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The Interlocked Class


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The Interlocked Class

Interlocked synchronizes access to an integer variable that is being shared by a number of threads. The operation is carried out in an atomic manner. Let's see an example, WroxInterlocked.cs:

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace WroxInterlocked

Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode () , i);

public class MainApp

mR.WaitOne(10000, true);

The output for WroxInterLocked is:

Thread ID = 2 Count = 1
Thread ID = 2 Count = 2
Thread ID = 2 Count = 3
Thread ID = 2 Count = 4
Thread ID = 2 Count = 5
Thread ID = 2 Count = 6
Thread ID = 2 Count = 7
Thread ID = 2 Count = 8
Thread ID = 2 Count = 9
Thread ID = 2 Count = 10

WroxInterLocked shows the use of the Interlocked class. We increment the value of the global variable i in an atomic manner. Like the Increment() method, there is also a Decrement() method that reduces the value of a variable by one. In the same manner, the Exchange() method changes the value of two variables passed to it as ByRef parameters.

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