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Future Tenses


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Future Tenses

In limba engleza pentru a forma "Future Tenses" se folosesc auxiliarele "shall" si "will" astfel:

in limba engleza britanica "shall" se foloseste la persoana I (singular si plural) iar auxiliarul "will" se foloseste la persoanele II si III (singular si plural);

in limba engleza americana se foloseste auxiliarul "will" pentru toate persoanele

Future Tense Simple

a) Definitie Future Tense Simple exprima o actiune viitoare care nu are limitele de desfasurare precis specificate (actiuni non-durative).

b) Forma: Future Tense Simple formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul auxiliarelor "will" si "shall".

c) Conjugarea





I shall work

Shall I work?

I shall not work

You will work

Will you work?

You will not work

He    will work

Will he work?

He will not work

She will works

Will she work?

She will not work

It will works

Will it work?

It will not work

We shall work

Shall we work?

We shall not work

You will work

Will you work?

You will not work

They will work

Will they work?

They will not work

d) Folosiri

I) Future Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare ale carei limite de desfasurare nu sunt precis specificate (actiuni non-durative)

Adverbe specifice (stau la sfarsitul propozitiei):

- next+compusi - day (They will make a party next week



tomorrow (We shall go sking tomorrow

II) Future Tense Simple nu se foloseste niciodata in propozitiile subordonate conditionale si in cele circumstantiale de timp

I shall go to the sea side if I have money. (conditionala)

Voi pleca la mare daca voi avea bani.

I shall go to the sea side when I have money. (temporala).

Voi pleca la mare cand voi avea bani.

Future Tense Continuous

a)    Definitie: Future Tense Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare ale carei limite de desfasurare sunt precis specificate (actiuni durative).

b)    Forme: in limba engleza Future Tense Continuous formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul auxiliarelor "shall" si "will".

c)     Conjugare





I shall be working

Shall    I be working?

I shall not be working

You will be working

Will you be working?

You will not be working

He will be working

Will he be working?

He will not be working

She will be working

Will she be working?

She will not be working

It will be working

Will it be working?

It will not be working

We shall be working

Shall we be working?

We shall not be working

You will be working

Will you be working?

You will not be working

They will be working

Will they be working?

They will not be working

d)    Folosiri:

I)          Future Tense Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare ale carei limite de desfasurare sunt precis specificate (actiuni durative)

Adverbe specifice (stau la sfatsitul propozitiei):

at/on this time +compusi (I shall be reading this book on this time next week

II)      Future Tense Continuous nu se foloseste niciodata in propozitiile subordonate conditionale si in cele circumstantiale de timp, in schimb se pastreaza aspectul.

My sister will be sleeping while I am doing my homework.

Sora mea va dormi in timp ce eu imi voi face temele.

III)           Future Tense Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare aflata in desfasurare, intrerupta de o alta actiune viitoare.

He will be having lunch when I arrive

IV)           Future Tense Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima doua actiuni aflate in desfasurare simultan.

She will be walking while her brother is watching TV.

Modalitati de exprimare a viitorului

I)          Pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare se folosesc Past Tense Simple (pentru actiuni care fac parte dintr-un orar oficial) si Past Tense Continuous (pentru actiuni care fac parte dintr-un plan personal de viitor).

PTS: The plain for New York leaves at 5 p.m. tomorrow

PTC: She is giving a party next week

II)      Pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare se pot folosi anumite expresii care au valoare temporala de viitor:

to be about to - exprima o actiune care va avea loc in viitorul apropiat si se traduce prin "a fi pe punctul de a".

They are about to leave for school.

to be to - exprima un aranjament viitor ( I am to see the dentist) - a avea programare.

exprima un ordin (obligativitatea de a savarsi o actiune in viitor) si se traduce prin "trebuie" (She is to bring the books back).

to be going to - exprima o intentie viitoare si se traduce prin "a intentiona sa":

I am going to write a book.

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