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Andrew. Tom last month.

a).     Met

b).     Has met

c).      Meets

d).     Meet

Oil is lighter.water.

a).       Then

b).       Than

c).        Thou

d).       From

We have.. dinner at 7 o'clock p.m. every day.

a).       The

b).       A

c).        An

d).       -

That.should be shot .

a).      Wolf

b).      Wolves

c).       Wolfls

d).      Wolfes

My cat caugth three..

a).      Mouce

b).      Mouse

c).       Mice

d).      Mouses

The farmer has a few.. .

a).      Goose

b).      Geese

c).       Gooses

d).      Geeses

.are our permanent clients.

a).      Housewife

b).      Housewifes

c).       Housewives

d).      House-wife

London`s . theatre is at the Barbican Arts Centre.

a).      Older

b).      Oldest

c).       More older

d).      The most old

Richard..lived in the 15 th century

a).      The three

b).      The third

c).       Third

d).      Thirth

The plural of "ox" is:

a).      Oxes

b).      Oxsen

c).       Oxen

d).      Oxeses

The problem was.difficult than he told me.

a).      Less

b).      Little

c).       The least

d).      The lesser

They than Tom.

a).      Few

b).      Little

c).       The lesser

d).      Less

I haven`t got.question to ask.

a).      Some

b).      No

c).       Any

d).      Each


a).      Yourself

b).      Herself

c).       Ourselves

d).      My self

.of children came to see the Zoo.

a).      Hundreds

b).      Hundred

c).       Handreds

d).      Handred

Nelson`s Column isn`t in front of St. Paul`s Cathedral,.?

a).      Isn`t?

b).      Is it?

c).       Aren`t they?

d).      Was it?

I have too.homework to do.

a).      Many

b).      Much

c).       Enough

d).      Some

I`ve already taken.. photos.

a).      twelf

b).      twelve

c).       twelfe

d).      twelves

Tom. his head in shame.

a).      Bowed

b).      Bow

c).       Bawed

d).      Bown

I .like Mary`s dress.

a).      Don't

b).      Doesn't

c).       Hasn't

d).      Haven't

The Roman soldiers who.Britain were part of the best army in the wold.

a).      Has invade

b).      Invaded

c).       Invade

d).      Had invade

Tell.people not to go here.

a).      Those

b).      This

c).       That

d).      Thees

My mother do my homework before 8 o'clock p.m.

a).      Been made

b).      Made

c).       Has made

d).      Had made

He.collecting them for years.

a).      Hes been

b).      Had been

c).       Haven't

d).      Have

The fountain with the statue of Eros on top is a for young people.

a).      Meet

b).      Meeting

c).       Met

d).      Mets

John.Richard to the throne.

a).      Succeeded

b).      Had succeeded

c).       Has succede

d).      Have been succeed

The Great Dome.the second largest in the world.

a).      Are

b).      Was

c).       Could be

d).      Is

I had a terrible headache as I.for hours.

a).      Had been typing

b).      Have been typing

c).       Had typed

d).      Have typed

Madame Tussand`swax models of famous historical characters.

a).      Showed

b).      Exhibit

c).       Exhibits

d).      Showeds

After a time all those living in Britons.

a).      Became known

b).      Become known

c).       Become knowed

d).      Was known

Passengers proceed board the plane.

a).      Security Check

b).      Departure

c).       Arrival

d).      The Gate

Admiral Nelson`s statue is in...

a).      Westminster Abbey

b).      Piccadilly Circus

c).       Trafalgar Square

d).      St.Paul`s Cathedral

Who were executed at the Tower on Henry VIII`s orders.

a).      Thomas More

b).      Michelle Howard

c).       John Boleyn

d).      Catherine Bright

One of the Tower's main attractions are.

a).      The walls

b).      The gates

c).       The warders

d).      The keys

Some of the best shops in London are in:

a).      Oxford Street

b).      Carnaby Sterrt

c).       Kensington Street

d).      Victorian Street

Beowulf was written down in:

a).      Old English

b).      Old Irish

c).       Old Scotish

d).      Old French

Val Moir decided to turn her hobby into a full-time..

a).      Hobby

b).      Job

c).       Work

d).      Idea

The opposite of "flat" is:

a).      Brass

b).      Fine

c).       Rough

d).      Bumpy

Fred Crouter is:

a).      An engineer

b).      A psychologist

c).       A reporter

d).      A worker

Where did Holden Caulfiled get off the train:

a).      At Penn Station

b).      At Victoria Station

c).       At South Station

d).      At Wilde Station

"Holden is back in..."

a).      New Jersey

b).      New York

c).       San Francisco

d).      Los Angeles

"Odd" means:

a).      strange

b).      heavy

c).       easy

d).      soft

Who is Angel Clare?

a).      Tess` husband

b).      Tess` lover

c).       Tess` cousin

d).      Tess` father

Where is Caesar killed?

a).      In the Senate house

b).      In the market place

c).       In front of the public

d). Near his house

What is "The Catcher in the Rye"?

a).      A poem

b).      A story

c).       A short novel

d).      A description


They go every Sunday.

a).      The

b).      an

c).       a

d).      -

Mister Smith,..teacher, is an Englishman.

a).      The

b).      -

c).       a

d).      an

My.are teachers.

a).      Sisters-in-law

b).      Sister-in-laws

c).       Sisters-in-low

d).      Sister-in-lows

Tom and John are. .

a).      Businessman

b).      Businessmen

c).       Bussinessmans

d).      Businnesmens

Mother`s advice.always good.

a).      Are

b).      Is

c).       Were

d).      Have been

The plural of "child" is:

a).      Childs

b).      Childes

c).       Children

d).      Childrens

I have.very bad headache.

a).      -

b).      a

c).       some

d).      each

This was.idea not mine.

a).      Them

b).      Him

c).       His

d).      Ours

I.helped them to build the house.

a).      Myselves

b).      Myself

c).       No one else

d).      Me

On Sunday we can enjoy.

a).      Us

b).      Ourselves

c).       One another

d).      Themselves

On the table there is a. box.

a).      Nice, small, red

b).      Small, nice, red

c).       Red, small, nice

d).      Nice, red, small

The cake that I made was ... than yours.

a).      Good

b).      The best

c).       Better

d).      The betters

The Woolsack.the importance of wool.

a).      Symbolises

b).      Is symbolieng

c).       Symbolizes

d).      Symbolize

.books did you take?

a).      Which

b).      Whom

c).       Who

d).      Witch

There were four.books.

a).      Hundred

b).      Handred

c).       Hundreds

d).      Handreds

The police.after the thief.

a).      Are

b).      Is

c).       Have been

d).      Run

Mary's luggagevery heavy.

a).      Are

b).      Is

c).       Were

d).      Has

The news.very important for me.

a).      Is

b).      Are

c).       Were

d).      -

Nowadays the of the world's great tourist attractions.

a).      Had become

b).      Has became

c).       Has become

d).      Have became

He.his room yet.

a).      Has clean

b).      Hasn't cleaned

c).       Isn't cleaned

d).      Doesn't cleaned the 1980`s.

a).      Were built

b).      Was built

c).       Have been built

d).      Has been build

Mary.Tom for two years.

a).      Had known

b).      Have known

c).       Was know

d).      Were know

Those looking for entertainment.miss Piccadilly Circus.

a).      Would not

b).      Should not

c).       Will

d).      Shall not

Last week an exhibition of paintings in the Barbican Art Centre.

a).      Went

b).      Go

c).       Goes

d).      Gone

Did you.these apples?

a).      Has like

b).      Liked

c).       Likes

d).      Like

Nelson`s Column isn`t in front of St`Paul`s Cathedral, ...?

a).      Isn`t it

b).      Is it

c).       Aren`t they

d).      Was it?

I have too.homework to do.

a).      Many

b).      Much

c).       Enough

d).      Some

The information.useful for everybody.

a).      Are

b).      Is

c).       Were

d).      Have been

The glass covered walkway .a splendid view of the river.

a).      Is giving

b).      Give

c).       Gives

d).      Has given

John.Richard to the throne.

a).      Succeeded

b).      Had succeded

c).       Has succeded

d).      Have been succed

When arriving at the airport, passengers usually take a ..

a).      Tickket

b).      Trolley

c).       Flight

d).      Boarding pass

Some of the great paintings of the world are in ..

a).      Barbican Arts Centre

b).      Madame Tussand`s

c).       British Museum

d).      The National Gallery

When the Tower became the chief prison of state?

a).      In the time of Henry VIII

b).      In the time of Edward II

c).       In the time of King John

d).      In the time of Charles II

Most tourist prefer to admire London from:

a).      The upper deck of an open bus

b).      A black-cab taxi

c).       The Official London Transport

d).      Peter Pan's statue

People seldom go London.

a).      Restaurants

b).      Pubs

c).       Cafes

d).      Inns

Beowulf is:

a).      An Anglo-Saxon story

b).      A heroic poem

c).       An old English story

d).      An epic story

Some of the most impressive collections were those belonging to..

a).      Girls

b).      A boy

c). Children

d). Grown-ups

The opposite of "transparent" is:

a).      Brittle

b).      Opaque

c).       Rigid

d).      Hollow

Crouter`s oldest newspaper is a 1669 issue of:

a).      Britain Chronicle

b).      London Chronicle

c).       Oxford Chronicle

d).      Nebraska Chronicle

Who is "the devil's disciple"

a).      Richard Dudgeon

b).      Francis Macomber

c).       Anthony Anderson

d).      Morris Townsend

Who is Holden Caulfield sister?

a).      Sally

b).      Phoebe

c).       Jane

d).      Susan

"to reckon" means :

a).      To consider

b).      To recognise

c).       To realise

d).      To reveal

"to brace" means:

a).      To get firmness

b).      To be good

c).       To get wealthy

d).      To be well

"corny" means:

a).      crazy

b).      banal

c).       easy

d).      dump

Who is the president of the Court-Martial scence:

a).      Gentlemanly Johnny

b).      Major Swindon

c).       Richard Dudgeon

d).      Anthony Anderson


The rich should help...poor.

a).      A

b).      Some

c).       -

d). The

Mary will dine with.whites.

a).      -

b).      the

c).       a

d).      an

They told me about the..

a).      Tariff

b).      Tarif

c).       Tarives

d).      Tarifs

Please, buy me a.of milk chocolate.

a).      Item

b).      Slice

c).       Bar

d).      Bit

His a few minutes a go.

a).      Was

b).      Were

c).       Is

d).      Are

Those.are very interesting.

a).      Photos

b).      Photoes

c).       Phothos

d).      Fothos

The plural of "wife" is:

a).      Wifes

b).      Wive

c).       Wives

d).      Wifeses

Tom be a very good student.

a).      His self

b).      Himself

c).       Itself

d).      Ourself

He is our..

a).      Lieutenant-colonel

b).      Colonel-lieutenant

c).       Leutenant colonel

d).      Colnel-leutenant

She never got.answers from him.

a).      Some

b).      Any

c).       An

d).      No

Big Ben is.. famous clock in London.

a).      very

b).      a

c).       more

d).      the most

My friends are going to spend their holidays.the mountains.

a).      In

b).      At

c).       On

d).      To top

People.go to pubs in London.

a).      Rather

b).      Seldom

c).       Usually

d).      Rarely

Most tourists prefer to admire London from.deck of an open bus.

a).      The upper

b).      The uppest

c).       Upper

d).      Upperst

.World War started in 1914.

a).      Two

b).      One

c).       The first

d).      The second

The information.useful for everybody.

a).      Are

b).      Is

c).       Were

d).      Have been

I knew what was written in the article because I . it.

a).      Had been reading

b).      Had read

c).       Have read

d).      Had reading

Richard the Lionheart`s chancellor.the first expansion of the Tower's defences.

a).      Has begin

b).      Began

c).       Begun

d).      Was begun

The Union Jack.of three crosses: of England, Scotland and Ireland.

a).      Consisted

b).      Consist

c).       Consists

d).      Has consisted

All of them.some money.

a).      Hes

b).      Haven`t

c).       Had

d).      To have

The play was wonderful. I wish you..

a).      Had come

b).      Came

c).       Has came

d).      Have come

The glass covered walkway..a splendid view of the river.

a).      Is giving

b).      Give

c).       Gives

d).      Has given

By tradition there ... ravens at the Tower from its very beginnings.

a).      Has

b).      Have been

c).       Has been

d).      Had been

I`ll homework before six o'clock.

a).      Have written

b).      Has written

c).       Has write

d).      Had wrote

I..the long streets in central London with stylish houses.

a).      Liked

b).      Adored

c).       Am likenig

d).      Adore

By six o'clock, they'll..tea.

a).      Had had

b).      Have had

c).       Have have

d).      Had have

You want me to play the piano, ..?

a).      Don`t you

b).      Didn`t you

c).       Will you

d).      Shall you

It is high time you...decide upon your future.

a).      Would

b).      Should

c).       Shall

d).      Will

Alice is a very good friend of..

a).      Mine

b).      One

c).       My

d).      Him

If John ..I could have told him the truth

a).      Had come

b).      Has come

c).       Has came

d).      Had came

"Every passenger shows his passport for Passport Control before going through..."

a).      Departure Lounge

b).      Check-in-Counter

c).       Security Check

d).      The Gate

...Is a fine example of Gothic architecture.

a).      St.Paul`s Cathedral

b).      British Museum

c).       Westminster Abbey

d).      Buckingham Palace

Who spent a lot to make the Tower one of the finest medieval castles of 13th century England?.

a).      Edward I

b).      Henry III

c).       William of Normandy

d).      King John

West End theatres are just few minutes` walk from:

a).      Kensington Gardens

b).      Peter Pan`s statue

c).       Piccadilly Circus

d).      London Zoo

Covent Garden is the home of:

a).      The Royal Opera

b).      Royal Festival

c).       South Bank

d).      Museum of the Moving Image

The theme of Beowulf is:

a).      Killing dragons

b).      Fighting dragons

c).       Dragons`death

d).      Following dragons

A boy had contributed his collection of ..

a).      Carrier bags

b).      Rocks and fossils

c).       Cuddly toys

d).      Hand-painted plates

The opposite of "hard" is:

a).      Soft

b).      Solid

c).       Flexible

d).      Rigid

Fred Crouter is collecting:

a).      Old books

b).      Old pictures

c).       Newspapers

d).      Paintings

Who is Jim?

a).      Huck`s friends

b).      A runnaway slave

c).       Huck`s father

d).      Huck`s brother

What does it mean "argument"?

a).      Debate

b).      Solution

c).       Element

d).      Reason

Who is Alec D`Urbervilles?

a).      Tess` brother

b).      Tess` lover

c).       Tess` husband

d).      Tess` father

What does it mean "regular"?

a).      Normal

b).      Seldom

c).       Sometimes

d).      Always

What does it mean "phone booth"?

a).      phone box

b).      phone house

c).       phone signal

d).      phone scene

Give synonym to "casual".

a).      Chance

b).      Case

c).       Close

d).      In case


Susan is ...honest person

a).      The

b).      -

c).       A

d).      An

The sun rises in..east.

a).      The

b).      A

c).       -

d).      an

...Duke of Wellington is buried at St.Paul`s Cathedral.

a).      -

b).      Himself

c).       The

d).      A

The plural of "leaf" is:

a).      Lives

b).      Leafs

c).       Leaves

d).      Leafes a chocolate.

a).      Me

b).      Us

c).       Yourself

d).      Ourself

John came home late...night.

a).      -

b).      at

c).       at the

d).      in

In small towns like that, everyone knows...

a).      Everybodies

b).      Everyone

c).       Everythings

d).      Nothing

Andrew wants to become... engineer.

a).      -

b).      The

c).       A

d).      An

Ultimately,...., Beowulf received his own death.

a).      Nevertheless

b).      Anyway

c).       Finally

d).      Hoppesly

Some in London are in Regent Street.

a).      The better

b).      The best

c).       Worse

d).      The worst

My English in bad, but yours is...

a).      Badder

b).      Worst

c).       Worse

d).      Baddest

The jack used to be the name of the flag..was hung from the back of a ship.

a).      Whom

b).      Who

c).       Which

d).      What

Fewer and...people belive in happiness.

a).      Loss

b).      Few

c).       Fewer

d).      Fewest

The man...I spoke was very polite.

a).      To whom

b).      Whom

c).       To who

d).      Which

My flat is on the...floor.

a).      Nineth

b).      Ninth

c).       Nine

d).      Nineteen

The famous saying "Time is money" is English,..?

a).      Is it?

b).      Was it?

c).       It was?

d).      Isn`t it?

I was afraid he might get asleep as he..since early morning.

a).      Had driven

b).      Had been driving

c).       Have driven

d).      Have been driven

The National of the richest collection of paintings.

a).      Houses

b).      Housed

c).       House

d).      Has housed

Susan...anybody there since early this morning.

a).      Haven`tseen

b).      Hasn`t seen

c).       Hasn`t see

d).      Hadn`t see

Andrew..breakfast yet.

a).      Hasn`t finished

b).      Had finish

c).       Has finished

d).      Has finish

I.never go to the seaside on December.

a).      Wouldn`t

b).      Will

c).       Will been

d).      Will be

William of Normandy..the building of an earth-and-timber castle.

a).      Has ordered

b).      Had ordered

c).       Ordered

d).      Was ordered join us for dinner?

a).      Shall

b).      Would

c).       Will

d).      Should

She..five husbands.

a).      Have have

b).      Has had

c).       Has have

d).      Had had

" the English can be so self-controlled when they lose time."

a).      Understand

b).      Can`t understand

c).       Could understand

d).      Wouldn`t understand

London's Carnaby Street attracted.of tourists every year.

a).      Thousand

b).      Thousands

c).       Thausant

d).      Thausent

Tom and Peter...hands.

a).      Have shaken

b).      Has shaken

c).       Have shake

d).      Has shake

The Mods most important possessions..their scooters.

a).      Was

b).      Were

c).       Have been

d).      Had been

If I am a king, queen.

a).      Are

b).      Will be

c).       Would be

d).      Should be

She becomes fair when her husband finally.. her.

a).      Obeyed

b).      Obeys

c).       Obey

d).      Obeying

At the.passengers receive a boarding pass.

a).      Departure Lounge

b).      Arrival

c).       Check-in-Counter

d).      Passport Control

London`s oldest theatre is at:

a).      The Barbican Arts Centre

b).      Piccadilly Circus

c).       10 Downing Street

d).      Trafalgar Square

When the royal accommodation changed from the White Tower to a new building?

a).      During the reign of Edward I

b).      During the reign of Henry III

c).       During the reign of King John

d).      During the reign of Henry VIII

In London you have to.for the bus

a).      Wait

b).      Qeue

c).       Queue

d).      Qiueue

Children will always choose:

a).      Regent's Park

b).      Hyde Park

c).       St.James`s Park

d).      Victoria`s Park

..was triumphantly welcomed by his people.

a).      Wiglaf

b).      Hrothgar

c).       Beowulf

d).      Grendel

"My favorite was a collection of...":

a).      Small perfume bottles

b).      Hand-painted plates

c).       Rocks and fossils

d).      Cuddly toy

The opposite of "high" is:

a).      Low

b).      Wide

c).       Tiny

d).      Long

..contains a copy of the U.S. Constitution

a).      Pennsylvania Packet

b).      London Chronicle

c).       Connecticut Journal

d).      Nebraska Journal

Which of the following is a sequel to "The adventures of Tom Sawyer":

a).      "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

b).      "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court.

c).       "Life on the Mississippi"

d).      "The Adventures of Negro Jim"

What is "Julius Caesar"?

a).      a tragedy

b).      a novel

c).       a Roman historical play

d).      a chronical play

What is Stonehenge?

a).      An abbey

b).      A prehistoric temple

c).       A castle

d).      A modern temple

"Dawn" means:

a).      down

b).      dear

c).       daybreak

d).      sunset

Morris Townsend refuses to leave N.Y. because:

a).      He loves Catherine

b).      He has a job there

c).       He has family responsabilities there

d).      He doesn`t need such a job

Holden gave the cab driver the wrong address:

a).      Because he was tired

b).      Out of habit

c).       Because he was drunk

d).      Because he was in a hurry


...lions are wild animals.

a).      any

b).      the

c).       some

d).      -

It was .important day for him.

a).      An

b).      A

c).       -

d).      some

It was.. year full of happiness.

a).      A

b).      An

c).       The

d).      -

"..British Museum shows the works of man from prehistoric times"

a).      an

b).      -

c).       the

d).      a

The plural of "foot" is:

a).      Foots

b).      Feets

c).       Feet

d).      Footes

She bought..a new hat.

a).      Her

b).      Herself

c).       Of herself

d).      Of himself

She told me ready.

a).      Everything

b).      Both

c).       Somebodies

d).      Anybodies

Flying today is.. way of travelling.

a).      The safer

b).      The safest

c).       Saffer

d).      Saffeler

Mary has.. reason to be upset.

a).      Either

b).      Each

c).       Everything

d).      Every

She is .. as I am.

a).      As happy

b).      Not happy

c).       As happier

d).      Happiest

Children will always choose... which houses London Zoo.

a).      Oxford`s Park

b).      Regent`s Park

c).       Coven`s Park

d).      Kensington`s Park

In London you have to queue.bus.

a).      For the

b).      For

c).       To the

d).      At the

Life was difficult in ... days.

a).      These

b).      This

c).       That

d).      Those

Alice is.than Lusan.

a).      Beautiful

b).      More beautiful

c).       The most beautiful

d).      Not as beautiful

On Christmas Day...,William Duke of Normandy, was crowned king of England.

a).      Ten sixty - six

b).      One o sixty-six

c).       One thousand and sixty-six

d).      Ten and sixty-six

The bell is also.when passengers ring for me of the cabin crew.

a).      Heard

b).      Hearing

c).       Ringging

d).      Been ringing

For me it was as if a pair of magic glasses.

a).      Give

b).      Had given

c).       Haven`t given

d).      Gaves

We.. hands and said "good bye".

a).      Shake

b).      Shook

c).       Has shaking

d).      Had shouk the living-room as I was dressing.

a).      Has wait

b).      Had wait

c).       Waited

d).      Has waited

Has he..the news?

a).      Heard

b).      Hear

c).       Heared

d).      Hearing

At night the Circus..a mass of colored changing lights.

a).      Became

b).      Become

c).       Becomes

d).      Becomed

John and the mountains since June.

a).      Hasn't

b).      Hasn't been

c).       Haven't been

d).      Hadn't been

The child.. anything in the the morning.

a).      Didn`t eat

b).      Doesn`t eaten

c).       Didn`t ate

d).      Don`t ate.

The Wife of Bath..a lot.

a).      Had travelled

b).      Has travelled

c).       Have travelle

d).      Has travell

Only if you will succeed.

a).      Will try

b).      Has tried

c).       Try

d).      Are trying

Tom.her twice till now, but she hasn't answered.

a).      Has written

b).      Have written

c).       Had write

d).      Had wrote

If will succeed.

a).      Tried

b).      Has try

c).       Shall try

d).      Will try

"When a man.of London he is tired of life".

a).      Tired

b).      Was tired

c).       Is tired

d).      Had tired

If I had been a king you.. my queen.

a).      Will be

b).      Would have been

c).       Have been

d).      Would be

John, a carpenter, discovers that his wife, Alison,...unfaithful to him for some time.

a).      Had been

b).      Has been

c).       Have been

d).      Had be

When the "Fasten your seat belts" and ".." signs light up a bell rings.

a).      "No Starting"

b).      "No Smoking"

c).       "No Moving"

d).      "No Landing"

Those looking for entertainment should not miss:

a).      Piccadilly Circus

b).      St.Paul`s Cathedral

c).       Tower Bridge

d).      Great Dome

Who completed the first expansion of the Tower`s defences?

a).      Richard

b).      King John

c).       Henry IV

d).      Edward I

For a change visit.., London`s most famous outdoor market.

a).      Petticoat Lane

b).      Victorian arcades

c).       Mayfair`s

d).      Piccadilly Circus

The hot spots of music and dance are located near:

a).      Kensington Gardens

b).      Leicester Square

c).       James` square

d).      Covent Garden

Grendel killed the men of..

a).      Hrothgar

b).      Horhtgar

c).       Hortgar

d).      Hrohgar

An unusual collection was one entered by a ...

a).      Railway enthusiast

b).      Geology enthusiast

c).       Boy

d).      Girl

The opposite of "wide" is:

a).      Short

b).      Light

c).       Tall

d).      Narrow

"I wouldn`t part with them for any..

a).      Price

b).      Reason

c).       Body

d).      Thing

Who is Holden`s sister:

a).      Susan

b).      Jane

c).       Phoebe

d).      Alison

Who is Catherine suitor?

a).      Sloper

b).      Townsend

c).       Morraise

d).      Hayes

How many times was Caesar offered the crown?

a).      Once

b).      Twice

c).       Three times

d).      Four times

Hardy`s first masterpice is:

a).      "Far From Madding Crowd"

b).      "Jude the Obscure"

c).       "Victorian archades"

d).      "The Story of Stonehendge"

"pillar" means:

a).      Column

b).      Stone

c).       Instrument

d).      Ornament

"At hand" means:

a).      Closen

b).      At the moment

c).       Always

d).      Near


Jane wants to

a).      -

b).      A

c).       The

d).      An

Tom is coming home at.. Christmas.

a).      The

b).      -

c).       a

d).      nexet

The horse is.. useful animal.

a).      The

b).      An

c).       -

d).      A

The plural of "tooth" is:

a).      Teet

b).      Teeth

c).       Tooths

d).      Toothes there in time.

a).      Much

b).      Neither

c).       Him

d).      Her

"When I am playing tennis I can't think of.else".

a).      Anything

b).      Something

c).       Nothing

d).      Anybody

In soccer the best players are paid huge.of money.

a).      Sum

b).      Sama

c).       Sums

d).      Sumes

Sometimes I`m completely..

a).      Hope

b).      Hoppelless

c).       Hopeless

d).      Hopeful

He seems to find my project very..

a).      Attract

b).      Attractive

c).       Attractlessing

d).      Attractable

I don`t know where you find all.. energy.

a).      That

b).      Thes

c).       These

d).      Those

I`ve always considered him a .. person.

a).      Rely

b).      Reliable

c).       Relions

d).      Reliant

Has she heard from that friend of.who was there?

a).      Her

b).      Then

c).       She

d).      Hers

I used to see him..a week.

a).      Twice

b).      Too times

c).       Two times

d).      Two time

"...had we walked in when we saw the first exhibit".

a).      No sooner than

b).      Scarcely

c).       Hardly

d).      Right then

His father is a wealthy man;.isn`t .

a).      My

b).      Mine

c).       His

d).      Him

Now I .the all the paintings were really beautiful.

a).      Found

b).      Find

c).       Has find

d).      Had founding

London is even more beautiful than I..

a).      Thought

b).      Had thought

c).       Think

d).      Has been thinking

An ugly a man.

a).      Maried

b).      Have married

c).       Is married

d).      Are married

I wish you..the piano every day.

a).      Would sing

b).      Will sing at

c).       Would play

d).      Will play the window if you want to.

a).      May

b).      Can

c).       Could

d).      Have

..I give my exam right now?

a).      May

b).      Must

c).       Will

d).      Shal

People and Trafalgar Square to see fountains.

a).      Are gathering

b).      Gather

c).       Gathers

d).      Has gathers

Chief Yeoman Warder.the keys to the monarch's representative in the Tower.

a).      Show

b).      Present

c).       Presents

d).      Shows

Her where I am.

a).      Will tell

b).      Shall tell

c).       Would told

d).      Is telling

The film.. starting in ten minutes.

a).      Can be

b).      Must be

c).       Had be

d).      May

I.the Tower yet.

a).      Haven`t seen

b).      Hasn`t seen

c).       Wasn`t seen

d).      Weren`t seen

If I were a king queen.

a).      Would be

b).      Would have been

c).       Will be

d).      Should be

I`ll be learning the poem when you..

a).      Arrived

b).      Are arriving

c).       Arrive

d).      Has arrive

Pity you.. with us!

a).      Haven`t come

b).      Didn`t come

c).       Doesn`t come

d).      Don`t came

It.. important that I had finished the book in time.

a).      Were

b).      Has been

c).       Will be

d).      Was

When you hear the announcement for your flight you proceed to...?

a).      Departure Lounge

b).      The Gate

c).       Check-in-Counter

d).      Security Check

Coming out of the National Gallery, tourists can admire:

a).      Nelson's Column

b).      Queen Victoria's memorial

c).       Great Dome

d).      The Royal Guards

Who ordered the building of the earth-and-timber castle?

a).      Edward I

b).      William of Normandy

c).       Richard the Lionheart

d).      Henry VIII

You can find fashionable discos and night clubs near:

a).      Mayfair`

b).      Petticoat Lane

c).       Leicester Square

d).      Covent Garden

The world famous Royal Opera is situated in:

a).      Covent Garden

b).      Leicester Square

c).       Kensington Gardens

d).      National Theatre

Beowulf pronounced..his successor.

a).      Grendal

b).      Kalevala

c).       Wiglaf

d).      Roland

I have recently visited an exhibition in:

a).      Stoke-on-Trent

b).      Stone-on-Tent

c).       Staik-on-Tent

d).      Stroke-on-Trent

The opposite of "huge" is:

a).      Tiny

b).      Wide

c).       Long

d).      Short

The pilgrims met at:

a).      Tanner Inn

b).      Taben Inn

c).       Tabeard Inn

d).      Tabbard Inn

Choose the right matches:

a).      The Decameron-Chaucers

b).      Beowulf-Boccacio

c).       The Canterbury Tales-Chaucer

d).      The Arabian Nights-Abbey

What do the Roman citizens think of the conspirators when Antony`s speech is over?

a).      They are patriots

b).      They are trailors

c).       They are innocent

d).      They are honourable men

The antonym of "enemy" is:

a).      Friend

b).      Lover

c).       Lawyer

d).      Guest

Tess murdered:

a).      Angel

b).      Alec

c).       Clare

d).      The policeman

"To glisten" means:

a).      To wisper

b).      To be glad

c).       To move

d).      To shine brightly

"proper" means:

a).      Well

b).      Correct

c).       Possible

d).      Suitable


She was .very famous person.

a).      The

b).      -

c).       a

d).      an

The horse is .useful animal.

a).      A

b).      An

c).       -

d).      some

Stansted was built to relieve the congestion of..Heathrow.

a).      The

b).      In

c).       -

d).      a

The plural of "tomato" is:

a).      Tomatos

b).      Tomatoes

c).       Tomatoses

d).      Tomato

The exercise is not.difficult.

a).      Too

b).      Just

c).       Nearly

d).      yet

That engine goes by..

a).      Himself

b).      His self

c).       Itself

d).      Themselves

...wants peace and not war.

a).      Somebody

b).      Someone

c).       Everybody

d).      Anybody

The.fell from the tree.

a).      Lives

b).      Leaves

c).       Leafs

d).      Lifs

The thieves stole watches and..

a).      Radioes

b).      Radio

c).       Radios

d).      Radies

The poor woman threw.under the train.

a).      Himself

b).      Herself

c).       Itself

d).      Themselves

Have you heard..?

a).      The news

b).      The questtion

c).       The knews

d).      The new

Susan went into the house.him.

a).      Rather

b).      Befored

c).       Over

d).      After

Those wolves killed the..

a).      Sheep

b).      Sheeps

c).       Sheepes

d).      Sheepoes

Susan has learn a dozen of poems.heart.

a).      At

b).      To

c).       By

d).      From

Peter has broken his.knife.

a).      Nasty

b).      Sweet

c).       Favourite

d).      Interesting

I had difficulties in understanding what the artist..

a).      Mean

b).      Had meant

c).       Have mean

d).      Have meant

I.say I admire London more than like it.

a).      Should

b).      Would

c).       Will

d).      Shall

Our listen to gossip.

a).      Doesn`t like

b).      Don`t like

c).       Hasn`t like

d).      Didn`t liked

Susan and Andrew..come to see us.

a).      Might

b).      Can

c).       Mights

d).      Are able to

...good reviews of that exhibition.

a).      Had read

b).      Have red

c).       Reading

d).      Had been read

If I were you I .. to that doctor.

a).      Couldn`t go

b).      Shouldn`t go

c).       Wouldn`t go

d).      Will not go

Nowadays, there are about 40 yeoman Warders, who.within the walls of the Tower.

a).      Lives

b).      Live

c).       Lived

d).      Is living

"I..hours on end in London`s fabulous museums."

a).      Could spend

b).      Could spent

c).       Would spent

d).      Will spent

Where have you.?

a).      Was

b).      Were

c).       Be

d).      Been

The airport at Gatwick also.a lot of international flights.

a).      Hands

b).      Handels

c).       Handles

d).      Has handels

I hate.lies.

a).      To tell

b).      To speak

c).       To ask

d).      Tell

The numerous parks.shelter from the noise of the city.

a).      Offers

b).      Offer

c).       Make

d).      Makes

The police promised me that they.the thief.

a).      Shall found

b).      Shall finding

c).       Would find

d).      Will found

If you tell them now they.enough time to solve the problem.

a).      Will have

b).      Shall have

c).       Would have

d).      Should have

Susan told us that her husband.just arrived.

a).      Have

b).      Had

c).       Has

d).      Have has

Clear Customs by taking...if you have anything to declare.

a).      Red Channel

b).      Green Channel

c).       White Channel

d).      Yellow Channel

Queen Victoria's memorial is in front of:

a).      Westminster Abbey

b).      Buckingham Palace

c).       Trafalgar Square

d).      Barbican Arts Centre

Richard's brother was:

a).      Henry VIII

b).      Edward I

c).       Henry II

d).      John

We can find street entertainers till late at night near:

a).      Oxford St.

b).      Mayfair's

c).       Leicester Square

d).      Petticoat Lane

The black-cab taxi service is available but it is rather...

a).      Expensive

b).      Modern

c).       Speedy

d).      Wide

Beowulf managed to kill the dragon with the aid of...

a).      Danish king

b).      King John

c).       Wiglaf

d).      Grendal

"The first exhibit displayed above us was a collection of..."

a).      Carrier bags

b).      Old cameras

c).       Small pefume bottles

d).      Beatles`records

Choose the possible association:

a).      Rigid, flexible, narrow

b).      Heavy, light, striped

c).       Law, short, tiny

d).      Oval, light, tall

The pilgrims went to:

a).      Canterbury

b).      Canterbary

c).       Cunterburry

d).      Canterbarry

....wrote" The Canterbury Tales".

a).      Gershwin

b).      Chaucer

c).       Goffrey

d).      Boccaccio

Whom does Holden ask about the duck's fate:

a).      Phoebe

b).      His sister

c).       The taxi driver

d).      His friend

"position" means:

a).      Level

b).      State of fact

c).       Rank

d).      Job

"to depend on" means:

a).      To trust

b).      To rely on

c).       To be certain about

d).      To belive for

"wild" means:

a).      Uncontrolled

b).      Big

c).       Uncivilised

d).      Desolate

"vacation" means:

a).      trip

b).      holidays

c).       free time

d).      time to spent


Andrew likes to eat..good food.

a).      The

b).      A

c).       -

d).      An

After a few days Mark lost...courage.

a).      -

b).      the

c).       a

d).      an

Hampstead is at 58 meters below..ground.

a).      -

b).      Some

c).       A

d).      The

The plural of "city" is:

a).      Cities

b).      Cityies

c).       Citys

d).      Cityis

He has bought a new..of furniture.

a).      Part

b).      Bit

c).       Piece

d).      Slice

Clear Customs if you declare.

a).      Anything

b).      Something

c).       Nothing

d).      Somebody

Mother is...cook I know.

a).      The best

b).      Better

c).       The better

d).      The most was barking behind the door.

a).      Black, little, nice

b).      Nice, little, black

c).       Little, black, nice

d).      Black, nice, little

...45 seconds a plane takes off or lands at Heathrow.

a).      Each

b).      Every

c).       Either

d).      Whatever

The little dog you `ve found is..

a).      Them

b).      My

c).       For theirs

d).      Mine

They made it..

a).      Himself

b).      Themselves

c).       Ourselves

d).      Yourselves

Andrew is the the class.

a).      Tallest

b).      More taller

c).       Most tallest

d).      Taller buried at St.Paul`s Cathedral.

a).      His

b).      Him

c).       Himself

d).      Herself

The...were invited at school.

a).      Pupils` parents

b).      Pupil`s parent

c).       Pupils` parent

d).      Pupiles parent`s

I was born on the:

a).      December three

b).      First of December

c).       Dicember first

d).      Decembre first was worth it.

a).      Hoped

b).      Has hope

c).       Had hope

d).      Have hope

London is where the majority of big business in Britain...

a).      Did

b).      Is do

c).       Was did

d).      Is done

He...his room yet.

a).      Has clean

b).      Hasn`t cleaned

c).       Isn`t cleaned

d).      Doesn`t cleaned

The first the newspapers in the late 50s were the Teddy Boys.

a).      To see

b).      To be see

c).       To be seen

d).      Was see stay at home this evening if it rains.

a).      Will

b).      Going

c).       Was going

d).      Are going the 1980s.

a).      Were built

b).      Was built

c).       Have been build

d).      Has been build

A his history teacher to tell the story of Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh.

a).      Was asked

b).      Has been ask

c).       Had been ask

d).      Had ask compose music for the upper layers.

a).      Haven`t want

b).      Had not wanted

c).       Has not want

d).      Hadn`t want

Mary.Tom for two years.

a).      Had known

b).      Have known

c).       Was know

d).      Were know

It`s a pity many problems.

a).      Had

b).      Have

c).       Is having

d).      Has

If I had stopped at Brasov we would..very late.

a).      Should get back

b).      Would get back

c).       Got back

d).      Have got back

They complained that they...all day.

a).      Has been singing

b).      Had sang

c).       Had been singing

d).      Have sing

Last week an exhibition of paintings in the Barbican Art Centre.

a).      Went

b).      Go

c).       Goes

d).      Gone

If father were here the money.

a).      Would give

b).      Would gave

c).       Will give

d).      Will given finish the book in time.

a).      Will be able

b).      Shall be able

c).       Are able

d).      Is able

Follow the....sign if you are ending your journey.

a).      Departures

b).      Arrival

c).       Passport Control

d).      Departure Lounge

The most famous libraries in the world are at:

a).      The British Museum

b).      Barbican Arts Centre

c).       Buckingham Palace

d).      The National Gallery

Henry III`s son was:

a).      Edward I

b).      Henry IV

c).       Richard the Lionheart

d).      John

You may also want to have a book at Mayfair`s elegant Vitorian...

a).      Market

b).      Arcades

c).       Art gallery

d).      Pubs

In London there is a of public transport.

a).      Large

b).      Sort

c).       Big

d).      Wide

When Beowulf had reigned..years, his kingdom was invaded by a fiery dragon.

a).      20

b).      30

c).       10

d).      50

Julie visited a fascinating exhibition with:

a).      Lizzie

b).      Catherine

c).       Jane

d).      Susan

Choose the possible association:

a).      High, heavy, opaque

b).      Woodon, brass, cotton

c).       Plain, concrete, striped

d).      Peach, purple, floral

"The Canterbury Tales" is a frame-story collection of.stories.

a).      10

b).      42

c).       24

d).      29

"The Canterbury Tales" is made up of:

a).      Two pats

b).      Four parts

c).       Three parts

d).      Five parts

Who accompanied Huck on his voyage?

a).      His sick father

b).      Tom

c).       Joe

d).      Jim

Where do Angel and Tess find refuge at night?

a).      At Stonehenge

b).      At Stratford

c).       At Stonhenges

d).      At Straford

What is General Burgoyne`s nickname?

a).      Gentlemanly Johnny

b).      Gentle Johnny

c).       Johnny the Brave

d).      Getlemenly Johny

Who is dr.Sloper?

a).      Morris` uncle

b).      Catherine`s father

c).       Sally`s father

d).      James` teacher

"phony" means:

a).      Crazy

b).      Telephoning

c).       Banal

d).      Hypocritical



1a, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9b, 10c, 11a, 12d, 13c, 14a, 15a, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19a, 20a, 21b, 22a, 23b, 24b, 25b, 26a, 27d, 28b, 29c, 30a, 31d, 32c, 33a, 34c, 35a, 36a, 37b, 38d, 39b, 40a, 41b, 42a, 43a, 44a, 45c.


1d, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6c, 7b, 8c, 9b, 10b, 11a, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15a, 16a, 17b, 18a, 19c, 20b, 21b, 22a, 23b, 24a, 25d, 26b, 27b, 28b, 29c, 30a, 31b, 32d, 33a, 34a, 35b, 36b 37c, 38b, 39b, 40a, 41b, 42a, 43a, 44b, 45b.


1d, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5a, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10b, 11d, 12a, 13b, 14a, 15a, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19c, 20c, 21a, 22c, 23b, 24a, 25d, 26b, 27a, 28b, 29a, 30a, 31c, 32c, 33a, 34c, 35a, 36b, 37b, 38a, 39c, 40b, 41a, 42b, 43a, 44a, 45a.


1d, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8d, 9a, 10b, 11c, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15b, 16d, 17b, 18a, 19b, 20a, 21b, 22c, 23c, 24b, 25b, 26b 27a, 28b, 29b 30b, 31c, 32b 33b, 34c 35a, 36c, 37a, 38a, 39a, 40a, 41c, 42b, 43c, 44c, 45b.


1d, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9d, 10a, 11b, 12a, 13d, 14b, 15a, 16a, 17b, 18b, 19c, 20a, 21c, 22c, 23a, 24b, 25c, 26a, 27d, 28c, 29b, 30b, 31b, 32a, 33b, 34a, 35b, 36a, 37a, 38d, 39a, 40c, 41b, 42c, 43a, 44a, 45d.


1b, 2b, 3d, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8c, 9b, 10a, 11b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15b, 16a, 17a, 18c, 19c, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23c, 24a 25b, 26a, 27a, 28c, 29b, 30d, 31b, 32a, 33b, 34c, 35a, 36c, 37a, 38a, 39d, 40c, 41b, 42a, 43b, 44d, 45b.


1c, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6c, 7c, 8b, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15c, 16b, 17b, 18a, 19a, 20a, 21c, 22b, 23a, 24d, 25c, 26a, 27b, 28c, 29a, 30b, 31a, 32b, 33d, 34c, 35a, 36c, 37a, 38c, 39a, 40b, 41c, 42d, 43b, 44a, 45b.


1c, 2a, 3d, 4a, 5c, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10d, 11b, 12a, 13c, 14a, 15b, 16a, 17d, 18b, 19c, 20d, 21b, 22a, 23b, 24a, 25d, 26d, 27c, 28a, 29a, 30a, 31b, 32a, 33a, 34b, 35d, 36d, 37a, 38b, 39c, 40a, 41d, 42a, 43a, 44b, 45c.

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