui alaturat (1st - first person, 2nd - second person, 3rd - third person).

1. When I ____ called your ____ name nobody answered.

Her ____ son was in America last year.

3. Today, we ____ will see a nice video.

In spatiile libere de mai jos, scrie langa pronumele alaturat initiala cazului in care este pronumele ('N' - Nominativ, 'O' - Obiectiv, 'P' - Posesiv si 'R' - Reflexiv).

1. Jesse told Tom, 'Yesterday, you ____ called the school, and your ____ mate said it ____ is closed.'

This is English, itself ____.

In spatiile de langa pronume scrie antecedentele lor respective.

1. If we do not control evil, it __________ will control us.

We call Mary, not because she __________ says it __________, but because she needs it __________.

6. When time passes by you __________ something must happen.

5. Mai multe despre pronume

Un pronume indefinit este un pronume care nu-si specifica antecedentii. Adesea antecedentii sai sunt necunoscuti. Exemple: Does anyone know anything about the tax law? No one said anything. All waited foe someone else to respond.

Unele pronume indefinite sunt la singular - another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, one, nothing, other, somebody, someone, something.

Exemple: Tom saw something on the road. - afirmatie

Tim didn't hear anything. - negatie

Did you see anyone in the hall? - intrebare

Susan said nothing. I called home, but no one answered. Is anyone home?

Acestea sunt pronume indefinite deoarece ele nu iau locul nici unui substantiv.

Alte pronume sunt la plural - both, few, many, several.

Exemple: Many are called but few are chosen.

NOTA: Daca punem un substantiv in urma acestor pronume, ele devin adjective - 'Many people are called, but few people are chosen.' - 'Many' si 'few' sunt acum adjective pronominale. )

Un pronume relativ este un pronume care conecteaza antecedentul sau cu un grup de cuvinte care-l descriu mai bine - that, which, who, whom, whose. Exemplu: Mark was a good man who helped his friends. 'Who' este pronumele relativ care introduce clauza 'helped his friends'. Aceasta ne spune ceva despre antecedentul 'man' .

Pronumele relative 'who' si 'whom' se refera in mod general la o persoana sau la oameni. Exemplu: The girl who is standing outside is my niece. The woman to whom you spoke is my mother.

'Who' este forma de nominativ (subiect) a pronumelui. 'Whom' este forma obiectiva (obiect).

Pronumele relativ 'whose' arata proprietatea sau relatia si este posesiv. Exemplu: The woman whose picture is on the desk is my wife.

Pronumele relative 'that' si 'which' se refera in mod general la locuri sau lucruri. Exemple:Any house that Dan builds is a good one. A relative pronoun introduces a clause, which tells us something about the noun that comes before it.

Un pronume interogativ este un pronume care pune o intrebare - what, which, who, whom, whose.

'Who' 'whom' si 'whose' se folosesc pentru a pune intrebari despre o persoana sau oameni. Exemple: Who came to see you this morning? To whom shall we turn for help? Whose book is this? Uneori 'who' se confunda cu 'whom';   

'Who' este forma de nominativ a pronumelui si 'whom' este forma obiectiva.

Exemple: Who will go for us? Whom shall we send? - We shall send whom?

'Whom' este obiectul verbului 'send'.

'What' se refera la o persoana, loc, lucru, idee sau eveniment.

Exemple: What are we having for dinner tonight? What is your problem?

'Which' se refera la o alegere dintre 2 sau mai multe persoane, locuri sau lucruri.

Exemple: We have coffee and tea. Which do you prefer?

Un pronume demonstrativ este un pronume care indica o persoana, loc sau lucru.

Exemple: This (in my hand) is my pen. That (on the desk) is your pen.

Singular Plural

De apropiere This    These

De departare    That Those

Test 'Pronoun 2'

Gaseste pronumele indefinite din propozitiile de mai jos si scrie-l in stanga.

______________ 1. You called home, but no one answered.

George obeyed everything I told him to do.

______________ 3. There must be someone at the door.

______________ 4. Don't bring another pot.

______________ 5. I believe it's nothing there.

Gaseste pronumele relative din propozitiile de mai jos.

______________ 1. George is a boy who sees cartoons daily.

The fire destroyed everything that was in the house.

______________ 3. There was no man who survived.

______________ 4. The happiness that they enjoyed disappeared.

Gaseste pronumele interogative din propozitiile de mai jos.

______________ 1. Who saw my teacher?

Can I ask, 'Whom did Tim see?'

______________ 3. What were you saying there?

______________ 4. We had 5 tests. Which was the easiest?

Gaseste pronumele demonstrative din urmatoarele propozitii.

______________ 1. This made me sick that moment.

These people need your help.

______________ 3. He finally said, 'Those are the facts.'

______________ 4. That was a good answer.

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