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Present Conditional (conditional prezent)

    Se formeaza cu should si would la persoana I si would la persoanele II si III, la care se adauga infinitivul prezent al verbului de conjugat.


I should/would go We should/would go
You would go You would go
He/she/it would go They would not go


I should/would not go We should/would not go
You would not go You would not go
He/she/it would not go They would not go
Forme prescurtate: shouldn't, wouldn't.


Should I go? Should we go?
Would you go? Would you go?
Would he/she/it go? Would they go?

    Se traduce cu conditionalul prezent din limba romana (as merge, ai merge, ar merge etc.).

Past Conditional (conditional trecut)

    Se traduce cu should/would la care se adauga infinitivul trecut (have + forma III a verbului de conjugat).


I should/would have gone
    You would have gone
He/she/it would have gone
We should/would have gone
You would have gone
They would have gone


I should/would not have gone
You would not have gone
He/she/it would not have gone
We should/would not have gone
You would not have gone
They would not have gone


Should I have gone? Should we have gone?
Would you have gone? Would you have gone?
Would he/she/it have gone? Would they have gone?

    Se traduce cu conditionalul trecut din limba romana (as fi mers, ai fi mers, ar fi mers etc.).

    Frazele conditionale (If-Clauses)

    Exista trei tipuri de fraze conditionale:
    Tipul 1
    Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
    Future Present
    I will go to the seaside if the weather is fine.
    (Voi merge la mare daca vremea va fi buna.)
    I will stay at home if it rains.
    (Voi sta acasa daca va ploua.)
    Tipul 2
    Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
    Present Conditional Subjonctiv cu forma de Past Tense
    I would go to the seaside if the weather were fine.
    (As merge la mare daca vremea ar fi buna.)
    I would stay at home if it rained.
    (As sta acasa daca ar ploua.)

Nota 1: Trebuie sa se tina seama ca subjonctivul folosit in propozitia secundara are forma lui Past Tense Simple la toate verbele, cu exceptia verbului "to be', unde se intalneste forma "were' la toate persoanele.

    Tipul 3
    Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
    Past Conditional Subjonctiv cu forma de Past Perfect
    I would have gone to the seaside if the weather had been fine.
    (As fi mers la mare daca vremea ar fi fost buna.)
    I would have stayed at home if it had rained.
    (As fi stat acasa daca ar fi plouat.)

Nota 2: - if poate fi inlocuit de provided (that), providing, supposing, suppose, in case.

    What shall we do, supposing he is late?
    (Ce vom face presupunand ca el intarzie?)

o        if not poate fi inlocuit cu unless

I won't go shopping unless you come with me.
I won't go shopping if you don't come with me.

Nota 3: should + infinitiv poate fi folosit la tipul 1, in loc de Present Simple, atunci cand actiunea din secundara este posibila, dar improbabila. Acest tip de secundara este adesea combinat cu imperativul. In acest caz, should se traduce cu: in caz ca, daca s-ar intampla ca.

    Ex. If she should ring up, tell her I am out.
    In caz ca telefoneaza, spune-I ca nu sunt acasa.
    De asemenea, should poate fi folosit in secundara la tipul 2 de fraza conditionala.
    Ex. If the police should find out the truth, we would be fined.

(In caz ca politia ar afla adevarul/ Daca s-ar intampla ca politia sa afle adevarul, noi am fi amendati.)
Nota 4: Atunci cand if este urmat de un verb auxiliar (ex. were, had, should), este posibila omiterea lui if, si in acest caz se inverseaza ordinea subiect - auxiliar.

    Ex. - if he were here - were he here
- if it had rained - had it rained
- if he should come - should he come

Exercitii cu fraze conditionale

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, tinand seama de faptul ca fraza conditionala este de tipul 1:

If I see him, I (greet) him.

If you don't hurry, you (be) late.

If she finds out what has happened, she (be) very angry.

I (lend) you the book if you promise to return it in time.

If I tell you something, you (promise) to keep it a secret?

Unless you study more, you (not pass) the exam.

If it (go on) raining, we shall have floods.

If you (take) a dog, you will have to look after it.

If I like the dress, I (buy) it.

Unless you come at 6, you (not find) me at home.

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, tinand seama de faptul ca fraza conditionala este de tipul 2:

If I (know) his phone-number, I would ring him up.

If I (move) to the country-side, would you visit me?

You (buy) this house if you had money?

If he were more careful, he (not make) so many mistakes.

What would you do if you (be) Prime Minister?

If I (give up) smoking, I would be nervous.

If I won the lottery, I (buy) a car.

Should he have a headache, he (take) a pill.

Were I in your place, I (not do) this.

Where you (go) if you had a holiday?

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, tinand seama de faptul ca fraza conditionala este de tipul 3:

If you had known English, you (read) Shakespeare in the original.

If I (work) harder, I would have succeeded.

If you had taken my advice, you (not get) into trouble.

If I (know) you had no driving licence, I wouldn't have come with you in your car.

He would have been arrested if he (try) to leave the country.

I wouldn't have come unless you (invite) me.

Had I learned English grammar, I (not make) so many mistakes in my translation.

If he (realize) it was so late, he would have gone home.

If I (not tell) him, he would never have known.

Had I been at home, I (answer) the phone.

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, tinand seama ca se poate intalni oricare dintre cele 3 tipuri de fraze conditionale:

It (be) better if you had waited.

If I (be) you, I would go home immediately.

I (answer) your question if I can.

He (tell) you if you had asked him.

If you (drive) more carefully, you wouldn't have an accident.

If the child is good, he (get) a bar of chocolate.

He will be at the airport in time if he (leave) now.

If I (see) him, I would speak to him.

If he had written a letter to me, I (answer) it.

You (be) sick if you eat so much.

Traduceti in limba engleza:

Daca va ploua, strazile vor fi ude.

Daca ar ploua, strazile ar fi ude.

Dacaar fi plouat, strazile ar fi fost ude.

Vei prinde trenul daca vei lua un taxi.

Ai fi prins trenul daca ai fi luat un taxi.

Ai prinde trenul daca ai lua un taxi.

Te vei supara daca iti voi lua creionul?

Te-ai supara daca ti-as lua creionul?

Te-ai fi suparat daca ti-as fi luat creionul?

Ce vei face daca il vei intalni pe John?

Ce-ai face daca l-ai intalni pe John?

Ce-ai fi facut daca l-ai fi intalnit pe John?

Traduceti in limba engleza:

Il vei vedea daca il vei astepta.

Daca un cersetor ti-ar cere bani, I-ai da?

Ce s-ar fi intamplat daca ai fi condus cu viteza mare?

Nu vom merge la plimbare daca nu va sta ploaia.

Mi-ar placea mai mult piesa daca ar fi mai scurta.

Daca cina nu va fi gata la timp, voi manca la un restaurant.

Daca n-ai fi inchis fereastra, mi-ar fi fost frig.

As mai croseta un pulover daca as mai avea lana.

Mamaia ar fi un loc ideal pentru o vacanta daca n-ar fi atat de multi oameni acolo.

Voi fi dezamagit daca nu voi afla adevarul.

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