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Prezentul simplu - FORMA

forma de INFINITIV + s / es la pers. III singular afirmativ


  1. pentru activitati sau obisnuinte generale sau repetate:

Doctors cure patients.

I drink tea for breakfast.

Jack goes to work by train every morning.

Christine reads the newspaper before she goes to bed.

  1. pentru actiuni care sunt adevarate in general:

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Water freezes at 00 C.

  1. pentru a indica o situatie permanenta:

My parents live in Manchester.

The Pope governs the Catholic Church.

  1. cand se vorbeste despre orare si programe fixe:

We leave New York on Monday and arrive in Boston the next morning.

The film starts at 10.30.


1. Completati spatiile libere cu forma potrivita a verbului din parateza (Prezentul simplu sau continuu).

  1. He's tired. He (lie) down for a while.
  2. Marie ....... (go) to the supermarket by car every Thursday.
  3. Jack always ........ (drink) wine at dinner.
  4. What exam ................ (your sister / study) for at the moment?
  5. Mary ....... (have) a party today because it's her birthday.
  6. What ..... you ....... (wait) for? The bus. Ah! there it is, it ....... (come).
  7. Christine's cakes ........ (rise) very quickly in her new oven.
  8. Bill often ......... (sleep) on the couch while ......... (watch) TV.

2. Completati propozitiile folosind forma corecta a timpului prezent.

  1. The river Thames (flow) through London.
  2. "Where is Emily?" "........ (have) her dinner."
  3. At night, our tomcat ........ (catch) mice.
  4. Listen to those girls. What language ........... (speak)?
  5. In summer we ....... (eat) in the garden.
  6. "Don't switch the TV off, I ......... (watch) it."

3. Care dintre aceste propozitii exprima un adevar etern?

  1. England does not have a Mediterranean climate.
  2. I never play computer games.
  3. Astronomers don't understand Pluto's orbit.
  4. Earth looks blue from outer space.
  5. Water boils in about three minutes.

4. Gasiti verbele potrivite pentru a completa aceste adevaruri universale:

  1. Water ....... at 100 degrees Celsius and ...... at zero degrees.
  2. Leaves ........ from the trees in autumn.
  3. The sun ....... in the East and ....... in the West.
  4. Metal ....... when it's hot and ....... when it's cold.
  5. Hot air ....... and cold air ........


Prezentul continuu - FORMA

to be + ING


  1. pentru actiuni care se petrec in momentul vorbirii:

Kate is reading a book now.

Where is Tom? He is having a shower.

  1. pentru actiuni in desfasurare intr-o perioada limitata din preajma momentului vorbirii:

John is looking for a job.

Steven is spending a lot of money on this holiday.

  1. pentru actiuni care se petrec in preajma momentului vorbirii, dar nu neaparat in momentul vorbirii; cu today, these days, this week, at the moment:

My boss is away on business this week. He is working in Denver.

Beatrice isn't studying English this year. She wants to concentrate on another foreign language.

  1. pentru actiuni in schimbare sau in evolutie in preajma momentului vorbirii:

I am shocked at how my children are growing up.

Is your English improving?

The traffic is getting worse and worse in Tokyo.

  1. cu always pentru a exprima iritarea:

Your children are always running on my lawn.

I can't stand him; he's always interrupting me.

NOTA: Unele verbe nu se folosesc in mod normal la forma continua. De ex.:

adore, agree, appreciate, believe, belong, care, concern, consist, contain, desire, dislike, fear, forgive, forget, hate, know, like, love, matter, mean, mind, need, notice, own, possess, prefer, realise, recognise, refuse, remember, see, seem, signify, smell, suppose, think (= opinie), understand, want, wish.


1. Completati spatiile libere cu forma potrivita a verbului din parateza (Prezentul simplu sau continuu).

Jack is a teacher, he .. (teach) at a University. He ........ (not teach) at the moment, he is on holiday. He ........ (read) a newspaper on the beach.

Emma and Ben are brother and sister. Emma ........ (love) Ben and Ben ........ (love) Emma. They usually ....... (play) together, but today Emma is ......... (help) her mother to make a cake. It is Ben's birthday and ....... (have) a party. His father ......... (prepare) the decorations and games because Ben ....... (like) to have fun and games at his parties. Ben usually ...... (invite) ten friends, but only nine ...... (come) today. Henry ....... (not come), he .......... (not feel) well, he has a cold. He often ......... (catch) a cold in winter.

2. Completati spatiile libere cu forma potrivita a verbului din parateza (Prezentul simplu sau continuu).

  1. My roses usually (flower) in June, but it's only May and they . (flower) already!
  2. I am pleased to see you ...... (wear) your new red dress today.
  3. I ....... (hear) Jack wants to change jobs.
  4. ....... you ....... (know) her?
  5. Turn the music down. It ......... (play) too loud.
  6. Professor Hanks usually ......... (speak) so quickly that I ........... (not understand) him.
  7. What ........ Susan .......... (do) this evening?
  8. What ......... Simon ...... (do) in the evenings?
  9. Frank never ......... (listen) to what I say.
  10. We ........ (save) up because we ........ (want) to go to Italy in August.

3. Alegeti forma corecta a verbului. Exemplu:

Look outside! It's snowing! It snows!

  1. It's snowing / It snows quite often in Britain during winter.
  2. I'm going / I go to bed now. Goodnight.
  3. Normally, I'm going / I go to bed at around 11.30 every night.
  4. 'Where's Simon?' 'He's cooking / He cooks the dinner.'
  5. There is something wrong with Lisa's car at the moment so she's going / she goes to work by bus this week.
  6. The river Thames is flowing / flows through London.
  7. Sarah has got an exam soon, so she's working / she works very hard at the moment.



1. Sociology is more like a passion.

Social work, whatever its theoretical rationalization, is a certain practice in society. Sociology is not a practice, but an attempt to understand. Not just understanding, but certain application for this understanding.

Scientific integrity - the sociologist is someone concerned with understanding society in a disciplined way. The game of the sociologist then, uses scientific rules.

His natural habitat is all the human gathering places of the world, wherever men come together. What interests us is the curiosity that grips any sociologist in front of a closed door behind which there are human voices.

The categories he employs in his analyses are only refinements of the categories by which other men live: power, class, status, race, family.

It can be said that the first wisdom of sociology is this: things are not what they seem. Social reality turns out to have many layers of meaning.

2. Essay writing: choose one of the ideas/ sentences above and comment on it (1 page).

3. Take this short quiz about family relations. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. They always quarrel. They decided to ___.

a. divorce b. get married c. work hard d. go to the cinema

2. She loves him. She wants to be his ___.

a. teacher b. mother c. wife d. brother

3. July 7th - it will be their ___ day. They are getting married.

a. wedding b. sad c. rainy d. busy

4. I saw Fiona's ___. He is going to marry her.

a. brother b. fianc c. grandfather d. widow

5. I am living alone. I am 18. I am ___.

a. married b. dependent c. single d. unemployed

6. Her husband died last year. She is a ___.
a. widower b. nurse c. good wife d. widow

4. Family relations crossword. Follow the clues for Across and Down to fill in the crossword.


1. A group of people often defined as two parents of the opposite sex and their dependent children that are related by blood, marriage or adoption.

4. Traditional definitions of the family said there should be two of these of the opposite sex in a family.

6. Households are groups of people that live under the same

8. A family type with two parents and their dependent children living together.

9. The training of children in the culture of society.

10. These are usually the dependent members of a family.


2. A society that includes a number of different ethnic communities and diverse cultural traditions.

3. What societies depend upon for their survival through time.

5. In the Middle Ages marriage was to achieve one of these, rather than for love.

7. How families are often related.

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