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Editing shape layers


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Editing shape layers

A shape layer is a fill layer linked to a vector mask. You can easily change the fill to a different color a gradient or a pattern by editing the shape s fill layer. You can also edit the shape s vector mask to modify the shape outline and apply a style to the layer.

To change the color of a shape:

Double-click the shape layer s thumbnail in the Layers palette and choose a different color using the color picker.

To fill a shape with a pattern or gradient:

Select a shape layer in the Layers palette.

Do one of the following:

Choose Layer > Change Layer Content > Gradient and set gradient options.

Choose Layer > Change Layer Content > Pattern and set pattern options.

For more information see "Using adjustment layers and fill layers (Photoshop) on section 311

To modify the outline of a shape:

Click the shape layer s vector mask thumbnail in the Layers palette or Paths palette. Then change the shape using the shape and pen tools.

For more information see "Moving reshaping copying and deleting path components"

on section 214

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