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It is a document that informs people about different important things; it is folded and free of charge advertising/ providing information about something. There are no strict rules that are to be obeyed for its writing. But it should catch the readers attention and must contain an address and date. Here it is an example: you work for a department store, COTY, located in 67894 Paris, 20-24 rue Babilon; you are planning the summer sale which will last from 2nd till 20th July and are supposed to write a leaflet announcing all the merchandises for sale. So you are supposed to inform the people about all the products ready for sale during this interval of time. Decide the order you present the material, no particular layout is required; the leaflet should attract the readers; address, date, place, phone number, even tram/ bus numbers are to be indicated. An example may be this one:

The BEST of Paris is at COTY

It is a price any can afford! Treat yourself at this summer sale, 2nd 20th of July inclusive

Our English speaking staff helps you to find what you want a very good price

30% off brads of perfume

40% of leather bags

50% off mens and womens summer fashions

There a re a lot of goods anybody needs.

COTY, 20-24 rue Babylon, 67894 Paris (phone 0023456789), open 10-7, six days/week. It is closed for the national holiday 14July. Take Bus no.6 from Place Pigale or tram no.12 from Louvre.

The writer may take a large place so that all the information is spread all over in order to catch the readers eye. The shop address is presented, date of the sales and even a map can be added.

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