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Conversatii romana - engleza - fraze de conversatie


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Lesson no. 1

Lectia nr. 1

Conversations (conversatii):

I) T: What's your name? P: Care este numele tau?

C: My name is Andreea/Mihai. C: Ma numesc Andreea/Mihai.

II) T: How old are you? P: Cati ani ai?

C: I am 6. C: Eu am 6 ani.

III) T: Where do you live? P: Unde locuiesti?

C: I live in Ploiesti. C: Eu locuiesc in Ploiesti.

Numbers (numere):

1=one 7 = seven

2=two 8 = eight

3=three 9 = nine

4= four 10 = ten

5= five 11 = eleven

6= six 12 = twelve

Greetings (saluturi):

Good morning, children! =Buna dimineata, copii!

Good morning, teacher! =Buna dimineata, profesoara!

Goodbye, children! =La revedere, copii!

Goodbye, teacher! = La revedere, profesoara!

C/C= children (copii)

T/P=teacher (profesor)

Lesson no. 2

Lectia nr. 2

Revision (recapitulare):

-What's your name? (cum te cheama?).

-Numbers (numerele)

-Greetings (saluturile)


T: How are you today? C: Ce mai faci azi?

C: I'm fine, thank you. C: Eu sunt bine, multumesc.

Greetings during the day(Saluturi in timpul zilei):

Good morning= Buna dimineata!

Good afternoon=Buna ziua!

Good evening=Buna seara!


Good morning, Good morning, Good morning, how are you?

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine thank you.

Good afternoon, Good afternoon, Good afternoon, how are you?

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine thank you.

Good evening, Good evening, Good evening, how are you?

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine thank you.

Good night, good night, it's time to go to bed,

It's time to lay down your sleepy head.

Buna dimineata, Buna dimineata, Buna dimineata, ce mai faci?

Eu sunt bine, Eu sunt bine, Eu sunt bine, multumesc.

Buna ziua, Buna ziua, Buna ziua, ce mai faci?

Eu sunt bine, Eu sunt bine, Eu sunt bine, multumesc.

Buna seara, Buna seara, Buna seara, ce mai faci?

Eu sunt bine, Eu sunt bine, Eu sunt bine, multumesc.

Noapte buna, noapte buna, e timpul sa te culci,

E timpul sa intinzi capul tau somnoros.

Lesson no. 3

Lectia nr. 3

Revision (recapitulare):

-Numbers (numerele);

- Greetings during the day (Saluturi in timpul zilei);

- Song (cantec);

My family ( familia mea ):

Mother= mama Grandpa = bunic

Father= tata Grandma = bunica

Sister = sora Uncle = unchi

Brother = frate Aunt = matusa

Cousin = var/vara

Sentences about my family (afirmatii despre familia mea):

My mother is Ioana. (mama mea este Ioana)

My grandma is Nuti. (Bunica mea este Nuti)

My cousin is Irina/George. (Verisoara mea este Irina/George)

My uncle is Radu. (Unchiul meu este Radu)

Lesson no. 4

Lectia nr. 4

Revision (recapitulare):

- Greetings during the day (Saluturi in timpul zilei);

- Song (cantec);

- Family (familia);

We say it when we meet for the first time: (o spunem cand ne intalnim pentru prima oara)

Nice to meet you! = Incantata de cunostinta!

Nice to meet you, too! = Incantata de cunostinta, de asemenea;

Song (cantec):

This is my mother, Aceasta este mama mea.

Nice to meet you! Incantat de cunostinta!

Nice to meet you, too! Incantata de cunostinta, de asemenea.

This is my father, Acesta este tatal meu.

Nice to meet you! Incantat de cunostinta!

Nice to meet you, too! Incantat de cunostinta, de asemenea.

This is my sister, Aceasta este sora mea.

Nice to meet you! Incantat de cunostinta!

Nice to meet you, too! Incantata de cunostinta, de asemenea.

This is my brother, Acesta este fratele meu.

Nice to meet you! Incantat de cunostinta!

Nice to meet you, too! Incantat de cunostinta, de asemenea.

Lesson no. 5

Lectia nr. 5

Revision (recapitulare):

- Song (cantec);

- Family (familia);

The pets (animale de casa): Plural with "s pluralul)

Cat = pisica Cats = pisici

Dog = catel Dogs = catei

Mouse = soarece

Fish = peste

Turtle = broasca testoasa Turtles = broaste

Bird= pasare Birds = pasari


What can the animals do (ce pot face animalele):

Can the dog run? Poate alerga cainele?

Yes, it can. Da, poate alerga.

Can the dog fly? Poate zbura cainele?

Yes, it can. Da, poate zbura.

Can the dog swim? Poate cainele inota?

Yes, it can. Da, poate.

Lesson no. 6

Lectia nr. 6

Revision (recapitulare):

- Family (familia);

- The pets (animale de casa);

- What the animals can do (ce pot face animalele)

Poem (poezie): It is in the Cupboard

One, two, three, one, two, three,

The cat is in the cupboard

And it can't see me.

One, two, three, one, two, three,

The dog is in the cupboard

And it can see me.

Unu, doi, trei, unu, doi, trei,

Pisica este in dulap,

Si nu poate vedea.

Unu, doi, trei, unu, doi, trei,

Cainele este in dulap,

Si ma poate vedea.

Lesson no. 7

Lectia nr. 7

Revision (recapitulare):

- Family (familia);

- The pets (animale de casa);

- What the animals can do (ce pot face animalele);

The autumn fruits (fructele de toamna):

Apple = mar

Pear = para

Nut = nuca

Grape = strugure

Peach = piersica

Plum = pruna

Conversation (conversatie):

T: Is it juicy/sweet?

P: Este zemoasa/dulce?

C: Yes, it is/No, it isn't.

C: Da, este/Nu, nu este.


The grape is juicy.    Strugurele este zemos.

The nut is hard. Nuca este tare.

The peach is sweet. Piersica este dulce.

Lesson no. 8

Lectia nr. 8

Revision (recapitulare):

- The pets (animale de casa);

What the animals can do (ce pot face animalele);

The autumn fruits (fructele de toamna)

Vegetables (legume):

potato - cartof

tomato - rosie

carrot - morcov

cabbage - varza

onion - ceapa

Conversation (conversatie):

Do you eat potatoes? Mananci cartofi?

Yes, I do. Da, mananc.

No, I don't. Nu, nu mananc.

Lesson no. 9

Lectia nr. 9

Revision (recapitulare):

The autumn fruits (fructele de toamna)

- The vegetables - legumele

Vegetables (legume):

garlic - usturoi

pepper - ardei

cucumber - castravete

pumpkin - dovleac

eggplant - vanata

Conversation (conversatie):

Do you eat cucumbers? Mananci castraveti?

Yes, I do. Da, mananc.

No, I don't. Nu, nu mananc.

Lesson no. 10

Lectia nr. 10

Revision (recapitulare):

- The autumn fruits (fructele de toamna)

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

- The conversations about the fruits (conversatiile despre


New words: colours (cuvinte noi: culori)

Red = rosu

Green = verde

Orange = portocaliu

Yellow = galben

Purple = mov

Blue = albastru

White = alb

Black = negru

Pink = roz

Brown = maro

Statements about fruits and colours. (declaratii despre fructe si culori)

The apple is red/green. (Marul este rosu/verde)

The plum is purple. (Pruna este mov.)

The pear is yellow/orange. (Para este galbena/portocalie.)

Lesson no. 11

Lectia nr. 11

Revision (recapitulare):

- The colours (culorile)

- The song about colours (cantecul despre culori)

- The seasons (anotimpurile)

The seasons (anotimpurile)

Spring = primavara

Summer = vara

Autumn = toamna

Winter = iarna

Poem (poezie)

Spring is green.

Summer is bright. Bright = stralucitor

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white.

Primavara este verde.

Vara este stralucitoare.

Toamna este galbena.

Iarna este alba.

Lesson no. 12

Lectia nr. 12

Revision (recapitulare):

- The colours (culorile)

- The song about colours (cantecul despre culori)

- The seasons (anotimpurile

The weather (vremea)

What's the weather like? Cum este vremea?

It's sunny and hot. Este insorit si cald.

It's windy. Bate vantul.

It's cloudy. Este innorat.

It's snowy and cold. Este ninsoare si frig.

It's rainy. Este ploios.

Lesson no 13

Lectia nr 13

Revision (recapitulare):

The poem (poezia);

The weather (vremea);

Nature things (lucrurile din natura);

Song (cantec):

The sun is shinning, the sun is shinning,

What a sunny day,

The sun is shinning, the sun is shinning,

Let's go out and play.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing,

What a windy day,

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing,

Let's go out and play.

Soarele straluceste, soarele straluceste

Ce zi insorita,

Soarele straluceste, soarele straluceste,

Haideti sa iesim afara sa ne jucam.

Vantul bate, vantul bate,

Ce zi cu vant,

Vantul bate, vantul bate,

Haideti sa iesim afara sa ne jucam.

Lesson no 14

Lectia nr 14

Revision (recapitulare):

Nature things (lucrurile din natura);

The song about weather (cantec despre vreme);

Song (cantec):

Oh, look! It's raining! Oh, look! It's raining!

What a rainy day,

Oh, look! It's raining! Oh, look! It's raining!

Let's go out and play.

Oh, look! It's snowing! Oh, look! It's snowing!

What a snowy day,

Oh, look! It's snowing! Oh, look! It's snowing!

Let's go out and play.

O, uite! Ploua! O, uite! Ploua!

Ce zi ploioasa!

O, uite! Ploua! O, uite! Ploua!

Haideti sa iesim afara sa ne jucam.

O, uite! Ninge! O, uite! Ninge!

Ce zi cu ninsoare!

O, uite! Ninge! O, uite! Ninge!

Haideti sa iesim afara sa ne jucam.

Lesson no. 15

Lectia nr. 15

Revision (recapitulare):

- The autumn fruits (fructele de toamna)

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

New words: Toys (cuvinte noi: jucarii)

Car = masina

Dolly = papusa

Teddy-bear = urs de plus

Robot = robot

Ball = minge

Plane = avion

Conversation (conversatie):

T: What do you want?

P: Ce vrei tu?

C: I want a ball/train.

C: Eu vreau o minge/ un tren

Lesson no. 16

Lectia nr. 16

Revision (recapitulare):

- The autumn fruits (fructele de toamna)

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

- Toys (jucarii)

About toys(despre jucarii)

How is the doll? Cum este papusa?

The doll is little/big. Papusa este mica/mare.

How is the car?    Cum este masina?

The car is nice for boys and ugly for girls.

Masina este draguta pentru baieti si urata pentru fete.

I can make a robot. Eu pot face un robot

I can't make a ball. Eu nu pot face o minge

Lesson no. 17

Lectia nr. 17

Revision (recapitulare):

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

- Toys (jucarii)

The clothes we wear in different seasons (haine ce purtam in diferite anotimpuri)

- Skirt - fusta

- Trousers - pantaloni

- Shirt - camasa

- Jeans - blugi

- T-shirt - tricou

- Anorak - hanorac

Conversation (conversatie)

Do you have you a dress? (Ai tu o rochie?)

Yes, I do. (Da, eu am)

No, I don't. (Nu, eu nu am)

Lesson no. 18

Lectia nr. 18

Revision (recapitulare):

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

- Toys (jucarii)

The clothes we wear in different seasons (haine ce purtam in diferite anotimpuri)

hat - caciula

gloves - manusi

jumper - pulovar

jacket - geaca

scarf - fular

dress - fusta

tie - cravata

Conversation (conversatie)

Do you have you a dress? (Ai tu o rochie?)

Yes, I do. (Da, eu am)

No, I don't. (Nu, eu nu am)

Lesson no. 19

Lectia nr. 19

Revision (recapitulare):

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

- Toys (jucarii)

- The clothes we wear in different seasons


Put on your jumper and jacket,

Put on your gloves and hat,

Put on your socks and shoes,

Let's go out and skate.

Imbraca-te cu pulovarul si geaca,

Imbraca-te cu manusile si caciula,

Imbraca-te cu sosetele si ghetele,

Haideti sa iesim sa patinam.

Lesson no. 20

Lectia nr. 20

Revision (recapitulare):

- The song: peaches cantecul: piersici.)

- Toys (jucarii)

- The clothes we wear in different seasons


Take out your jumper and jacket,

Take out your gloves and hat,

Take out your socks and shoes,

It's time to go to bed.

Dezbraca-te de pulovar si geaca,

Dezbraca-te de manusi si caciula,

Dezbraca-te de sosete si pantofi,

Este timpul sa mergem la culcare.

Lesson no. 4

Lectia nr. 4

Revision (recapitulare):

-The farm animals (animalele domestice);

-Song Baa, baa (cantecul baa, baa)

New words- furniture(cuvinte noi- mobila):

- table= masa

- chair= scaun

- door= usa

- floor= podea

- window= fereastra

- wall= perete

Commands (comenzi):

Go to the table! - Du-te la masa!

Go to the door! - Du-te la usa!

Go to the floor! - Du-te la podea!

Lesson no. 3

Lectia nr. 3

Revision (recapitulare):

-The farm animals (animalele domestice);

-Song Baa, baa (cantecul baa, baa);

Why are farm animals important?

Milk - lapte

Wool - lana

Eggs - oua

Feathers - fulgi/pene

Meat - carne

Sentences (afirmatii):

The pig gives meat. Porcul ne da carne.

The hen gives eggs. Gaina ne da oua.

The sheep gives wool. Oaia ne da lana.

The duck gives feathers. Rata ne da fulgi.

The cow gives milk. Vaca ne da lapte.

Lesson no. 5

Lectia nr. 5

Revision (recapitulare):

- Farm animals (animale domestice);

- The song (cantecul baa, baa);

- Furniture (mobila);

Conversation (conversatie):



Where is the door? Unde este usa?

The door is there. Usa este acolo.

The door is there, too. Usa este acolo, de asemenea.

Where is the floor? Unde este podeaua?

The floor is here. Podeaua este aici.

The floor is there, too. Podeaua este aici, de asemenea.

Lesson no. 6

Lectia nr. 6

Revision (recapitulare):

- Furniture (mobila);

- Conversation about furniture (conversatie despre mobila);

Poem (poezie):

Up is the ceiling, Sus e tavanul,

Down is the floor, Jos e podeaua,

Here's the window, Aici este fereastra,

There's the door. Acolo este usa.

Up= sus


Commands (comenzi):

Put your hand up! Ridica mana!

Put your hand down! Pune mana jos!

Put your leg up! Ridica piciorul!

Put your leg down! Pune piciorul jos!

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