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Prepozitia (Preposition) - limba engleza


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Prepozitia (Preposition) - limba engleza

O prepozitie este un cuvant care arata relatia dintre substantivul sau pronumele care-l urmeaza (obiectul sau) si cuvantul sau grupul de cuvinte care apar inaintea acestuia (antecedentul sau).

Exemple: He is walking on the bridge. 'He is walking' - este o propozitie independenta care ar putea sta singura. Expresia 'on the bridge' (ca un adverb) da informatii despre where he is walking. Prepozitia 'on' arata relatia dintre expresia verbala 'is walking' si substantivul 'bridge'. He is walking on the bridge, not under the bridge, over the bridge, or across the bridge.

O prepozitie merge inaintea substantivului sau pronumelui care 'serveste' ca obiect al sau. Deci ocupa pozitia dinainte - 'pre - pozitie'.

PREPOZITII: about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, concerning, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, over, past, since, through, throughout, to, toward, under, until, up, underneath, upon, with, within, without.

Cum am spus, o prepozitie arata relatia dintre obiectul sau si antecedentul sau.

Unele prepozitii arata o relatie de loc (behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, in, inside, near, off, on, over, past, under upon, within). The water is in the glass. The children are on the playground.

Alte prepozitii arata o relatie de directie (down, from, into, out of, through, to, toward). The girl ran toward her mother.

Altele indica o relatie de timp (after, at, before, during). She left at three o'clock.

Altele sugereaza o relatie de maniera (by, like, with). They travel by bus.

Altele sugereaza o relatie de agent (through, by, with). That computer was made by IBM.

Altele sugereaza o relatie de asociere (with, of). Sau de sursa (from).

Prin invatarea acestor prepozitii vei putea sa le spui altora cum sa ajunga la tine acasa, scoala, sau alt loc. Vei putea sa explici cand, unde, cum, de ce, cui si cu cine se intampla ceva.

1. Prepozitiile de fraza (Phrasal prepositions)

Majoritatea prepozitiilor constau dintr-un cuvant, dar unele sunt expresii care functioneaza ca un intreg. Exemple: because of, by way of, in care of, in case of, in lieu of, in spite of, instead of, on account of, on the side of. Fiecare expresie este considerata o prepozitie.

Observa cum sunt folosite prepozitiile de fraza in urmatoarele propozitii:

The Carters drove to Florida by way of (modifica verbul - functioneaza ca un adverb) Texas.

In care of (subiectul) is often used in addressing envelopes.

2. Expresia prepozitionala (The prepositional phrase)

Aceasta este o expresie care incepe cu o prepozitie si se termina cu un substantiv sa pronume. Exemple: George saw the picture of Mary. He wrote to the mayor (substantive). My children turned against me. He put all the guilt on him. (pronume).

O expresie prepozitionala poate 'sluji' ca rol de un adjectiv prin care spune maia multe despre un substantiv sau pronume. Exemplu: John D. Rockefeller was a man of wealth. - Inseamna 'wealthy' si modifica substantivul 'man', deci 'slujeste' ca un adjectiv.

De asemenea, aceasta poate 'sluji' si ca un adverb prin a spune mai multe despre un verb, un adjectiv, sau un alt adverb. Exemplu: Go and speak to the people. - Modifica verbul 'speak', deci este adverb.

Uneori, o expresie prepozitionala urmeaza substantiv principal dintr-o propozitie si este parte a subiectului. Exemplu: John's plan for saving kids from drugs was well-planned. A relative of John liked his idea. - In aceste propozitii, expresiile prepozitionale sunt parte din subiect.

3. Reguli pentru folosirea prepozitiilor

Cand subiectul unei propozitii contine o expresie prepozitionala, verbul sau expresia verbala trebuie sa se acorde cu substantivul si nu cu substantivul din expresia prepozitionala. Exemplu: The girl with the flowers is our granddaughter. 'The girl is' si nu 'the flowers'.

Among este folosit pentru a se face referinta la mai mult de 2 persoane, locuri sau lucruri. We walk among people.

Between este folosit pentru a se face referinta la 2 persoane, locuri sau lucruri. The relationship between you and me is good.

Nu pune prepozitii ne-necesare la sfarsitul unei propozitii. Nu,'Where are the people at?' Ci, 'Where are the people?'

Beside means 'next to' (alaturi de). They buried him beside his wife.

Besides means 'except' or 'in addition to' (in afara de). There was no chicken besides potatoes. Incorect este: There was no chicken beside potatoes.

Test 'Preposition'

Gaseste prepozitiile din propozitiile de mai jos si scrie-le in stanga.

_____________ 1. He sent workers to his car.

_____________ 2. We saw a new king ruling over this land.

_____________ 3. Eli was the son of Ann.

_____________ 4. There was fire on the woods.

Pune in spatiile libere de mai jos prepozitia care se potriveste mai bine.

Some _____________ the people were bad and some were good.

_____________ you and me there is no problem.

Somebody is coming _____________ Romania.

People would come _____________ far and near.

Gaseste prepozitiile de fraza si scrie-le in stanga.

_____________ 1. He went home because of his pain.

_____________ 2. In spite of his warning, nobody cared.

_____________ 3. The soldier fought on the side of his army.

_____________ 4. In case of danger, see the doctor.

Gaseste expresiile prepozitionale de mai jos si scrie-le in stanga.

_____________ 1. They would make a cross from their swords.

_____________ 2. Many people could see him on the cross.

_____________ 3. He could look into the future.

_____________ 4. This lesson was for your benefit.

_____________ 5. What have you found against me?

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