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Starship Troopers: Roger Young


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Starship Troopers: Roger Young

Model by: Christopher J. Davis

Requires: 42 sheets of 110 lb. Weight 8.5 x 11 Cardstock

Scale:  Bigger than a babys arm but smaller than a car

Difficulty:  Advanced


Nose Section

Parts:  Nose Section One

Nose Section Two

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Attach Section One to Section Two at the area marked with an X.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below:

Bridge Lower 1:

Parts:  Bridge Lower 1 (Section One)

Bridge Lower 2 (Section Two)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Attach Section One to Section Two at the area marked with an X.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below:

Bridge Lower 2:

Parts: Bridge Lower 2

Cut out the above part and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below (note carefully the area circled in red in picture two):

Bridge Lower 3:

Parts: Bridge Lower 3

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below:

Bridge Lower 4:

Parts: Bridge Lower 4

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below (note carefully the area circled in red):

Bridge Lower 5:

Parts: Bridge Lower 5

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below:

Bridge Upper:

Parts: Bridge Upper

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below:

Bridge Major Assembly:

Assembled Parts: Nose Section

Bridge Lower 1

Bridge Lower 2

Bridge Lower 3

Bridge Lower 4

Bridge Lower 5

Bridge Upper

Assemble Parts as listed in order given above. Use the reference pictures below and the texturing of each part for alignment.

Bridge Lower 1 to Nose Section:

Bridge Lower 2 to BL1/Nose:

Bridge Lower 3 to BL2/BL1/Nose:

Bridge Lower 4 to BL3/BL2/BL1/Nose:

Bridge Lower 5 to BL4/BL3/BL2/BL1/Nose:

Bridge Upper to BL5/BL4/BL3/BL2/BL1/Nose:

Center Bridge Upper above BL3/2/1 as shown below:

Bridge Supports Upper (Right and Left)

Parts:  Bridge Supports Upper (R/L)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines. Attach the long strips to the main piece at the areas indicated by an X.

Fold/assemble into the shapes seen below:

Bridge Supports Upper (Right and Left):

Attach these to the underside of the completed Bridge Assembly, using the following pictures to align:

Bottom view:

Please note that the texturing (windows) on the Bridge Supports Upper goes on the OUTSIDE of the assembly. The plain textured part is on the INSIDE of each piece.

Bridge Supports Lower (Right and Left) and Bridge Supports Lower Wedge (R/L/Middle)

Parts: Bridge Supports Lower (R and L)

Bridge Supports Lower Wedge (R and L)

Bridge Supports Lower Wedge (Middle)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shapes seen below:

Attach Bridge Supports Lower (R/L) on the underside of Bridge Supports Upper, matching the INSIDE EDGE of each piece to that of the Bridge Supports Upper. Note the position of BL1. The front edge of the Bridge Supports Lower (R/L) should be as shown in the red circle, NOT flush with the forward edge of part BL1.

Assemble Bridge Supports Lower Wedge (R and L) and Bridge Supports Lower Wedge (Middle) as shown below. Note the texture on the Lower Wedge (Middle) is located on the BOTTOM of the piece. Note also that the front, rear and top edges of the Wedge (Middle) are NOT FLUSH with the front, rear and top edges of the Wedge (R and L) pieces:

Attach the completed Wedge Assembly between the Bridge Supports Lower (R/L) pieces as shown below: Please note that there WILL BE a gap between the bottom of part BL1 and the Wedge Assembly.

Mid Deck Platform

Parts:  Mid Deck Platform

Interior Strip

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shapes seen below. Note that Interior Strip is assembled with the textured side facing IN. Secure to tabs in the middle of Mid Deck Platform, carefully aligning top and bottom edges.

Attach the Mid Deck Platform to the top side of the Bridge Supports Upper (R/L). Front edge of Mid Deck Platform is flush with the rear side of part BL5. Note that as shown in red circle, the rear edge of Mid Deck Platform should be flush with the rear edge(s) of Bridge Supports Upper (R/L). Center the Mid Deck Platform as shown below:

Tunnel (Girder) Assembly

Parts: Tunnel Aft

Tunnel Fore

Tunnel Middle

Tunnel End

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shapes seen below.


Parts Tunnel Aft and Tunnel Fore may be assembled as is, or for a more detailed look, remove the white sections between the grey girder texture.

Color the opposite side of the pieces black or dark grey prior to assembly.

It is recommended to use CA (cryanoacetate or SuperGlue) to strengthen the open gridwork should this option be used.

Attach Tunnel End to the upper side of part BL5, centering as shown below. Note that the rear edge of Tunnel End is flush with the rear edge of part BL5.

Attach part Tunnel Fore to the rear of Tunnel End as shown below, carefully aligning all edges:

Attach part Tunnel Middle to the rear of Tunnel Fore as shown below. Note that part Tunnel Middle is slightly larger than Tunnel Fore. This is intentional. Position the piece so that there is a small overlap as shown below:

Attach Tunnel Aft to the rear of Tunnel Middle, aligning carefully to maintain the small overlap as shown below:

Tunnel Shaft and Shaft Ring

Parts: Tunnel Shaft

Tunnel Shaft Ring

Shaft Ring Insert

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Note that Shaft Ring Insert is assembled with the texture side facing INWARDS. Glue to tabs in center of assembled Shaft Ring, carefully aligning top and bottom edges.

Attach Shaft Ring to Tunnel Shaft, aligning as shown below:

Place Tunnel Shaft Assembly through the hole in the Mid Deck Platform. Attach the top of completed Tunnel Shaft Assembly to the BOTTOM of Tunnel Middle as shown below:

Ring Top

Parts: Ring Top

Ring Top Inside

Ring Top Outside

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below. Attach Inside and Outside faces carefully, following the matching symbols on the parts sheet:

Ring Bottom

Parts: Ring Bottom Middle Section

Ring Bottom Side Section(s)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Attach Ring Bottom Side Sections to Ring Bottom Middle Section as shown below. Note carefully the positioning of Side Sections.

Lower Drive Block and Lower Drive Tube

Parts:  Lower Drive Block

Lower Drive Tube

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Lower Drive Block:

Lower Drive Tube:

Attach Lower Drive Tube to Ring Bottom, aligning parts carefully as shown below. Note that the BOTTOM edges of Drive Tube and Ring Bottom are flush.

Attach Lower Drive Block to the interior of Ring Bottom, aligning carefully as shown below. Note there WILL be a small gap between the Drive Block and Drive Tube. This is intentional.

Side View:

Bottom View:

Lower Drive Surround

Parts:  Lower Drive Surround (Section One)

Lower Drive Surround (Section Two)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Attach Section One to Section Two at the area marked with an X.

Fold/assemble into the shape seen below:

Attach Lower Drive Surround to the top of Lower Drive Tube, aligning as shown below.

Note that the rear edge of Lower Drive Surround is attached to the front edge of Lower Drive Block. Note that the top edges of Lower Drive Surround and Lower Drive Block are flush.

Attach this completed Assembly to the Bridge Supports Lower (R/L) as shown below. Carefully note alignment.


Note that the Lower Drive Surround is attached to Bridge Supports Lower by a small space along the INNER edge of each Bridge Support.

It is critical that Lower Drive Surround be firmly glued to these areas of the Bridge Supports.

See red circled areas below:

Attach completed Ring Top Assembly to Ring Bottom Assembly and rear of Tunnel Aft.

Your model should now look as below:

Side View:

Top Perspective View:

Bottom Perspective View:

Main Hull Assembly

Parts: Main Hull Upper

Main Hull Middle

Main Hull Middle Lower

Main Hull Lower (R and L)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below:

Main Hull Middle Lower:

Main Hull Middle:

Attach Main Hull Middle to Main Hull Middle Lower as shown below.

Check alignment carefully, using illustrations as a reference:

Attach this completed assembly to the front half of the ship. Note that the front face of the Main Hull Middle Lower part is attached to the rear face of the Lower Drive Block. Note that the front face of the Main Hull Middle part is attached to the rear face of the Mid Hull Platform. Align parts carefully as shown below (Ring Top and Ring Bottom omitted for clarity):

Side View:

It is important to ensure proper attachment of these pieces.

Main Hull Lower (R and L):

Note carefully she shape and positioning of textures. The main textured part goes on the INSIDE when attaching in the step below.

Attach the Main Hull Lower (R and L) parts to Main Hull Middle, using the illustration below:

Note carefully the gap between Main Hull Middle Lower and Main Hull Lower (R and L). This is intentional.

Note that the rear faces of Main Hull Lower (R and L) are flush with the rear face of Main Hull Middle.

Side View:

Rear View:

Assemble Main Hull Upper and attach to the top of Main Hull Middle as shown below.

Note that the front face of Main Hull Upper and Main Hull Middle are flush.

Dropship Bays and Side Pods

Parts: Dropship Bays Upper

Dropship Bays Lower

Side Pods

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below:

Attach Dropship Bays Upper and Lower to rear of Main Hull Middle as shown below:

Attach Side Pods to the front of Main Hull Middle as shown below. Note that the front face of Side Pods is flush with and attached to the rear face of the Mid Deck Platform. Note also the gap present between the Side Pods and the Main Hull Lower (R and L):

Forward Observation Deck

Parts: Forward Observation Deck

Forward Observation Deck Neck

Forward Observation Deck Base

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below:

Forward Observation Deck:

Forward Observation Deck Neck:

Forward Observation Deck Base:

Attach Forward Observation Deck Neck to Forward Observation Deck Base as shown below:

Attach Forward Observation Deck to Forward Observation Deck Neck as shown below:

Attach finished Forward Observation Deck Assembly to Main Hull Upper and Main Hull Middle as shown below. Note that sides and top of Deck Assembly and Main Hull Upper are NOT flush. There should be a small space along the sides and top as shown below:

Mid Observation Deck and Observation Domes 1 and 2

Parts: Mid Observation Deck

Observation Dome 1

Observation Dome 2

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Attach Finished Mid Observation Deck and Dome 1 and 2 to Main Hull Upper, placing as shown below:

Note that Observation Dome 1 and 2 are interchangable.

Mid Observation Deck and Domes Placement:

Rear Observation Deck

Parts: Rear Observation Deck Top

Rear Observation Deck Base

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Rear Observation Deck Top:

Rear Observation Deck Base:

Attach Rear Observation Deck Top to Rear Observation Deck Base as shown below:

Attach completed Rear Observation Deck Assembly to the top of Main Hull Upper, placing as shown below:

Engine Brace

Parts: Engine Brace Middle

Engine Brace Bottom

Engine Brace Top

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Engine Brace Middle:

Engine Brace Bottom:

Engine Brace Top:

Attach Engine Brace Bottom and Top to Engine Brace Middle as shown below:

Attach finished Engine Brace Assembly to the rear face of Main Hull Middle as shown below. Note that the bottom face of the Engine Brace Assembly and the Main Hull Middle are flush.

Engine Arms Right (Upper and Lower)

Parts: Engine Arms Right Upper

Engine Arms Right Lower

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Attach Engine Arms Right Upper and Lower to Engine Brace Middle as shown below:

Engine Arms Left (Upper and Lower)

Parts: Engine Arms Left Upper

Engine Arms Left Lower

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Attach Engine Arms Right Upper and Lower to Engine Brace Middle as shown below:

Engines Right and Engines Left (Upper and Lower)

Parts: Engines Right Top Set Upper Half

Engines Right Top Set Lower Half

Engines Right Bottom Set Upper Half

Engines Right Bottom Set Lower Half

Engines Left Top Set Upper Half

Engines Left Top Set Lower Half

Engines Left Bottom Set Upper Half

Engines Left Bottom Set Lower Half

Upper Engine Greeble (Right)

Upper Engine Greeble (Left)

Lower Engine Greebles (Right)

Lower Engine Greebles (Left)

Cut out the parts listed above and score along indicated lines.

Fold/assemble into the shape(s) seen below.

Attach the Upper and Lower Half of each Set to each other as shown below:

Attach Upper Engine Greeble (Right) and Lower Engine Greebles (Right) to Engine Right Top and Bottom Sets as shown below:

Repeat the above steps using the parts for the Left Engines.

Attach the Engines (Right) Upper and Lower Sets to the Engine Arms (Right) as shown below:

Repeat this process for the Engines (Left) Upper and Lower Sets. Your Engine Assembly should appear as below:

This completes the model assembly. Your model should appear as below:

Side View:

Top View:

Perspective View:

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