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size linux command

size size [options] [objfile] Print the number of bytes of each section of objfile and its total size. If objfile is not specified, a.out is used. Options -d Display the size in decimal and hexadecimal. --
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hwclock linux command

hwclock hwclock [options] System administration command. Read or set the hardware clock. This command maintains change information in /etc/adjtime, which can be used to adjust the clock based on how much it drifts over time. hw
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grpck linux command

grpck grpck [option] [files] System administration command. Remove corrupt or duplicate entries in the /etc/group and /etc/gshadow files. Generate warnings for other errors found. grpck will prompt for a 'yes' or &
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arch linux command

arch arch Print machine architecture type to standard output. Equivalent to uname -m.
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rstat linux command

rstat rstat host TCP/IP command. Summarize host's system status: the current time, uptime, and load averages -- the average number of jobs in the run queue. Queries the remote host's rstat_svc daemon.
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fetchmail linux command

fetchmail fetchmail [options] [servers] System administration command. Retrieve mail from mail servers and forward it to the local mail delivery system. fetchmail retrieves mail from servers that support the common mail p
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banner linux command

banner banner [option] [characters] Print characters as a poster. If no characters are supplied, banner prompts for them and reads an input line from standard input. By default, the results go to standard output, but they are i
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getty linux command

getty getty [options] port [speed [term [lined]]] System administration command. Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline. Linux systems may use agetty instead, which uses a different syntax. getty is invoked
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vacation linux command

vacation vacation vacation [options] [user] Automatically return a mail message to the sender announcing that you are on vacation. Use vacation with no options to initialize the vacation mechanism. The process performs se
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ipchains-restore linux command

ipchains-restore ipchains-restore [options] System administration command. Restore firewall rules. ipchains-restore takes commands generated by ipchains-save and uses them to restore the firewall rules for each chain. Often us
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sync linux command

sync sync System administration command. Write filesystem buffers to disk. sync executes the sync() system call. If the system is to be stopped, sync must be called to ensure filesystem integrity. Note that shutdown automati
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lpr linux command

lpr lpr [options] files Send files to the printer spool queue. Options -c Expect data produced by cifplot. -d Expect data produced by TeX in the DVI (device- independent) format. -f Use a filter that interp
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pwconv linux command

pwconv pwconv pwunconv System administration command. Convert unshadowed entries in /etc/passwd into shadowed entries in the /etc/shadow file. Replace the encrypted password in /etc/password with an x. Shadowing passwords
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killall linux command

killall killall [options] names Kill processes by command name. If more than one process is running the specified command, kill all of them. Treat command names that contain a / as files; kill all processes that are executing t
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uniq linux command

uniq uniq [options] [file1 [file2]] Remove duplicate adjacent lines from sorted file1, sending one copy of each line to file2 (or to standard output). Often used as a filter. Specify only one of -d or -u. See also comm an
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gs linux command

gs gs [options] [files] An interpreter for Adobe Systems' PostScript and PDF (Portable Document Format) languages; used for document processing. With - in place of files, standard input is used. Options -- filename arg1 .
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rshd linux command

rshd rshd [options] TCP/IP command. Remote shell server for programs such as rcmd and rcp, which need to execute a noninteractive shell on remote machines. rshd is started by inetd and must have an entry in inetd's configuratio
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dirname linux command

dirname dirname pathname Print pathname excluding the last level. Useful for stripping the actual filename from a pathname. If there are no slashes (no directory levels) in pathname, dirname prints . to indicate the current
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chown linux command

chown chown [options] newowner files chown [options] --reference=filename files Change the ownership of one or more files to newowner. newowner is either a user ID number or a login name located in /etc/passwd. chow
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logname linux command

logname logname [option] Consult /var/run/utmp for user's login name. If found, print it; otherwise, exit with an error message. Options --help Print a help message and then exit. --version Print version inf
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