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Prezentul perfect in limba engleza


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Prezentul perfect

1. Forma

Prezentul auxiliarului have (have/ has) + participiul trecut al verbului (regulat sau neregulat).
Ex.: You have worked hard.
She has taken her medicine.

Ex.: I haven't been to Spain.
I've (have) not seen this movie.

Ex.: Have I met you before?
Have they built the house?

1.1. Functii

Prezentul perfect este una dintre particularitatile limbii engleze, acest timp neavand corespondent in limba romana.

Prezentul perfect este un timp apartinand prezentului. A fost asemanat cu un pod care face legatura dintre trecut si prezent. Dar accentul se pune pe momentul vorbirii, pe acum.

Prezentul perfect exprima o actiune incheiata sau 'perfectata' in trecut si care se extinde pana in momentul prezent:
Ex.: I have walked two miles already (dar continui sa merg).
I have run the Boston Marathon (dar acest lucru s-a intamplat demult).
The critics have praised the film Saving Private Ryan since it came out (si continua sa il laude).

Actiuni sau evenimente din trecut care conduc pana in momentul prezent. In acest caz, folosirea timpului prezent perfect arata ca rezultatul evenimetului sau actiunii care apartine momentului prezent este cel care conteaza si nu momentul in care a avut loc actiunea.
Ex.: He has bought a new car (si acum au o masina noua).
They have been to Mexico but they have not been to South Africa (in consecinta, au cunostinte despre Mexic dar nu stiu prea multe despre Africa de Sud).

Obiceiuri sau evenimente si actiuni frecvente in decursul unei perioade de timp care conduc la momentul prezentului.
Ex.: She has studied English for four years (si inca mai studiaza engleza.)
Brazil has won the World Cup four times.

1.2. Adverbe

Alegerea intre prezentul perfect si trecutul simplu este de multe ori influentata si de adverbele care insotesc verbul. Daca adverbele respective se refera la o perioada trecuta, vom folosi trecutul simplu.
Ex.: I studied all night/yesterday/on Wednesday.

Cu adverbe care marcheaza un inceput in trecut si conduct pana la momentul prezentului, vom folosi prezentul perfect.
Ex.: I have studied up to now/lately/already.

Expresii adverbiale cum ar fi: today, this month, for an hour se pot folosi atat cu prezentul perfect cat si cu trecutul simplu.
Ex.: I worked/have worked hard today.

Exista tendinta de a folosi prezentul perfect pentru a anunta un eveniment din trecutul recent.
Ex.: The company's current CEO has lied repeatedly to her employees.

Dar vom folosi trecutul simplu pentru a relata sau anunta evenimente care au luat sfarsit si apartin trecutului indepartat.
Ex.: Washington encouraged his troops.

1.3. Conjugare


I have walked

you have walked

he/she/it has walked


we have walked

you have walked

they have walked


I have slept

you have slept

he/she/it have slept


we have slept

you have slept

they have slept


I have been

you have been

he/she/it has been


we have been

you have been

they have been

For five generations, members of my family have been doctors.
Vaughan has batted clean-up since he came to the Redsox.
She has swum the English Channel every summer.
How long has it been since the last time we met?

2. Prezent perfect continuu

2.1. Forma

Have/has + been + participiul prezent (-ing)
Ex.: I have been waiting for an hour.

Ex.: You haven't been talking too much.

Ex.: Have they been feeling unwell?

2.2. Functii

Si aceasta forma verbala apartine timpului prezent si se raporteaza la momentul prezent.

Se foloseste pentru a descrie stari sau sentimente care au debutat in trecut si au continuat de-a lungul unei perioade de timp si sunt inca prezente pana in momentul vorbirii.
Ex.: It has been raining for two days (and it's still raining).

Diferenta dintre forma prezentului perfect si cea a prezentului perfect continuu este ca forma continua accentueaza durata actiunii sau a starii.

2.3. Conjugare


I have been walking

you have been walking

he/she/it has been walking


we have been walking

you have been walking

they have been walking


I have been sleeping

you have been sleeping

he/she/it has been sleeping


we have been sleeping

you have been sleeping

they have been sleeping


There is no present perfect progressive for the 'to be' verb. 'Have been being' is expressed simply as 'have been': 'We have been being successful in the past.'


Maria has been writing her dissertation for the last six years[, but she finished yesterday].
The Redsox have been losing games since the All-Star break [and they continue to do so].
Have we been telling the truth to consumers about tobacco?
Haven't we been lying to teenagers about smoking?

2.4. Folosirea adverbelor cu prezentul perfect

Exista cateva expresii adverbiale care se folosesc in mod frecvent cu formele prezentului perfect. Aceastea sunt: since, so far, ever, never, for, since, etc.
Ex.: There have been 92 accidents since the beginning of the year.
Have you ever been to Romania?
I have never seen a purple cow.
John has been working on his thesis for two years.
They haven't seen him since 198

- poate fi folosit atat cu trecutul simplu cat si cu formele perfecte (prezent, trecut, viitor perfect).
- are sensul de: in timpul, pe durata, pentru o perioada de timp.

- se foloseste doar cu formele perfecte.
- are sensul de incepand de la un moment dat.

3. Trecutul perfect

3.1. Forma

Had + participiu trecut al verbului

Trecutul perfect indica faptul ca o actiune s-a incheiat, 'perfectat' la un moment din trecut inainte ca un alt eveniment sa se produca.
Ex.: I had walked two miles by lunchtime.
I had run three other marathons before entering the Boston Marathon.

3.2. Conjugare


I had walked

you had walked

he/she/it had walked


we had walked

you had walked

they had walked


I had slept

you had slept

he/she/it had slept


we had slept

you had slept

they had slept


I had been

you had been

he/she/it had been


we had been

you had been

they had been

Prior to the Revolutionary War, Washington had been a surveyor and land speculator.
Aunt Glad had invested heavily in the air-conditioning industry before the Great Crash of 1988.
She had swum the English Channel every summer until 1997.
How long had it been since you saw each other?

4. Trecutul perfect continuu

Forma: Had + been + participiu prezent (-ing)

Acest timp indica o actiune continua care s-a incheiat la un moment dat din trecut.

Hemingway had been losing his self-confidence for years before the publication of Old Man and the Sea.
Had they been cheating on the exams before the school put monitors in the classroom?

5. Viitorul perfect

Forma: Will + have + participiul trecut al verbului

Viitorul perfect indica o actiune care va fi fost incheiata la un moment dat din viitor.
Ex.: I will have spent all my money by this time next year.
I will have run successfully in three marathons if I can finish this one.
By this time next week, I will have worked on this project for twenty days.
Before he sees his publisher, Charles will have finished four chapters in his new novel.
A Democratic president will have been in the White House for nearly half of the twentieth century.
How long will it have been since we were together?

6. Viitorul perfect continuu

Forma: Will + have + been + participiul prezent (-ing) al verbului

Acest timp indica a actiune continua care va fi incheiata la un moment dat din viitor.
Ex.: By the time he finishes this semester, Gesualdo will have been studying nothing but parasites for four years.
Will they have been testing these materials in the lab before we even get there?

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