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USB Flash Disk User Manual


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USB Flash Disk

User Manual

Version 1.1


Thank you for purchasing the USB Mass Storage Disk (UMSD). This guide explains how to use the UMSD and the Application Software bundled with your device.

Safe Precautions

Please read the safe precautions carefully before you using the UMSD and the application software (the product). Ensure that you use the product correctly according to the procedures described in this guide.

The following safety precautions are intended to remind you to operate the product safely and correctly. Please read and ensure that you understand them before you proceed to the other sections of this guide.

Warnings This mark indicated topics that could lead serious injury of your body or damage of the product if ignored or handled incorrectly.




l            Do not attempt to disassemble or alter any part of the product that is not described in this guide.

l            Do not allow the product to come into contact with water or other liquids. In the event that water or other liquids enter the interior, immediately unplug the product from the computer. Continued use of the product may result in fire or electrical shock. Please consult your product distributor or the closest support center.

l            Do not handle the product to do the plug and unplug operation if your hands are wet. Otherwise it will cause electrical shock.

l            Do not place the product near a heat source or expose them to direct flame or heat.

l            Never place the product in close to equipment generating strong electromagnetic fields. Exposure to strong magnetic fields may cause malfunctions or corrupt data.

System Requirements

The following system requirements must be met to install and operate the UMSD and the application software.

l            Computer Model IBM PC/AT Compatible, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMAC or iBook

l            OS Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows ME), Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux 2.4 or higher, Mac OS 9.0 or higher

l            Interface USB

l            Free Hard Disk Space 3 MB and more

            Windows 98 SE does not support default Mass Storage Driver. You have to install the driver bundled with the product.

            The product can use the default driver in most of the OS. However, once you want to run the application software bundled with the product. The Setup.exe program will install vendor driver automatically. Then, the application software will work properly.

            The application software only can run with Microsoft Windows OS. The version for Macintosh is under development right now. We will release it when available.

            However, the UMSD basic function could be supported in all OS listed above.

Guide to Components

USB Interface: The interface connects to the USB port of the computer.

Write-Protect Switch: If you put the switch in ON position, the device will be in write protection mode. You can not write in any data, you still can read the files or data in the device.

LED Display: This LED Display will show the status of the device. Once the device is in operation, the LED will be flush quickly.

Basic Functions

1.      Plug and Play

When you plug the device into the USB port of your computer, you will see a Removable Disk icon in the file manager window.

In Macintosh, once you plug the UMSD into the USB port. You can see the disk icon in the Desktop.

In Linux OS, you can follow the following instruction to mount the device,

Execute cd /etc/sysconfig/ ( cat /etc/sysconfig/hwconf | more )
Check the device information in hwconfwrite down the mount point.
Make a directory in /mnt (ex: mkdir /mnt/usbHD )
Then, execute mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbHD (if mount point was .dev/sda)

2.      Read and Write

You can do the read, write, copy, and delete operations with the files and data as the same way with the files and data in the hard disk.

3.      Write-Protect Switch

When you put the write-protect switch to ON position, you can not write any file or data into the device. You still can view and read the files and data in the device. You can switch the Write-Protect switch even you did not disconnect the device. Due to Linux OS limitation, the write protect switch will not work on-line.

4.      Unplug

You can remove the device after you finished the action with the device. However, in Windows ME and Windows 2000, please follow the safe removal procedure. You can find a safe removal icon in your computers notification area.

Double click the safe removal icon; the Unplug or Eject Hardware window will be pop up. You can select the device you want to remove. Then, click the Stop button. After that you can unplug the device from the USB port of your computer.

Warning When you want to remove the UMSD, please make sure the LED is not flush quickly. If the LED flush quickly, that means there are some traffic on going between OS and UMSD. Dont remove the UMSD at this time. Otherwise, it will cause some damages of the data or files even the UMSD.

Warning If you do not follow the safe removal procedure in Windows ME and Windows 2000 system, it may cause data lost due to the write cache issue.

In Macintosh machine, you can drag the removable disk icon and put into the trash. This action will perform the Eject function.

In Linux OS, please follow the umount command procedure to un-mount the device.

iFormat Overview

iFormat.exe is a utility create security/bootable USB flash disk. There is no OS restriction on making bootable USB flash disk, i.e., user can create bootable disk on MS Windows 98SE, MS Windows Me, MS Windows 2K, or MS Windows XP.

Figure 1.1 is a snapshot of this UMSD iFormat

Figure 1.1 The snapshot of iFormat


The Format button

To begin format.


Security Checkbox

To format a device with security functionality. it has multi-level security mechanism to meet your needs. Please enter your password and confirm password for both fully-access mode and read-only mode


BootUp Checkbox

To format a bootable device. BIOS of motherboard must support USB-HDD or USB-ZIP boot.



When BootUp is checked. User can select between Type1 and Type2. Some motherboard BIOS require Type1 to enable boot-up function, but the others require Type2. If you fail to boot up from USB flash disk, please try another type.

2. Production step by step

1.      Please insert USB flash drive first, or you cannot use this tool.

2.      Execute Format Tool iFormat.exe.

3.      Select one drive from the combo box list.

4.      Make sure that switch the Write-Protect button to Un-Lock position, or any following action you make will be rejected!

5.      If you want to format your flash drive to another feature, please select one of the features listed in check buttons (Security, and Bootup).

(1) Format as Security feature:

(a)    Enter passwords first, or it will reject your action.

(b)   Press Format button to proceed formatting.

(c)    After formatting completely, a login application login.exe that you will see first is in the root folder of the flash drive.

(d)   Execute login.exe to enter your password to login Read/Write or Read Only


(2)   Format as Bootup features:

(a)    Press Format button immediately to proceed formatting.

(b)   After formatting completely, you will see some system files and utilities for boot up in the root folder of the flash drive.


(i)     Windows 2000 user is unable to create a bootable USB flash disk.

(j)     If your execution environment is in Windows XP, please make a floppy boot disk first by using the format utility in Windows XP. After that, please insert this floppy boot disk in drive A:, and then you can make a bootable USB flash drive by using the Format Tool.

(k)   As to Windows 98/ME, there is nothing to pay attention to.

(3)   Format as Basic feature: (Non-select any check button)

(a)    Press Format button immediately to proceed formatting.

(b)   After formatting completely, you will see nothing in the root folder of the flash drive.

You can select the type of the boot up method, USB ZIP or USB HDD. The USB HDD is only for Windows 98.

After the selection, please click on the OK button. The following warning message will be showed up. The data in the Public Area will be lost. If it is OK, click on the OK button to continue the process.

Error Messages:

When this message shows up, the possible reason is your Windows OS installation was not completed. (Please make sure the path WINDOWSCOMMANDEBD in Windows 98, WINDOWSCOMMANDEBD in Windows ME, or XP_Bootable in Windows XP is exists)

When this message shows up, please make sure the Write-Protect switch is in OFF position.

Recover Disk

Once your device was damaged, you can use this utility to recover the device. It will make the device back to its initial status. However, if there are some bad blocks in the flash memory, after you run this utility with scan option, its size maybe less than its initial size.

Warning The Recover Disk action will erase all the data or files existing in UMSD. The action is not reversible. You have to backup all the important files or data.

    1).                You can check out the check box of Format It will take a long time for scan each block. You can estimate the time will be taken. It will take about 1 minutes for each 16 MB.

    2).                After you click the [Format] button in the window, the format process will be started.

Known Problems

Problem: The Write-Protect switch can not work on-line on Macintosh computer with Mac OS 10.1.4.

Warning If you switch the Write-Protect on-line with Mac OS 10.1.4, it will cause the computer system hang when you do the read or write operation.

Workaround: Disconnect the device when you need to switch the Write-Protect with Mac OS 10.1.4. We will solve the system hang problem in the near future. However, due to the OS operation issue, we dont recommend you switch the Write-Protect on-line.


We made every effort to ensure that the information and procedure in this guide is accurate and complete, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions. reserves the right to make any changes without further notice to any products herein.

Trademark Acknowledgments

          IBM is a registered trademark of international Business Machines Corporation.

          iBook and iMac are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

          Macintosh, PowerBook, Power Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

          Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are either registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United Stats and/or other countries.

          Other names and products not mentioned above may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.



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