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Caution: Fitness, diet and health are matters that vary from individual to individual. We recommend that you speak with your doctor about your individual needs before starting this or any other diet or exercise program. Consulting your physician is especially important if you are on any medication or are already under medical care for any disorder or illness. We will not be liable or responsible for any health problems resulting from the use of this manuscript.





Some Common Sense

A Consumer's Guide to Fats

Once upon a time, we didn't know anything about fat except that it made foods tastier. We cooked our food in lard or shortening. We spread butter on our breakfast toast and plopped sour cream on our baked potatoes. Farmers bred their animals to produce milk with high butterfat content and meat 'marbled' with fat because that was what most people wanted to eat.

But ever since word got out that diets high in fat are related to heart disease, things have become more complicated. Experts tell us there are several different kinds of fat, some of them worse for us than others. In addition to saturated, monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated fats, there are triglycerides, trans fatty acids, and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

Most people have learned something about cholesterol, and many of us have been to the doctor for a blood test to learn our cholesterol 'number.' Now, however, it turns out that there's more than one kind of cholesterol, too.

Almost every day there are newspaper reports of new studies or recommendations about what to eat or what not to eat: Lard is bad, olive oil is good, margarine is better for you than butter-then again, maybe it's not.

Amid the welter of confusing terms and conflicting details, consumers are often baffled about how to improve their diets.

FDA recently issued new regulations that will enable consumers to see clearly on a food product's label how much and what kind of fat the product contains. Understanding the terms used to discuss fat is crucial if you want to make sure your diet is within recommended guidelines.

Fats and Fatty Acids

Fats are a group of chemical compounds that contain fatty acids. Energy is stored in the body mostly in the form of fat. Fat is needed in the diet to supply essential fatty acids, substances essential for growth but not produced by the body itself.

There are three main types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated. All fatty acids are molecules composed mostly of carbon and hydrogen atoms. A saturated fatty acid has the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms attached to every carbon atom. It is therefore said to be 'saturated' with hydrogen atoms.

Some fatty acids are missing one pair of hydrogen atoms in the middle of the molecule. This gap is called an 'unsaturation' and the fatty acid is said to be 'monounsaturated' because it has one gap. Fatty acids that are missing more than one pair of hydrogen atoms are called 'polyunsaturated.'

Saturated fats (which contain saturated fatty acids) are mostly found in foods of animal origin. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (which contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids) are mostly found in foods of plant origin and some seafood. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are of two kinds, omega-3 or omega-6. Scientists tell them apart by where in the molecule the 'unsaturations,' or missing hydrogen atoms, occur.

Recently a new term has been added to the fat lexicon: trans fatty acids. These are byproducts of partial hydrogenation, a process in which some of the missing hydrogen atoms are put back into polyunsaturated fats. 'Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils,'

such as vegetable shortening and margarine, are solid at room temperature.


Cholesterol is sort of a 'cousin' of fat. Both fat and cholesterol belong to a larger family of chemical compounds called lipids. All the cholesterol the body needs is made by the liver. It is used to build cell membranes and brain and nerve tissues. Cholesterol also helps the body produce steroid hormones needed for body regulation, including processing food, and bile acids needed for digestion.

People don't need to consume dietary cholesterol because the body can make enough cholesterol for its needs. But the typical US diet contains substantial amounts of cholesterol, found in foods such as egg yolks, liver, meat, some shellfish, and whole-

milk dairy products. Only foods of animal origin contain cholesterol.

Cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream in large molecules of fat and protein called lipoproteins. Cholesterol carried in low-density lipoproteins is called LDL-cholesterol; most cholesterol is of this type. Cholesterol carried in high-density lipoproteins is called HDL-cholesterol. (See 'Fat Words').

A person's cholesterol 'number' refers to the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) of blood. (A deciliter is a tenth of a liter).

Doctors recommend that total blood cholesterol be kept below 200 mg/dl. The average level in adults in this country is 205 to 215 mg/dl. Studies in the United States and other countries have consistently shown that total cholesterol levels above 200 to 220 mg/dl are linked with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol act differently in the body. A high level of LDL-cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of fatty deposits forming in the arteries, which in turn increases the risk of a heart attack. Thus, LDL-cholesterol has been dubbed 'bad' cholesterol.

On the other hand, an elevated level of HDL-cholesterol seems to have a protective effect against heart disease. For this reason, HDL-cholesterol is often called 'good' cholesterol.

Recently, a panel of medical experts convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommended that individuals should have their level of HDL-cholesterol checked along with their total cholesterol.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), a component of NIH, a healthy person who is not at high risk for heart disease and whose total cholesterol level is in the normal range (around 200 mg/dl) should have an HDL-cholesterol level of more than 35 mg/dl. NHLBI also says that an LDL- cholesterol level of less than 130 mg/dl is 'desirable' to minimize the risk of heart disease.

Some very recent studies have suggested that LDL-cholesterol is more likely to cause fatty deposits in the arteries if it has been through a chemical change known as oxidation. However, these findings are not accepted by all scientists.

The NIH panel also advised that individuals with high total cholesterol or other risk factors for coronary heart disease should have their triglyceride levels checked along with their HDL- cholesterol levels.

Triglycerides and VLDL

Triglyceride is another form in which fat is transported through the blood to the body tissues. Most of the body's stored fat is in the form of triglycerides. Another lipoprotein--very low-density lipoprotein, or VLDL--has the job of carrying triglycerides in the blood. NHLBI considers a triglyceride level below 250 mg/dl to be normal.

It is not clear whether high levels of triglycerides alone increase an individual's risk of heart disease. However, they may be an important clue that someone is at risk of heart disease for other reasons. Many people who have elevated triglycerides also have high LDL-cholesterol or low HDL-cholesterol. People with diabetes or kidney disease--two conditions that increase the risk of heart disease--are also prone to high triglycerides.

Dietary Fat and Cholesterol Levels

Many people are confused about the effect of dietary fats on cholesterol levels. At first glance, it seems reasonable to think that eating less cholesterol would reduce a person's cholesterol level. In fact, eating less cholesterol has less effect on blood cholesterol levels than eating less saturated fat. However, some studies have found that eating cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease even if it doesn't increase blood cholesterol levels.

Another misconception is that people can improve their cholesterol numbers by eating 'good' cholesterol. In food, all cholesterol is the same. In the blood, whether cholesterol is 'good' or 'bad' depends on the type of lipoprotein that's carrying it.

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats do not promote the formation of artery-clogging fatty deposits the way saturated fats do. Some studies show that eating foods

that contain these fats can reduce levels of LDL-cholesterol in the blood. Polyunsaturated

fats, such as safflower and corn oil, tend to lower both HDL- and LDL-cholesterol. Edible oils rich in monounsaturated fats, such as olive and canola oil, however, tend to lower LDL-cholesterol without affecting HDL levels.

How Do We Know Fat's a Problem?

In 1908, scientists first observed that rabbits fed a diet of meat, whole milk, and eggs developed fatty deposits on the walls of their arteries that constricted the flow of blood. Narrowing of the arteries by these fatty deposits is called arteriosclerosis. It is a slowly progressing disease that can begin early in life but not show symptoms for many years. In 1913, scientists identified the substance responsible for the fatty deposits in the rabbits'

arteries as cholesterol.

In 1916, Cornelius de Langen, a Dutch physician working in Java, Indonesia, noticed that native Indonesians had much lower rates of heart disease than Dutch colonists living on the island. He reported this finding to a medical journal, speculating that the Indonesians' healthy hearts were linked with their low levels of blood cholesterol.

De Langen also noticed that both blood cholesterol levels and rates of heart disease soared among Indonesians who abandoned their native diet of mostly plant foods and ate a typical Dutch diet containing a lot of meat and dairy products. This was the first recorded suggestion that diet, cholesterol levels, and heart disease were related in humans. But de Langen's observations lay unnoticed in an obscure medical journal for more than 40 years.

After World War II, medical researchers in Scandinavia noticed that deaths from heart disease had declined dramatically during the war, when food was rationed and meat, dairy products, and eggs were scarce. At about the same time, other researchers found that people who suffered heart attacks had higher levels of blood cholesterol than people who did not have heart attacks.

Since then, a large body of scientific evidence has been gathered linking high blood cholesterol and a diet high in animal fats with an elevated risk of heart attack. In countries where the average person's blood cholesterol level is less than 180 mg/dl, very few people develop arteriosclerosis or have heart attacks. In many countries where a lot of people have blood cholesterol levels above 220 mg/dl, such as the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death.

High rates of heart disease are commonly found in countries where the diet is heavy with meat and dairy products containing a lot of saturated fats. However, high-fat diets and high rates of heart disease don't inevitably go hand-in-hand.

Learning from Other Cultures

People living on the Greek island of Crete have very low rates of heart disease even though their diet is high in fat. Most of their dietary fat comes from olive oil, a monounsaturated fat that tends to lower levels of 'bad' LDL-cholesterol and maintain levels of 'good' HDL-cholesterol.

The Inuit, or Eskimo, people of Alaska and Greenland also are relatively free of heart disease despite a high-fat, high- cholesterol diet. The staple food in their diet is fish rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Some research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish such as salmon and mackerel as well as in soybean and canola oil, lower both LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Some nutrition experts recommend eating fish once or twice a week to reduce heart disease risk. However, dietary supplements containing concentrated fish oil are not recommended because there is insufficient evidence that they are beneficial and little is known about their long-term effects.

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids have also been found in some studies to reduce both LDL- and HDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Linoleic acid, an essential nutrient (one that the body cannot make for itself) and a component of corn, soybean and safflower oil, is an omega-6 fatty acid.

At one time, many nutrition experts recommended increasing consumption of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats because of their cholesterol-lowering effects. Now, however, the advice is simply to reduce dietary intake of all types of fat. (Infants and young children, however, should not restrict dietary fat.)

The available information on fats may be voluminous and is sometimes confusing. But sorting through the information becomes easier once you know the terms and some of the history.

The 'bottom line' is actually quite simple, according to John E. Vanderveen, Ph.D., director of the Office of Plant and Dairy Foods and Beverages in FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. What we should be doing is removing as much of the

saturated fat from our diet as we can. We need to select foods that are lower in total fat and especially in saturated fat.' In a nutshell, that means eating fewer foods of animal origin, such as meat and whole-milk dairy products, and more plant foods such as

vegetables and grains.


Here are brief definitions of the key terms important to an understanding of the role of fat in the diet.

Cholesterol: A chemical compound manufactured in the body. It is used to build cell membranes and brain and nerve tissues. Cholesterol also helps the body make steroid hormones and bile acids.

Dietary cholesterol: Cholesterol found in animal products that are part of the human diet. Egg yolks, liver, meat, some shellfish, and whole-milk dairy products are all sources of dietary cholesterol.

Fatty acid: A molecule composed mostly of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats.

Fat: A chemical compound containing one or more fatty acids. Fat is one of the three main constituents of food (the others are protein and carbohydrate). It is also the principal form in which energy is stored in the body.

Hydrogenated fat: A fat that has been chemically altered by the addition of hydrogen atoms (see trans fatty acid). Vegetable oil and margarine are hydrogenated fats.

Lipid: A chemical compound characterized by the fact that it is insoluble in water. Both fat and cholesterol are members of the lipid family.

Lipoprotein: A chemical compound made of fat and protein. Lipoproteins that have more fat than protein are called low-density lipoproteins (LDLs). Lipoproteins that have more protein than fat are called high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). Lipoproteins are found

in the blood, where their main function is to carry cholesterol. Monounsaturated fatty acid: A fatty acid that is missing one pair of hydrogen atoms in the middle of the molecule. The gap is called an 'unsaturation.' Monounsaturated fatty acids are found mostly in plant and sea foods.

Monounsaturated fat: A fat made of monounsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil and canola oil are monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats tend to lower levels of LDL-cholesterol in the blood. Polyunsaturated fatty acid: A fatty acid that is missing more than one pair of hydrogen atoms. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are mostly found in plant and sea foods.

Polyunsaturated fat: A fat made of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Safflower oil and corn oil are polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats tend to lower levels of both HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in the blood.

Saturated fatty acid: A fatty acid that has the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms attached to every carbon atom. It is said to be 'saturated' with hydrogen atoms. Saturated fatty acids are mostly found in animal products such as meat and whole milk.

Saturated fat: A fat made of saturated fatty acids. Butter and lard are saturated fats. Saturated fats tend to raise levels of LDL- cholesterol ('bad' cholesterol) in the blood. Elevated levels of LDL-cholesterol are associated with heart disease.

Trans fatty acid: A polyunsaturated fatty acid in which some of the missing hydrogen atoms have been put back in a chemical process called hydrogenation. Trans fatty acids are the building blocks of hydrogenated fats.


Eleanor Mayfield is a writer in Silver Spring, Md.

Government Advice

Dietary guidelines endorsed by the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services advise consumers to:

Reduce total dietary fat intake to 30 percent or less of total calories.

Reduce saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of calories.

Reduce cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams daily.


Once you have made up your mind to lose weight, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. We all know that losing weight can be quite a challenge. In fact, for some, it can be downright tough. It takes time, practice and support to change lifetime habits. But it's a process you must learn in order to succeed. You and you alone are the one who has the power to lose unwanted pounds.

Think like a winner, and not a loser - - remember that emotions are like muscles and the ones you use most grow the strongest. If you always look at the negative side of things, you'll become a downbeat, pessimistic person. Even slightly negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.

Negative thinking doesn't do you any good; it just holds you back from accomplishing the things you want to do. When a negative thought creeps into your mind, replace it reminding yourself that you're somebody, you have self-worth and you possess unique strengths and talents. Contemplate what lies ahead of you. Losing weight is not just about diets. It's about a whole new you and the possibility of creating a new life for yourself. Investigate the weight loss programs that appeal to you and that you feel will teach you the behavioral skills you need to stick with throughout the weight-loss process.

First you should look for support among family and friends. It can be an enormous help to discuss obstacles and share skills and tactics with others on the same path. You might look for this support from others you know who are in weight loss programs and you can seek guidance from someone you know who has lost weight and kept it off.

There are success stories across the country today. On television and in newspapers, magazines and tabloids about people who have miraculously lost untold pounds and kept it off. In all instances they say their mental attitude as well as their outlook on life has totally changed.

Diets and weight loss programs are more flexible now than they once were and there are many prepared foods already portioned out. They are made attractive and can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Low-fat and low-calorie foods are on shelves everywhere.

You will probably need to learn new, wiser eating skills. You will want a weight loss regimen that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system. Look for one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you.

Keep in mind, too, that your weight loss program will most likely include some physical exercises. Look at the exercising aspect of your program as fun and recreation and not as a form of grueling and sweaty work. The fact is that physical fitness is linked inseparable to all personal effectiveness in every field. Anyone willing to take the few simple steps that lie between them and fitness will shortly begin to feel better, and the improvement will reflect itself in every facet of their existence.

Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises. It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health. There are things such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and many other exercises which will benefit a weight loss program. Discuss the options with your doctor and take his advice in planning your exercise and weight loss program.


If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was done using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65. A lot was learned from this accumulated data and it is interesting to note that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. Not surprisingly, the most sedentary men had the most body fat.

These studies have also indicated that the governments current recommended daily allowance for calories does not correlate with the body's actual energy needs. For example, although 2400 calories have been calculated for older men, they in fact burned an average of 2800 calories daily.

The leading experts now recommend that people who want to lose weight start increasing their physical activity. Just being more active in general (such as climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, moving around instead of sitting still, sitting up instead of lying down as well as showing some excitement and enthusiasm instead of boredom), are things that more effectively burns calories and reduces body fat. Everyone seems to have lost sight of the value of being active. Consider this, a half-hour aerobic workout accounts for far less energy expenditure than our minute-to-minute movement in the office or at home.

Millions of Americans are trying to lose weight, spending approximately $30 billion a year on diet programs and products; often they do lose some weight. But, if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost. A national panel recently sought data to determine if any commercial diet program could prove long-term success. Not a single program could do so. Being seriously overweight and particularly obesity predisposes individuals to a number of diseases and serious health problems, and it's now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat.

People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time. Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly.

Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones, controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture and improving positive self-concept.

To lose weight, it's more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness - leading to more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis.


Three universal goals most of us share are: to live longer, to live free of illness and to control our weight. Interesting enough, normal walking lets us achieve all three.

In fact, walking may be man's best medicine for slowing the aging process. First, it works almost every muscle in the body, improving circulation to the joints and massaging the blood vessels (keeping them more elastic). Walking also helps us maintain both our muscle mass and metabolism as we age. It also keeps us young in spirit. For anyone out of shape or unathletically inclined, walking is the no-stress, no-sweat answer to lifelong conditioning.

All it takes is a little time, common sense and a few guidelines. Unfortunately, there's a lot of misinformation floating around regarding fitness walking, weight-loss and dieting.

People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time. Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising daily.

High-intensity walks on alternate days help condition one's system. But in a walking, weight-loss program, it's better to be active every day. This doesn't require walking an hour every day. The key is leading an active life-style 365 days a year.

When it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet are interrelated. Exercising without maintaining a balanced diet is no more beneficial than dieting while remaining inactive.

The national research council recommends eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables are the ideal diet foods for several reasons. They're relatively low in fat and calories, yet are often high in fiber and rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Remember that rapid weight-loss consists mostly of water and muscle - - the wrong kind of weight to lose. To avoid this, set more reasonable goals, such as one pound per week.

Carbohydrates are high-octane fuel. They provide energy for movement and help raise internal body metabolism. They're also satisfying. The key is not adding high-fat toppings to your carbohydrates.

It's everyday habits which define our weight and body composition. A three-minute walk after each meal is worth four pounds less body fat annually. Two flights of stairs a day burns off half a pound of body fat in a year. On the other hand, one candy bar eaten daily will cost you 20 pounds annually.


It's our body's vital fuel, a health drink from mother nature. It's calorie-free, inexpensive and easily obtained. Yet few people follow the old fashioned advice to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Most people drink when they are thirsty, but the beverage of choice tends to be some other drink besides water. Americans drink two or three glasses of plain water a day, according to a US Department of Agriculture survey conducted in the late 1970. Based on an analysis of all fluid intake by adults, it is said to total about two quarts of water a day, and this includes water from foods and from other beverages. It's not usually necessary to actually swallow two quarts of plain water every day. However, people with special problems such as kidney conditions might be exceptions.

Americans drink eight gallons of bottled water a year, roughly two ounces or a quarter-cup a day, according to the International Bottled Water Association. Californians drink three times the national average of bottled water, downing 24 gallons a year, or nearly a cup a day. Climate and seasons of the year play a role in one's thirst also, and just as we tend to perspire more in the summer months, we also tend to drink more water.

Boosting intake of plain water makes good sense, many experts concur, because water eases digestion and regulates body temperature.

Water also bathes the cells and accounts for about 60 percent of body weight. And it can help us exercise longer and more efficiently. Drinking water can ward off constipation and maybe even crankiness. An since it's a natural appetite suppressant, water can help us lose weight and keep it off. It can help keep skin healthy, although it won't necessarily banish acne.

Who should drink water? We all should, but pregnant women, nursing mothers and athletes should be especially careful to drink a sufficient amount. When it is hot or humid, upping water intake is also wise. There are certain workers who seem to have a more difficult time developing the water-drinking habit. Among those who don't normally drink enough water are teachers, airline attendants and nurses.

Drinking fluids, particularly, water, during exercise reduces cardiovascular stress and improves performance. After a strenuous workout, you have to replace the fluids you have lost. Otherwise, you will suffer chronic dehydration. Drink water before, during and after exercising, and remember that water reduces body temperature thus making the whole exercise process safer.

Water can be especially helpful for people with a history of kidney stones because it dissolves calcium in the urine, reducing the risk of stone formation. Among physicians, urologists are probably most likely to extol the virtues of water, And it has been documented that drinking water mostly before 6 P.M. can reduce the likelihood of nocturnal bathroom visits.

It is interesting to note also that water helps prevent urinary tract infections, both for men and for women. Too busy to count how many glasses a day you drink? There are other ways to calculate if your intake is sufficient. Dark-colored urine often suggest you aren't drinking enough water. Get into the habit by starting with a glass of water with every meal, then work in a cup between meals.


Start your diet with a food diary, record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time, and how you felt. That tells you about yourself, your temptation, the emotional states that encourage you to snack and may help you lose once you see how much you eat.

Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you're about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half a bite and throw the other half away.

When hunger hits, wait 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. Set attainable goals. Don't say, 'I want to lose 50 pounds.' Say, 'I want to lose 5 pounds a month.' Get enough sleep but not too much. Try to avoid sugar. Highly sweetened foods tend to make you crave more.

Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that 'full feeling.' Diet with a buddy. Support groups are important, and caring people can help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one other person.

Substitute activity for eating. When the cravings hit, go to the 'Y' or health club if possible; or dust, or walk around the block. This is especially helpful if you eat out of anger.

If the pie on the counter is just too great a temptation and you don't want to throw it away, freeze it. If you're a late-night eater, have a carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread or a cracker, before bedtime to cut down on cravings. Keep an orange slice or a glass of water by your bed to quiet the hunger pangs that wake you up.

If you use food as a reward, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward. Write down everything you eat - - everything - including what you taste when you cook. If you monitor what you eat, you can't go off your diet.

Weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight fluctuates constantly and you can weigh more at night than you did in the morning, a downer if you stuck to your diet all day. Make dining an event. Eat from your own special plate, on your own special placemat, and borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, no matter how meager, look lovely. This is a trick that helps chronic over-eaters and bingers pay attention to their food instead of consuming it unconsciously.

Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll only buy more fattening food. Avoid finger foods that are easy to eat in large amounts. Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. And this includes alcoholic beverages.

Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw vegetables and air-popped fat-free popcorn on hand. They're high in fiber, satisfying and filling. Leave something on your plate, even if you are a charter member of the Clean The Plate Club. It's a good sign that you can stop eating when you want to, not just when your plate is empty.

Lose weight for yourself, not to please your husband (or wife), your parents or your friends. Make the kitchen off-limits at any time other than mealtime. Always eat at the table, never in front of the TV set or with the radio on. Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel. Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count! Never skip meals.

The case for a vegetarian diet

Vegetarianism, known in Sanskrit as Shakahara, was for thousands of years a principle of health and environmental ethics throughout India. Though Muslim and Christian colonization radically undermined and eroded this ideal, it remains to this day a cardinal ethic of Hindu thought and practice.

For Indias ancient thinkers, life is seen as the very stuff of the Divine, an emanation of the Source and part of a cosmic continuum. They further hold that each life form, even water and trees, possesses consciousness and energy. Nonviolence, ahimsa, the primary basis of vegetarianism, has long been central to the religious traditions of India-especially Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Religion in India has consistently upheld the sanctity of life, whether human, animal or, in the case of the Jains, elemental.

In the past fifty years millions of meat-eaters have made the personal decision to stop eating the flesh of other creatures. There are many major motivations for such a decision.

1.The Dharmic/Scriptural Law reason: Ahimsa, the law of non-injury, is the Hindus first duty in fulfillment of his religious obligations to God and Gods creation as defined by Vedic scripture.

2.The Karmic Consequences reason: all of our actions including our choice of food have karmic consequences. By involving oneself in the cycle of inflicting injury, pain and death, even indirectly by eating other creatures, one must in the future experience in equal measure the suffering caused.

3.The Spiritual Consciousness reason: food is the source of the bodys chemistry, and what we ingest affects our consciousness, emotions and experiential patterns. If one wants to live in higher consciousness, in peace and happiness and love for all creatures, then he cannot eat meat, fish, shellfish, fowl or eggs. By ingesting the grosser chemistries of animal foods, one introduces into the body and mind anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, suspicion and a terrible fear of death, all of which are locked into the flesh of butchered creatures. For these reasons, shakaharis live in higher consciousness and mansaharis abide in lower consciousness.

4.The Health reason: medical studies prove that a vegetarian diet is easier to digest, provides a wider range of nutrients and imposes fewer burdens and impurities on the body. Vegetarians are less susceptible to all the major diseases that afflict contemporary humanity, and thus live longer, healthier, more productive lives. They have fewer physical complaints, less frequent visits to the doctor, fewer dental problems and smaller medical bills. Their immune system is stronger, their bodies are purer, more refined and skin more beautiful.

5.The Ecological reason: planet earth is suffering. In large measure, the escalating loss of species, destruction of ancient rainforests to create pasture lands for livestock, loss of top-soils and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. No single decision that we can make as individuals or as a race can have such a dramatic effect on the improvement of our planetary ecology as the decision to not eat meat. Many seeking to save the planet for future generations have made this decision for this reason and this reason alone.

6.The Naturalist and the Teological Reasons: when human beings first appeared on our planet, they instinctively selected what to eat correctly. For thousands of years, refrigerators, processed food, microwave ovens, fast-food restaurants and other so called modern commodities were not available, but we managed without them.

Today, in the United States alone, food processing companies and fast-food chains are spending over 10 billion dollars a year to make us eat their inferior, imitation, full of chemicals artificial food. Almost 40% of all advertising is food related. This enormous advertising machine was designed for the sole purpose of compelling us to warp our diet by consuming their expensive substitutes instead of natural wholesome food, which was intended for us in the first place, either by mother nature or God Himself. . .

Lets look further into this angle. If we approach it by the naturalist point of view, we can safely state that in the beginning, man was pretty much by himself in this hostile world. naked, cold and hungry, most likely. Most of his diet, if not all of it, probably consisted of fruits, roots and vegetables of some sort. Even if occasionally he got his hands on some meat, either by scavenging or a small kill, if it wasnt eaten raw, it was cooked over open flame, which instead of adding fat, actually melts most of it. So, as we can imagine, mans diet then was wholesome, simple and healthy, containing lots of fiber, carbohydrates and very little fat.

Now if we approach it by the teologist point of view, we dont have to go any further then the bible. In the book of Genesis there is plenty of information about it, if we just look at it the right way. Im not going to quote chapters or verses, but after Adam and Eve sinned and were removed from the garden of Eden, God told them that they should eat the herb of the field, and we can gather that meant plants in general. It was a good diet, for man then lived to be hundreds of years old.

Then came the Flood, which wiped out all of plant life (and animal life, for that matter) on earth. So, after the waters receded and the ark settled down, Noahs food supplies were exhausted, and as a survival measure, God permitted him and his family to eat animals. He also gave guidelines as to which animals were good and not good to eat, and if you want to look closely at these guidelines, look up Deuteronomy chapter 14. But, as I was saying, these guidelines are very similar to todays guidelines for a healthy diet. . .

After a while, man spread all over the earth again and started to eat whatever he pleased, with disregard to Gods instructions, and this became a practice from then on.

Well, coincidentally, after that mans life span shortened dramatically fast, going from hundreds of years to a mere seventy years by the time of the kings of Israel. So, as you can see, if we just had stuck to those ancient eating habits, we would not be on this constant search for the best diet in the world, because thats what God or Mother Nature intended and provided for us at the beginning of time.

in the news

The evidence continues to accumulate: for health and longevity, it pays to be thinconsiderably thinner than current guidelines for middle-aged Americans recommend. A major new study suggests that even a moderate gain, of 22 pounds or more above a womans weight at age 18, incurs a greater risk of earlier death.

-- Severe high blood pressure and the amount of medicine used to treat it can be reduced with regular, moderate exercise, a study made by researchers at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington has shown.

-- The Food and Drug Administrations Food Advisory Committee recommended approval of Procter & Gambles fat substitute, olestra, despite testing by the company that showed some adverse health effects on people who consumed the product.

-- A Federal advisory panel narrowly recommended that the first anti-obesity drug for long-term use be approved for sale. The panel of scientists for the Food and Drug Administration voted 6 to 5 to recommend allowing Interneuron Pharmaceuticals Inc. to market the drug, dexfenfluramine. The drug agency usually accepts the recommendations of its scientific panels. It would be limited for use by people who are at least 20 percent over their ideal weight. The drug works by altering the brain chemical serotonin to make people feel full, even though they have eaten less.

-- The latest study to explore whether eating fish reduces the risk of heart disease has found that people who ate the equivalent of three ounces of salmon a week were only half as likely to be stricken with cardiac arrest as those who ate no fish. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Nov. 1, 1995. But the lead author of the new study, Dr. David S. Siscovick of the University of Washington in Seattle, said, We view these results as complementary and not in conflict with earlier findings.

-- Avocados are one of the most nutrient-packed foods around, and while the fat police have been bashing away at them, their fat may turn out to be beneficial. Smooth, buttery, easy to digest, almost always available and needing nothing but a quick peel to eat, avocados are easy to love.

-- New studies suggest that both anorexia and bulimia are twice as frequent as shown in earlier studies and that the incidence is increasing steadily. The single most likely culprit for the rising rates of these disorders is the spread of dieting, according to experts. At the same time, major progress is being made in the treatment of the more frequent of the disorders, bulimia, with new therapy regimes producing high rates of improvement.

-- As Americans get fatter and fatter, new studies continue to show that for the sake of health and longevity and not just fashion, thin is in. In the latest report, published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers from Harvard and Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston found that among women who were initially healthy and had never smoked, those who were 15 percent thinner than average were least likely to succumb to heart disease, cancer or other causes in middle age. Those women who gained as little as 22 pounds after age 18 were 20 percent more likely to die prematurely than those who gained less than 10 pounds. The greater the gain, the greater the risk, reported Dr. JoAnn E. Manson and colleagues from their 16-year study of 115,000 female nurses. They found that a third of cancer deaths and more than half of all premature deaths that occurred among the nurses could be attributed to overweight. These findings, as well as similar results reported two years ago from a study of 19,000 men who graduated from Harvard, rebut a popular belief that it is safe and even desirable to put on 20 or more pounds in mid-life. Last week the committee revising the nations dietary guidelines, to be released in December, recommended that Americans strive to achieve a desirable weight for their height and frame in their teen years and stay close to that weight throughout adulthood.

-- According to a major new study , moderate weight gain of 22 pounds or more above a woman's weight at age 18 incurs a greater risk of earlier death. The study is of particularly wide relevance because one-third of adult Americans are overweight-defined as 20% or more above desirable levels.

-- Canadian researchers have found that when people eat high-fat meals with alcoholic beverages rather than nonalcoholic drinks, they tend to consume many more total calories. The high-calorie combination leads to excess weight if the calories are not burned away though activity or normal metabolism. The two studies are being published in the Sep. 1995 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

-- A natural substance that made headlines in July 1995 for slimming down overweight mice may not do the same for highly obese people, new research suggests. Scientists say many processes, biological and social, influence obesity, and the substance, leptin, is not the total answer.

There is no escaping sex surveys. This one comes from Weight Watchers Magazine. This survey of 6,000 magazine readers found that 38 percent had sex once or twice a week and 18 percent three to six times a week. A study of the general population showed that less than 8 percent of the women surveyed had sex four or more times a week. Also 70 percent usually have orgasms. Of course, a closer look shows that 75 percent of married women in the general survey usually have orgasms, calling into dispute the sexiness of fat. But the editor of Weight Watchers Magazine, Nancy Gagliardi, says her readers have good sex because their appetite for life is big and lustful. And the survey shows that they get even more lustful as they get thinner. In other words, the route to a great sex life is to get fat and then diet, perhaps on the Weight Watchers program.

Chart: 'Healthy Weight Ranges For Men and Women'

Draft guidelines submitted by an advisory committee to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture; the ranges apply to men and women of all ages and no longer allow for a 15-pound gain in middle age. The higher weight ranges apply to people with more muscle and bone in proportion to body fat.

Height  Weight

(without  (without

shoes)  clothing)





















What charts and tables dont tell you, though, is that two people of the same weight and height can differ greatly in their degree of obesity and overall physical condition. Lean tissue and muscle weigh more per volume than fat, so weight alone is not a very good measure of health or fitness. . .

The following pages tells the story of a individual who was extremely overweight, and what this person did to lose it and keep it off. The methods and techniques described really work, proof being that this person lost over 200 lb.


My name is unimportant. Im not a nutritionist, doctor or certified expert. Im just an ordinary man who had a problem. I was fat. For about fourteen years I tried almost every diet available in this country and a few from other countries as well. They all worked as long as I followed them religiously, and I did lose weight, only to gain it back as soon as I stopped counting calories, weighting portions and avoiding sugars and starches. I went to weight loss clinics, weight watchers, tried liquid diets, herbal supplements and diet pills. . . but the weight always came back, like a cancer that claimed its victim. After all these years of struggling to be thin, I finally threw in the towel. I thought to myself Whats the use anyway ? Im never going to be able to lose weight and keep it off, so I might as well accept the fact that Ill be fat forever and make arrangements to live my life with this handicap and go on about my business.

That would have been just fine but, you see, I continued to gain weight, more and more, until it was very hard for me to move around, sit-down and get up or even drive, because my belly would get in the way. I had no stamina or energy to do anything and was plagued with shortness of breath, constant headaches and skin rashes. I decided then to go to my doctor, whom I hadnt seen for a few years, to find out if there was anything he could do about these discomforts.

I weighed a bit over 350 pounds (Im 5 ft. 11 in. tall), and after finding my blood pressure to be very high (200 over 160), the doctor decided to run a few lab tests. When the results came back, I found out that my cholesterol and my blood sugar levels were also very high, especially for a individual who was only 39 years old.

My doctor then told me that if I didnt want to die in the next 10 years, Id better do something about my weight and start watching what I ate. He also prescribed some high blood pressure pills, which I was supposed to take everyday.

Well, I didnt like what he told me, so I did nothing about it for a few months. pardon me, I did gain some more weight! My sufferings continued, and in fact became worse, especially my headaches, which were intolerable by then. Knowing that they were the consequence of my high blood pressure, I started taking the pills the doctor prescribed for me, hoping they would help. Instead, they made me dizzy and lightheaded, and I would fall asleep constantly, wherever I was and whatever I was doing. . . a very dangerous situation, since I have to drive one hour each way to work. So, I stopped taking them, and did nothing for a few more months, but gain more weight. . . I had reached rock bottom, given up on myself and was eating more than ever. I was only a couple of pounds short of 400. . . when something clicked ! ! !

I still dont know exactly what it was, but I think it was a combination of circumstances and events that came together at that particular point of my life. My mother was in town, and she was very upset about my health; at work, a co-worker was on a diet and had lost quite a bit of weight and looked and felt so much better; I wasnt able to perform my job as well as I wanted to; my health was worse than ever; all the clothing I had was splitting at the seams; and all of this was added to the fact that I was very afraid of dying young. . .

I decided that was time to finally do something about my weight for good! How to go about it though? I had tried so many times before and failed miserably. . . but I couldnt wait any longer to get started, because I had made a commitment to myself and to my life that this was it! No more gaining weight. . . from now on, only losing. So, since I didnt know exactly what to do, I went to my co-worker and asked her what type of diet was she following. She had gone to one of these weight loss clinics. I asked her for the diet plan and got started on it that same night.

There I was, back on the same routine, counting calories, weighing portions and watching sugars and starches. I lost weight, just like before. . . but that worried me, because, like before I probably would just end up gaining it back as soon as I stopped following the diet plan.

No one can diet forever, I thought, so I have to come up with a system that I can use for as long as I live, without feeling deprived or having to go through the calorie counting and portion weighing anymore. . . after all, I liked to eat! I had to find a way to eat as much as I wanted without getting fat. in fact, I had to eat as much as I wanted and lose weight, a lot of it ! ! !

After doing a lot of researching on the subject, I established some factors which are critical to successfully achieving long-term or permanent weight loss and control.

Calories do not necessarily make you fat, but fat will make you fat.

Lowering the amount of food you eat, without changing to healthier foods, will slow your metabolic rate, which in turn will make harder for you to lose weight.

To lose weight efficiently, you have to lower your fat intake and increase the complex carbohydrates in your food without starving yourself. Foods like rice, potatoes, whole-grain breads and pasta can satisfy your appetite with fewer than half the calories of a equivalent portion of a fat-rich food. Carbohydrates will actually increase your metabolic rate. Calories from carbohydrates will not increase body fat as the same amount of calories from fat.

When trying to lose weight, too much sugar is also not recommended, so remember that and limit yourself to natural sugars, if possible.

Eating can involve cravings as intense as a smokers, or drug addicts. These urges are the biggest enemies of weight loss and control. When they strike, theyre almost impossible to ignore. The heart beats faster, saliva starts flowing, the stomach produces acid and your mind is seized by a almost uncontrollable desire to eat the craved food. If you are vulnerable to this feeding frenzy of predigestive action, learn to control it. Do what works for you. . . if you know your triggers, you know when and where to expect a craving and youll be more able to deal with it. Possible triggers are stress, emotion, depression. . . even a habit, like eating while you watch TV, read or drive.

You have to get enough protein and fiber.

-- Fiber is not a problem, because the foods low in fat or fat-free are naturally high in fiber. Dietary fiber acts somewhat like a brush, keeping your intestines clean and promoting a healthier digestive tract. Experts agree that eating 20-30 grams of dietary fiber per day, almost double what the typical American now eats, may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. The vegetable kingdom (fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, etc.) is the only source of dietary fiber.

-- Protein is another story; if youre going to lower or cut your meat consumption, you have to make sure that you still get enough protein from other sources. some experts now believe that eating a variety of plant-based foods daily supplies adequate protein. Being mostly vegetarian does not mean your diet will be lacking in protein. Most plant foods contain protein and in fact it would be very difficult to design a vegetarian diet that is short on protein. Excess dietary protein may lead to health problems. It is now thought that one of the benefits of a vegetarian diet is that it contains adequate but not excessive protein. Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. There are about 20 different amino acids, eight of which must be present in the diet. These are the essential amino acids. Unlike animal proteins, plant proteins may not contain all the essential amino acids in the necessary proportions. However, a varied vegetarian diet means a mixture of proteins are consumed, the amino acids in one protein compensating for the deficiencies of another. Previously, it has been thought that protein complementing needed to occur within a single meal. However, it is now known that this is not necessary as the body keeps a short-term store of the essential amino acids. A well-balanced vegetarian or vegan diet will easily supply all the protein and essential amino acids needed by the body. a plant-based diet can offer rich sources of high quality protein. Particularly, the protein from the soybean is a complete protein, containing all nine of the essential amino acids.

Any decent diet will help you lose the initial weight, but a successful weight-loss program must incorporate long term goals.

By now you must be thinking What am I going to eat instead of meat on this crazy diet plan? I love meat and I dont think I could live without it. Dont worry about it. there are different approaches, depending on how much you want to lose, how fast you want to lose and how you want to go about doing it and keeping it off. you will be in control of it. There is something I have to tell you right now. . . there isnt such thing as a magic diet plan that will make you lose weight just by itself. You yourself have to make a commitment to do it. I can only show you the way. Youre going to have to follow it. you see, the way I look at it is this; if I have to eat dung to lose weight, look good and feel good inside and about myself and my health, I will do it. The bright side of it is, I dont have to eat dung to accomplish that. . .and neither do you.

Well, to make my story short, because Im sure you are curious to get to the plan itself, in one year I lost almost 200 pounds - 197 to be exact! ! ! And Im still losing.

On the next pages, Im going to show you how I did it, give you recipes, tips and little secrets that will pave the way to weight loss, feeling good about yourself and the way you look. You will have more energy and live a healthier life altogether.

the basics

You dont want to change everything at once. A gradual change in your eating habits is much more effective, comfortable and easier to accomplish than a sudden one. Even if you need to lose a lot of weight like I did, and eventually want to go vegetarian, you still have to go through a slow process of change, in order to not jeopardize your health and your commitment to lose weight, because it is very hard to go cold turkey from a meat diet to a mostly vegetarian diet. Also, every time I tried going on a diet, I had withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches and hunger pains. To avoid all that, I suggest you use the method Ive learned from the weight loss clinics, that is, in the first three days eat only red meat and raw green vegetables, which also is suppose to clean your digestive system and prepare it for the changes to come. I actually made some changes to this method, by following it for a week instead of three days and by cooking the green vegetables. For breakfast, a large orange or grapefruit and a cup of black coffee with no sugar or with artificial sweetener; you are also allowed two poached eggs. That seemed to avoid the discomforts I mentioned and I lost a lot of weight on that first week.

Drinking lots of water is another important thing to get used to, because water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. It naturally suppresses the appetite and helps the body metabolize stored fat. A lot of what you sense as hunger is really thirst; your body may be trying to tell you that it needs more water, but since you do not drink enough of it by itself, your brain will signal you to eat more food, which could be up to 90% water. how much should you drink ? Well, at least two quarts a day, but the overweight person should drink one additional 8 ounce glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight. Water is essential for good health, good skin tone and most of the bodys functions. Drinking water could actually improve your health, because continuos under-hydration can put stress on the heart, as well as on the vascular and digestive systems.

Slow down your eating and chew your food well. You cant enjoy your food if you dont chew it enough, and when you eat too fast it doesnt have a chance to settle and signal that youve eaten enough. Never take another mouthful while you still have food in your mouth.

Make a habit of reading food labels, how many calories and fat grams per serving as well as carbohydrates and protein content. Write everything you eat in a diet diary, so you can keep track of what, when and how much youve been eating. This will be not only a record of your progress, but also a motivation and self control tool.

The first thing to realize is that changing eating habits must be more than a short-term means to an end. Changing eating habits is the cornerstone of permanent weight control. There is no way to lose twenty pounds in two short weeks and to make it last. Very-low-calorie diets cause two major problems: they lower ones metabolic rate, making it harder to slim down, and they lead to binging.

the role of exercise

Exercise is essential. Aerobic exercise speeds up the breakdown of fat in ones body and makes sure that muscle is not lost. Toning exercises and weight-lifting help firm muscles and increase muscle mass. A combination of exercises will help one achieve a slimmer, firmer, healthier body in a shorter period of time. The trick is to find activities that one enjoys and that can fit ones lifestyle. Walking is popular because it requires no special equipment and can be done anywhere at anytime. Exercise helps with weight loss by also raising the metabolic rate, not only during physical activity but for hours afterward, and a faster metabolic rate will burn more fat and increase the lean body mass. I could write a book about the benefits of exercising, such as the reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and bone fractures, plus more energy, better sleep and less anxiety and stress; but thats not what Im trying to do here, so I just going to give you a few pointers about it.

a) Movement burns calories; the more we move, the more calories we burn, and I mean, every movement we make, from blowing our noses to running a marathon. so move as much as you can, as often as you can.

b) Exercise boosts your metabolism; as I said before, calories will burn more quickly not only when you exercise, but also for sometime afterward.

c) The best exercise is regular exercise. Exercise everyday if you can, but dont overdo or underdo. Start exercising gradually. Also, dont forget to warm up and stretch before doing it.

The key to exercising is to have fun doing it. Choose an activity youll enjoy, whatever that is; tennis, jogging, bicycling, swimming, walking, etc. . . Remember to have fun while doing it!

As you get in better shape and feel more confident, increase and diversify your physical activities.

the first week

As I mentioned before, the purpose of this starting phase is to get over withdrawal symptoms, cleanse your digestive system (according to the weight loss clinics) and prepare your body for the changes to come in your eating habits. You may eat as much red meat and green vegetables as you like. You may have steak, hamburger, roast, veal and lamb, with any green vegetables you want. for breakfast, two eggs are permitted (poached). One orange or grapefruit daily, in the morning and in the afternoon. You must drink at least 2 quarts of water everyday. No other foods are allowed, but the following beverages in addition to water: 2 cups of tea or coffee (no sugar or with artificial sweetener) and two 12 oz. cans of diet soda (preferably decaf.) in a 24 hour period. you can have the vegetables raw in a salad or you can steam, boil, microwave or even saut them with fat-free cooking spray.

the month after the first week

After going through this first week, you will start the diet itself. Now, there are a few sacrifices youre going to have to make if you really want to lose weight and keep it off and one of them is to forget about butter, margarine and mayonnaise. These three items are almost 100% FAT!!! If you really have to spread something on your bread, toast or cracker, use fat-free cream cheese or all natural fruit preserves.

From now on, youll use fat-free cooking spray, vegetable or oriental broth (both made by Swanson), bouillon and water with light soy sauce to do all of our cooking.

Here are a set of definitions so you can easily understand the food portions.

1 protein = Red meat, between 5 and 6 oz. (only twice a week ); Poultry, between 6 and 7 oz.; Liver, 6 oz.; Fish and shellfish, between 7 and 8 oz.; Cottage cheese ( lowfat or nonfat ), 7 oz.; Two eggs + cottage cheese, 4 oz. ( limit 6 eggs per week ). If youd like a little variety with the meat portions, use fat-free cheese, but remember to compensate on the meat portion. For example, if you use 2 oz. of cheese, use only 3 to 4 oz. of red meat, or 4 to 5 oz. poultry, etc. . .

1 fruit = Any fruit you want, but limit yourself to a reasonable amount (do not eat a whole watermelon).

1 vegetable = Any vegetable you want, but do not eat a whole pound of potatoes.

1 starch = 1 slice of diet, lowfat or fat-free bread; 1 slice of Melba Toast; 1 fat-free bread stick; 4 fat-free crackers; 1 fat-free rice cake; 1 cup of your choice of a fat-and sugar-free cereal.

Lets start with breakfast. You can have two choices;

1 egg (poached)  1 cup of cereal

1 fruit or 1 fruit

1 starch  8 oz of skim milk

8 oz of skim milk

For lunch and dinner;

1 protein

2 vegetable

1 starch

1 fruit

All foods must be prepared by broiling, roasting, microwaving, boiling or steaming. If you have to pan-fry or stir-fry anything, use one the ingredients I mentioned before. You also can have two 12 oz cans of diet pop daily, and coffee or tea with no sugar or with artificial sweetener. Fat-free salad dressing is also permitted. all the meat and poultry should be trimmed of skin and fat before cooking. Season as desired, as long you use fat-free seasonings. You can substitute eggs for Egg Beaters or the equivalent.

this diet that Ive just illustrated is pretty much the one the typical weight loss clinic provides for their clients. Its a very good plan, it works very well and you will lose a lot of weight doing it. But are you going to be able to be on it forever??? Maybe. . .

If you feel confortable with this diet plan, by all means, stick to it. Youll probably lose all the weight you need to lose and keep it off if you can follow up with a good maintenance program of regular exercise and good eating habits; but you still may have that craving for sweets, such as candy, chocolates, cakes and pies, and also for junk food, such as greasy hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, pizza, not to mention barbecued meats, rich sauces, dressings and sour cream. do you know why? Because youre still eating the same foods you ate before, just prepared in a different way; you still have the taste for them, you still crave them. . .

the next step

People are creatures of habit in everything, including taste. Taste can be developed or acquired, as it is for liquor or beer, for hot and spicy sauces, etc. . . You can also acquire the taste for healthy, fat-free foods. . .

As you may have noticed, in the diet plan from the weight loss clinics the approach is high protein, lower fat and low carbohydrates. You will lose weight, but your metabolism will not change.

As I mentioned before, a menu low in fat, high in fiber and carbohydrates, and modest in protein, is a powerful tool for weight loss and control.

The problem with the high protein and low carbohydrate diet is that although it can cause a rapid weight loss, it is usually temporary, mostly due to water loss, and the weight can come back very quickly, not to mention the danger of kidney disease and osteoporosis because of calcium loss in the urine.

The typical Americans diet derives about 40% of its calories from fat. Most experts agree the amount should be reduced to 30% or less. Replacing some or all of the meat in your diet with plant proteins can help make that reduction.

People today have many compelling reasons to replace a meat centered diet with a diet based on beans, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Of all these foods, soybeans are one of the richest sources of protein available. Now the second largest cash crop in the United States, this humble little bean has been a protein staple for much of the worlds population for over two thousand years.

Soyfoods are foods that have soybeans, or in some cases, soy protein, as their major protein ingredient. There are simple, basic soyfoods such as tofu, tempeh, or soymilk, and there are more complex soyfoods that imitate meat or dairy products.

If you decide to take this next step, you will gradually substitute protein rich and fat loaded meats with very low fat or fat-free equivalents. these foods will still have the necessary amount of protein in them to provide the levels you need to have a healthy, balanced diet.

The best weight control program is a high-complex-carbohydrate, low-fat,

vegetarian diet complemented by regular exercise. This is the best choice for a healthier, longer, happier life. The old myth was that pasta, bread, potatoes, and rice are fattening. Not true. In fact, carbohydrate-rich foods are perfect for permanent weight control. Carbohydrates contain less than half the calories of fat, which

means that replacing fatty foods with complex carbohydrates automatically cuts calories. But calories are only part of the story. Since the beginning of the century, caloric intake has decreased in Americabut, at the same time, Americans have gotten fatter. A recent study in China found that, on the average, Chinese people eat twenty percent more calories than Americans, but they are also slimmer.Part of this is due to the sedentary American lifestyle, but is more to it than exercise alone. Earlier studies had shown that obese people do not consume more calories than non-obese

peoplein many cases, they consume less. The body treats carbohydrates differently from fat calories. The difference comes with how the body stores the energy of different food types. It is very inefficient for the body to store the energy of carbohydrates as body fatit burns twenty-three percent of the calories of the carbohydrate but fat is converted easily into body fat. Only three percent of the calories in fat are burned in the process of conversion and storage. It is the type of food, and not so much the quantity, that affects body fat the most.

Now, Im going to show what has to be done to get this new phase of my program going. All the substitutions have to be made gradually. Slowly begin to replace the meat portions in your meals by the healthier ingredients Im going to list. Start, for example, having meat only once a day; then go to once every other day; then twice a week; once a week and so on. . . as you cut down on meat, you may add variety to your vegetable and fruit servings. Just remember not to add any fat to it. . .

replacing oils and fats

Because they are the most calorie-dense parts of any food, oils and fats are the priority target in our list. You should have a idea of what to do already, since from the beginning we assumed a lowfat and fat-free position in this manuscript. anyway, here it goes:

If you have to fry foods, use a nonstick pan and spray oil. if you saut, use water or water with a little soy sauce in it (bouillon, vegetable or oriental broth made by Swanson are also good options). Baking, steaming and boiling add no fat at all. Add a sprinkle of lime or lemon to salads or vegetables, instead of oil or butter. Fat-free salad dressings are also permitted.

replacing meat

All meat has a substantial amount of fat and does not have any complex carbohydrates, and thats why we should replace it with products now available at most health food stores.

a) Tofu: made from soy milk, it is a highly nutritious food. Virtually fat-free, it will replace meat in almost any recipe. originally made in China more than 2,000 years ago, it has long been known as the wonder food of the East. it is richer in protein than any other food of equivalent weight, high in calcium and a good source of iron, phosphorus, potassium, essential B vitamins, choline and fat soluble vitamin E. Besides being also cholesterol free and very low in calories, it is easily digestible and therefore eminently suitable for everyone from the very young to the very old. You can now buy tofu in most supermarkets, wholefood and health food stores. It comes in various forms; silken, firm, extra firm, smoked and marinated and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. The firm, smoked and marinated varieties are usually used for savory dishes, curries, stir fries and burgers, while the various types of silken tofu are used in desserts, savory dips, sauces and mayonnaise. Certain types of tofu can be deep frozen, resulting in an interesting change of texture. This makes it more spongy so that it readily soaks up any flavorings you wish to add.

b) Seitan or Gluten: made from the protein portion of wheat, this amazing product is an excellent alternative to beef and poultry, replacing chunks of meat in stews, soups, or stir-fries. It is also fat-free.

c) TVP (textured vegetable protein): a fat-free pleasant-tasting versatile product made from compressed, de-fated, steamed soybeans flour. It has a texture similar to ground beef and it is used as a meat substitute in a variety of recipes such as chili, spaghetti sauce, sloppy joes, tacos and nachos, veggie-burgers, meat loaf, casseroles, etc. . .

d) Tempeh: a firm, chewy cutlet, tempeh is a cultured food made from soybeans: it has a mild, nutty flavor and is typically marinated in soy or other sauce. It is usually sold in a burger form, but it will replace meat in almost any recipe. It is very high in protein while low in fat.

e) Meat Analogs: vegetarian meats made utilizing tempeh, tofu, and/or soy protein as the main source of protein. Available as hot dogs, sausage, burgers, luncheon meat, etc.

f) Soy Cheese: a cheese-like food made from soymilk, it can be used in place of dairy cheese in many recipes.

g) Soy Flour: made from roasted and ground soybeans, soy flour gives a protein boost to baked goods.

h) Soy Protein: made by grinding the whole soybean into flour or grits and separating out the protein. Soy protein comes in various strengths and is a common ingredient in a variety of products from baby formula and nutrition drinks to baked goods and processed meats.

All of these products are rich in protein, have no cholesterol and are either very low or fat-free. Besides these products, there are a full range of other meat substitutes you can purchase at health food stores, like meatless hot-dogs, burgers, bacon, pepperoni, and luncheon meats. There are also a whole range of mixes available such as meatless loaf mix, vegetarian chili mix, meatless meatballs mix, etc. all of these products are excellent meat substitutes. if you want to stick to conventional foods, dried peas, lentils and beans provide protein, B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc and fiber. To get as much protein as you get from a 3 ounce serving of steak or pork, eat a half cup each of green peas, lentils and soy beans. If you are able to do it, also replace eggs with Egg Beaters or their equivalent, either by themselves or in a recipe.

replacing dairy products

Switching from whole to skim milk is enough, but if you want to substitute to rice or soy milk, again, health food stores have a wide range of these. Cheese, ice cream and yogurt are also available in fat-free and sugar-free versions.

some other things you should know

about fat

Fat in food is measured in grams. Every gram of fat has 9 calories, while a gram of carbohydrates or protein has only 4 calories. To find out how many fat calories youre eating, just multiply the number of grams of fat in your food by 9. Health experts say that no more than 30% of all your daily calories should come from fat. If you want to lose weight using this approach, lower your fat intake to 20% or less of all your daily calories. You can also use this little formula (very popular these days) to figure the percentage of calories from fat youve been eating: grams of fat multiplied by 9, then divided by the number of calories in the serving; multiply this total by 100 and youll have the percentage of calories from fat. Again, keep it below 20% and youll lose weight. . . If you decide to use this method to lose weight, when you reach your goal weight, just divide this number by 2, and that is the amount of fat grams you have to limit yourself to daily to maintain it. For example, if your goal weight is 130 pounds, when you reach it, you can have 65 grams of fat daily to maintain it.

Dietary fat -- especially saturated fat -- has been linked to heart disease, cancer and, of course, obesity. The US government advises that 30% of calories or less should come from fat. Most experts, however, recommend an even lower percentage to protect against these maladies. They say to get down to or below the 30%, youd have to cut back on meats, baked goods, salad dressings, junk food and fast food. We do need some fat in our diet, but only a fraction of what we usually get. The small amount of fat inherent in grains, legumes and vegetables is all the body needs.

According to the FDAs new food label regulations low fat (except for milk) means that the product has no more than 3 grams of fat per serving; fat-free means less than a half gram of fat per serving; a reduced fat product has at least 25% less fat than regular; a light product has 50% less fat than regular.

about dietary aids

I call a dietary aid anything that you have to take to complete the amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances and nutrients your body needs. They are usually found in a pill format. You should take some vitamins everyday; I recommend a one-a-day type of vitamin supplement, because they usually have more than enough to compliment a sound diet.

Now I want to talk about two new breakthroughs in weight loss and control, muscle building and fat production inhibition. They are hidroxycitric acid (HCA) and chromium picolinate.

HCA was discovered in an exotic fruit (Garcinia cambogia, from South Asia) and not only gives you more energy while decreasing the appetite, but it also helps prevent carbohydrates (in starches, vegetables, fruits and sugars) from being converted into fat, without causing side effects such as anxiety, nervousness or the jitters. HCA is safe to use, and according to trial human studies, 750 mg of it per day has a appreciable effect, but animals studies indicate that a effective dosage ranges between 3 to 6 grams per day.

In my weight loss process, there came a point when I could not loose another pound, so I started taking 1.5 grams per day, 500 mg half a hour before each meal. Within three weeks I lost another 5 pounds. . .

Chromium Picolinate helps build muscle, lower blood cholesterol levels and optimize blood sugar besides improving energy production and fat burning. It also helps control hunger and your craving for sweets. Chromium is vitally important to our health, but curiously neglected in todays modern diets, which could be dangerous, since sugar and exercise causes our bodies to use more of the amount of it we generally consume. Daily dosage should be between 100 to 200 micrograms per day.

These two compounds can be found in pill form at any health food or vitamin store. Its your decision whether to take them or not. If you decide to do so, remember to ask your doctor about them.

about diet pills

I would not and I did not take any over-the-counter diet pills. Although most of them will decrease and control your appetite, you will not be able to take them forever, and if you stop your appetite for fattening foods will almost surely come back. But again, it is your choice. A diet pill will not make you lose weight, it will only suppress your appetite.

about behavior modification

It takes continued effort to lose and keep the weight off, but the effort is well worthwhile. The best way is to learn how to handle the situations that led to overeating in the first place, so your weight loss and control never get away from you. If we can learn to think of what we can eat, and what goodies can be occasionally substituted without increasing the fat or caloric intake, dieting loses its dont eat character and assumes a much more pleasant, positive aspect. Here are some suggestions on how to achieve behavior modification:

a) Keep a food diary and list everything you eat -- how much, when and how often. You may be able to spot certain patterns of eating that lead to high fat and caloric intake.

b) Read the food labels! If you do not do so, how will you know what are you eating? How many grams of fat, how many calories, how much sugar, the amount of carbohydrates and protein?

c) If you crave food at a particular time or in certain situations, change your daily schedule. Try to arrange activities where you cant eat during the danger times. The impulse to eat at a specific time may be a conditioned response. If you arrange to be busy at times you ordinarily snack, you may not notice your impulse to eat. Be sure that the activity you chose is an enjoyable one, so it can compete with the urge to eat. Avoid the situations that are obviously tempting. The sight and smell of food are powerful stimuli to eat. For example, if you feel like buying a donut or roll when you pass a bakery, you can avoid the temptation by understanding why you are tempted. Even better, you can avoid the temptation by taking a different route or crossing the street before you get to the bakery.

d) When you eat, make it your only activity. Do not eat and also read, watch TV, or drive a car. Eating should be an isolated activity, completely separated from any other activity that may serve as a cue to eat. Making eating a conscious act -- rather than unconscious -- will help you concentrate on every bite to savor it and better appreciate taste and texture.

e) Eat slowly. Put your fork down between each bite and swallow your food before picking up your fork again. Take a two-minute break at some point during the meal. By slowing down the eating process, you give your body a chance to respond to the food youve eaten. It takes 20 minutes for food to be absorbed and your gastrointestinal tract to signal your brain that youve eaten enough. You may feel full on less food.

f) To increase your motivation, take a before picture of yourself and look at it now and then; each time you lose a significant amount of weight (10 to 20 pounds), take another picture, compare it to the former one and enjoy the new you.

foods that will help you lose weight

Some of these foods will trick your body into feeling satisfied with less or no fat and fewer calories because of their taste, texture and density. Others will trigger fat fighting mechanisms inside your body, and some will act as all natural diuretics, pushing fat out of your system through your eliminative channels. You should try to eat some of them everyday. Here they are. . .

Sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, rice, apricots, high-fiber cereals, salsa, radishes, sauerkraut, lettuce (all varieties), asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, endive, beets, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cherries, black and kidney beans, chick peas (garbanzo beans), spinach, lentils, horseradish, melons, onions peas, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, pineapple, oranges, apples, grapes, bananas, berries, figs, garlic, tangerine, soybeans, tomatoes and grapefruit.

eating out

Many restaurants today are sensitive to the changing dietary habits of their patrons and are willing to accommodate their requests. Dont hesitate to ask how the food is prepared. Also, many places have a lighter meals section on their menu, often listing calories, fat and cholesterol content. There are also health food restaurants available. Do not make eating out a excuse to abandon your diet routine. Call the restaurant in advance to find out what they offer as far as light eating goes. . . even many of the fast food chains have healthier and lighter options. Just limit yourself to these options.


One of the major reasons people dont stay as long as they want and should on a diet is they cant face the thought of a future without their favorite foods. Sooner or later they cheat, and afterward torment themselves with feelings of failure and guilt. Then they decide they lack willpower and give up their diets in despair.

For these people, I recommend what is known as Controlled Cheating, a term conjured up by Larry Fats Goldberg, author of The New Controlled Cheating Weight Loss and Fitness Program, Andrews and McMeel, 4900 Main St., Kansas City, Missouri 64112. (Mr. Goldberg, the former proprietor of Goldbergs Pizzerias in New York City, now conducts food and other theme tours of his hometown, Kansas City. He weighs now 160 pounds.)

What Mr. Goldberg calls Controlled Cheating, is simply cheating on your diet a day or two each week, and then going back to it. You start by cheating only once a week, and when you reach your ideal weight, youre allowed two weekly cheating days. The reason this method works with almost everyone is that it takes the guilt out of cheating, because you know the cheating is permitted, and also because you dont have to give up any of your favorite foods. On your cheating day just have all the goodies you crave for. . . and on the other days use all the common sense eating tips and advice that every weight-loss diet on the market offers, such as eat a low-fat, low-calorie, high-fiber and complex carbohydrate balanced diet, with plenty of starches, fiber, vegetables, fruits and grains. . . cut out the fat, sweets, salt and alcohol as much as possible. Use lean meats, low-fat milk products, unsaturated oils. . . drink lots of water and above all, dont forget to exercise.

If you decide to use this method, dont forget to follow the other dietary tips in this manuscript, on handling cravings, eating out, etc. . .

wrap up

So, there it is, pretty much all the facts and techniques Ive learned and used to lose over 200 pounds. As I mentioned before, in a year I lost 197 pounds; my blood pressure now is 134 over 84 and my cholesterol is 106. By using the information I put in this manuscript, anyone can lose weight, either following one of the approaches presented or by combining them. Experiment and find the one that suits you, that you feel most comfortable with. When you find it, follow it. Make it your top priority. Statistical surveys claim that 85 to 95 percent of dieters gain back all the weight they lost and then some, but what they dont mention is that this high failure rate comes mostly from studies of people in organized weight-loss programs. Many of the most successful dieters, however, lose weight on their own. Hard work and persistence will pay off. You will reach plateaus when it will seem as though youll never lose another pound. Stick with your diet plan. Your body will adjust and gradually begin to lose again. Remember this: It doesnt matter how well a diet works, if it is not compatible with your lifestyle, you will gain the weight back. Use the technique that applies to your particular case. . . learn to eat only when youre hungry. . . I started with the high protein diet from the typical weight loss clinic, and from there evolved to a high fiber and carbohydrate, low fat vegetarian diet. I still eat meat, occasionally, but I limit myself to fish and shell fish and, sometimes, poultry. Beef and pork are out of the question for me, because besides having a high fat content, I dont want to develop the taste for them again. I exercise regularly, and have lots of fun at it. Im still losing weight, very slow now, because my body has adjusted to the foods I eat. Id like to lose another 15 pounds, but I know now that this will not be a problem. It doesnt take me any effort to eat what I have to and to avoid the foods I used to consume before. In fact, I really like the foods I eat, and always come up with new recipes and ways to prepare and cook it. I broke the spell. Im free. If you use the information here and achieve the results youd hoped for, Id like to hear from you. Just write to:


20846 Blackmar

Warren, Michigan 48091


With the information given to you in this manuscript, chances are you can substitute the ingredients that are fatty for healthier ones in any recipe without compromising the final result and taste. When baking, you can cut the amount of oil or shortening in half or less with no noticeable changes in the taste, and sometimes leaves it out altogether or use mashed banana, canned pumpkin, or applesauce. So, do not throw away your old recipe books. Substitute. . .

Anyway, here are some recipes you might like. They are either fatfree or very low in fat. Some are meatless and some are not, but theyre all delicious. . .


using TVP

Flaky TVP will substitute ground beef in any recipe, such as tacos, chili, sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce. Chunky TVP can be used in stews, soups, stir-fries, casseroles, etc. If you want a fat-free meal, dont forget to also replace the oils and fats in your recipe.

Add water or stock to TVP chunks or granules before you use them. If your packet of TVP does not give instructions, follow these general rules: TVP mince or granules - using 1 times its own weight in water or stock, soak the TVP for 15 minutes or simmer for three minutes. TVP chunks - using 2 times their weight in water, soak the chunks for an hour or simmer for 30 minutes. Drain excess water if necessary. After that, use it as you would with the meat youre substituting it for.

vegetarian chili

vegetable bouillon powder or crumbled stock cubes


vegetable chili mix (TVP)

hot water

chopped tomatoes

red kidney beans, drained and washed

Put bouillon and water into a pan. Cook for about 5 minutes (if youre using any of the veggies mentioned below, cook them now), then remove the pan from the heat and add the chili mix (if mix has special instructions, follow them) and hot water, mixing well. Add the tomatoes, mix and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the red kidney beans and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Ingredients amounts vary to each ones taste. Bouillon is optional. Tomatoes can be diced canned tomatoes. okra, mushrooms, onions or corn (fresh or frozen) can also be used.

Serving Suggestion:

Serve on a bed of rice, topped with a spoonful of fatfree sour cream or plain fatfree yogurt and garnished with lemon wedges. If by itself in a bowl, sprinkle some cheese on top.

basic gluten recipe

1 cup gluten flour

1 cup water

Stir gluten flour & water together, adding more water if necessary. You want a nice thick dough. Knead to get the gluten elastic and squeeze out the excess water. (do this right in the bowl you mixed it in, or a colander would work to drain off the water.) Break in small (1) pieces and simmer in a vegetable broth at least hour. Note: The longer you knead and simmer the gluten, the tougher it will become, so you can pick your own texture.

gluten steaks

1 cup gluten flour

1 cup liquid made of water with soy, mushroom soy, parisian essence.

2 tsp mixed herbs

Large pot with boiling water

Mix the gluten with the liquid. This will make a very stiff rubbery dough, which will get quite hard to handle, it needs to be kneaded well though. Roll into a ball and leave covered in the bowl for 1 hour. Slice the gluten into thick steaks and put into a large pot filled with boiling water. The steaks will need to simmer for about hour. Drain the steaks, and press the excess water out of them. These steaks can be sliced up to go into stirfrys, or minced in the food processor and used instead of mince. The steaks keep in the fridge for about a week, and freeze quite well. Serves: 6


Again youll have the freedom to make the way it suits you better. Start sauting your favorite vegetables (peapods, broccoli, bamboo shoots, squash, zucchini, peppers, water chestnuts, baby corn, etc.) using one of the substitutes for oil. If you like to have meat, brown it separately and drain all the fat, then add to the vegetables and saut for a few more minutes. If you like it meatless, add cooked white rice, pasta or beans to it instead of the meat. Season as desired. You can even use already made stir-fry sauce, as long as is fat-free. On the meatless version, for added zest, put the stir-fry in a dish, sprinkle some cheese on top (regular, lowfat or fatfree) and microwave until it melts.

fat free cheese puffs

3 egg whites

1 tbsp flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup fat free cheese, shredded

1 cup fat free cracker crumbs (Use fat free saltines)

1/4 tsp garlic powder

Beat egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl, combine cheese flour, salt, and garlic. Fold cheese mixture into egg whites. Form into walnut sized balls and roll each ball in fat free cracker crumbs. Bake in 350 F oven 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. makes 6 servings.

spiced spinach and tofu

1lb fresh spinach (or equivalent frozen)

1 onion, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, chopped

1 inch piece root ginger, grated

1 green chili, deseeded and diced

1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

1 pkt silken tofu

salt and pepper

Wash the spinach thoroughly, squeeze dry, then cook in a covered pan over a low heat for 6-8 minutes. Drain well and set aside. Gently cook the onion (with a oil substitute) for 3-4 minutes. Next add the spices and cook for another 4 minutes. Mix in the spinach and heat through. Process the silken tofu in either a food processor or blender until smooth and runny. Pour the this slowly into the spinach mixture, stirring thoroughly. Cook the mixture until hot, stirring well. Do not let it boil. Adjust the seasoning and serve hot.

fat free mexican corn fritters

2 cups canned corn, drained

3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour

1/3 cup chopped green chilies

2 egg whites, slightly beaten

2 tsps baking powder

1/2 cup skim milk 1

1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

Combine dry ingredients and stir thoroughly. Add all remaining ingredients and mix. Spray skillet with butter flavor non-stick cooking spray and warm over medium heat. Drop medium size spoonfuls of batter into skillet. Brown on one side, turn and brown on the other side. Repeat for remaining batter. makes 6 servings.


cauliflower and garlic over soba noodles

1 package of soba noodles (any flavor)

1 medium-small head of cauliflower

1-1 1/2 tbsp. chopped garlic (aka, many cloves crushed and minced)

salt to taste

Chop the cauliflower into small pieces. Cook with the garlic and salt in enough water to heat thoroughly, and not burn. Serve over cooked soba.

vegetarian pasta

1 package of fresh crushed chili pasta

1 zucchini cut into cubes

1 bunch of broccoli (or less)

5 garlic cloves chopped

2 or 3 Italian style tomatoes cut into cubes

14 cup of sun dried tomatoes

as much crushed chilies as you want

6 or 7 fresh red basil leaves

a pinch of tahini powder

olive oil (or substitute)

Cook pasta, drain, put it aside. Heat oil in skillet, add garlic, basil crushed chilies, sun dried tomatoes and tahini powder for about 2 minutes. Add veggies. Cook for about 4-5 minutes. Put cooked pasta and vegetables in pan. Add a little olive oil (optional). Stir constantly for about 2 minutes. Sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on top. Serves: 4.


41/2 oz packet TVP mince

10 floz cold water

11/4 lb. of any prepared diced vegetables (eg. carrots, celery,

mushrooms, courgettes, parsnips etc.)

Little vegetable oil (or fatfree substitute) for frying

14 oz can chopped tomatoes, with their juice

1 tsp dried oregano

2 tbsp soy sauce

Seasoning, if required

12-15 sheets of pre-cooked lasagna

For the Sauce:

2oz cornflour

2oz fatfree margarine

25 floz skim milk or soy milk

1/4 tsp grated nutmeg

6 oz vegetarian or fatfree cheddar cheese

Soak the TVP in the cold water for 10 minutes. Fry the vegetables in a little oil (or substitute) until softened. Add the TVP and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Add the tomatoes, oregano and soy sauce and simmer for 10 minutes. Season if required.

Make the sauce by melting the margarine in a pan and stirring in the cornflour. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the milk gradually and stir until thickened. Remove from heat, season, add the nutmeg and 2oz of cheese. Stir well.

Arrange in layers in a buttered casserole dish as follows: lasagna, TVP sauce, cheese sauce, ending with the cheese sauce. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and cook at 350F for 30-40 minutes until browned a little on top.

Alternative method:

Just use your basic lasagna recipe, substituting the meat for veggies, the cheeses for fatfree cheeses and the oils for fat free versions. You do not have to use TVP. Spinach and olives are also good choices for the layers. You can also use ready made sauce, as long as it is fatfree.

Serving Suggestion:

Serve hot with a jacket potato and salad. The lasagna can be successfully frozen before cooking. When required, thaw for 8 hours and cook as above. Serves 6.

chinese spaghetti

1 onion, diced

3-4 cloves garlic, crushed (more if like)

1-2 t curry (amount depends on how much you like curry!)

1 tbsp minced ginger

-1 t chinese chili paste

1-28 oz can crushed tomatoes

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 cup veggie broth

cup TVP (optional)

cooked spaghetti

Saut until tender onion, garlic, curry and ginger in your favorite sauting liquid (wine, broth, balsamic vinegar, sherry, etc.). Add chili paste, tomatoes, tomato paste, broth and TVP. Simmer 10-20 minutes. If it is too watery, additional tomato paste may be added, or a small amount of cornstarch mixed in water. Serve over spaghetti, top with nutritional yeast.

pasta casserole

8 oz. pasta (I like to use tri-color spirals)

3-4 cups frozen veggie medley (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower or other combo)

canned tomato sauce or soup instead

salt, pepper, onion powder, other spices to taste

wheat germ

Cook and drain the pasta. Defrost the veggies and add the tomato sauce and seasonings. Put into a 2 quart casserole dish, which has been sprayed with Pam (or equivalent). Sprinkle liberally with wheat germ. Cook in microwave for 15 minutes.


Pizza crust is almost always low in fat. Some of the ready pizza crust brands have only 1 gram of fat per serving. Commercial pizza sauces are all right, but dont forget to check the labels and get a fat-free brand. You can also use pita bread, which is very low in fat.

To make a fat-free crust, use this recipe:

1 package active dry yeast

1 cup warm water

1/8 tsp sugar

3 to 3 and cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp salt


Mix yeast, warm water, and sugar, and stir until yeast dissolves. When small bubbles form, add to flour and salt. Stir (or process in food processor if available) mixture until a ball is formed, then knead for about 10 minutes. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour gradually. using cooking spray, lightly oil a bowl , then add dough, cover and place in a warm spot. Let it rise until it doubles in volume, about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Punch down, remove from bowl, and knead an additional minute or two. On a baking pan sprinkled with cornmeal, stretch the dough out, keeping it thin in the middle and thicker around the outside edge.

Heat oven to 425 F. For crisp crusts, bake it for about 8 minutes before you add toppings, then fill it and finish baking for an additional 8 to 10 minutes.

For the toppings, depends in how lowfat or fat-free you want it to be. . . you can use fat-free, lowfat or regular cheese: vegetables, like mushrooms, peppers, onions, will not add any fat to it: as for meat, if you really need it, use tuna, chicken, or even better, one of the deli meats made from veggies I mentioned before in this manuscript.


fatfree pasta sauce

2 cups canned tomato sauce

1 small onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/2 tsp Italian seasoning

1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced

1/4 tsp anise seed

Combine ingredients in saucepan and simmer over low heat for 7-8 minutes. Makes 3 servings.

garbanzo spread

1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 cup garbanzos (chick peas) (canned)

1/4 tsp cumin

1/4 tsp coriander

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/4 cup diced cucumber

1/4 cup diced tomato

Place all ingredients except cucumber and tomato in a food processor. Blend till smooth. Mix with diced cucumber and tomato. You can also add fresh green onion or dill for more flavor. Makes 2 servings.


1 can chopped tomatoes

1/2 white onion, finely chopped

2 tsp finely chopped cilantro (optional)

2 dried red hot chili peppers (more or less to taste)

1/2 mild green pepper (finely chopped)

dash of tabasco

Mix it all up and serve with fatfree sour cream and baked tortilla chips.


2 cups cooked garbanzos

1/4 to 1/3 cup lemon juice

3 tbps tahini

3-4 cloves garlic, minced

salt to taste

water (from cooking the beans) as needed for correct consistency

Blend well; garnish humus with parsley, olive oil (optional) and spicy paprika; eat with warmed pita bread and sliced vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips,)

hungarian cheese spread

16 oz low-fat or fat free cottage cheese

1 tbsp finely chopped chives

2 tsp garlic powder or to taste

1 tbsp paprika (use Hungarian if possiblethe difference is incredible!)

Combine all ingredients, repack in plastic cottage cheese container and chill for at least one hour. This spread stores well and provides several days of quick meals. Use as a sandwich spread, vegetable dip, or baked potato accompaniment. To vary this recipe, add such chopped vegetables as sweet red and green peppers, cucumbers, or tomatoes. Makes 4 servings.


italian cauliflower

1 small head cauliflower

1 tsp salt

Water to cover

6 tbsps grated onion

2 tbsps chicken bouillon

2 tsps flour

1 tsp garlic salt

1/8 tsp black pepper

1 can (1 pound) tomatoes

Wash cauliflower and break into flowerets; trim stems, and cook with 1 teaspoon of the salt in water to cover, until tender. Saut onion in bouillon in large non-stick skillet until golden. Stir in flour and add garlic salt, pepper, and tomatoes. Cook together, stirring often, until thick, about 10 minutes. Drain cauliflower, arrange on serving dish, and pour the tomato sauce over it. Makes 4 servings.

glazed cauliflower

3 cups cauliflower, flowerets

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese

1 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp red wine vinegar

1 tsp onion, finely diced

2 tbsps fresh parsley, finely chopped

1 tsp Parmesan cheese, grated

1/4 tsp dry mustard

1/4 tsp dill

1 tsp paprika (for garnish)

Boil 2 quarts of water. When it is at a full boil, add the flowerets. Reduce the heat and cover; simmer approximately 20 to 30 minutes, or until cauliflower is soft to the touch. Combine the remaining ingredients and place in a blender; blend until smooth (this may be done ahead of time). Dip the cauliflower flowerets in the sauce and serve them glazed side up with a garnish of paprika. Serve hot or cold. For variation, the cauliflower may be served whole; simply coat the entire cauliflower with the glaze. Makes 4 servings.

cucumbers in cream

3 cucumbers, peeled

1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese

3 tbsps cider vinegar

1/2 tsp seasoned salt

1 tbsp fresh dill, minced

Slice cucumbers very thin. Process cottage cheese, vinegar, and salt in blender at low speed until very creamy. Pour over cucumbers and sprinkle dill on top. Makes 4 servings.

braised lettuce with carrots

4 small heads of lettuce (or equivalent)

Water to cover

1 tsp salt

2 tbsps finely chopped onion

2 tbsps finely chopped parsley

4 tbsps finely chopped carrots

1 cup beef bouillon, double strength


Place washed lettuce in saucepan and pour in enough boiling water to cover, stirring in salt. Cover pan and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes.

Drain thoroughly in colander. Cut heads in half and place in skillet, cut sides down. Mix onion, parsley, and carrots with beef broth and add to lettuce. Cover and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Place in serving bowl, pour the remaining liquid over lettuce, sprinkle lightly with paprika if desired, and serve. Makes 4 servings.

stuffed zucchini

2 medium zucchini squash

Salted water to cover

1 egg, beaten (or equivalent)

2 small onions

1/4 tsp basil

2 tbsps chopped parsley

1 tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

Grated Parmesan cheese (Kraft makes a fat-free version)

Preheat oven to 350 F. Cover zucchini with salted water, bring to boil, and cook until slightly tender (about 5 minutes). Cut in halves lenghtwise and remove pulp. Combine pulp, egg, onion, basil, parsley, salt and pepper. Stuff shells with this mixture. Sprinkle grated cheese over tops of halves, and bake 20 minutes. Variations: add a few chopped mushrooms to pulp; top with mozzarella cheese instead of grated cheese; add cut-up water chestnuts to pulp. Makes 4 servings.

celery chinese style

2 bunches green celery

2 cubes chicken or beef bouillon

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup soy sauce

1 sprig parsley, chopped

1/4 cup water chestnuts, drained, sliced

Wash and trim celery, removing leaves. Cut rib stalks into 1/2 inch pieces. Bring water to boil in saucepan, stirring in bouillon cubes until dissolved. Add soy sauce and bring to boil. Add celery, water chestnuts, and chopped parsley and saut gently, stirring occasionally, until celery is cooked to your taste, preferably fairly crunchy. Serve hot. Makes 6 servings.

acorn squash New England style

1 acorn squash

4 oz water pack pineapple (chunk or crushed)

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup apple juice

Vegetable spray

Wash and cut squash in half in the same direction as ribbing. Remove seeds. Spray a cookie sheet or shallow baking pan with vegetable spray. Place squash, cut side down, on cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes or until squash is tender. Turn the cut side up and split each half into two halves. Top each wedge with 1 ounce of pineapple. Sprinkle with cinnamon and pour on 1. ounce of apple juice, letting juice soak into squash. Return to oven for 10 to 15 minutes to reheat and combine flavors. Makes 2 servings.

fat free summer squash with cheese

4 cups fresh yellow crookneck squash, sliced

16 fat free saltines, crushed

1 cup fat free cheese, shredded

1/4 cup onion, chopped

1/2 cup canned evaporated skim milk (0 gms. fat)

1/4 tsp Molly McButter

1/2 tsp salt

Black pepper to taste

Cook sliced squash in microwave with cup water until tender. Spray 9 square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Use half the precooked squash and place over the bottom of the dish. Add a layer of onion, and half the shredded cheese. Add the leftover squash and another layer of cheese. In small bowl mix together milk, salt, Molly McButter and black pepper. Pour this mixture over casserole. Add cracker crumbs on top and bake at 350 F for 20-25 minutes. makes 6 servings.


fat free potato salad

2 potatoes, cooked

2 green onions sliced thin

1 stalk celery chopped

I egg white from hard boiled egg, chopped (dispose of yolk)

4 - 5 tbsps fat free mayonnaise

1/2 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp prepared mustard

1/2 tsp celery seed, if desired

1 tbsp sweet pickle relish, if desired

Salt and pepper to taste

Add a little green pepper or pimento if desired

Cut potatoes into small chunks. Add other chopped vegetables and egg. In small bowl mix fat free mayonnaise with mustard and lemon juice. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water to thin mix and pour over potatoes. Stir and mix gently. Add any remaining ingredients to your taste. Mix. Best served after salad has been stored in refrigerator overnight so the potatoes will absorb the flavors. Makes 4 servings.

four-bean salad

2 cups canned garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

2 cups canned kidney beans, rinsed and drained

1 (10-ounce) can cut green beans

1 (10-ounce) can cut wax beans

1 stalk celery, finely chopped

1 small onion, finely chopped

1 tbsp wine vinegar

1 tsp oregano

1 tsp basil

1 clove garlic, crushed or finely minced

1 tbsp olive oil

In a large bowl combine all the beans: then add the celery, onion, vinegar, and herbs. Toss vigorously. Add oil and toss again. Chill for at least 1 hour, longer for fuller flavor. Makes 4 servings.

macaroni salad

In a large bowl combine and mix

4 cups cooked macaroni

1/2 cup of fat free cheese (or regular, if you so desire, but it will add fat grams & calories

1 small onion, chopped

1/4 cup green pepper, chopped

3/4 cup celery, chopped

1 cup frozen peas

1/2 cup canned sliced mushrooms

1/2 cup grated carrot

1/2 tsp celery seed


In a small bowl combine and mix

1 cup fatfree mayonnaise (or regular, if you so desire, but it will add fat grams & calories

2 tbsps lemon juice

1 tsp prepared mustard

1 tsp salt

4 tbsps fatfree sour cream (or regular, if you so desire, but it will add fat grams & calories

Dash of garlic powder

Black pepper to taste

Pour dressing over salad and chill before serving.

arabic salad

2 tomatoes chopped

1 zuke, peeled and chopped

1/2 onion chopped very fine or several scallions

2 tsp cumin

dash of coriander and some cayenne

1-2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp vinegar and salt

Toss all of the ingredients together in a large bowl. Add about a tablespoon of water and toss. This salad is especially tasty if it sits a bit Serve at room temp with pita bread and something else yummy like soup or falafil.

broccoli salad

2 bunches of fresh broccoli, washed, drained, and cut in bite size pieces

1/2 red onion, chopped in bite size pieces

small pkg. roasted and salted sun flower seeds

6-8 baby carrots, sliced

1 can water chestnuts, drained, and sliced in half

1 cup fatfree mayonnaise

2 tbps sugar

2 tbps vinegar

Mix all ingredients and let stand several hours in refrigerator. Recipe can be adjusted to ones taste.

Serves: 6-8

rice dishes

brown rice pilaf

1 cup brown rice, uncooked

Chicken bouillon or broth, or water

Scallions or chives, chopped

Parsley and favorite herb, chopped

Simply follow any basic recipe for cooking brown rice. Near the end of cooking time, stir in a good handful of fresh chopped vegetables and herbs. Makes 4 servings.

cilantro rice

6 cups just cooked, hot rice

1 bunch fresh cilantro

2-3 cloves garlic

1/2 sweet yellow onion (like Maui, Vidalia or Walla Walla)

salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

While rice is cooking, prepare the rest of the ingredients as follows: remove stems from cilantro, roughly chop then put into a food processor with garlic and onion. Process until everything is finely chopped. When rice is cooked and still very hot, combine with cilantro mixture, salt and pepper to taste. At this point you can let sit covered for 5-10 minutes to blend flavors then serve, or bake at 350 degrees for 20 -25 minutes and then serve. Either way is good. The rice takes on a greenish hue that looks pretty. This dish goes well with Mexican dishes as a substitute for Spanish Rice. Serves: 6-8.

grape leaves stuffed with rice

1 cup pearl rice (long grain white rice may be substituted)

2 medium sized white onions chopped fine

salt and pepper to taste

cup water

cup tomato sauce

1 teaspoon dill

cup chopped parsley

about 50 grape leaves

In a large frying pan, fry onions (using a oil substitute) until limp. Add rice, water,

tomato sauce, salt and pepper. Cover and boil a few minutes until the water

has been absorbed (if you use long grain rice this will take approx. 20

minutes). Take off heat and add dill and parsley. Stir and let cool. Rinse

leaves in warm water and gently snap off stems. Spread a leaf on a small

plate, vein side up and stem end toward you. Put a teaspoon of filling near

the stem and fold over sides and roll up. Place some unrolled leaves in the

bottom of pan to prevent burning. Arrange rolled leaves side by side in pan in several layers. Place a few unrolled leaves on top. Add one cup water, juice of one lemon and three tablespoons of soy sauce (or optional olive oil). Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes or bake in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Serve cold as an appetizer. Serves: 10

brown rice salad with chicken and vegetables

2 cups brown rice, cooked

12 oz cooked chicken, no skin

4 servings favorite vegetable (serving size varies according to vegetable selected)

Toss cooked brown rice and cooked chicken with your favorite vegetables. Use low-sodium soy sauce and lemon juice to moisten and flavor the salad. Makes 4 servings.

jalapeno rice

1 red pepper, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1 medium onion, chopped

2 teaspoon chili powder

2 jalapeno peppers, chopped

2 cups rice

1 14-oz can stewed tomatoes

1 14-oz can kidney beans

1/2 cup salsa

1 14-oz can garbanzo bean.

In a large pot, saut chopped vegetables and garlic until golden. Add chili powder and stir. Then add the rest of the ingredients and simmer on low until all the liquid is absorbed. This should take about 50-60 minutes. Serves: 8


shrimp with sour cream

1 lb. cooked shrimp

1 medium onion, chopped

3/4 cup tomato sauce

1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced

2 tsps lemon juice

1/4 tsp garlic powder

6 tbsps lite or fat free sour cream

1/2 tsp sesame seeds

1/4 tsp lite soy sauce

1/4 tsp crushed red pepper

Brown onion and sesame seeds in skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Add all remaining ingredients and simmer for five minutes. Good served over hot cooked rice. makes 6 servings.

marinated shrimp

Seasoned water for boiling:

1 lb. fresh shrimp, peeled and cleaned

2 tsps dry celery flakes

2 tsps dry onion flakes

1 tbsp pickling spice

8 cups water


1 cup fat free Italian dressing 

1 medium onion, sliced

1/2 tsp celery seed

2 tsps green pepper flakes

2 dashes tabasco sauce

Place peeled and cleaned shrimp in 8 cups boiling water wit seasonings listed above for boiling. Cook shrimp in seasoned water for 15 minutes. Let stand and cool in same water. Prepare ingredients for marinade and mix. Remove shrimp from seasoned water and arrange in shallow dish. Pour marinade over shrimp. Chill for several hours or overnight before serving. makes 6 servings.

shrimp, cheese & vegetable pie

12 oz. cooked shrimp

1/2 cup corn, drained if canned

1/2 cup carrots, sliced very thin

1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed and drained

1 8 oz. carton liquid egg substitute (must be 0 gms. fat)

1 cup skim milk

1/2 tsp dry onion flakes

3 tbsps flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup fat free cheese, shredded

1/2 tsp celery flakes

1/2 tsp green pepper flake

Precook carrots for a few minutes until tender. Drain and set aside. In large bowl, combine liquid egg substitute, flour, salt, green pepper flakes, celery flakes, onion flakes, milk and mix with electric mixer. Add all vegetables and fat free cheese and stir w/ spoon. Spray 9 square baking dish w/ non-stick cooking spray. Pour mixture into baking dish and bake at 350 F for 40-45 minutes or until set in the center. Makes 8 servings.


fish fillets

Place each of 6 fish fillets on a piece of aluminum foil and pat dry with a paper towel. Into a blender put:

3 slices medium onion

1/2 green pepper, seeded and sliced

1 whole ripe tomato, quartered

4 tbsps fat-free french dressing

Blend on high speed for 6 seconds. Spoon sauce over fish. Fold aluminum foil over fish like envelopes, sealing in sauce. Place packages on baking sheet and bake in 350 F oven for 15 minutes. Makes 6 servings. If you want to cook more or less amount, make sauce accordingly.

fish steamed with white wine and tarragon

12 oz of fish (or chicken)

Dry white wine

Herb mixture

This is a quick, easy way to cook fish or chicken breasts. Simply place the fish or chicken in a shallow pan or fry pan. Add enough white wine to half cover the fish steak or fillet. Add your favorite herb mixture. Cover pan and steam until cooked. Remove fillet from pan and reduce cooking liquid to 1/3 to make a rich flavorful sauce. Pour over fish and serve. This same method could be used for vegetables substituting chicken broth for the wine. Remember: add your favorite herbs and spices. Makes 4 servings.

red snapper in foil

1/2 cup plain Nonfat Yogurt

1/2 tsp cumin

2 pounds red snapper, cut to make 4 fillets 

1 cup Salsa

8 Whole sprigs cilantro (for garnish)

1 lime, thinly sliced (for garnish)

Preheat the oven to 450 F. Combine the yogurt and cumin. Add the fish to the marinade. Allow to sit at room temperature for 1 hour. Place the marinated fish in aluminum foil and top with salsa. Fold the foil over the fish to seal tightly. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the cooked fish from the foil and place on a serving dish. Garnish with cilantro sprigs and lime slices. Makes 4 servings.

grilled trout

1/2 cup low salt or lite soy sauce

1/2 cup sherry

1 tbsp lemon rind, finely grated

1 clove garlic, crushed

4 whole trout

1/4 lemon wedge

1 tsp basil

1 tsp oregano

Blend the soy sauce, sherry, lemon rind, and garlic. Brush the trout with the juice from the lemon wedge and sprinkle with the basil and oregano. Place in a shallow pan and pour on the marinade. Let stand 1 hour in the refrigerator, turning once. Place the trout skin side down on aluminum foil under the broiler about 3 to 5 inches from the heat source and broil for about 3 to 5 minutes. Bake with the leftover marinade and serve. Makes 4 servings.


italian chicken

4 4 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 large onion, sliced

3/4 cup fat free Italian salad dressing

1/4 cup water

Pour 1/2 cup Italian dressing on both sides of chicken breasts. Cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Spray large skillet with non-stick cooking spray. Brown the marinated chicken breasts on each side. Place in medium sized casserole dish sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Cover chicken breasts with slices of onion. Pour 1/4 cup Italian dressing and 1/4 cup water over onions and chicken. Cover and bake at 350 F for 30-35 minutes. makes 4 servings.

baked barbecue chicken

4 3 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 1/2 cups barbecue sauce (read the label, choose one with no fat)

3 large white onions sliced

1 15 oz. can pinto beans (must be plain beans, no fat added) drain the juice from the beans

Brown chicken on the charcoal grill or in a skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Just sear or seal the meat, it does not have to be cooked all the way through, as it will bake for an hour in the oven. Use half of the barbecue sauce and cover the bottom of a medium sized baking dish with the sauce. Place the browned chicken breasts over the bottom of the dish. Cover the chicken breasts with large slices of onion. Sprinkle the beans on top of the sliced onions. Pour remaining barbecue sauce evenly over the entire contents of casserole. Bake uncovered in 350 F oven for 1 hour. Remove and serve. makes 6 servings.

oven fried chicken

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 egg whites, slightly beaten

1/2 cup crushed corn flakes

Salt and pepper to taste

Any other seasoning that you like on fried chicken

Dip chicken breasts in egg white and then roll in crushed corn flakes until coated well on both sides. Place chicken on a baking sheet sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake at 350 F for 30 to 35 minutes.

You may want to do 8-10 chicken breasts at one time and freeze or refrigerate the rest for other meals or sandwiches. They are delicious cold. NOTE: Fish filets may be prepared the same way. makes 4 servings.

ranch chicken

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 1 oz. pkg. ranch dressing mix

2 egg whites, slightly beaten

1 cup fat free cheese, shredded

20 fat free saltines, crushed

Spray baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Dip chicken breasts in egg white, then roll in shredded cheese, then roll lightly in dry ranch dressing and then roll in cracker crumbs. Place each chicken breast on baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray and bake at 350 F for 35-40 minutes. makes 4 servings.

chicken enchiladas

4 3 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts

8 soft corn tortillas (fatfree tortillas are available in any supermarket)

1 cup enchilada sauce

2 cups white onion, chopped

1 1/2 cups fat free cheese, shredded

4 tbsps lite sour cream soft

1/4 cup fat free mayonnaise

1 1/4 cup chicken broth (use canned and remove fat on top)

Cut chicken breasts in long strips and brown in skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. When the chicken breasts are golden brown add onion and cook for 5-7 minutes or until onions are browned also. Remove from heat and set aside. In small mixing bowl, combine lite sour cream and fat free mayonnaise. gradually add chicken broth to sour cream and mayonnaise mixture, stirring constantly. Do not add broth too fast or mixture will be lumpy. When thoroughly mixed, pour into small saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture starts to boil. Add 1 cup shredded cheese and stir over heat until cheese is melted. Set aside. Pour enchilada sauce into large shallow bowl. Dip 1 corn tortilla in the enchilada sauce and make sure both sides are covered with sauce. Take tortilla out of sauce and fill with slices of chicken meat, browned onion, and a little cheese. Save some cheese for topping. Roll tortilla when filled and place in small casserole dish sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Repeat for remaining tortillas. Pour cheese and sour cream mixture over all rolled and stuffed tortillas. Sprinkle top with remaining cheese. Cover and bake 8 soft corn tortillas at 375 F for 20-25 minutes. Remove and serve. Garnish with salsa if desired. makes 8 servings.

chicken stroganoff

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in strips

1/2 cup onion, chopped

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 of 12 oz. pkg. frozen home style fat free noodles


1 10 oz. can Weight Watchers Cream of Mushroom soup

4 tbsps lite sour cream

1 4 oz. can sliced mushrooms

Prepare noodles according to package directions; drain and set aside. Brown chicken strips in skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Add garlic powder and onion and continue to brown. Simmer meat until tender. Add sauce ingredients to chicken and stir. Add noodles, or serve on top of noodles.

soups, stews, etc.

poultry stew

1 lb. ground turkey breast or chicken breast

5 tbsps lite or fat free sour cream

1 cup skim milk

1 1 oz. pkg. ranch dressing mix

1 tsp dry onion flakes

2 carrots, peeled and cut in chunks

1 large potato, peeled and cut in chunks

Cook potatoes and carrots in a small amount of water in the microwave oven until tender; drain water. Brown meat in skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Add lite sour cream, ranch dressing mix, milk, and onion to browned meat. Stir and simmer for 1 minute. Add cooked vegetables and simmer to desired consistency. makes 5 servings.

mushroom clam chowder

2 4 oz. cans mushrooms

10 large clams

3 medium size onions

1 cup of tomatoes or 1 small can puree

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup chopped carrots

1 tsp salt

Thyme and cayenne pepper to taste

Wash and clean clams; put them in a kettle and cover with water. Boil for about 5 minutes. Take clams from shells and cut up in small pieces. Add all vegetables and

spices to clam juice and simmer for one hour. Then add mushrooms, with juice,

and clams. Makes 4 servings.

egg-lemon soup

8 cups chicken broth

1/2 cup rice

3 eggs

2-3 tbsps lemon-juice



Parsley flakes

In large Saucepan bring chicken broth to boil. Add rice and cook until tender.

Drain excess chicken broth from rice and set aside. Put eggs and lemon juice into

blender, and process until frothy. Slowly pour the hot chicken broth into the egg

mixture while processing. Pour into sauce-pan with rice. Cook over low heat until

thoroughly heated. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately. Garnish with parsley flakes. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

curried cream of pea soup

1 medium onion, coarsely chopped 

1 stalk celery, sliced

2 cups chicken broth

1 raw potato, peeled and thinly sliced

1 clove garlic minced 

1 tsp curry powder

1 carrot, scraped and sliced

Freshly ground pepper

1/2 to 1 cup skim milk

1 cup fresh green peas. or one

half l0 ounce package frozen 

Salt to taste

Place the cut-up vegetables in a saucepan with the chicken broth. Add garlic, curry powder, salt, and pepper. Cook, covered, for 15 to 20 minutes. or until the vegetables are soft. After 5 to 10 minutes of cooking, remove a teaspoon or two of peas to use as garnish and set aside. Transfer the vegetables and broth to blender container and blend at high speed until completely smooth. (You may have to do this in two batches.) Return soup to the pot and add milk until the desired consistency is reached. Taste for seasoning and correct. Keep warm over very low heat until ready to serve. Garnish each serving with a few green peas. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

black bean soup

1 1/2 cup dry black beans

1 1/2 qt Water

1 carrot, diced

1 onion, diced

1 potato, diced

2 celery stalks, diced

1 bay leaf

1 tsp oregano

1/4 tsp savory

1/4 tsp pepper

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

1 tbsp lemon juice

Soak beans overnight in enough water to cover. Combine soaked beans with water and all vegetables and seasonings. Simmer 1 hour. Add potatoes and simmer until potatoes are tender. Remove from heat. Add lemon juice and chopped parsley . Makes 6 servings.


3 chicken bouillon cubes

3 cups water

3 cups tomato juice

1 cup onion, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, finely minced or crushed

1/4 tsp marjoram

1/2 tsp basil

1/2 tsp oregano

2 ounces elbow macaroni, either semolina or whole wheat

2 zucchini

1 potato

4 carrots

1/2 head green cabbage, shredded

1/2 cup canned kidney beans

1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated

Combine the bouillon, water, tomato juice, onion, garlic, marjoram, basil, and oregano in a soup kettle and bring to a boil. Add the macaroni and vegetables to the soup and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. Add the kidney beans and mix well. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and serve. Makes 4 cups.


So, youve got your fatfree bread, wholewheat, white, rye or whichever you like. Now, what to fill your sandwich with ? Here are some sugestions. . .

Things available in health food shops and supermarkets:

Pats, spreads, nutmeat (e.g. Nuttalene by Granose), Tofuloni, tahini, veggie/vegan mayonnaise, raw honey, jams (look for high-fruit, low-sugar versions), braised tofu in cans, yeast extract, vegan cheese (e.g. Veeze, Fromsoya), etc.

Things you can make yourself:

hard boiled egg: chopped with fatfree mayonnaise, cress and mint or chopped and mixed with tomato pure.

Grated cheese: with grated carrot and fresh chopped parsley or mixed with tomato pure, mustard or pesto.

Smoked tofu: mashed with fatfree mayonnaise and fresh chopped parsley or sliced with beetroot and/or tomato, or sliced with salad.

Braised tofu: very well drained and dried, thinly sliced with salad.

Fatfree cream cheese: with grated carrots and raisins or salad; sliced apple and cress or finely chopped red pepper or chopped onion; with date/raisin pure; chili sauce.

Fruits: banana with brown sugar and/or chopped nuts; apple with honey; raisins with applesauce.

Bean pat: take some cooked beans and mash them. Mix in some tomato pure or

mayonnaise to taste, add some finely chopped parsley, finely chopped spring onions and anything else you feel like! Season to taste.

Date/Raisin Pure: place some dates or raisins (or both) in a pan, cover with water, simmer for 15-20 minutes until soft. Drain, reserving water. Pure the fruits, adding some cooking water to get the consistency preferred.

fat free french toast

4 slices fat free bread

1/2 cup liquid egg substitute (must be 0 gms. of fat)

1/4 tsp vanilla 1 t. sugar

Powdered sugar for garnish, if desired

In small bowl, combine egg, vanilla, and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Dip each side of the bread, lightly, in egg mixture. Do not soak. Place on baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray and place under broiler until brown. Turn slices over and brown the other side. Serve warm with a little powdered sugar if desired. makes 4 servings.

fat free italian toast

4 thick slices fat free Italian bread

3/4 cup fat free mozzarella cheese

1 fresh tomato, sliced thin

1/2 to 1 tsp sweet basil

1 clove fresh garlic, crushed

4 tsps fat free Italian dressing

1 tsp lemon juice

Place slices of bread on baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray and place under broiler until brown on each side. Watch carefully-DO NOT BROWN VERY MUCH. In small bowl, combine cheese, lemon juice and garlic and toss until mixed. Sprinkle this mixture on each slice of bread. Place 12 thin slices of tomato on top of cheese. Sprinkle each piece with a little fat free Italian dressing and top with a few sprinkles of basil. Place back under broiler for 1-2 minutes or until cheese starts to melt. Remove and serve. Wonderful with salads for pasta meal. makes 4 servings.

veggie reuben

sauerkraut, tomatoes, onions, rye bread and swiss & mozzarella cheeses are the necessary ingredients to make this delicious sandwich. As before, the rye bread and the cheeses can be regular, low-fat or fatfree. Just mix the sauerkraut ( after draining and washing it, if canned ) with the tomatoes and onions ( after dicing it ). Make your sandwich using the mixture and the cheeses. Using fatfree cooking spray, grill it until is hot and the cheese melts. Garnish with nacho chips ( baked ) and salsa, if you so desire

fat free sandwich

If you use fatfree bread, fatfree mayonnaise and anyone (or more than one) of the following stacked in the bread, you can make a delicious, thick sandwich:









Artichoke hearts (not marinated in oil)



Fat free cheese of your preference

Meatless luncheon cold cuts I mentioned before in this manuscript


oven fried potatoes

2 medium potatoes, peeled & sliced 1/4 thick

Butter flavored non-stick cooking spray

Seasoned salt

Black pepper to taste

1/4 cup to taste

Cook sliced potatoes in microwave with 1/4 cup of water for approximately 5 minutes. Remove and cool slightly. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Spread potatoes on baking sheet and sprinkle with seasoned salt and pepper. Spray potatoes lightly with non-stick cooking spray and place under broiler for a few minutes on one side. Be careful; these burn quickly. Remove from broiler. Turn potatoes and brown on the other side.

fat free potato wedges

1 large potato, peeled

2 cups corn flakes, crushed

2 egg whites, slightly beaten

Seasoned salt

Slice peeled potato in half length-wise. Take each half and slice into long strips or wedges, making about 4-5 pieces from each half. Dip each potato wedge in egg white and then roll in crushed corn flakes. Place wedges on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Sprinkle with seasoned salt and spray potatoes lightly with butter flavored nonstick cooking spray. Bake at 350 F for 35-40 minutes. makes 2 servings.

burritos, tacos & nachos

Remember to get fatfree tortillas to make your burritos. Salsa is usually fatfree. Baked corn chips are available everywhere. TVP tastes great with taco seasoning. You can probably just substitute a few ingredients in your favorite recipe.

black beans, rice, and lettuce burritos

2 Cups of Cooked Black Beans or 1 can

1/4 medium onion

minced garlic (to taste)

4 cups of steamed rice

2 teaspoons of black pepper

flour tortillas

Bring the black beans to a simmer in their own juices. Use fresh garlic and slice it very fine so it nearly disappears when you add it to the beans with the pepper After about five minutes add the onions. When serving use twice as much rice as beans and about a third as much lettuce, all wrapped in a nice flour tortilla.

black bean and bell pepper burritos

1 can black beans

3 bell peppers (different colors are best), chopped

1 tsp (or to taste) dried garlic, or chopped garlic cloves



Drain the can of black beans, reserving cup of liquid to create a sauce if you like saucy burritos. Combine beans, peppers, garlic, and salsa, throw mixture into a tortilla, and nuke for 30 sec to 1 min. This is my favorite stripped down version of a bean burrito, is incredibly quick to make, and real pretty to boot. The bell peppers can be roasted for a richer flavor (over a low, open gas flame or on a cookie sheet under an oven broiler until outer skin is black; immerse in cold water & peel off outer skinWATCH OUT for the innards as they draintheyre HOT!)

vegan burritos

3 cups rice

small jar of salsa

dark red kidney beans (one can)

vegetarian refried beans


Cook rice according to directions on package (usually 2 cup water to 1 cup rice to make 3 cups). When rice is done add the jar of salsa and the kidney beans. Keep the stove on low as to heat the other ingredients. Cook the refried beans in a separate pan. Heat the tortillas in a dry pan for about 15 second on each side. Put a thin layer of refried beans on the tortilla add the rice mixture on top fold and enjoy.

Serves: 4.

garbanzo tacos

2 can garbanzo beans

1 packet taco seasoning (any brand)


lard-free tortillas or hard taco shells




any other items you like on your taco

Dump both cans of beans into a skillet (but use the liquid from only one can). Dump in the taco seasoning. Stir and let simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Add beans and other ingredients to your tacos, burritos, and/or taco salads. Especially good recipe for those who arent crazy about the flavor of garbanzo beans. The seasoning takes over.

Serves: 6.


apple cobbler

4 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced

1/4 cup apple juice

1 tbsp lemon juice

Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

Toss all ingredients. Place in shallow baking pan, cover with foil, and bake in 350 degree oven until apples are tender. Serve warm or chilled. Garnish with lemon or orange slices or a small dollop of plain yogurt. For added crunch, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of grapenuts over apples after baking. Makes 4 servings.

quick apple butter

42 oz. jar unsweetened applesauce

12 oz. frozen apple juice concentrate

6 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon allspice

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

Blend ingredients in blender until smooth (I do it in two batches). Place in heavy, large pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover with lid ajar and cook 1 hour and 20 minutes. Stir every once in a while. Cool and store in refrigerator. Will turn darker as it cooks. Great on rice cakes for a quick treat!!! Serves: 1 quart.

These are just a few examples to show you that is possible to cook very lowfat or fat-free. I suggest you buy a fat and cholesterol counter booklet, and if you want some great vegetarian recipes, subscribe to Vegetarian Times magazine (P.O. BOX 446, MOUNT MORRIS, IL 61054-8081) or Vegetarian Gourmet magazine (P.O. BOX 10647, RIVERTON, NJ 08076-6047). For a TVP or Gluten & Seitan Cookbook, write to Vegetarian Times Bookshelf, at the same address as the magazine, or call (800) 435-9610. If you browse the Internet, try Veggie Unite at Remember to substitute the make you fat stuff for the good stuff. Bye. . .

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