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PSIHOLOGIA IN ROMANIA IV (frustrari - atestari - emigrari)

Psihologie psihiatrie

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(frustrari - atestari - emigrari)


A patra cercetare privind starea psihologiei si a psihologilor, la sfirsit de mileniu II si inceput de mileniu III, din Romania, vine sa defineasca un moment de rascruce a disciplinei si a reprezntantilor acesteia. Acest moment ne-am propus sa-l studiem caracterizindu-l anticipat prin: numarul mare de absolventi ai facultatilor de psihologie, caracteristica centralizata a atestarilor profesionale, tendinte manifeste statistic de implicare in ocupatii conexe si tendinta de emigrare a psihologilor.

Esantionul semnificativ, de psihologi investigati cu ajutorul unui chestionar profesional construit de catre noi, a fost format de un numar de 211 psihologi din toata tara, dintre care 80% din noua generatie.

Optiunile colegilor prelucrate statistic parametric si non-parametric valideaza caracteristicile acestui moment de rascruce a carui caraceristici le-am presupus si le-am expus mai sus. Totodata s-au degajat si alte aspecte de notat: lipsa legislatiei specifice, ineficienta ONG-urilor profesionale specifice, frustrarea centrelor universitare privind posibilitatea atestarilor la nivel regional, salarizarea proasta, responsabilitatea ridicata, pericolul compromisurilor profesionale in raport cu imaginea profesiei in sfera constiintei socialae, penuria nationala de metode de lucru licentiate si lipsa preocuparii pentru cercetarea aplicativa ca suport stiintific pentru demersurile noastre profesionale.

Existenta unui potential deosebit la psihologii autohtoni nu scuza starea precara a psihologiei autohtone, construirea imaginii profesionale se face in raport cu semenul nostru.


The fourth research regarding the state of psychology and psychologists in Romania, at the end of the second millenium and the beginning of the third millenium, defines a crucial moment for this discipline and the people who perform it. We have taken on the task to study this moment by previously describing its traits: a large number of graduating students in psychology, the centralized character of the professional certificates, statistically certified tendencies of involvement in kindred occupations and the psychologists tendency to immigrate.

A significant sample of 211 psychologists from all over the country, among which 80% of the new generation, has been investigated by means of a professional questionnaire built by us.

Our colleagues options, processed by parametrical and non-parametrical statistics, confirm the upper mentioned traits of this crucial moment. At the same time, other important aspects emerged: the lack of specific legislation, the inefficiency of specific professional ONGs, the discontent of the university centers regarding the possibility of regional certification, unsatisfying remuneration, high responsibility, the peril of professional compromise regarding the image of this profession in the area of social consciousness, a nation-wide lack of licensed instruments of study and the carelessness regarding the applicative research seen as a scientific support for our professional approaches.

The existence of a considerable potential among Romanian psychologists does not excuse the precarious state of the Romanian psychology, and the establishment of professional image is made regarding our fellow men.

Capitolul 1 Caracteristici Esantion / Sample characteristics

Identitatea celor chestionati / The Name

Fig. 1 Identitatea celor chestionati / The Name

Continuam cercetarile noastre anterioare, incepute in 1997, cu PSIHOLOGIA IN ROMANIA IV, sau starea psihologiei autohtone prin prisma reprezentantilor ei in numar de 211. Putem sa afirmam ca majoritatea, 86% au responsabilitatea opiniilor lor despre profesia lor si starea ei. Aceasta valideaza cercetarea noastra. Dintre cei 14%, care nu si-au dat numele, la o analiza de protocoale, se releva mai mult o ezitare decit optiuni majore, care le-ar depasi responsabilitatea si indrazneala parerilor sau convingerilor: 3% dintre acestia sunt persoane peste 45 de ani, iar restul de 11% sunt tineri absolventi, dintre care unii sunt someri.

In consistency with our previous researches, started in 1997, we are continuing with Psychology in Romania IV, or the native psychology status through his 211 members viewpoint. We can sustain that the majority, 86 % assumed the responsibility for their opinion about the profession and its position. This validated our study. After a check list analysis between the 14% anonymous, its reveals an hesitation not major options that overcome their responsibility and their daring to an opinion or their conviction: 3% are over 45 years old and the rest of 11% are just graduated some of them being employees.

Distributia pe sexe / Sex distribution

Fig. 2 Distributia pe sexe / Sex distribution

Fata de cercetarile anterioare procentul de psihologi de sex feminin a crescut cu circa 6%, de fapt in toata lumea femeile detin procente semnificative in aceasta nobila profesie. In foarte rare cazuri, ne referim la tari, acest procent este sub 70%, in majoritatea tari europene.

Consecintele acestei situatii sunt, credem, benefice pentru anumite ramuri aplicative ale psihologiei: medicala, educationala, psihoterapie. In psihologia activitatilor profesionale procentul acestora scade sub 60%.

In comparison with the previous researches, the percentage for female psychologist is higher with 6%, however higher rates in this noble profession is own all over the world by females. But in a very few countries, most of them European, this percentage is under 70%. For certain applied psychology domains, like psychotherapy, educational psychology, and clinical psychology the consequences of this situation are benefic.

The percentage lowers down to 60% in professional activities psychology.

Varsta / Age

Fig. 3 Varsta / Age

Fata de cercetarile noastre anterioare procentul de psihologi sub 30 de ani a crescut semnificvativ, acum este de 50% si il prognosticam ca fiind in crestere.

Cauza principala este sistemul formativ actual din invatamintul superior care, putem afirma, scoate psihologi pe banda rulanta. Scuzabil pentru acest proces ar fi doar pregatirea schimbului dintre generatii, dupa cei 13 ani de singuratate a practicienilor 1977-1990, vezi cercetarea noastra Psihologia in Romania III in Volum EXTENSO EUPSIRO 2001 sau pe net la, sectiunea Articole. In rest starea de lucruri se datoreaza urmatorilor factori: numarul mare de facultati si sectii , uneori hibride, care ofera tinerilor sansa unei diplome de psiholog, a doua cauza este asa zisul efect taxa si la stat, in sfirsit fascinatia termenului de psihologie care nu si-a dobindit un continut real, lipsa legislatiei specifice si a eforturilor tinerilor psihologi de a se crede in posesia unei magice titulaturi. Vom mai trata aceasta problema.

Comparing to our previous research the percentage of psychologists under 30 has considerably increased being now of 50% and we expect that their number continue to grow.

The main reason for this state of being is the contemporary system of study in universities, which produces psychologists in bulk. Of some excuse for this process would be the exchange of generation preparations, after the so called 13 years of loneliness of the practitioners 1977-1990 (Psihologia in Romania III Extenso eupsiro 2001, Articles). Otherwise of the present state of being three elements are responsible: the great number of faculties and sections (sometimes hybrid) which offer young people the chance to get a degree in psychology, a second cause would be the so called effect taxa si la stat, and finally the fascination of the word psychology which has not gained yet its real meaning due to the lack in legislation and the young psychologists tend to consider their degree as a sort of magic title.

Starea civila / Marital status

Fig. 4 Starea civila / Marital status

Dar sa ne apropiem si mai mult de statutul celor care s-au oferit sa-si exprime opinia avizata despre ei psihologii si implicit despre psihologia autohtona. Viata lor sociala este clar influientata de starea lor civila care in mare parte se datoreaza virstei. In aceasta directie Fig. 6 ne poate si ea orienta. 39% dintre psihologi, in mare parte femei tinere, sunt necasatoriti. Ne ingrijoreaza oarecum procentul de divortati 19%. Ambele grupe relevate sunt, prin aditionare, aproape 50% din totalul esantionului, persoane care sunt singure din acest punct de vedere destul de formal. O mica parte sunt integrati socio-familial 27% si acestia fac parte din generatia de mijloc sau dintre cei experimentati.

Anumite tendinte ale generatiilor tinere ne fac sa credem ca integrarea maritala nu va evolua spectaculos in urmatorii ani. Factori economici, nesiguranta job-ului, inapetenta intreprinderilor pentru a angaja psihologi, posibilitatea, incurcata de formalisme ce-i drept, de a putea fi un intreprizator in sfera acestei profesii liberale sunt retele si retete nestiute sau neurmate inca de tinerii psihologi.

Lets examine the status of those who have offered to express their opinion on psychologists and, implicitly on the indigene psychology. Their social life is no doubt affected by their marital status. For this reason, fig.6 can give us a clue. 39 % of the young psychologists, most of them young women are unmarried. The 19% o divorced psychologists give somehow a reason of concern. Both these groups sum together about 50% of the total sample. A small part are integrated, 27% of these belong to the middle generation or to the experimented ones.

Certain tendencies of the young generation lead us to the assumption that the marital integration will not evolve in a spectacular manner during the following years. Economic factors such as the uncertainty of jobs, companies lack of interest in hiring psychologists and the possibility, strangled by bureaucracy of becoming a freelancer are yet the unknown complexities and recipes for young psychologists.

Numarul de copii al psihologilor / Number of children

Fig5 Numarul de copii al psihologilor / The number of children

63% dintre psihologi nu au copii, 37% insa s-au inscris, familial sau nu, pe aceasta traiectorie. Majoritatea au optat pentu un copil 18%, apoi procentele scad vertiginos. Din acest punct de vedere consideram ca psihologii nu si-au dorit nciodata, decit in cazuri rare, multi copii. Este destinul intelectualilor de ieri de azi si de miine. Probabil va exista o crestere a natalitatii in urmatorii ani in ceea ce priveste copii psihologilor, dar o prognosticam ca fiind ponderata, poate chiar scazuta. Media de virsta la care se concep copii este mai crescuta decit acum, intre 30-40 de ani. Si psihologii adera mai mult sau mai putin constient la marotele vremurilor.

63% of the psychologists do not have children, yet 37% have considered this issue. The majority has made the one child option 18% percentage decrease rapidly. From this point of view, we assume that psychologists have rarely optioned for the many children choice. This is, however, the destiny intellectuals of yesterday today and tomorrow have. In this respect, there will be probably a raise in childbirth within the next years but we predict it to be a balanced one, even low. The conception age media is now higher than (between 30 and 40 years) and the psychologists stick more or less to the times patterns.

Urbanitate vs ruralitate ca domiciliu

Urbanity vs. Rurality as residence

Fig. 12 Urbanitate vs Ruralitate ca domiciliu / Urbanity vs. Rurality as residence

Este cert ca profesia de psiholog este aproape exclusiv apanajul urbanitatii, cu cit dezvoltarea este mai lenta intr-o tara sau alta. Marile orase devin incet incet metropole inghitind ruralitatea din jurul lor, mai mult ruralitatea se urbanizeaza, lent la noi, dar se urbanizeaza.

Centrele universitare polarizeaza psihologii spre a fi urbani pina la fine de cariera. Aceasta nu inseamna ca cei proveniti din mediul rural sau periurban nu vor avea si ei aceasta tendinta. De fapt motivatia deciziei liceenilor sau liceenelor de a se forma ca psihologi are si componenta aceasta, dupa facultate este aproape sigur ca se ramine in perimetre urbane. Trebuie sa ne gindim si la faptul ca exista si asezaminte rurale care ofera psihologilor posibilitatea unei cariere de practician. Ne referim la statiuni balneoclimaterice, la asezaminte caritabile pentru copii cu nevoi speciale, fizice, psihice sau afective. Cei care vin din mediul rural sau semirural la oras sunt mai motivati pentru accensiune, sunt cei care vor sa ramina si parca fug de locul de bastina, chiar daca acesta este urban dar e o urbanitate mai proviniciala. Motivatii si motive inclusive aspiratii.

It has become a common place to find psychologists developing their activity in urban areas especially when it applies to a developing country. The big cities become little by little metropolis swallowing the villages in the surrounding area more even the village turns to urbanity itself. The university centres gather psychologists coming from all the areas including the rural or suburban ones. As a matter of fact, the motivation that stands for the high-schools boys and girls decision to become psychologists is related to this possibility to work in an urban area.

We should keep in mind that there are rural areas which offer psychologists a career opportunity. We have in mind here the watering and climatic resorts, the many foundations that deal with disabled children with various special needs. Those who come in the suburban or rural areas are motivated by accession.

Capitolul 2 Statutul informal al psihologului roman (2003) fara statut oficial. The Psychologists status (2003) without statute.

Psihologi universitari / Psychologists in the University field

Fig. 13 Psihologi universitari / Psychologists in the University field

Ne-a bucurat faptul ca in esantion s-au inscris si colegii nostrii universitari. Probabil ca au inteles ca trebuie sa aiba si ei parerile lor in legatura cu ce se intimpla cu absolventii lor. Ne punem intrebarea: Oare absolventii pe care-i avem sunt pe masura celor care i-au format?

Un lucru este cert, din rezultatele cercetarilor noastre anterioare, ca formarea este predominant teoretica, (vezi pe - PSIHOLOGIA IN ROMANIA III). Din acest motiv ne bucura faptul recent ca rectorii incearca sa compatibilizeze ariile curriculare universitare autohtone cu cele europene, iar latura formarii aplicative se accentueaza pina la un invatamint specializat. Ore viitorul nu ne rezerva disponibilitate si flexibilitate pentru a face fata cerintelor pietei? Speram ca in 2004 sa se ajunga la un consens.

Va lasam pe dvs. sa analizati situatia psihologilor universitari, mai ales ca presiunea celor tineri se pare ca este mare, iar lectorii sunt doctoranzi. Din pacate cei care trebuie sa-i formeze spre a deveni adevarati doctori sunt din ce in ce mai putini. Mai mult cei care se ocupa administrativ cu evidenta pasilor spre obtinerea doctoratului trateaza situatia intr-un spirit kafkian foarte conscvent si fara feed-back pentru cei implicati.

We are happy that our fellow members in the university staff have participated in this research. They have probably understood the impact of their opinion regarding their graduates future. The question here is: are the graduates worth their teachers? One thing in certain as it comes from our previous research, the forming in predominantly a theoretic one. ( - PSIHOLOGIA IN ROMANIA III). Therefore, we are glad that the rectors try to mach the local curricula with the European ones, and the applied forming becomes a specialized teaching. Will the future provide necessary flexibility and suitability to respond the market demands (needs)? Let us hope that 2004 brings a consensus.

We leave it to you to analyze the situation of the psychologists members in the university staff especially that the pressure from the young seems to be high and the lecturers are future Ph.Ds. Unfortunately those who are meant to train them are few. Even more, those involved in the administrative evidence of the steps towards the Ph.D. deal in a kafkian spirit with no feedback to those implied.

Statutul angajatorului / The employers statute

Fig. 14 Statutul angajatorului / The employers statute

Fata de cerecetarile anterioare trebuie sa mentionam ca psihologii autohtoni sunt pe cale de asi cistiga un statut informal cit mai autonom. Aceasta se releva din faptul ca 30% dintre ei lucreaza in cele doua sectoare distincte aparute dupa1990: cel de stat si cel privat, mai mult 13% s-au angajat pe propriile forte si in sectorul privat.

Fenomenul se datoreaza in primul rind salarizarii (a se vedea Fig.19)

extrem de mici a psihologilor din sectorul de stat si oarecum acelor din asa zisa privatizare a M.T.C.T. ului pentru fantomatica retea de examinare a soferilor dar si a Ministreului Muncii si Solidaritatii Sociale pentru cei care doresc sa faca selectie in profesii cu risc crescut.

Aici ne permitem sa semnalam inca o anomalie, psihologii din reteaua bugetara a Ministerului Transporturilor, care sunt specializati in selectia si nu numai, a persoanelor pentru si din profesii cu risc crescut, sunt vreo 46 astfel de profesii in cauza, pentru a asista alte persoane din alte profesii, in majoritate similare, trebuie sa dea acest atestat prin Asociatia Psihologilor din Romania contra unei taxe care deocamdata este 60 de euro, in lei la cursul zilei bineinteles, iar cistigul lor net lunar este sub 100 de euro chiar dupa 30 de ani de experientea profesionala.

Paralelisme sunt in floare sau psihologii sunt nevoiti sa traiasca in lumi paralele si putin coerente. Fenomenul compromisurilor profesionale continua mai ales in majoritatea ''laboratoarelor private'' pentru soferi amatori dar si profesionisti cu voia Comisiei Centrale, atentie bugetate, a onor Directiei Medicale din M.T.C.T.. Aceasta Comisie nu se ocupa de reteaua bugetara, pe care ar trebui sa o coordoneze metodologic si sa-i asigure dezvoltarea, ci se ocupa de ''atestarea'' retelei paralele, retea care este formata din multi tineri psihologi cu dosare de atestare voluminoase in forma dar majoritar vide in continut

Comparing to our previous research we have to mention that the local psychologists are gaining an autonomous statute, this becomes obvious from the fact that 30% of them work in the two sectors that have emerged after 1990 the state and private one. More than 13 % were employed in the private sector by their own means. This phenomenon is first due to the poor salaries in the state job areas and secondly to the offers of a so called privatization of the drivers examination web by the MTCT, and third the Ministry of Work and Social Protection offer of privatization in the personnel selection for the high risk profession.

Here we would like to signal an anomaly: the psychologists employed in the Ministry of Transport web who are qualified in the selection of personnel for the high-risk profession (there are 46 such professions) and also in the psychological assistance, have to give this examination for the certificate of practice, which for the moment costs 60 Euro (in ROL) while the monthly salary is under 100 Euro even to the ones with a 30 years experience. Psychologists have to live more and more in parallel and less coherent worlds. The phenomenon of professional compromise goes on especially within the majority of the private laboratories for professional and non-professional drivers, with the tolerance of the Central Commission of the Medical Direction in the Ministry of Transport. This commission does not look after the state web in order to coordinate and to assure a proper development, but gets involved in the parallel web confirmation, the latter being formed of young psychologists, owners of huge folders of confirmation which are empty in content.

Practicieni si situatia carierei lor / Practitioners and their careers condition.

Fig.15. Practicieni si situatia carierei lor / Practitioners and their careers condition.

Debutantii, sub 1 an vechime, au certa prioritate in acest studiu, acestia reprezinta, prin autodefinire, 19%. Colegii care au raspuns la chestionar au fost liberi sa-si autodefineasca caracteristica statutului lor. Din acest motiv paleta este foarte larga neputindu-se stabili categorii clare si in consecinta mai putine. Nici nu dorim sa incercam aici o categorisire, pe parcursul analizei se vor detasa aspecte de statut si altele interesante.

Consideram ca este important de retinut faptul ca asistam la o pulverizare a statutului de psiholog in substatute centrate pe o oarecare utilitate a implicarii lor in institutiile, organizatiile unde lucreaza, concomitent cu nivelari ale competentelor mai mult sau mai putin tintite in raport cu locul de activitate profesionala. De ex.: debutant, specialist (11%), practician (25%), oare ceilalti nu sunt practicieni, si in fine psihologi experti (5%).

In lipsa oricarei legislatii specifice, care ar putea face distinctia intre nivelele de competenta si specializari,: psihodiagnosticienii sunt (7%), terapeutii sunt (5%), acestia ultimii, au o pozitie statutara care nici nu este recunoscuta in tara decit prin niste certificate primite de la organizatorii de cursuri care au ca tinta optimista cucerirea acestei pozitii pentru psihologii autohtoni, dar mai ales culegerea taxelor de rigoare. Logopedzii sunt (11%) care au un statut consacrat, dar distinct de sursa de formare, de cind cineva a facut, cuiva matur, o incercare de corectare a vorbirii in taina locatiilor primaverii.

Apoi confuzia creste intre psiholog - pedagog (8%) si consilier scolar (3%).

Dupa parerea noastra, psihologii din mediul educational ar trebui sa indeplineasca toate cele trei competente si atunci am avea un procent de (21%). In proiectul de lege propus de catre Asociatia Psihologilor din Banat in 1998 si inregistrat cu numarul 405 la Parlamentul Romaniei, aceste categorii sunt mentionate ca distincte si credem mai clare, pentru ca angajatorii si psihologii sa nu mai fie victimele confuziei. De fapt in lista ocupatiilor si profesiilor exista doar profesia de PSIHOLOG, poz. nr. 43.

The debutantes have no doubt, priority in this research, they represent, by self-definition, a 19%, the college had that response to the questionnaires were free to self define their professional status. Because of this, there are not very accurate categories and in consequences fewer. To obtain a taxonomy is not the issue here, anyway some statute aspects will be obvious in our analyze itinerary.

We consider that is important to memorize the fact that we assist to the pulverizing of the physiologist statute in sub-statute centered by the utility of their implication in the organizations were they work. In the same time leveling of competences more or less targeted in relation with the place of work. For example: debutantes, specialists (11%) practitioners 25 %, are not the others practitioners? And finally experts in psychology, 5 %.

In the absence of a specific legislation to make the distinction between levels of competence and specialization: 7 % are psycho diagnosticians, and 5 % therapists, these last ones statute is not even recognized in the country only through certificates issued by trainers in courses. These certificates have the optimistic target i.e. to conquer this status for autochthonous psychologists, but mainly the fee collecting. The speech therapists are 11% and their is statute acknowledged but diverse by its forming source. Confusion increases in the situation of the psychologist, the pedagogue (8%) and school councilor (3%). In our opinion the psychologist in the education field should have all these three abilities and than we would have a 21%. In the project of law forwarded to the Romanian Parliament under the number 405 by the Psychologists Association from Banat these three categories are mentioned more clearly and distinguishably so that the employers and psychologists are no more victims of confusion. In fact in the list of professions only the profession of psychologist is mentioned at number 43

Practicieni si dispersia lor pe domenii / Practitioners dispersion by domains.

Fig 16 Practicieni si dispersia lor pe domenii / Practitioners dispersion by domains.

In acest caz am reusit sa facem o oarecare departajare pe cele trei domenii clasice de implicare: educational, medical si organizational, inclusiv zona privata.

EDUCATIONAL: Asa zisele inca ''scoli speciale'' detin ponderea parcticienilor din mediul educational (41%). Urmeaza hibridul statut (profesor - psiholog) din invatamintul liceal (31%) care alearga de la o scoala la alta sa-si incropeasca norma didactica. Mai intilnim si profesori de psihologie care nu sunt psihologi, in liceu, dar care predau psihologia. Ne punem intrebarea: Oare cum, in aceste conditii, un psiholog poate sa se ocupe de factorul uman din aceasta vasnica institutie - scoala - din moment ce psihologul alearga dupa orele datatoare de salariu neciuntit dar suficient de mic? Ce se pierde prin aceasta haotica organizare? Raspuns: Competenta unui specialist cu statut distinct care ar trebui sa abordeze scoala si dupa principii organizationale in totalitatea inerentelor sale resorturi umane.

MEDICAL: De remarcat ca numarul cabinetelor private a crescut semnificativ fata de 2001, acum reprezinta 29%. Insa dupa ce legi? Proaste si la cheremul Colegiului Medicilor care de fapt ii vor ca slujbasi pe psihologi. OUG nr. 88/1998 prevede o organizare hibrida, va asociati dar fara personalitate juridica , aceasta-i una, a doua: nu intra nimeni in cabinetul psihologului fara trimitere de la medic Rezulatat: Lipsa crasa de autonomie profesionala pentru psihologi. Oare mai stie cineva de colaborare interdisciplinara? sau Oare mai stie cineva de faptul ca scopul acestor specialisti este acelasi de a sprijini pe semenul lor prin prisma competentei pe care o detin si care trebuie respectata de catre medici.

Studentii la psihologie cauta si ei, cu obstinatie, din cauza confuziei de statut, annormalitatea pe care tind sa o vada si acolo unde nu este, si care, in sens statistic, abia daca se ridica la circa 7%. Dar oare cine alimentaeza acest 7% in afara nefericirilor ereditare? Este cert ca normalitatea, care, este drept, se observa mai greu, se defineste mai greu. Ce ne facem noi psihologii cu interstitiala zona marginala care ar trebui sa ne dea mai mult de furca fiind deocamdata expediata in derizoriu. Acolo credem ca este nevoie de psihodiagnostic diferential. Asa ca, deocamdata, ne complacem sa ne simtim bine in iluzia conceptelor facscinante care tin de psihopatologie riscind sa atribuim unui om normal si invers descriptori ce doar fascineaza dar nu definesc realitatea. Simplificam ceea ce este complex si complicam ceea ce este simplu. Construim statui virtuale fiind robii cuvintelor si nu simtului realitatii la care trebuie sa atribuim constructe pline de continut semnificativ.

In clinici, in spitale, in LSM-uri, private sau nu, salahoresc psihologi brat la bart cu asitentele, ca salarizare, incintati de faptul ca pacientii ii striga domn doctor, de fapt ar pierde mult timp sa le explice ce este aceea un psiholog. (71%). Ati vazut vreun psiholog din domeniul medical care a abordat institutia in care lucreaza ca pe o organizatie? Eu nu!

ORGANIZATIONAL: Credem ca aici normalitatea si-a mai intrat in drepturi: cabinetele private au 15% pondere, aceasta e bine. Ne uitam spre Europa. La fel justitia si domeniul militar au si ele un procent destul de bun (23%), aici psihologii sunt mai autonomi desi retelele formate depind inca mult de centru, psihologii inteleg mai repede ce este aceea responsabilitate lovindu-se de fenomene de dezadaptare destul de frecvente in ultimii ani printre populatiile tinta. La fel si in transporturi, reteaua bugetara reprezinta (33%). Primariile sunt interesate de a angaja psihologi, ar fi bine sa accentueze aceasta formula socio-existentiala profesionista. In urma cu citiva ani nu am inregistrat nici macar acest perocent de 5%. Pe scurt utilitatea psihologului a inceput sa fie resimtita, chiar asa fara un statut distinct, nu mai vorbim de salarizarea psihologilor din domeniul bugetar care a ramas la baza descurajanta a unui ridicol jenant si multidecenial.

In this case, we managed to make a division between the three classic domains: educational, medical, and organizational including the private area.

Educational: The so called specials schools hold the weight of numbers of practitioners in the education area 41% follows the hybrid statuted (teacher- psychologists) in high schools 31% teachers who teach psychology although their qualification is not that of psychologist. We asked ourselves: how can a psychologist deal with the human factor in this vigorous institution-the school when he or she has to rush from one course to another in order to complete the rate necessary to get a small salary. What is it to be lost through this chaotic organization? Answer: a specialist competence that should treat the school in accordance to the organization principles and his or her human resorts.

Medical: It is remarkable that the number of private psychological offices has significantly increased comparing to 2001 and now represents 29%. But by obeying what law? An unfitted one and being at the Medics Societys well please who in fact is seeking to subdue the psychologists work. The Governments Decision no./1998 authorize a hybrid organization, which leads to a lack of professional autonomy for psychologists. Has anyone taken into consideration the inter-discipline collaboration or does anyone still know that the goal of these specialists is similar to sustain their peers through psychological competence that should be respected by medics?

This confusion influences in a negative way the searches of the students in psychology who tend to see abnormality everywhere and which as a statistic is only of almost 7%. This abnormality is genetically sustained. For sure the normality is harder to identify and defines even harder. So, what we psychologists do about the interstitial limit zone that should studied hard instead of being minimized? We think that a differential psycho diagnoses is requested. For now, we like to use the fascinating concepts that belong to psychopathology with the risk to describe a normal human being in a way that does not define reality but fascinates. We tend to simplify what is complex and to complicate what is simple. We build virtual statues by being slaves to words and not to the sense of reality to whom we have to confer constructs with a significant content. In hospitals, clinics and mental health laboratories psychologists work hard while their salary is equal to that of a nurse. Even though they are pleased to be called doctor by their patients it would take too much time to explain what a psychologist is (70%) I have never seen a clinical psychologist who approach the medical institution as an organization.

Organizational: We believe that here the normality has won its rights: private offices hold 15%, which is a good thing. We are heading to Europe. In justice and the military domain, the psychologists have more autonomy even though the webs are still strongly related to centre. The percentage is good enough too (23%). Here the psychologists understand much quicker what responsibility has to deal with adaptation problems very frequently over the last years among the target populations. The same situation is to be found in the transport area, the budgetary represent 33%. The mayoralties showed their interest in hiring psychologists. Some years ago, the percentage was under 5%.

In short, the need for psychologists started to show, even though there is no a distinct statute for this profession and the salaries in the budgetary sector are ridiculous.

Numarul de joburi ale unui psiholog / The number of jobs of a psychologist

Fig. 17 Numarul de joburi ale unui psiholog

The number of jobs of a psychologist

De retinut ca : 27%, dintre psihologi, au mai multe joburi, din care 27% cite 2, 10% cite 3 si chiar 2% cite 4. Fenomenul mai multe joburi- se datoreaza in primul rind salarizarii deosebit de jenante a psihologului autohton. Cu jumatatea plina a paharului am spune: Este bine ca pot munci!, cu jumatatea goala a paharului am spune: Citi isi fac bine treaba bine in mai multe joburi?. Seninatatea, uneori debordanta, cu care ne privim jobul sau joburile, dupa atestari facute de comisii mai mult sau mai putin atestate ele insele, ne da sentimentul ca inotam sau ne scufundam in forme fara fond, implodam. Trebuie sa gindim pozitiv totusi.

Notice that 27% of the psychologists have many work places from these 27% have 2,10% 3 and 2% have 4 jobs. The phenomenon is due primarily to the very poor salaries the autohtonous psychologists are paid. Thinking on the bright side one would say, It is good that they work but again we would say: How well the job is done in all these work places? The serenity with which we look to our job or jobs, following certificates issued by committees more or less certified themselves, gives us the feeling of a swimming through coreless forms, or that of an implosion.

Ce fac cei ce nu profeseaza? / What do the psychologists that do not practice their profession

Fig. 18 Ce fac cei ce nu profeseaza?

What do the psychologists that do not practice their profession

Aici vrand nevrand se traieste intr-un continut a caror forme se definesc cit de cit clar, socialmente spus: 46% pensionari, numarul lor va creste semnificatv in urmatorii 5-6 ani. Si somajul este un fenomen socialmente determinat, ca procent este destul de dur (27%) desi acestia ar tebui sa constituie partea cea mai dinamica a breslei: tinerii absolventi pentru care structurile societatii in schimbare nu au apetit inca, daca mai adaugam si cei sau cele 9%, casnici sau casnice, mai bine zis, avem 38%.

Din pacate 17% sunt bolnavi, suferinzi. Afectiunile le-am comunicat in ROMANIA III/2001.

Here we have a percentage of 46 retired, their number will increase in the next 5-6 years; the unemployment is also a phenomenon socially determined and the percentage for this category is 27 even if this part is the most dynamic one (the young graduates whom the changing society structures have yet not shown interest) We can also add a 9% of house wives, we can as well say the total percentage is 38.Unfortunately 17% are ill. The illnesses have been described in ROMANIA III/2001.

Capitolul 3 Problemele si destinele carierei de psiholog

The net monthly renumeration

Situatia castigului net lunar al psihologului /

Fig. 19 Situatia castigului net lunar al psihologului

The net monthly renumeration

Analiza succinta pe care o vom face se va raporta la moneda europeana (). 32% dintre psihologi (debutantii) primesc salariul minim pe economie, aceasta insemana sub 100 , circa 60 , abia 18% dintre psihologi tind sa ajunga la 150 circa 6 mil. lei. Starea de lucruri este generata de faptul ca aceste cistiguri, pe de o parte, sunt multe de tip bugetar si pe de alta parte, psihologii autohtoni nu se asociaza usor pentru a se impune, in aceste conditii isi vind prea ieftin profesionalitatea. Acest lucru ne aduce aminte de o butada a profesorului Nicolae Margineanu mentionata inca din 1942 in cartea sa ''Psihotehnica'' editata la Sibiu, psihologul este ''ca un ceas de aur vindut pe un pol'' (pol = 20 de lei).

Trebuie sa amintim ca in anul de gratie 2000, proiectul legii nr. 504/1998, a psihologiei si a psihologului roman, propusa de Asociatia Psihologilor din Banat, care includea si constituirea Colegiului Psihologilor sub autoritatea Asociatiei Psihologilor din Romania, a fost blocata in Parlament pentru ca un articol prevedea ca in perspectiva salarizarea psihologilor sa fie aliniata la standardele europene. (UE).

Modul in care grilele de salarizare impuse de Ministerului Sanatatii si a Familiei includ si pe cele ale psihologilor platindu-i ca atare, adica prost, ca pe niste ''catei de lux ai spitaleleor'', care in cazul restructurarilor sunt considerati ''maidanezii sau comunitarii spitaleleor'', primii pe liste. Mai mult, sunt spitale cu statut de clinici universitare care administreaza laboratoare de psihologie bugetare si care nu includ acest criteriu cind este vorba de salariile psihologilor. Se pot mentiona: Spitalele Universitare CFR: Bucuresti, Cluj, Iasi si Timisoara. Motivanta masura, nu ?!

Abia pentru 11% dintre psihologi cistigul net depaseste 200 , acum circa 8 mil. lei. Sunt acei psihologi care cumuleaza cistiguri nete de la 2-3 joburi.

O intrebare credem ca isi are locul aici: Rezultatele noastre profesionale se ridica la o valoare pecuniara cit de cit decenta ? Sau.. doar vrem ori nu stim sa ne vindem munca ? Un prim raspuns se impune: Cu mijloacele pe care le avem la dispozitie deocamdata, intrinseci si extrinseci, nu prea avem, imediat vorbind, alta sansa. Sunt psihologi care isi sacrifica economiile pentr a cumpara teste, pentru a cumpara birotica si softuri, pentru a urma cursuri postuniversitare, pentru asi da atestari. Aceasta inseamna ca incearca sa se implice. Dar sunt si psihologi carora nu li se asigura un minimum de conditii profesionale conform normativelor in vigoare si atunci nu trebuie sa ne miram ca migreaza spre posturi care nu au nimic comun cu profesia lor de baza dar sunt mai bine platite. Exista si sansele unor mariaje confortabile din punct de vedere pecuniar care nu de multe ori sunt ocolite.

In the analysis that follows, we are going to relate to Euro. 32% of the psychologists (debutantes) get the minimum remuneration under 100 Euro, at about 60 Euro, only 18% of the psychologists tend to reach 150% (6.000.000 ROL). This situation ca be explained by the fact that these incomes come in the budgetary area, on the other hand the local psychologists will not easily unite in order to force themselves upon, under these circumstances they sell too cheap their professionally. This reminds us a quotation from Professor Nicolea Margineanu book Psihotehnica published in 1942 in Sibiu the psychologist is a golden watch sold for a dime. We have to remind that in 2000 the project of law 504/1998 initiated by the Psychologists Association of Banat where it has been stipulated that the psychologists salaries should match the European standards did not pass the parliaments vote. The Ministry of Health and Family payment standards for psychologists are at the lowest while the psychologists are the head of the unemployment lists completed by hospitals management. The university hospitals in Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, and Timisoara that have specialized laboratories of psychology give psychologists the same poor budgetary remuneration instead of paying them by taking into account the higher grade of the institutions. Is this a motivating measure?

Only 11% of psychologists earn over 200 Euro (at about 8 000 000 ROL) This comes from 2 or 3 jobs remuneration. We find appropriate to ask: are our professional results worth of some decent payment or we do not know who to sell our work? An answer would be taking into consideration the means, we do not have, other chances at least for the next future. The psychologists spend their feeble economies to buy testes, PC hardware and software, to follow courses, to get certificates. This means they are willing to involve. But there are psychologists who do not have the minimum of professional conditions so we should not be surprised to find they leave their posts to jobs that have nothing in common with their profession but better paid. There are also the chances of conformably solid marriages, which are not often avoided.

Evaluarea acestor castiguri nete / The evaluation of these net incomes

Fig. 20 Evaluarea acestor castiguri nete -The evaluation of these net incomes

Abia 2% dintre noi o aperciem ca fiind foarte buna, probabil sunt acei psihologi care au 2-3 joburi sau sunt angajati pe post de psiholog la organizatii private, care organizatii, firme, le pretuiesc munca. Suntem curiosi daca peste citiva ani acest procent se va pastra, mai ales ca avem tendinta de a ne autoprezenta in moduri de multe ori individualist cu un Ego destul de dilatat. Vom confirma asteptarile avansate prin discursurile noastre ca o sa facem si o sa dregem?

Patronii nu-si pot permite sa pastreze ''flori la butoniere'' adica sa se laude la diverse intruniri ca au si ei psihologul lor, ei vor rezultate si demonstrarea lor.

Totusi activitatea noastra nu este evaluata ca valoare sociala in 18% din cazuri daca evaluarea se face conform criteriului: cistigului net lunar. Aceasta este aproape de necontestat intr-o tara unde ''mina si mintea de lucru este ieftina'', modelul este dupa cum vedeti contagios. Pacat ca, in multe cazuri, rezultatele muncii noastre, ori sunt inghitite de un conglomerat hibrid (medico-managero-pedagogico-etc.) unde disponibilitatea, face casa comuna la nivel bazal si nu la virf unde perceperea eficientei noastre este mai facila, cu servitutea.

Dragostea de sine si de profesie fac o casa buna cu tagma profitorilor mai mult sau mai putin institutionalizati.

Pe de alta parte costurile atestarilor si a cursurilor meteorice este ridicol de mare pentru cei 81%. Ai nevoie, poti sa le obtii cu taxele aferente, mari de altfel, ceea ce te provoaca sa compensezi intr-un timp cit mai scurt, si asta cum se face, cit mai simplu, prin compromisuri profesionale care cresc numarul de  persoane asistate/unitatea de timp  si bineinteles creste si numarului de taxe incasate pe aceiasi unitate de timp.

Fenomenele relatate de J. Evans la Congresul profesional de la Montreal (1994) continua nestingherite de corul mic a vocilor noastre de atentionare. (vezi art. Experienta de la Montreal din Vol II a Simpozionul de Psihologie Aplicata organizat de Asociatia Psihologilor din Banat in 1977 la Timisoara, Ed. Eurobit)

Colegiul Medicilor ne dicteaza din 1998/prin HGR 88, o Comisie de atestare din actualul MTCT dicteaza si aceasta, o alta din APR face la fel vis a vis de atestari. Oare cine i-a atestat pe cei care atesteaza? Si atunci ne mira de ce suntem prost platiti?

Only 2% of us appreciate this situation as being very good, probably the psychologists who have 2 or 3 jobs or are employed by private organizations, or companies who appreciate their work. We would be interested to know if in a few years this percentage will stand, especially there is the tendency to self-represent ourselves in an individualistic manner with an expanded Ego. Will we confirm our expectations as we state them through our discourses? What employers want are the results. Yet, if the evaluation of our work judged after the monthly remuneration our activity is not estimated as social value in 18% of cases. This is almost incontestable in a country where work both physical and mental is cheap the pattern is as you can notice, contagious. Pity that in many cases, the results of our work are often lost in a hybrid conglomerate (medical, managerial, pedagogical) where availability, goes well together at the basis level not at the top where the perception of our efficiency is more easily sensed, with servitude. Egocentricity and love for profession go well together with the profit makers more or less institutionalized. On the other hand, the expenses and fees for courses and certificates are ridiculously high for the 81%. One can get them if needed, at those high charges but this lead to a will to recover ones investments as soon as possible and this leads to professional compromises. The phenomena mentioned by J. Evans at the Professional Congress in Montreal in 1994 continue to exist in spite of the warning signals from the psychologists. (Art. The Montreal Experience vol. II the Applied Psychology Symposium Timisoara 1977) The Medics Society dictates in the 88 HGR /1998 a Commission of Validation within the Ministry of Transport, another one in the APR does the same. But who validated the ones that validates us? And then we ask ourselves why be we so poorly paid?

Cauze ale castigului net nesatisfacator / Causes of the low net salaries

Fig. 21 Cauze ale castigului net nesatisfacator / Causes of the low net salaries

Am avansat anterior o filosofie aplicata apartinatoare psihologului roman, acum sa devenim mai concreti. 13% evalueaza bransa noastra ca fiind o categorie profesionala defavorizata si in functie de starea economica a tarii cu balanta suficient inclinata spre cantitatea de importuri.

Ne intrebam cum stam noi cu importurile si cu citatele necitate din cursuri, carti de specialitate?

Inregistram un procent de 4% de sacrificati pe altarul psihologiei din resurse motivationale. Putini pentru o realitate destul de dura. Sunt utopicii, victime ale creatorilor de iluzii, adica de oratorii didactici rupti de realitati, in felul lor, si conesrvatori.

Servitutea pentru noi (11%) este o pilda de masochism intelectual si statutar.

Cei 19% sunt printre cei mai realisti prin asa zisa eticheta de ''neproductivi profesional'' si sper ca acest procent sa nu se refere la rezultatele unor cadre didactice, a unor formatori profesionali, ci la cei din domeniul cu adevarat aplicativ care au tendinta de a reduce totul la test si la rezultatele aplicarii sale:cote, date, etc.. Inabilitatea se vede din capitolele, parca anorexice, de analiza a datelor din lucrarile de licenta.

Exista in Romania vreo baterie de teste validata cum scrie la carte? Credem ca numai noua baterie ''Cognitrom'' construita la Cluj, indeplineste aceasta functie esentiala doar pentru scopul de orientare scolara si profesionala, cum si-au propus autorii.

Oare citi psihologi din domeniul educational vor lucra cu aceasta, desi unora li se cere sa faca acest tip de asistenta si consiliere?

We have previously put forward the applied philosophy of the Romanian psychologist, let us now come to matter that is more concrete. 13 % evaluate our profession branch as being a professional category affected by the poor shape of the Romanian economy. We ask ourselves what about the imports in our domain? We have a 4% of sacrifice on the altar of psychology of motivational reasons. Few for a though enough reality. These are the utopians victims of the illusion makers, of the orators detached from reality and, in their way, conservatives. Servitude for us (11%) is an example of intellectual and statute masochism. The 19 % are among the most realistic ones through the so called label professionally unproductive and I hope that this percentage does not refer to certain teachers results, but to those from the applied domain who have the tendency to reduce all to test and results: data, quota, etc Is there any set truly validated of tests in Romania? We find that the new set of tests Cognitrom created in Cluj is fit only for the scope of school and vocational orientation, the authors had this objective in mind. How many psychologists from the education field are going to work with this set even if some of them are asked perform this type of assistantship and counseling?

Cariera in Romania? / Career in Romania?

Fig. 22 Cariera in Romania? / Career in Romania?

72% dintre psihologi prefera sa-si construiasca o cariera de psiholog in Romania.

28% insa nu au aceasta prferinta, sunt cunoscatorii de o limba straina si doresc sa emigreze probabil, intru si pentru psihologie.

Trebuie sa inspectati si diagrama cu  Motivele Emigrarii (Fig.37)  ca sa va dati seama ca 12% & 26% isi dorec sa emigreze din varii motive nu numai din cauze profesionale, mai ales ca 75% din lotul studiat sunt psihologi de sex feminin.

72% of psychologists prefer to build their career in Romania.

28% of psychologists know a foreign language and want to emigrate.

If you examine the diagram containing the reasons for emigration you will notice that 12% and 26% have many other reasons than the professional achievement to emigrate, especially that 75% of the studied lot are female.

Domenii de interes pentru o cariera de psiholog in Romania / Domains of interest for a psychologists career in Romania

Fig. 23 Domenii de interes pentru o cariera de psiholog in Romania

Domains of interest for a psychologists career in Romania

99% vor sa cunoasca OMUL, 96% vor sa-l abordeze holistic, 74% se apropie de annormalitatea OMULUI aflat in suferinta, 74% vor sa si intervina dupa ce au cunoscut OMUL, iar 73% sunt mai pragmatici, vor sa intre in moda cunoasterii soferilor o psihologie de statut mai ales sa nu zicem soferi amatori ca amatorism destul avem in aceasta bransa lansata oficial si birocratic pe piata intreprinzatorilor psihologi, circa 600, acum. Abia 21% vor sa se implice intr-o problema acuta a generatiilor tinere, dependenta de droguri, nu mai amintim de consumul preferential pentru alcool de la 10-11 ani pina la adinci batrineti mioritice.

Si amalgamul continua, e drept sectorizat si cu o convergenta pe domenii tintite, specializate chiar fascinante. Saraca personalitate, definita in diverse feluri de catre psihologi, pe orice treapta de dezvoltare sau regres ar fi aceasta. Universitaatile ofera destui psihologi care parca nu vad padurea din cauza copacilor.

Probabil asistam la un fenomen socio-profesional ce presupune o orientare spre ultraspecializare, ori se trece prin momentul zero pentru o posibila dezvoltare a carierei. Totul credem ca pleaca de la accentuarea formarii, predominant teoretice, in facultatile noastre.

Daca se va trece la accentuarea reala a formarii aplicative, dupa cum rectorii se pare au hotarit in 2003, ne intrebam: ''Citi dintre tinerii universitari, nu ne referim la exceptii, si cei in prag de pensionare, se simt macar apropiati de practica psihologica?''

De 12 ani, la facultatea de psihologie a Universitatii Tibiscus din Timisoara, la disciplina Psihodiagnostic (an II) se ajunge la determinarea, prin modulele de lucrari practice, studentilor sa invete tehnicile de aplicare a testelor si nu numai, pe subiecti voluntari, urmind ca apoi sa construiasca profilele psihologice, sa faca portrete psihologice majoritar descriptive in aceasta etapa, dar atit de necesare pentru practica psihologica. Ei invata cum se obtine si informatia non-test de la acesti subiecti voluntari, recrutati de studentii care sunt inclusi in programul acesta. Este destul de putin pentru un psiholog, dar mult pentru un student si procesul ar trebui sa continue in anii urmatori pina la stadiile explicative.

99% seek to know the human being, 96% prefer a holistic approach, 74% come close to the abnormality of the suffering human being, 74% want to intervene after they have met the SPC, and 73% are more practical and choose the drivers psycho testing domain. Only 21% want to involve in the young generations problems, the drogue addiction as to the alcohol addiction, this is a vice present among all categories of age.All starts with our university courses that emphasize on the theoretic basis mainly leaving aside the applied part. If there is a real change in the manner of study and the applied psychology as the rectors have decided in 2003, then we would question on the young university teachers show real interst in the appiled psychology. The Faculty of Psychology of the Tibiscus University in Timisoara has attempted an aproach by introducing in the curricula for the second year of study the discipline of Psychodiagnoses.Thus the students were encouraged to make use of the testes and learn the techinques of using the test sets on volunteers and build their psychological profile. These profiles were mostly descriptive at this stage, but so necessary for the exercise. The students learn how to get the not-test information from the volunteers recruted by the students included in this practice.This is rather insignificant for a psychologist but for a student it means a lot ,and we think the process should go on with the explicative stages in the next years.

Ierarhia domeniilor de interes general in psihologie A hierarchy of the domains of general interest in psychology

Fig. 24 Ierarhia domeniilor de interes general in psihologie

A hierarchy of the domains of general interest in psychology.

S-au identificat 15 domenii de interes aplicativ si altele patru de factura oarecum generala.

- 61 %, din optiuni, sunt pentru psihologie medicala, avind ca tinta OMUL aflat in suferinta;

- 52 %, din optiuni, pentru psihologie educationala, avind ca tinta elevul, un OM in alta ipostaza;

- Abia 26%, din optiuni, se plaseaza in domeniul psihologiei organizationale avind ca tinta OMUL ca actor principal, cu performante si competente, al organizatiei inteleasa ca sistem socio-dinamic si aflata pe diverse trepte de evolutie;

Putem afirma ca acest ultim procent este suplinit de optiunile de 29% pentru domeniul transporturilor, daca abordam organizational si domeniul acesta, precum si de cele 18% alocate de colegi psihologiei reclamei.

Cercetarea fundamentala nu intruneste decit 10% din optiuni, insa acest procent, cumulat cu procentul cercetarii aplicative inclusiv cea cognitiva ajunge la 51%. Se pare ca pasiunea de a cerceta nu-i paraseste pe colegii nostri, numai sa o realizeze. Din pacate finantarile pentru acest domeniu lasa de dorit, precum si interesul potentialilor finantatori.

Optiunea principala este una generala, pentru psihodiagnostic, adica 86%, aproape la fel se prezinta si optiunea holistica adica personologia in 84% din cazuri, suplinita de dorinta de interventie prin psihoterapii in 73% din cazuri. Psihologul nu poate asista la nesfirsit la starea SPC-ului, doreste sa si intervina, chiar cu o preferinta de 37% pentru terapii comportamentale.

Se releva astfel, din diagrama, o diversitate mai putin coerenta pentru diverse domenii de interes, nefacindu-se diferentierea clara intre aplicativ si general.

Pentru 35% ,din optiuni, mai ales cele ale tinerilor, se doreste realizarea unei cariere universitare, dar totodata ne intrebam: Sunt acestia in stare sa devina in scurt timp formatori adevarati si reformatori realisti, pentru generatiile care vin, sau mai simplu simt ei nevoia unei rigori in invatare, in studiu a ceea ce nu au reusit in mare parte pina acum neavind legatura cu practica?

There was indentified a number of 15 domains of applied interest and other 4 of a general essence.

61% of the options go to medical psychology, aiming at the suffering human being

52% of the options go to educational psychology aiming at the pupil

Only 26% of the options go to the psychology of organization aiming at Man as the Actor playing the leading role; the organization understood as a socio dynamic system on various stages of evolution.

We can assert that this last percentage is replaced by the 29% options for the transportation domain if we look for an organization aspect of this field as well as the 18% aloted by our fellow psychologists to the advertising area.

The research acquire 10% of the options, but this percentage added to the percentage obtained for the applied research including the cognitive one reaches 51%. It seems that passion of investigation is still present with our fellow psychologists, they just have to go on. Unfortunately, the budgets for this area is poor and so are the interest of the potential sponsors. The main option is a general one, for psychodiagnose that is 86% almost similar to the percentage of 84 gained by the holistic option replaced by the wish of intervention through psychotherapy in 73% of cases. The psychologist cannot simply watch the SPCs status he or she wishes to intervene; there is here a preference of 37% for comportamental therapies.

The diagram reveals a diversity of domains of interest but makes no clear difference between general and applied. 35% of the options, especially those made by the young fellows go to a university career. Yet we wonder: are these young fellows fit to become in a short time good teachers and realistic reformers? Or in simple words: do they feel the urge of rigor in teaching, by studying of what they have not succeeded yet and not being related to the practice?

Forma de realizare a carierei in Romania Where would you like to be active as a psychologist?

Fig. 25 Forma de realizare a carierei in Romania - Where would you like to be active as a psychologist?

82% dintre colegii nostrii doresc orice domeniu cu conditia sa practice psihologia;

Interesante sunt dorintele in procent de 64%, respectiv 56%, de a se realiza in sectorul privat, ceea ce ascunde tendinta spre o autonomie profesionala reala, respectiv si pentru un cistig mai consistent. In aceste context putem asocia si optiunile de 16% (clinica medicala privata), 26% isi doresc o cariera universitara, in acest caz % este usor crescut, dupa parerea noastra, insa este scuzat de puzderia, inca, a facultatilor de psihologie care in viitor isi vor probabil restringe numarul. Se poate observa din diagrama ca cercetarea fundamentala este in suferinta, fapt constatat si in cercetarile noastre anterioare in legatura cu starea si evolutia psihologiei in Romania. Utilizam cu prisosinta concepte fara sa le cercetam sau sa le imbogatim continutul prin cercetare. Indoiala, in multe cazuri, nici nu se mai afla printre noi sau in mintile noastre profesionale. Totusi orientarea neo-experimentala clujeana poate ca va avea sorti de izbinda cu tinerii care o sustin, o practica in tara si in afara ei.

Asociatia Psihologilor din Banat are membrii si in strainatate, in numar de 27, dintre care 2 persoane sunt angajate in proiecte de cercetare fundamentala (USA) facind parte din echipe interdisciplinare. La noi spiritul de echipa si de asociere avind ca tinta scopul cercetarii lasa inca de dorit. Este greu sa treci, ca psiholog autohton, de la EU la NOI !

Citi psihologi mai sunt in aceasta situatie, nu stim, speram sa mai fie si mai ales speram sa dea un feed-back pentru psihologia autohtona chiar daca nu se intorc.

82% of our fellow psychologists prefer any domain but under one condition to practice psychology. The wish to develop a career in the private sector present in a percentage of 64% and 56% stand for the tendency to a professional autonomy, and a better payment. Here we can add the options of 16% from the (private medical clinic), 26% wish to have a university career in this case the percentage is sensibly high, in our opinion, but understandable if we take into account the multitude of faculties of psychology which probably in the future will decrease.

As it can be seen from the diagram the fundamental research is poor, this thing has already been signaled in our privious researches related to the evolution of psychology in Romania. We rarely investigate or attempt to enrich the concepts we use.Doubt is no longer present in our proffesional minds. Yet the neo-experimental orientation in Cluj with all its young people that sustain and parctice it both in the country and aborad may have the chances to win.

The Psychologists Association from Banat has 27 members abroad from who 2 are involved in research projects in the USA . Unfortunalety in Romania when it comes to research, the team spirit still has to be formed. It is difficult for a autochthonous psychologist to pass from I to Us.We hope that the Romanian psychologists who are involved in research abroad give us notice even if do not wish to come back to Romania.

Starea postuniversitara a psihologului autohton

The postgraduate status of the autochthonous psychologist

Fig. 26 Starea postuniversitara a psihologului autohton

The postgraduate status of the autochthonous psychologist

Pentru inceput mentionam ca 50% dintre psihologi nu au urmat inca nici o forma de studiu organizat post-universitar. Ceilalti 50% s-au angrenat din motivatii intrinseci sau fortati de imprejurari in cistigarea unor competente pe o plaja destul de larga si uneori confuza din cauza unei coordonari mai putin coerente, a unei lipse de informare promotionala si a lipsei unei legisaltii specifice.

21% dintre psihologi s-au specializat oarecum prin atestarea oferita de MMSS cu ajutorul Asociatia Psihologilor din Romania in legatura cu probleme psihologice ale securitatii muncii. In psihologia transporturilor rutiere, pentru cabinetele private, mai sunt inca 9% de atestari. Acest ultim % este nesemnificativ fata de cei aproape 600 de psihologi care se ocupa de ''selectia soferilor'' intr-un mod destul de controversat din punct de vedere stiintific. Insasi modul birocartic de acceptare a atestarii in acest sector amprentat de amatorism psihologic determina un set de asteptare care nu vizeaza continutul ci doar forma care da bine si naste alte forme fara fond. Sunt multe de reprosat acestei situatii, inclusiv nepreocuparea psihologilor implicati mai mult formal/transversal, pentru formarea unei mentalitati robuste privind disciplina rutiera. Accidentele rutiere nu si-au scazut rata, mai ales la tineri incepatori si la cei in virsta. Oare mai avem nevoie de teoria aptitudinilor, oare se mai poate demonstra ca o examinare psihologica, in acest domeniu, este fundamentata stiintific? Nu cumva o selectie psihologica, de acest fel, este confundata cu posibilitatea de a desfasura activitatea in sine? Forme, forme, forme.!

Domeniul educational este bine reprezentat, 18% sunt profesori definitivi, tot 18% sunt psihologi scolari consilieri, 12% psihologi educationali, abia 3% psiho-pedagogi, in total 51%. Problema este tabloul destul de confuz si in acest domeniu, daca ne luam dupa titulaturile intilnite.

Ar putea fi important de mentionat ca am inregistrat ca 2% dintre psihologi se ocupa de hipnoza, dar ne intrebam : Unde s-au facut aceste initieri, de catre cine? Noi nu stim.

Mult mai sigur este procentul de 5% care constituie psihologii cu doctoratul dat, desi criteriile MEC-ului sunt destul de incoerente deocamdata, ca si aceasta ierarhie a optiunilor analizate doar pe aceste directii.

50 % of the psychologists did not follow a postgraduate course.The other 50% who did, were motivated by circumstances and by the will to get competence on a large range, sometimes confusing due to a less coherent coordination and a lack of promotional information associated with a lack specific legislation.

21% of the psychologists have somehow specialised through the certification offered by the MMSS with the help of the Psychologists Association from Romania in the work security field. 9% of certifications go to the private offices specialized in road transportation psycholog. This last percentage is rather insignificant towards the 600 psychologists who deal with the selection of drivers in a most controversed way from a scientific point.

There are many things to say against this situation including the psychologists lack of interest in forming a healthy mentality in respect of the road rules. The rate of accidents did not decrease and it is higeramong beginners ,young people and eldery. Do we stillneed the theory of aptitudes? Can one demonstrate that a psychological examination in this area is scientifically founded ?Is not a psychological selection of this sort mistaken for the possibility to develop the action itself?

The educational area is better represented; 18% are teachers; the same 18 % go to school counselors 12% educational psychologists,only 3% psycho-pedagogues a totla of 51%.The problem is the frame which is rather confusing in this area ,if we examine the appellations present here.

It would be important to mention that 2% of psychologists deal with hipnosis. Who initiated them and where is something we do not know.

5% have a Ph.d even though the Ministery of Educations criteria are rather incoherent at the moment, and so is this option hierarchy analized up to now only by the criterium of direction.

Capitolul 4 Date priviind problema emigrarii Data on emigration

Limbi straine cunoscute de psihologi

Foreign languages mastered by psychologists

Fig. 27 Limbi straine cunoscute de psihologi

Foreign languages mastered by psychologists

Si breasla psihologilor este sub efectul globalizarii: 36% dintre psihologi afirma ca stapinesc limba engleza, 25% franceza si 12% germana.

Tinerii absolventi, speram ca in 2 ani vor creste semnificativ procentul cunoscatorilor de engleza, in primul rind. Studentii de azi, multi dintre ei, simt aceasta necesitate si se implica: traduc, discuta despre noi surse de informare, cauta si pe NET aceste surse. Credem ca important este ca sa fie invatati de a fi selectivi, mai ales ca puzderia infromationala ofera si capcane pseudostiintifice de tip astro-psihologic si multe altele. Avem de a face cu o hibridizare consumatoare eventual de reactii emotionale si de gonflare a unui EU zapacit si dezorientat, cu o simptomatologie de factura mai mult reactiv - nevrotica.

Nimeni nu stopeaza proiecte de acest tip, insa o brusca implicare sub umbrela acestui hibrid, de exemplu, creaza senzatia de omida extraterestra conectata la o lume personala dezorientata. Chestiunea ca si in aceste situatii se percep taxe, de la naivi. Dar ce are acest text cu limbile straine cunoscute de catre psihologi? Are pentru ca piata este plina de reviste pseudostiintifice, editate si in limbi straine, si acestea sunt consumate de pe pozitia pseudo-stapinirii unor sisteme conceptuale stiintifice.

Autoevaluari ale cunoaasterii limbilor straine

Selfreports about levels of languages mastered

Fig.28 Autoevaluari ale cunoaasterii limbilor straine

Selfreports about levels of languages mastered

Doar 12% dintre psihologi apreciaza ca stapinesc o limba straina foarte bine, 26% apreciaza ca o stapinesc bine. 46% afirma, probabil ca nu exerseaza conversatia, insa sunt in stare sa traduca in limba romana texte dintr-o limba straina. In sfirsit 16% se autoevalueaza ca fiind incepatori.

Aceste date ne determina sa facem un scurt comentariu.

Daca limba engleza se impune pe zi ce trece, mai ales in media, in sursele bibliografice, aceasta situatie inpune si un efort progresiv de cunoastere a acestei limbi, care este de fapt virful de lance al globalizarii.

Aceasta stare de lucruri este suplinita destul de putin vizibil de ceea ce se face la cursurile de limbi straine din facultati. In liceele absolvite, de membrii lotului nostru, lucrurile nu au stat deloc bine (vezi pe - Psihologia in Romaania III). Cercetarea releva faptul ca limbile straine nu ocupa un loc onorabil printre preferintele celor in cauza. Tot acolo se afirma si faptul ca sunt lacune de cunoastere la discipline bazale: gramatica si matematica adica aritmetica.

Only 12% of the psychologists report that they are at an expert level, 26 % report that they are at upper intermediate or intermediate level .46% consider themselves able to translate into Romanian a text from an foreign language even if they dont practice spoken English.16% report as beginners.

This stastistics enable us to make a short comment. An progresive effort for English language learning due to the fact that this language is number one in globalization. But this learning is not sustained by the Romanian educational system, especially in Romanian high-schools where our previous research ( Psihologia in Romania III) reveals that foreign language are not in the high school students preferences.

Decizia de emigrare la psihologi / Emigration decision

Fig. 29 Decizia de emigrare la psihologi / Emigration decision

25% dintre psihologi au decis acest mod de asi fauri existenta, nu neaparat profesionala. Doar 3% au decis NU, restul de 72% nu au raspuns la acest item. Probabil ca acestia din urma nu s-au hotarit sau se gindesc la dificultatile reale ale acestei decizii care implica si proceduri de continut privind echivalarea studiilor lor din tara.

Merita totusi sa analizam ce orientari geografice au cei 25% care au decis sa emigreze: 9% in USA & Canada, 6% in Germania, cei doi poli de dezvoltare a lumii de azi, din aceasta parte a globului.

Totusi Europa Vestica este tinta predominanta de emigrare, fiind mentionate in continuare nu mai putin de 8 tari care intrunesc 13,5% din optiuni.

Nu sunt ocolite, nesemnificativ ca procent, si alte zone ale lumii aflate la antipozi, 2% procent cumulat cu optiuni pentru: Africa, Australia si Japonia.

25% of the psychologists have chosen to build their existence ,not necessarily from the professions point of view. Only 3% decided no; 72 % did not answer this item. These probably take into consideration the real difficulties of this decision which implies the validation of studies. Let us analise the emigration map.

9% USA and Canada 6% Germany. Western Europe is still the main traget, 8 countries are mentioned and these get together 13,5 % of the options. There is a 2% withn options for Africa Australia and Japan.

Motive de emigrare / Emigration reasons

Fig 30 Motive de emigrare / Emigration reasons

Pentru 54%, dintre colegi, motivele de emigrare sunt de natura materiala, extrinseca.

Pentru 45% motivele insa sunt: deringolada organizatorica a societatii noastre in plina schimbare adica legislatie inca incompleta, pentru psihologi legislatie inexistenta, organizarea proasta a activitatii in institutii, dar mai ales statutul psihologului cvasinexistent ceea ce duce si la crearea unor cutume nedeontologice, etc.

Abia 8%, dintre psihologi, emigreaza pentru a se casatori fapt care contrazice ipoteza noastra, avansata in analiza anterioara. (Fig. 29)

Revenim la o mai veche teorie a noastra ''cind ceva nu merge ori se organizeaza formal, ori se desfinteaza''. In situatia in care la noi in tara sunt peste 12.000 de psihologi absolventi cu licenta, solutia este organizarea atit a formarii universitare, in continuare, sau postuniversitare cit si a rezolvarii problemelor generate de inexistenta unui statut si cod profesional.

Si pentru ca ne-am cam obisnuit cu exemple din afara, a se vedea cum se face organizare in IAAP si cum se respecta criteriile lor organizatorice, sau mai aproape geografic, Codul de etica si deontologie profesionala a psihologilor francezi, legiferat din 1985/1996, in ultima sa varianta. Exemple similare sunt o multime.

La noi asistam totusi la incercari timide de oragnizare a vietii profesionale, care viata nu trebuie sa fie dependenta doar de institutiile angajatoare ci si de asociatiile profesionale, cite sunt constituite.

Tendintele actuale de organizare le vom analiza in continuare, chiar daca rezultatele sunt putine si destul de polarizate spre centrul nou format prin reconstituirea Asociatiei Psihologilor din Romania. Aceasta a incercat si incearca sa concentreze totul cu un stil autoritar. De pilda, prin conditionarea atestarilor de adrearea la asociatie. Se face abstractie de principiul democratic al aderarii prin cunoastera si acceptarea continutului statutului asociatiei cu inerentele avantaje si obligatii. Mai mult relationarea cu o alta asociatie profesionala cu statut juridic trebuie sa se faca pe principii juridice de adreare si prin pastrarea autonomiei reale a asociatiei mai mici si nu prin impunerea unor criterii formal ultarexigente si cu iz de demontare a autonomiei celei zonale. Credem ca formarea unei vieti sanatoase-democratice de asociatie prin neconditionarea adrerarii in raport de alte interese, este singurul criteriu si factor de stabilitate a existentei profesionale a psihologilor autohtoni.

52 % give economic reasons 45 % give the are the organization chaos present in our society (incomplete legislation, or inexistent for psychologists, bad organization in institution, the half existence of the psychologists statute which lead to unethical customs etc.)Only 8% emigrate for marriage reasons this contradicts our hypothesis in Fig. 29. See IAAP organization and their organizing criteria and the ethic code of the French psychologists proclaimed in 1995. The feeble attempts made are conditioned by employung companies and the professional organizations. The present tendencies are polarized in an authoritative manner by the Psychologists Asociation from Romania.This associaton tries to concentrate everything and the disobey the democratic principle of adherence through aknowledging and acceptance the associations statute.Even more the intercourse with an other asociation with juridical statute has to be done by the principle of the low that permitted a real authonomy of a smaller asociation .

Capitolul 5 Starea testelor psihologice si a utilizarii lor

Tests and their utilisation status

Situatia si analiza testelor adaptate autohton

The analysis autohtonous adapted tests

Fig. 31 Situatia si analiza testelor adaptate autohton

The analysis autohtonous adapted tests

Desi se vede destul de clar, trebuie sa afirmam ca situatia instrumentelor de cunoastere psihologica este precara. Doar 18% dintre psihologii chestionati utilizeaza teste adaptate autohton, 82%, din pacate, bijbiie intr-o retea testologica care se alimenteaza din zone gri, retea care fascineaza mai ales pe tinerii absolventi. Pe de alta parte facultatile nu satisfac curiozitatea studentilor, putine dintre acestea detin testoteci, in schimb la cursuri si seminarii se vorbeste despre teste cu prisosinta li se prezinta fragmente din teste. Psihologii experimentati, multi dintre acestia, poseda eventual doar etaloane confectionate, fara sa aiba la baza necesarele studii de validitate si fidelitate. Ginditi-va, dragi colegi, ca exista totusi un prilej fecund de cercetare aplicativa, care finalizata, ar creste siguranta asistentei psihologice si implicit increderea in ceea ce faci!

Absolventii la lucrarile de licenta, daca acestea nu au fost copiate, utilizeaza metode test cu titlu experimental, dar chiar daca rezultatele sunt interesante, dupa absolvire si luarea examenului de licenta parasesc corabia inotind spre insule paradiziace, uitind ca uraganele nu au epuizat din toponimia lor denumirile specifice cu prenume feminine. Dar sa vedem ce se petrece!

We have to admit that the situation the knowledge is rather poor,only 18 % of the psychologists questioned use locally adapted testes 82% use tests unadapted tests but these fascinate sepecially young graduates. On the other hand few universities have tests even though these tests are havily mentioned in seminaries and courses. Many of the experienced psychologists have got only manufactured standards with no studies of validity fidelity.This would be an excellent oportunity for applied research which once finished would increase the security of psychological assistanship and of selfconfidence.

Ce teste adapate se utilizeaza? / What adapted tests do you use?

Fig. 32 Ce teste adapate se utilizeaza? / What adapted tests do you use?

Chestionarele psihologice, aplicate standardizat, sunt pe primul loc cu 53%, insa stim ca adaptarile au caracter local, putine s-au facut pe esantioane extinse. Se stie destul de bine ce probleme de adaptare si validitate pun metodele test care contin mesaje interogative tintite si cu caracter predominant verbal. Cartea d-nei M. Miculescu nu scuza utilizarea chestionarelor, poate doar trezeste interesul de a cauta autorii pentru accept, formele originale si de a te apuca de lucru. Microbul cerecetarii nu i-a atins inca nici pe tinerii absolventi.

Testele aptitudinale adaptate, majoritatea de tip aparat, constituie o proportie de 46%. Acestea constituie cea mai importanta categorie de teste adaptate, tot local, fiindca sunt foarte diverse si au o traditie recunoscuta, mai mult foarte des sunt utilizate in practica psihologica (psihologia activitatilor profesionale, psihologia educatiei). Sunt insa teste care au inceput sa fie adaptate deja din perioada interbelica a secolului trecut. Validitatea lor de continut a fost si este sustinuta de practicieni si dezvoltarea tehnologica. Critica lor vine de la J.M. Faverge care a facut saltul de la aptitudine la blocuri-structuri aptitudinale, ne referim la comportamente explicite si inregistrabile. Pe de alta parte, predominanta cognitiva tinde sa cucereasca, cu strategia ei, piata activitatilor profesionale.

Testele de evaluare a inteligentei si a sorturilor sale, constituie 31% din testele adaptate sau construite de autori romani acum citeva decenii. Noroc cu studiile recente asupra MPS-ului (Raven std.) facute la Cluj de catre Anca Domuta cu acceptul proprietarului de licenta J. Raven. Studiile acestea s-au relizat pe un esantion total imens de 3000 de persoane de virste diferite, nivele de instructie diferite, profesii diferite si alte variabile moderatoare.

Etaloanele pot fi utilizate pentru Romania. Predominanta activitatii cognitive in multe profesii a facut ca insusi J. Raven sa ia hotarirea ca sa restructureze itemii si gradul lor de dificultate, varianta clasica fiind mai putin sensibila deja. In ceea ce priveste categoria testelor de inteligenta verbala iarasi stam prost, cele construite de M. Bontila si I. Holban nu sunt actuale din cauza termenilor verbali vechi folositi ca itemi. Mai exista o adaptare locala a Bateriei Lauster (197/1988).

Probele situationale, care vor constitui viitorul se pare in materie de testare globala a competentelor profesionale, exista datorita lui M. Bolos si V. Ceausu in transporturi si dupa stiinta noastra inca se utilizeaza.

Desi procentul este mic, doar 7%, in legatura cu WISC-ul vestea este buna, poate fi utilizat fiindca este adaptat de un colectiv de psihologi bucuresteni in amintirea, ce mult fac motivatiile, autorului de origine romana.

Standardized psychological questionnaires occupy the first place with 53%, but we know that the adaptations have a local spread and some have a national spread. It is well known that the adaptations of tests, which contain targeted interrogative messages, and with a predominantly verbal character raise problems. Ms. M Minusescus book does not give us an excuse to use the questionnaires. The adapted aptitude tests form a 46% percentage; these are the most important category of adapted testes (locally) because they have a tradition. They are very often used in psychology practice. These tests have been adapted since the inter war period their validity is sustained by practitioners and the technological development. Their critic comes from J. M. Faverge who made the turn from aptitude to aptitude structures; we refer to explicit and recordable behaviors.

The intelligence tests get 31% of the adapted tests or built by Romanian authors some decades ago. Luckily, we have the recent studies on the MPS Raven elaborated in Cluj by Anca Domuta with the acceptance of the copyright owner John Raven. These studies have been applied on a huge sample of 3000 people with different ages, levels of education, trades and other variables. These standards can be used for Romania. The cognitive activity predominance in many professions determined J. Raven; himself to restructure the items and their grade of difficulty, the classic alternative is already less sensible. The verbal intelligence tests used those built by M. Bontila and I.Holban are also difficult to use because verbal terms that form the items are old. There is also a local adaptation of the Lausted test set (1971). The situation tests which will be the future of the global testing of the professional competencies already exist (M.Bolos and V.Ceausu) They are used in transportation and as far as we know still in use. Even if the percentage is small only 7% the WISC can be used because it is adapted by a group of psychologists in Bucharest in the memory of its author who had a Romanian origin.

Ce teste neadapate se utilizeaza? / What non-adapted tests do you use?

Fig. 33 Ce teste neadapate se utilizeaza? / What non-adapted tests do you use?

Comentariul poate fi foarte bine intitulat ''starea psihodiagnosticului'' in Romania, daca intelegem in context nu numai transversalul ci si prognoza necesara. WISC-ul iese din discutie, desi colegii, care lucreaza cu aceasta baterie cunoscuta, ar trebui sa stie ca a fost adaptat.

In primul rind, universitatile ar trebui sa se ocupe de inocularea principiilor de utilizare a testelor, ar trebui sa stie care sunt testele care au fost adaptate stiintific, care sunt in faze experimentale pentru ca tinerii absolventi sa aiba o tinta clar in practica si bineinteles neaparat necesar de atins. Universitatile ar trebui sa detina testoteci.

In al doilea rind, ar trebui sa fie un interes general, operationalizat in practica, pentru a face lumina in ''triunghiul Bermudelor'' (SPC & metoda test & psiholog), altfel cohorta de teste neadaptate si utilizate va sprijini psihologul, neinitiat sau lenes in curiozitatea sa profesionala, in a scufunda corabia personalitatii SPC-ului intr-un ocean de cuvinte pompoase in care mai inoata pe ici pe colo cifrele pesti sufocate. Ne lipseste o ecologizare a acestei situatii, altfel avem sansa sa iscam o revolta, surda sau nu, impotriva testelor.

Aceasta nu ar fi nimic, dar pentru a face adaptari dupa traduceri ar trebui sa si aplici aceste metode pentru a nu ramine doar file la dosarele, in revenire de forma, de atestare.

Si ce ramine dintr-un astfel de tip de cunoastere formala: cuvinte descriptoare poate ordonate frumos care fac un transfer de fascinatie de la utilizator la beneficiar sau nici atit, un fericit psihodignostic sintetic de apt sau iatrogenizantul inapt.

Vor fi voci care vor suna patetic la aceste afirmatii, ca noi nu suntem de vina, insa posesorii acstor voci vor fi in stare sa demonstreze legalitatea profesionala a ''psihodiagnozei'' facute de ei insisi. De pilda in psihologia medicala, proba Szondi (35%) are peste 70 de ani de existenta clinica, dar ar trebui sa ne intrebam: Oare psihopatologia si sau DSM IV revizuit si de curind tradus in limba romana, nu ne ofera un alt peisaj, cel putin cultural, perceptibil si interpretabil al suferintei cu toate aspectele ei de la inceput de Mileniu III?

In rest credem ca nu mai este nimic de comentat acum.

This commentary can be titled the psychodiagnose status in Romania.

The WISC is not the object of discussion here.

The universities should pay more attention with the inoculation of principles of using the tests, they should know which are the tests scientifically adapted, which of them an are in an experimental phase so that the young graduates know exactly which to use in practice.

Secondly there should be a general interest in practice in order to make light in this Bermuda triangle (SPC & test method & psychologist) otherwise the bunch of unadapted tests would help the psychologists to sink the ship of the SPCs personality into an ocean of bombastic words .We need purification of this situation otherwise we risk to rise a riot against tests. What remains from such a type of formal knowledge? Words that describe, that perform a transfer of fascination from user to beneficiary, a happy psycho-diagnosis synthetically appropriate or unappropriate.

For instance the Szondi test (35%) has over 70 years of clinical existence,what we should ask is: do not the Psychopatology and/or the revized DSM IV offer another cultural landscape, perceptible, intrepretable, of sufferance in all its III-rd Milenium aspects?

Starea documentatiei testelor utilizate / The documentation state

Fig. 34 Starea documentatiei testelor utilizate / The documentation state

Abracadabranta incoerenta persista, utilizam teste, dar 61% dintre noi nu posedam decit virful de lance, care aruncat va compromite sigur traiectoria spre tinta, cazind in fata ei, trecind pe linga sau tintind iatrogenizant. Avind imaginatie descriem apoi cu nonsalanta atit traiectoria cit si faptul ca am atins inima sau mintea tintei. Rezultatul: intrebari mai mult sau mai putin explicite ce se amplifica pe buna dreptate pe masura ce timpii trec.

De ce oare nu se amplifica odata si problemele specifice psihologului, de ce oare acesta nu se apropie profesional mai mult de metode pentru a le studia si a le face sa renasca chiar din propria lor cenusa, in unele cazuri?

Credem ca lucrurile acestea se petrec din urmatoarele cauze: se face abuz doar de utilizare si nu de interpretarea stiintifica a testelor care pot fi doar potentiali predictori, testele situatia de testare fascineaza nu numai pe psiholog ci pe SPC sau apartinatori, noi ii spunem ''fascinatia de tip passpartout''.

Psihologii (27%) care, intimplator sau nu, detin teste complete, inclusiv manualele lor, cred ca simpla posesie a acestora este suficienta anulind in multe cazuri necesara confruntare metodologica. Lumea lui EU nu implica echipa de studiu, insa orice proprietate care ramine nemiscata se deterioreaza devenind cu timpul o pata gri si un loc intr-un raft al bibliotecii personale.

Poate ca o revista specializata ar rezolva problema comunicarii despre studiile noastre, cite si cum sunt ele, fiindca nu putem sa credem ca in toate cazurile se intimpla ca in situatia descrisa mai sus. Credem ca rezultate notabile sunt trecute sub tacere, de insasi colegii psihologi, un stil pervers de a arunca la cosul uitarii contributii valoroase. Nu mai discutam despre ce este plagiat sau nu.

Cite reviste stiintifice pe domeniul psihologiei sunt editate in tara? Dupa opinia noastra, vreo doua si in tiraje mici, care exemplare mai completeaza pe ici pe colo bibliotecile facultatilor sau cele personale. Mai mult, nu toti psihologii sunt obisnuiti sa citesaca si sa inteleaga texte stiintifice.

Bibliogarfia existenta este incarcata de produse compilate si saraca in contributii cu adevarat originale de parca stiinta psihologiei umane s-a epuizat si s-a disipat in fragmente, unele cu aspect de cristal ce-i drept. Speram ca iesenii sa scoata lista bibliografica a productiilor romanesti in psihologie din 1990 incoace. La Neptun in 2001 au prezentat proiectul acesta.

In this respect the incoherence persist, as 61% of us possess only the peak of the lance.

The 27% of the psychologists that own complete sets of tests (handbooks as well) consider that the mere ownership of these sets is sufficient in many cases cancel the needed methodological confrontation. The Ego world does not involve the teamwork, but any property remains still decays and ends up on a bookcase shelf. A specialized magazine would perhaps solve the communication obstacle for our surveys and studies, as few as they may be. The thinks that the study results are sometimes not made public by our fellow psychologists themselves a devious way to throw at the recycle bin valuable contribution. We do not wish to bring into discussion the plagiarism issue.

How many scientific magazines in psychology are there published in Romania? In our oppinion two or three issued in a limited number.These complete here and there the university and private libraries.

The existing bibliography is full of compiled products and poor in original contributions as if the science of human psychology has exhausted and spread itself into fragments (even if some of them are diamonds).We hope our colleagues in Iasi issue the bibliographical list of Romanian works in the psychological domain since 1990.

De unde le-ati procurat? / The purchasing sources for test sets.

Fig. 35 De unde le-ati procurat? / The purchasing sources for test sets.

In primul rind trebuie sa afirmam ca independent de rezultatele acestei comunicari, in tara nu avem o sursa sau mai multe surse sigure, juridic vorbind, de procurare a testelor psihologice la modul complet. Manuale au mai aparut prin prezentari complete sau traduceri ale manualelor clasice sau a revizuirilor in cazul unor teste. Putem exemplifica: Testul Arborelui, Indreptarul TAT, Manualul Rorschach, referintele la testul Szondi, Testul Familiei, etc. Ne mai amintim ca in urma cu vreo 30 de ani intr-o editura pentru agricultura, seria  Ceres  a aparut o problematica traducere a testului Luscher insa fara acceptul autorului, la fel si testul Raven Standard, cu corectie cu tot, la finele unui text, de altfel bine structurat, la o alta editura.

Ne ingrijoreaza ca psihologii vorbesc de sursa ''Reviste'' (65%) si ne este teama de o confuzie pe care credeam ca o face doar vulgul. Nici o revista serioasa de specialitate nu-si permite sa ofere indicatii cap-coada despre un test sau altul, ci eventual rezultatele unor studii cu exemplificari necesare. La rubricile ''Teste psihologice'' din saptaminale se apeleaza atunci cind vrei sa te distrezi la modul cel mai amar cu putinta.

71% & 69% dintre psihologi fac totusi schimburi subterane de instrumentar psihologic (creion-hirtie si mai nou soft) care ca infromatie nu sunt nicidecum complete.

Important ni se pare faptul ca 44% au incercat sa-si sacrifice economiile cumparind teste din strainatate unde exista surse care, daca dovedesti ca esti psiholog si ai competentele necesare, iti pot oferi teste pe care le poti achizitiona: EAP, ECPA, Teszt Czentrale, HSV, etc.

La criteriul locul de munca lucrurile stau mai prost, 25% dintre psihologi au acest privilegiu de cunoastere si utilizare a testelor, institutele de cercetare, cite mai sunt, se dovedesc a fi surse minore, in doar 6% cazuri.

Softul psihologic se dezvolta insisdios, in majoritatea cazurilor pe buzunarele naivilor din bransa, cota de procurare fiind semnificativa, adica in 44% din cazuri. Pirateria este in floare ca si in cazul, scuzati, a maneleleor. Exceptie face bateria ''Cognitrom'' clujenilor care ofera pe linga manual si posibilitatea de formare ca utilizator, in actiuni de orientare scolara si profesionala.

First, we have to affirm that we do not have an unfailing source from juridical point of view to purchase the complete sets of psychological tests. Handbooks have been published especially the translations of classics or revisions of tests. For example: The Tree Test, The TAT guidebook, The Rorschach handbook, references at the Szondi test, The Family Test etc. Some 30 years ago in the Ceres series of a publishing house specialized in the agricultural domain, a controversed translation of the Luscher test, without the authors accept. The same with the Raven Standard test found in the end of a well defined text published by another publishing house.

We are worried at the psychologists tendency to talk about the Magazine source. (65%) No serious scientific magazine affords to offer complete information on tests, but to show results of the studies with the necessary examples. The psychological test columns in weekly magazines are fit to amusement only.

71% and 69% of the psychologists exchange psychological tools (on paper support or soft) but these are incomplete in information.

What is important is that 44% tried by scarifying their savings to purchase tests from abroad from the EAP, ECPA, Teszt Czentrale, HSV etc.

The place of work criterion offers a worse image. 25% of the psychologists have this privilege to know and use tests, the research institutes, few as they are left offer minor sources in only 6% of cases.

The software develops mostly at the expences of the naives in the branch,the purchasement quota is significant 44%of cases. Piracy is at its highest. A notable exception in the Cognitrom set of test for school and vocational orientation developed by the team in Cluj which offer together with the handbook the possibility to train as a user.

Calitatea testelor utilizate / The qualities of the tests

Fig. 36 Calitatea testelor utilizate / The qualities of the tests.

Pentru 55% dintre psihologi testele utilizate sunt incomplete din punctul de vedere al calitatilor lor stiintifice, calitati de altfel indispensabile in orice psihodiagnoza.

Validitatea este abia pe locul III cu 45% procente, in loc sa fie pe primul loc.

Fidelitatea, (46%), credem, ca este perceputa nu prin definitia ei ci prin relevanta sa cazuistica.

Sensibilitatea ne confirma oarecum asertiunile de mai sus, doar 36% din optiuni o afirma si atunci ne gindim ca aceste calitati sunt sau ar trebui sa fie complementare.

In aceasta situatie, doar 28% opiniaza ca lucreaza cu un instrumentar etalonat pe populatii locale. Toate acestea intaresc caracterul logic a unei dorinte mai vechi a noastre: macar sa se repete, dar in fapt, intentia de organizare a unei Comisii Metodologice care sa monitorizeze si sa schimbe aceasta situatie care transforma acum un potential, cit de cit consistent, de metode test intr-un pseudoinstrumentar. La inceputul anilor '70 a mai avut loc o intentie organizatorica de acest fel care nu s-a transformat in realitate, dar spiritul ei a influientat formarea psihologilor din aceasta fereastra de timp. In revista de psihologie a academiei a aparut si un cod deontologic al psihologului, ca proiect. Cel nou zace prin parlament si acum. Asociatiile noastre profesionale ar trebui ca prin colaborare sa se implice in aceasta directie, fiind bine sa ne facem noi ordine, nu sa apara terti care sa ne-o faca amplificind sacrificiile.

Acum degeaba un cabinet privat de psihologie are doldora de hirtii intr-un dosar asa zis metodologic, cu teste sau fragmente din ele, cind posesorul sau psihologii in cauza nu le utilizeaza si totusi acorda prin voiosia taxelor percepute, avizari psihologice mai ales de tipul APT pe fisele standard ale doritorilor purtatori de constiinta sociala dar si de oralitate ce contagiaza imediat alti potentiali clienti (vezi situatia examinarilor soferilor, mai ales amatori, cei care se ocupa, cu securitatea muncii, chiar si in LSM-uri, comisiile de evaluare a copiilor cu probleme sau nu, etc.). Aici avem nevoie de o monitorizare permanenta.

Pe scurt, sunt multe cazuri in care nici macar aplicarea de teste, ce sa mai vorbim de baterii, nu se face sau daca se face se face prost si nu constituie astfel o baza de interpretare. Dar totusi cuvintul magic de APT apare oficializat pe fisa unui viitor dosar care-ti da dreptul la formare profesionala sau la continuarea exercitarii profesiei sau activitatii. S-a gindit cineva care este bugetul de timp pentru aplicarea unei baterii de teste cu tinta precisa, pentru corectii, daca nu ai calculator si pentru interpretare, inscrisuri, etc.? Se pare ca nu, altfel cum se pot examina pe zi uneori zeci de persoane. O examinare psihologica doar implica uneori ore intregi!

For over 55% of the psychologists, the used tests are incomplete in the respect of the scientific qualities, which are of vital importance in any psycho-diagnosis.

Validity comes only on the third place with 45%.

Fidelity 46% acknowledged is through its case relevance rather than its definition.

Sensibility confirms somehow our assertions only 36% of the options, state it and we assume that these qualities are or should be complementary.

Only 28% affirm that they work with standardized tools fit for local population.

All these strengthen the logic for an older wish; the intention to organize a Methodological Commission able to monitor and change this situation that turn a somewhat consistent potential of methods into a pseudo tool set.

In the beginning of the 70ies such an organizing intention has been brought into discussion, it did not come into being but its spirit influenced the forming of psychologists in this period. The Academy Magazine has even published a project of the psychologists ethical code. The present one still waits to be voted by the parliament.

Our professional associations should to collaborate and to involve in this direction because it is better to organize oursevles than to let other do this for us.

Even with a private office is equipped with all the requested paperwork (tests, fragments of tests etc) if the psychologist does not make a use of the tools and gives in accordance with the percepted fees the approval on standard files of clients (drivers, the work security evaluation etc) all this is futile. In short, there are many cases where tests applying is not accomplished or is badly done and does not make a base for interpretations. Has anyone thought of the time needed to apply a set of tests, for corrections and interpretations if they do not use a PC? Obviously not. Otherwise, how can they examine tens of people daily? A complete examination involves sometimes many hours.

Increderea psihologilor in teste / The psychologists confidence on tests

Fig. 37 Increderea psihologilor in teste / The psychologists confidence on tests

Problemele pe care le creaza pentru psihologi orientarea experimentala si aplicarea acesteia in diverse etape ale carierei profesionale au cauze multiple (vezi art. Psihologia in Romania I /1997 & III/2001) si se resimt si in cerectarea de fata prin increderea pe care o au utilizatorii testelor psihologice atunci cind i-am chestionat despre validitate, fidelitate, dorind sa stim ce argumente au acestia pentru a demonstra oricui validitatea actului de cunoastere psihologica a oricarui SPC.

Asa ca rezultatele sunt pe masura formarii noastre ca psihologi. 61% dintre psihologi nu au incredere experimentala in teste, 35% nu au incerdere clinica, la aceasta nu ne asteptam, ceea ce insemana ca este mai comod sa faci cazuistica (65%) adica, dupa nonempatic vorbind, sa fii robul propriei imaginatii si a propriului bagaj lexical, mai mult sau mai putin sistematizat, pe care-l servesti SPC-ului nu de putine ori pe moment fascinindu-l si nu de putine ori iatrogenizindu-l sau chiar lasind-l indiferent.

In schimb 92% dintre psihologi, au incredere in testul psihologic ca singur mod de cunoastere psihologica chiar daca este ales eclectic, procentul ne prmite sa afirmam aceasta, la fel si analiza anterioara, ceea ce ar ptea sa insemne ca doar 8% se indoiesc de rezultatele lor. Grava eroare stiintifica si simpla lipsa de logica! Sentinta nascuta de aceasta afirmatie este dura, dar credem ca este in acelsi timp singura logica in acest context.

Pina la urma se pare ca psihologilor le place sa se joace cu cuvintele de specialitate si daca se poate si cu cele care contin dimensiuni psihopatologice, mai ales ca acestea sunt precis fascinante sau impreioneaza SPC-ul pe moment. In aceasta perioada de framintari in plan mental, de schimbari de clisee mentale, chestiunnea functioneaza. Si asa se schimba rezistentele la schimbare sau ne mentin vechiul pseudostatut.

Dar oare ce ar trebui sa punem in loc? Se pare ca daca vom continua asa vom pune in loc sau facem loc unor noi cai de compromisuri profesionale. Este greu sa sadesti in tinarul absolvent simburele adevaratelor principii ale cercetarii aplicative previzionind ale sale consecinte benefice in argumentarea psihodiagnozei si al lucrului bine facut.

The problems the psychologist has to face in respect to the experimental orientation and its' applicability during the various stages of his or her professional career have multiple causes.(art.from Psihologia in Romania I 1997 and III/2000). These problems reflect in the test usersconfidence present in the research in the answers given to questions related to tests validity and fidelity.

These results match our background as psychologists . 61% of the psychologists do not trust tests as experiments, 35% do not trust tests clinically, this is something we did not expect, and it means that it is easier to make case research (65%).

92% of the psychologists trust tests as being the only incontestable way of psychological knowledge, even if selectively chosen the percentage allow us to state this, the same the previous analysis which means that only 8% doubt their results.

Capitolul 6 Statul psihologului si viata de asociatie The psychologists statute and the Association activity

Statul psihologului / The psychologists statute

Fig. 38 Statul psihologului / The psychologists statute

Din diagrama se observa ca 66% dintre psihologi afirma ca au un statut defavorizat. Mai lipsesc un slogan si citeva iesiri in strada.

Cine sunt cei 20% care afirma ca statutul lor este respectat: cadre universitare in primul rind, in majoritatea lor acestea nu se confrunta cu realitatile practicii psihologice, iar ceilalti sunt practicienii care sunt respectati ca profesionisti.

9% sunt cei care ezita sa raspunda, sunt cei care abia si-au inceput cariera.

Radacinile sunt adinci, experimentatii isi transfera frustrarile la generatia tinara.

Avem insa o dilema: Sa fii realist cu tinerii colegi sau sa le infuzezi optimism cu riscul de a le oferi iluzii despre fascinanta si eterna psihologie autohtona? Care ar fi calea dreapta?

Traim ambundent intr-o lume a lui EU si mai putin in lumea lui NOI si aceasta ambundenta traire afecteaza psihologia si psihologii.

In aceste situatii ''triunghiul Bermudelor'' - PSIHOLOG & METODA & SPC - se pare, inghite de toate, in nici un caz metoda nu este de vina, si cu atit mai mult SPC-ul. Psihologul isi va purta povara compromisurilor profesioanle in raport cu sine si cu metoda utilizata daca este constient de acest lucru.

Viitorii absolventi, entuziasti de felul lor, datorita virstei mai ales, isi cauta teme de licenta si le gasesc s-au le sunt recomandate. In viitor se pare conform normelor europene dupa 3 ani de studiu vor face o specializare si lucrurile vor fi mai tintite. Noi credem ca si acum si atunci, in aceasta cautare, este esentiala gasirea terenului de acces pentru luni de zile, acolo se vor gasi probleme de psihologie aplicata de rezolvat cu duiumul. Deocamdata accesul este esential. Cautari au loc si acum insa se renunta destul de repede datorita ''ofertelor'' care se ivesc la tot pasul: licente tipice de vinzare, perfuzii de date inventate adaptate la procedee tipice, acces la xeroxarea licentelor din alte facultati, etc. Atita timp cit zona publicitara a ziarelor, Net-ul ofera licente de vinzare, cum mai este posibil un control strict chiar si din partea coordonatorilor. Tipicul structurii licentelor este bun dar se ofera prin aceasta o forma care poate inghite multe. Nu mai amintim de cascada modalitatilor de evaluare. De pilda, lucrare de licenta plagiata odata, in forma originala evaluata cu 6, in forma plagiata evaluata cu 9 la distanta de 1 an. Alt exemplu: Lucrare premiata la o conferinta internationala si prezentanta apoi ca lucrare de licenta este notata cu nota 6 (sase). La master, alt exemplu, o persoana dupa ce platit taxele, pentru dizertatie ii sunt respinse 4 lucrari, dintre care a treia, la incercare dezamagitului psiholog este prezentata o lucrare proiect, ne referim la forma, identica, notata cu 10 cu un an in urma, acum este subevaluata drastic desi continutul era aproape la fel. Dupa 4 incercari persoana reclama sub evaluarile facute pe nedrept si rezultatul: este exmatriculat verbal. Si apoi liniste!

Fig 38 as it is shown in the diagram 66% of the psychologists agree they have a disadvantageous statute. A slogan and a few demands cried out in the street would complete the frame.

Who are the 20% that agree their status is respected. First the university teachers, then the practitioners that are respected as professionals.

9% avoided an answer, these are those who have just started their career.

The roots of this discontentment are deep and the feeling pass from one generation to another.

Yet we have a dilemma: should one be realistic and show the younger colleagues what to expect or give them an optimistic view over the fascinating autochthonous psychology?

The living in the world of I instead of Us affects both the psychologists and psychology.

In these situation the Bermuda triangle psychologist /method / SPC swallows everything; anyway neither the method nor the SPC are guilty.

The psychologist will bear the burden of his professional compromises.

The future graduates enthusiastically look for subjects of their diploma papers. In the future, in accordance with the European recommendations after 3 years of study the graduates will go for a specialization and then things will be better shaped.

Unfortunately, the quest for subjects is sometimes easily abandoned in favor of the offers one finds on the Internet or even in the publicity columns of newspapers. Diploma papers for sale with no possibility of control from the examiners, and here we have another problem with the evaluation. For example a diploma paper marked in its original with a 6 is marked with a 9 a year later after being plagiarized. Another example: A paper awarded on the occasion of an international conference and presented after as a diploma paper is marked 6.The MA dissertation papers may offer other similar examples.

Confuzii ale statutului de psiholog / Confusions of the psychologists status

Fig. 39 Confuzii ale statutului de psiholog / Confusions of the psychologists status

Fascinatia profesiei de psiholog continua motivind membrii breslei sa se ''innobileze'' cu statute care li se atribuie mai ales din necunoastere. In sfera constiintei sociale exista peste tot, astfel de confuzii care amprenteaza realitatea statutului psihologului mai ales dar si in cazul altor profesii. In cazul psihologilor, se pare ca intersectia ariilor de competente, adresabilitatea mai facila cu ''domn' doctor'', ''domn' profesor'' decit cu ''domn' psiholog'', acceptul tacit al psihologilor sa fie contactati astfel, duce la mentinerea starii de confuzie.

In primul rind mentionam confuzia oscilanta intre doctor 45% si psihiatru 18% care cumulate ajung sa se constituie intradevar intr-o mare confuzie in proportie de 63%.

Desi in cu totul alte conditii, fosta singuratate cu care s-au obisnuit multi practicieni, dainuie si acum. Formatorii, in multe cazuri, s-au detasat de problemele existentiale profesionale ale practicienilor si mai ales ale tinerilor absolventi. Au inceput totusi cursuri postuniversitare care speram sa pastreze o bruma de legatura intre aceste doua categorii bazal identice, ale breslei noastre.

In scoli, titulatura de profesor pentru psiholog in 17% din cazuri apare, desi confuzia este oarecum scuzabila, dar nu a sosit timpul ca psihologul sa abordeze scoala ca pe o organizatie si sa o ajute din acest punct de vedere pe care il vedem mai benefic pentru: elevi, alte cadre didactice, managementul scolar, monitorizarea procesului educational, orientarea scolara si profesionala, consilierea parintilor sau apartinatorilor, logopedie, etc.

In cazul confuziei cu functia de inspector (10%), lucrurile devin dea dreptul curioase si plauzibile prin faptul ca doar inspectoratele scolare au cooptat in unele cazuri psihologi pe acest post.

Revenind la psihologul din spitale, clinici, Si in aceasta situatie psihologii ar trebui sa aiba o vedere mai larga asupra spitalului ca organizatie, mai ales ca managementul acestora, la noi, este inca bicefal, pe de o parte specialistul care doreste dezvoltare in toate sensurile, pe de alta parte administratia care nu are bani sa satisfaca aceste dorinte de altfel argumentate logic. La mijloc sunt salariatii sindicalizati sau nu si mai ales pacientii care au de suferit. Scena organizationala are mai multi actori pentru psihologul angajat.

De fapt si universitatile ca organizatii sunt in aceiasi situatie. Oare sunt definite clar, cel putin in aceste doua cazuri, scopurile lor?

The fascination the profession of psychologist is present giving motivation to the members of the guild to ennoble themselves with statuses attributed mostly out of ignorance. Confusions are present in the addressing forms: doctor, teacher.

First, the confusion between psychologist and doctor 45% as well as the one between psychologists and psychiatrist 18% give a total of 63 % which is indeed a high percentage.

In schools the confusion of the addressing form teacher for psychologist in 17 % even though here the confusion is somehow acceptable. Perhaps the time has come for the psychologist to regard school as an organization at its whole and thus help the pupils, the teachers, the school management and to monitor the education process, the vocational orientation, parents counseling.

The inspector function is also a confusion source (10%) due to the fact that the school inspectorates have hired in some cases psychologists on the post of inspector.

The psychologist in the hospitals and cliniques should also have a larger view on the organization, especially because the management of these institutions is two headed: the administration on one side on the other side the expert. In the middle the emploiees and the pacients who suffer.This stage has many actors for the psychologist as a health system employee.

Even the universities as organizations find themselves in the same situation as the two described above

Surse ale dezbinarii psihologilor / Sources of scission among psychologists

Fig. 40 Surse ale dezbinarii psihologilor / Sources of scission among psychologists

Dorind sa stim cum colaboreaza psihologii autohtoni, la itemul acesta am obtinut o ierarhie procentuala care insa combina compozit suferintele acceptate ale unei individualitati implicata social.

Este destul de grav ca 95% dintre psihologi, declara ca lipseste comunicarea intre psihologi, desi ar dori-o, nu o fac. Stiam de mult aceasta tara profesionala si aceasta cercetare o confirma a nu stiu a cita oara dupa cele anterioare. Acesta a fost unul din motivele cruciale ale strategiei pe care am ales-o inca din 1975 sa organizam cele 4 conferinte nationale si internationale de psihologie aplicata. In acelasi timp sa organizam altfel decit in mod clasic programele stiintifice derulate: prin concepte operationale sa facem sectiuni care determina intilniri ale unor specialisti din diverse domenii de aplicabilitate a psihologiei. Tinta a fost aceiasi OMUL, SEMENUL NOSTRU, din diverse unghiuri, nu neaparat clasice.

Am fost intotdeuna impotriva unei asa zise psihologii de status si am pledat pentru a se afirma si demonstra ca doar personalitatea poate valoriza un statut sau altul, deci este important sa o cunosti in primul rind si abia apoi sa analizezi compatibilitatea sa cu un statut sau altul: scolar, profesional, paciental, in final existential. Psihologia de statut are printre cauze si faptul ca psihologii din cele trei domenii clasice nu comunica datorita unei conformari la cutuma traditionala. Mai nou a aparut si domeniul psihoterapeutic, desi pentru psihologii romani acesta nu este recunoscut oficial. Aceasta indoctrinare cu clisee clasice, care-si are cauzele inca din formare, a dus la incomunicabilitate si la tinte statutare: elev, suferind, muncitor, macargiu, functionar, manager, pilot, sofer, etc.

In rest nu mai dorim sa comentam: invidia, orgoliile, interese personale, supraautoparecierea, managementul prost al carierei, personalitate inadcevata. Va lasam sa ginditi, credem ca este suficient.

95 % of the questioned psychologists disclose the lack of communication, even if wanted this does not happen. This research confirms the our previous state of being once again again. It was one of the crucial reasons which determined us to organize since 1975 four national and international conferences of applied psychology and in the same time to organize in a different manner than classic the scientific programmers developed through operation concepts to make sections that produce meetings of experts from various domains of applicability in psychology.

Our target is the Man our peer, perceived from different angles not necessarily a classic one. We have always been against of a such called status psychology and have always peeled that only personality can give value to a status or another, so it is important come to know the personality in the first place and then to analyze its compatibility to a given status (school, profession, patient, in a word, existential). The status psychology has among its causes the fact that psychologists from the three classic domains do not communicate. Recently the domain of psychotherapy has developed even if for the Romanian psychologists this field is not officially recognized. This indoctrination with classic clichs, which has its basis in forming lead to lack of communication and to statutory targets: pupil, patient, worker, manager, pilot, driver etc.

We do not wish to comment on envy, vanity, personal interests, over-self-evaluation bad career management, and unfitted personality. We leave it to consider yourselves that would be enough.

Ce Ii uneSte pe psihologii romAni? / What unites the Romanian Psychologists?

Fig. 41 Ce ii uneste pe psihologii romani? / What unites the Romanian Psychologists?

Intilnim aici si ecoul analizei precedente, surse de dezbinare, 25% dintre colegi marturisesc ca nu ii uneste nimic, iar procentul de 9%, care vrea sa dovedeasca existenta semtimnetului de casta, este nesemnificativ, poate doar un timid inceput caruia nu-i stim sursele, cauzele si nici sansele.

32% reprezinta pe cei experimentati care isi aduc aminte in comun de suferintele indurate pe toate planurile mai ales in anii '50 si apoi in cei ''13 ani de singuratate a practicienilor''.

31% afirma ca pe psihologi ii uneste elitismul, pretios termen, care insa se leaga mai mult de confuziile de statut analizate anterior. Nu credem ca acest procent se refera la elita psihologiei romanesti care acum poate fi numarata pe degete.

Interesant ca 81% dintre psihologi isi respecta formatorii si poate ca le continua liniile trasate in inimile si mintile unora, sper, ca adevarati discipoli. Speram sa nu fie un ecou al iluziilor posibil create de acestia.

88% dintre psihologi vor cu adevarat sa ''faca ceva'' in profesie mai ales ca 53% isi afirma respectul fata de SEMEN - SPC. Acest item deschide calea spre necesitatea codului de etica si deontologie profesionala.

Here we meet the echo of the previous analysis (sources of scission). 25% of our colleagues avoid that nothing unites them and the 9% who want to prove the existence of the caste spirit are insignificant, it maybe a feeble start with unknown reasons.

32% represent the experimented ones who remember the sufferings they had to endure especially in the fifties and the 13 years of loneliness of the practitioners.

31% find elitism as being the linking element. This euphemism is rather related to the confusions of status previously analyzed. We do not think that they had in mind the Romanian elite that can now be counted by fingers.

An interesting fact is that 81% of the psychologists respect their mentors and may continue their spirit as real disciples.

88% of the psychologists want to do something in regard to their profession especially that 53% affirm their respect towards the peer (SPC).

This item opens the road to the ethic code.

Repere ale unui cod etic si deontologic / Marks of an ethic code

Fig. 42 Repere ale unui cod etic si deontologic / Marks of an ethic code

100% din membrii voluntari ai esantionului au oferit cuvintele cheie ale unui asteptat cod de de etica si deontologie. Rezultatele ar trebui sa atraga atentia asociatiilor profesionale constituite sau in curs, care sunt responsabile de elaborarea unui astfel de cod.

Exista de fapt un proiect anexat la Legea 504/98, cea blocata la Camera. Un organism temporar dar specializat ar trebui sa se ocupe de o redactare a acestui cod, care in prim rind trebuie sa-l oferim constiintei sociale intr-un mod cu totul transparent.

Apoi asociatiile ar trebui sa-si formeze grupe de monitorizare a respectarii sale de catre psihologi si angajatori si care sa nu se ocupe de impunerea regulilor si de incasare de taxe, a se vedea proiectul care sustine, scos din contextul problemelor model ale vremurilor care le traim, nu mai departe colectarea de taxe, cum a ajuns sa fie interpretata forma preconizata de a fi ''Colegiul Psihologilor'', la fel aprobata, cu amendamente, de Senat in 2002, amendamente care se refera la continutul statutului de psiholog specificate in proiectul 504/98. Nu mai comentam existenta unui tert proiect, cu nr. 70/2001.

Ierarhia obtinuta ne ofera o imagine care tine mai mult de implicarea persoanei psihologului si nu: ce face, cum face, cind face si unde isi face psihologul cu metodele sale, cu licentele obtinute, cu competentele cistigate, cu regulile legale ale copyright-ului, profesia. Aici se gasesc obisnuintele profesionale care ar trebui sa devina cutume macar fiindca acestea precis vor rezista tentatiei de a face compromisuri profesionale.

96% dintre colegi implica dreptul al asociere profesionala, ceea ce dovedeste ca multi dintre psihologi nu cunosc sau nu inteleg ce inseamna viata intr-o asociere a carei posibilitate legala exista inca din perioada interbelica.

Ce facem profesional, ne hotarim pentru EU sau si pentru NOI?

In orice caz, procentele mari inregistrate dovedesc ca se vrea in adevaratul sens al cuvintului ca acest cod sa existe si sa fie respectat.

100% of the volunteers in our sample have offered the key words of an expected ethic code. These results should ring a bell to the existing or the being formed associations which are responsible with the codes elaboration.

There is a project attached to the project law 504 /98 (the one not validated by the parliament). A temporary commission of experts should deal with the writing of this code,

Then the associations should form monitor groups in order to survey its obeying and not with the imposing of rules or tax collection. For documentation, see the project of the Psychologists Society. Voted with amendments by the Senate in 2002. The amendments refer to the Psychologists statute specified in the project of law 504/ 1998.

The obtained hierarchy offers an image that involves the psychologist as a person and not he or she odoes with her methods, diplomas, competence, and the copyright.Here the proffesional habits that should become customs are to be found even for the fact that these customs will restis the tendencies to compromise.

96% of our collegues involve the right to associate which proves that many of the psychologists do not know or do not understand what life within an association is . This association exists from the inter war period.

What is to be done ? Shall we decide for I or for Us ?

Anyway the high percentages prove that this code is certainly best liked and regarded with respect.

Psihologul si asociatiile profesionale (ONG) / The psychologist and the NGOs

Fig. 43 Psihologul si asociatiile profesionale (ONG) / The psychologist and the NGOs

Ne bucuram ca 65% dintre psihologi autohtoni sunt membrii ai unor ONG-uri, motivele aderarii sunt insa diverse: interese personale pentru a cistiga de pe urma implicarii in proiecte, obligativitatea de a fi membru pentru a avea acces la atestari, obtinerea unor recomandari favorabile si bineinteles pozitiv vorbind, dorinta de asociere si de colaborare intr-un cadru organizat. Aceste aspecte probabil ca ii scuza pe cei care nu au aderat, cei 29% si care probabil asteapta un prilej de adreare in favoarea lui EU sau optimistul: in favoarea lui NOI.

Ne intrebam retoric, citi dintre acesti aderenti cunosc clar statutul asociatiei la care au aderat?

Putem sa afirmam ca in A B, din 1995 incoace, nimeni nu a aderat, si sunt circa 250 de psihologi din tara, fara sa consulte si sa accepte statutul asociatiei. Este drept ca circa 40% din lotul de studiu sunt membrii A B si 61% sunt aderenti la alte asociatii cu personalitate juridica. De aceea nu vrem sa pierdem prilejul ca sa felicitam A R ca in iulie 2003 a primit confirmarea juridica, neascunzind faptul ca aceasta s-a grabit si datorita insistentelor noastre (A B). Mai mult autorul acestui studiu, poate destul de controversat, cum este si existenta, este membru A R din 1976, insa actul original de constituire (1959) semnat printre altii de L. Blaga, Al Rosca, Al. Zapan, a fost pierdut prin 1991-1992, cind 2 psihologi, din pacate timsoreni, s-au angajat ca elaboreaza un alt statut si vor da continuitate asociatiei.

We are happy that 65% of the psychologists are members of the NGOs. The reasons of this adherence are different: personal interests, the request to be a NGO member to be accepted to examinations, to obtain recommendations and to fulfill the wish to associate and collaborate in an organized environment.

These aspects may be an excuse for the ones who din not join the 29% that probably are waiting for a chance to affiliate.

We wonder how many of those who have affiliated know the statute of the association they joined.

We ca say that since 1995 all the members that joined theYB at about 250 members from all over the country, have consulted the statute before they agreed to join the association. It is true that 40% of this sample are AYB members and 61% are members to other associations legally registered. We take the opportunity to congratulate theAYR who in July 2003 received the legal confirmation not hiding the help received from the in AYB hurrying this event. More, the author of this study, no matter how controversed, has been a member of the AYRsince 1976, but sadly the original act (1959) singed by L Blaga, Al Rosca and Al Zapan was lost in 1991 or 1992 when two psychologists from Timisoara charged to elaborate a new statute.

Participarea la viata asociatiilor / Evolvement in the associations activity

Fig. 44 Participarea la viata asociatiilor / Evolvement in the associations activity

46% dintre psihologii inscrisi participa numai cind sunt solicitati si doar 15% fac acest lucru din proprie initiativa. Exista in mare mult adevar in aceasta marturisire colectiva. Ne aducem aminte de o discutie informala: Ce face asociatia pentru mine, altceva decit sa-mi ceara cotizatia?! Raspuns: Daca si cotizatia trebuie sa-ti fie ceruta atunci nici nu mai merita sa discutam. Cu alte cuvinte: Ce faci tu pentru asociatie? Ce se mai poate discuta despre principiul voluntariatului, daca nici principiul si scopul asocierii nu se cunoaste.

Putini sunt cei implicati, restul graviteaza monitorizind atent ce se intimpla si daca au ceva de cistigat, daca se implica intr-un proiect, atunci apar sau asteapta sa fie soclicitati.

A B-ul, de pilda, a ajuns sa oragnizeze 4 conferinte nationale si internationale in domaeniul psihologiei aplicate, in 1997, 1999, 2001 si in 2003. In acest context putem sa afirmam ca:

Cei care s-au implicat, de fiecare data, majoritatea sunt tot aceiasi voluntari dedicati si asta nu din cauza ca unii sunt din staful ales, ci din cauza ca simteau nevoia sa activeze in mod asociativ, unii chiar s-au specializat pe anumite probleme.

In afara de 2 persoane nimeni din organizatori nu s-a implicat efectiv in atragerea sponsorilor, abia la EU RO 2003, numarul acestora a crescut la 4, din care o persoana care inainte colecta 90% din fonduri, acum a ramas sa colecteze 60%.

Exista un cliseu care functioneaza dezastros de bine, acela ca o sponsorizare rezolvata prin intermediul propriei persoane duce la pierderea sau sacrificarea unei relatii personale. Productiv cliseu, nu? Iarasi apare dilema EU sau NOI.

Campaniile de atragere a sponsorilor pentru A B iti da uneori sentimentul ca pur si simplu cersesti, elitist ce-i drept, dar cersesti.

Pe de alta parte, Legea ''sponsorizarilor'' din Romania, nu ofera avantaje semnificative sponsorului, decit ca trebuie sa-si declare profitul ca sa se calculeze % de deducere si faptul ca sponsorizatul are obligatia sa faca reclama sponsorului.

Sponsorii mici sunt mai ofertanti, cei mari foarte rar si nu intotdeauna consistent. Pentru EU RO 2003, de exemplu, am contactat cu cereri oficiale inregistrate, un numar de 55 de sponsori potentilali, doar 2 au raspuns DA, 2 s-au scuzat dar au raspuns, ceilalti 51 nici macar nu s-au sinchist sa raspunda intr-un fel sau altul. No comment!

In concluzie: Sentimentul NOI este dominat copios de sentimentul EU & EU si EU! Asa arata economia de piata in sfera dividentelor emotional-afective acum.

46% of the associated psychologists take part into the associations activity only when requested; 15% do this from their own initiative. There is a great truth in this confession. We remember here an informal dialogue: What does the association do for me except for asking the regular fee? Answer: If the association has to ask even for the regular fee, which one should pay without being invited to do so is it worth discussing this matter any further? In other words, What do you do for the association? It is futile to bring into discussion the volunteer principle.

Few are those really involved, the rest simply gravitate carefully observing what is going on or if there is anything to gain from the involvement in a certain project they show up or wait to be invited.

The AYB organized 4 national and international conferences in 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003 in this respect we can declare that:

Those who involved every time are the same devoted volunteers, because they felt the urge to act in an association some even become experts in solving problems

Except for two persons nobody from the organizers involved effectively in collecting sponsorships. Only for the EUYRO 2003 their number has gone up to 4, from who a person who collected 90% of the funds now collected only 60%.

There is a clich that works awfully well: a sponsorship matter solved by a person leads to the loss of the sacrifice of a personal relation. Quite a productive clich!

The campaign to raise money for event organization gives the feeling of elitists beggary.

Being a sponsor in Romania does not give any advantage. The sponsor has to declare the profit in order to be deducted the sponsored sum and the beneficiary of the sponsorship has to advertise the sponsor.

The small sponsors are more generous the big ones seldom offer help and not always significant sums. For example, we have contacted by official requests 55 potential sponsors for the EUYRO 2003. Only two of them responded affirmatively other two sent letters of excuse and the rest of 51 did not even bother to answer. No comment!

Conclusion: the concept of Us is dominated by the I & I & I concept! Thus works our market economy in the sphere of emotional dividends for the moment!

Capitolul. 7 Problema colegiului si a atestarilor la colegi The problem of the Psychologists Society and the certifications as a psychologist

Necesitatea colegiului psihologilor / The need of the Psychologists Society

Fig. 45 Necesitatea Colegiului Psihologilor / The need of the Psychologists Society

80% dintre psihologi afirma ca acest organism este necesar sa fie constituit si sa functioneze, 50% sunt pentru ca acesta sa functioneze in cadrul AΨR, iar 98% doresc o functionare zonala coordonata de asociatii afiliate la AΨR. Este o istorie intreaga cu acest colegiu inca neconstituit. Constituirea acestuia a fost ideea AΨB inca din 1997, lansata la Simpozionul National de Psihologie Aplicata din 14-16 martie a aceluiasi an la Timisoara insa in contextul generos al legii noastre.

In contextul Legii 504/1998, cea blocata acum in parlament, cu apelativul infromal al sefului Comisiei de invatamint: Cele mai trebuie si la astia?!exista capitolul despre infintarea COLEGIULUI PSIHOLOGILOR si regulamentul de constituire si functionare al acestuia, totul integrat in contextul asociativ la psihologilor din Romania si sub controlul strict al acestui context pyramidal descentralizat: central si zonal sau regional. Ulterior a aparut o alta propunere legislativa centrata doar pe Colegiu ca organism autonom cu pretentie de a tot facator pentru psihologi si chiar psihologie, care impunea ca orice gest care-l face sa fie platit de psihologii care au majoritatea sub 100 de euro/net lunar, nu mai vorbim de sansele neacordate debudantilor, somerilor (28,5%). In sfirsit, o perfecta masina de colectat taxe daca s-ar fi constituit in aceasta forma.

Nu mai amintim de centralizarea excesiva, costurile scumpe ale atestarilor, perioada scurta dintre 2 atestari periodice. AΨR nu ar mai fi existat din start.

La conferinta neptuniana, in primavara anului 2002, s-a reusit sa se integreze acest organism sub controlul strict al AΨR, cotizatia/an la AΨR sa fie diferentiata pentru someri, pensionari, debutanti la 5 dolari USA acum EURO, iar la membrii plini 8 dolari, acum EURO. Propunerea a fost supusa la vot in fata a circa 200 de paricipanti la Conferinta A R.

Pentru informarea dvs., pe pagina A R tot 10 euro au ramas, mai mult, in noiembrie sau octombrie / 2003 s-a autoschimbat Consiliul Director al A R. Curat statutar coane Mitica!

Autorul acestei cercetari nu a fost de acord niciodata cu aceste formule, iar pe net/e-mail, am avut dezbateri interminabile cu accente critice la formula propusa pentru colegiu in legea aprobata de Senat si amendata la Camera, de acelasi Senat, amendare care viza tocmai inexistenta in text a celor mentionate in textul legii propuse de noi, dar blocate in 2001. Culmea, raspundeam in primul Consiliu Director, post 2000, al A R, de partea legislativa. Ce s-a ales de propunerile noastre banuiti ? Opinii in detaliu, pro si contra, le gasiti pe la sectiunea Articole.

80% of the psychologists agree that this organization is necessary.

50% agree that this new organization should activate within the AYR and 98% see the activity developed within the catching area of the affiliated organizations to the AYR.

The AYB came out with the idea of a Psychologists Society sine 1997 on the occasion of the National symposium of Applied Psychology (Timisoara 14-16 March).

The context of the project of law 504/1998 there is a chapter dedicated to the forming of this Psychologists Society together with creation act everything integrated in the associative context of the psychologists in Romania and under the control of this context, decentralized: central, regional and local. Another project of law focused on the Psychologists Society as an autonomous institution only has been forwarded. This Jack of all trades for psychologists and psychology claimed to be paid for everything when the psychologists salaries in Romania hardly reach over 100 Euro. What about the chances never given to the debutantes and unemployed (28.5%)Finally, a perfect tax collection machine would they have been constituted in this form.

Not to mention the excessive centralization, the high costs for certification, the short period between two periodical certifications. AYR could have not existed from the very beginning.

At the Neptune conference held in spring 2002, this body has been integrated under the strict control of the AYR, the annual fee has been differentiated for unemployed people, pensioners and debutantes at 5 USD now EURO, while the fee for the full members was established at 8 USD now EURO. The proposal was submitted to vote in front of 200 participants at the AYR Conference.

For your information, the AYR web page, still mentions the 10 EURO fee and even more, in October or November 2003, the AYR the Managing Board self-changed.

The author of this study has never agreed these formulas and I had several interminable critical debates on the net/email about the formula proposed for the society in the law approved by the Senate and amended in the Chamber by the same Senate. The amendment expressly referred to the absence in the text of those formulated by us in the draft of the law, but blocked in 2001. And we were responsible with the legal issues in the first AYR Managing Board after 2000 And guess what happened to our proposalsPros and contras can be found on the web page, section Articles.

Unde ar trebui sa se faca atestarile profesionale?     Where should be done the professional certification?

Fig. 46 Unde ar trebui sa se faca atestarile profesionale?

Where should be done the professional certification?

Din grafice se releva clar dorinta de descentralizare a acestor forme de monitorizare si atestare profesionala: 77% nu doresc sa fie atestati de Comisia Centrala a colegiului si respectiv 75% nu doresc ca acestea sa se faca in Bucuresti.

Organizarea atestarilor, consideram ca trebuie sa fie operationala la nivele regionale, in citeva centre universitare, unde formarea psihologilor este deja consacrata: Bucuresti, Cluj, Iasai si Timisoara, prin comisii mixte si cu sprijinul nemijlocit al asociatiilor zonale sau regionale.

A B este pregatita in general sa faca aceasta necesara asistenta pentru membrii sai sau pentru alti psihologi care nu sunt membrii dar doresc sa fie atestati si pe care nu-i conditionam sa adere la A B sau A R, dar daca sunt atestati de catre A B vor trebui sa continue seria reatestarilor tot in acest context.

Organizarea nu va fi elitista, membrii comisiei de atestare vor fi primii atestati de catre profesori reprezentanti de marca, adica nedistantati de realitatile practicarii psihologiei, ai centrelor universitare mentionate. COMISIA Colegiului Central ar ramine in acest fel ca for de contestatie, de supervizare si de monitorizare a eficientei acestor atestari, cu conditia ca aceasta sa fie mixta, adica sa aiba reprezentanti din cele 4 centre mentionate dar si din domeniile practice ale psihologiei, din cercetare.

In concluzie: psihologii din tara doresc sa se atesteze, dar descentarlizat.

From the graphics, the decentralization of these forms of monitoring and certification is very obvious: 77% do not wish to be certified by the Central Commission of the Association and respectively 75% do not want to be certified in Bucharest.

The organization of the certification should be operated at regional levels, in several academic centers, renown for the psychologists formation courses: Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi and Timisoara, with joint commissions and with the full support of the area or regional associations.

AYB is generally prepared to provide this type of assistance for its members or for other psychologists which are not members but want to be certified and which can not be obliged to join AYB or AYR, but if they are certified by AYB they should follow the further certifications in this context.

The organization will not be elitist, the members of the certification commission will be first certified by famous professors from the above mentioned academic centers, up to date to the realities of the psychological practice. The COMMSSION of the Association and center level would remain just a unity for contest, supervising and monitoring the efficiency of the certifications, with the condition to be joint, that is to include representatives of the 4 centers above mentioned and also from the practical fields of psychology and research.

In conclusion: the psychologists from the country want to be certified, but decentralized.

Argumentele descentralizarii atestariilor profesionale

The arguments of the descentralization of the professional certifications

Fig 47 Argumentele descentralizarii atestariilor profesionale

The arguments of the descentralization of the professional certifications

64% dintre psihologi, contesta taxele prea mari; 60 EURO= circa 2.500.000 lei, debutantul are 2.800.000 lei cistigul brut, la cursul zilei din 2003;

63% nu doresc sa depinda de deciziile luate la Bucuresti;

59% contesta controlul centralizat al activitatii si al evoultiei lor profesionale;

50% considera ca pierd timpul si banii cu deplasarile la Bucuresti;

47% considera ca Centrele universitare regionale de formare a psihologilor sunt date la o parte chiar daca in comisia de evaluare sunt reprezentanti si din teritoriu;

34% dintre colegi au mult curaj, acesta nu este tupeu nici macar ca interpretare ironica, si isi pun intrebari legitime de tipul: ''Daca cei care atesta, la rindul lor sunt atestati si de catre cine?''

15% sunt cei care pun problema precaritatii autoritatii celor care atesta, pot fi cumulati procentual la cei anteriori mentionati si ar rezulta un semnificativ procent de 49%.

In concluzie: fenomenul de centralizare evolueaza in voia lui si neproductiv daca nu se rezolva rapid existenta unei legislatii de tip democratic, el ne poate sufoca si imploda pe unii, iar pe altii disipa. Era dosarelor, alt cliseu, incepe cu CV-uri gonflate, bani chiuvernisiti pentru forme, autonomii pretabile la compromisuri profesionale in psihologia autohtona.

64% of the psychologists contest the expensive fees; 60 EURO (about 2,500,000 ROL), a beginner earns about 2,800,000 ROL /exchange rate in 2003;

63% do not want to depend on the decisions taken in Bucharest;

59% are contesting the centralized control of their professional activity and evolution;

50% consider that they waste time and money traveling to Bucharest;

47% consider that the regional academic formation centers of the psychologists are pushed aside, even if the evaluation commission includes representatives from the territory;

34% colleagues have courage, they are not insolent when they ask pertinent questions such as Who certifies the members of the certification commissions?

15% put the problem of the uncertainty of the certification authority; they can be added to the previous percentage, generating a significant percentage of 49%.

In conclusion: the phenomenon of centralization has a randomly and unproductive evolution if a democratic legal frame will not be specifically clarified. This phenomenon can suffocate and implode us and even dissipate us. The age of files, another clich, starts with inflated CVs, money saved for forms, autonomies generating professional compromises in the autochthonous psychology.

Solutii propuse pentru comisiile de atestare

Solutions proposed for the certification commissions

Fig. 48    Solutii propuse pentru comisiile de atestare

Solutions proposed for the certification commissions

Dupa cele rezultate si oferite in diagrama, ar fi doua solutii:

Acolo unde nu sunt asociatii profesionale constituite juridic, in cele 4 centre, sa se aleaga dintre membrii A R, Comisii regionale, 66% sunt cei care propun aceasta.

Acolo unde sunt asociatii constituite juridic, 83% opteaza pentru functionarea Comisiilor de Atestare, mentionate in statutul lor juridic.

Cum ramine insa cu A R si relatia acesteia cu Asociatiile Regionale, cite din acestea sunt constituite si functioneaza cu adevarat?

Este o problema juridica si financiara care apare la intentia de aderarea asociatiilor regionale la A R si care tine de decizii luate prin Adunarile Generale ale fiecarei asociatii regionale. In ce forma si cu ce contributie?

A B are membrii care au aderat la A R, dar au facut-o independent de faptul ca erau membrii A B si mai ales pentru a avea acces la atestarile care vizau psihologia si securitatea muncii. Este dreptul lor democratic, dar daca se facea acest lucru prin A B precis cotizatia era mai mica, la fel si taxa de atestare.

Afilierea unei asociatii profesionale regionale la una nationala este dupa noi o necesitate, insa nu in conditii impuse, ci reciproc avantajoase cu respectarea personalitatii juridice a fiecareia dintre parti.

Following the results presented in the diagram, there are two solutions:

Where there are no professional associations legally constituted, in the 4 above mentioned centers, regional commissions to be elected with AYR members, 66% make this proposal.

Where there are associations legally constituted, 83% are opting for the operation of the Certification Commissions, specified in their legal statute.

But, what about AYR and its relation with the Regional Associations, how many of them are constituted and are really operating?

A legal and financial problem occurs when the regional associations intends to join AYR. This problem is linked to the decisions taken within the General Assemblies of each regional associations. In what form and with what contribution?

AYB has members that jointed the AYR, but they did it irrespective of their AYB membership and mostly in order to have access to the certifications related to psychology and work safety. It is their democratic right, but if they had done it through AYB, both the fee and the certification tax would have been cheaper.

The affiliation of a regional professional association to a national one is, for us, a necessity, but not under imposed conditions but in reciprocally beneficial conditions and respecting the legal responsibility of each party.

Periodicitatea atestarilor / The certification periodicity

Fig. 49 Periodicitatea atestarilor / The certification periodicity

Si iata-ne la sfirsitul analizei noastre.

Dupa proiectul legii masinii de colectat taxe adica cea a Colegiului Psihologilor si nu a Psihologilor, pur si simplu, aceasta periodicitate era propusa la 2 ani, in cercetarea noastra doar 2% dintre psihologi sunt de acord cu aceasta ritmicitate cu adevarat adecvata stilului de muzica house.

Democratic vorbind, solutia ar fi dupa 4 sau 5 ani, cumulat 48%, dar ce ne facem daca va fi nevoie de psihologi de familie, ca moda este ca moda si confuziile de statut abunda.

Here we are at the end of our analysis.

After the draft of the tax collecting machine law of the Psychologists Association and not of the Psychologists, actually, a 2 year periodicity was proposed. In our research study, just 2% of the psychologists agreed with this rhythm adequate more for the house music style.

Democratically speaking, the solution would be 4 or 5 years, cumulated 48%, but what shall we do when family psychologists would be needed, as fashion is as fashion and there are so many statute confusions.

In loc de concluzii / Instead of conclusions

Cercetarea noastra trebuie analizata in contextul existentei celorlalte 3 anterioare si consultabile in Volumul lucrarile in extenso ale EUPSIRO 1999 & 2001 existente in toate bibliotecile universitare din tara.

Frustrarile psihologilor din Romania sunt multe: lipsa statut, legislatie, cod etic si deontologic, metode test valide, inabilitatea de a cerceta, conditii salariale mai mult decit modeste, centralizarea excesiva a organizarii asociative, conditii economice precare, lipsa de comunicare profesionala, etc.

Deocamdata multi psihologi autohtoni sunt persoane pentru care criteriile de asociere au o amprentare mai mult strict personala, dominate de interese care nu au nimic comun cu nevoia acuta de a comunica de a exista si de a se impune impreuna profesional.

Colegii nostri nu vor sa plece din tara, dar nici nu vor sa fie la cheremul colegilor lor mai mari, care nu tin cont de starea lor economico - financiara.

Se are impresia ca privatizarea in psihologie tine doar de gest si de un dosar doldora de avize, de caricaturi metodologice si nu de activitatea in sine, de responsabilitatea acesteia de capacitatea de a o demonstra. De multe ori daca incepi prost corectiile, ecologice le-am spune, acestea nu mai au forta sa restructureze nici macar orientarea spre eficienta sociala.

Trebuie sa trecem la lumea lui NOI care insemana, dupa noi, nu o suma de EU-ri ci o organizare coerenta a acestora.

Formarea psihologilor ar trebui sa aiba criterii aplicative certe, sa sadeasca saminta cercetarii si a lucrului in echipa, continutul si responsabilitatea actului de cunoastere psihologica la studenti.

Ne mentinem opinia necesitatii existentei si transparentei: legislatiei specifice si a codului de etica si deontologie profesionala pentru toti cei care sunt psihologi licentiati si pentru societate.

Our research study must be analyzed in the context of the other previous 3 that can be consulted in the Volume the works 'in extenso', EUPSIRO 1999 & 2001, available in all university library across the country.

The frustrations of the psychologists in Romania are multiple: lack of statute, legal frame, ethic and conduct code, valid testing methods, inability to research, poor salaries, excessive centralization of the associative organization, poor economic conditions, lack of professional communication, etc.

For now, many local psychologists are persons for whom the association criteria are rather personal, dominated by interests that have nothing in common with the critical need to professionally communicate, exist and impose together.

Our colleagues do not want to leave the country but they do not want to depend on their big colleagues who do not take into consideration their financial and economical condition.

The impression is that the privatization in psychology depends only on a gesture and a file with a bunch of approvals and methodological caricatures and not on the actual activity, on its responsibility and capacity to demonstrate it. As it happens many times, if you wrongly start the corrections, ecological we may say, they have no longer the force to restructure even the orientation towards the social efficiency.

We must shift to the world of US, meaning for us, not a sum of Is but their coherent organization.

The formation of the psychologists must have certain application criteria, to plant the seed of research and team work, the content and responsibility of the act of psychological knowledge in the students.

We maintain our opinion on the necessity of transparency: of the specific legislation and of the ethical and professional conduct for all the psychologists holding a licence.

Timisoara la 15.01.04

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