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TEST de Plasare pentru Limba PORTUGHEZA


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TEST de Plasare pentru Limba PORTUGHEZA

- modulul I -


1. Vocs falam ingls?; Claro, . muito bem.

2. O Sr. e a Sra. Santos trabalham no Porto? Nao, . em Lisboa.

3. Estudas portugus, Steve? Sim, .. numa escola de lnguas.

4. Miguel! O que que tu dizes para agradecer? Eu muito obrigado, mas a Sofia muito obrigada.

5. Eu e a Sofia fazemos anos em Janeiro: eu .. anos no dia 10 e ela anos a 25.

6. Podes estar no caf s trs? Hoje s trs nao

7. O que que trazem a, mae? Eu bolinhos para a festa e o teu pai . a prenda.

8. tarde. Ainda perdes o autocarro. Nao, nao A paragem j aqui.

9. Quando que vocs abrem as prendas? . j.

10. Qual que preferes, a azul ou a castanha? . a castanha.

11. Consegues estudar com barulho? Nao, nao .

12. J nao vestes esta camisa, Miguel? Nao, j nao .

13. Tens de dividir o bolo com os teus irmaos, Rui. Est bem. . em trs.

14. Vocs vem televisao? Eu . mas o meu marido normalmente nao ..

15. Quem que l esta revista? . eles. Eu nunca , nao tem interesse nenhum.

16. Dormes bem no teu quarto novo? . como uma pedra.

17. Ns ouvimos o noticirio todas as manhas. E tu? Eu nao. Eu . msica.

18. Saem hoje noite? Eu .. mas a Sofia nao

19. Ds dinheiro aos pobres? s vezes . A minha mae que .. sempre.

20. Sabes o resultado do jogo? .

II. Exemplo:    Eu / mquina fotogrfica a minha mquina fotogrfica

Tu e o Steve / canetas. Sao as vossas canetas.

1. Tu / bola de futebol - ..

2. Ns / apartamento - .

3. Eles / carro -

4. Vocs / sala de aula - ..

5. Eu / livros de portugus - .

6. O senhor / jornal -

7. Elas / raquetas - .

8. Voc / escritrio - .

9. A senhora / revistas - ..

10. Ele / escola - .

III. Exemplo: pasta / Sr. Santos / ser / castanho

A pasta do Sr. Satos castanha.

1. carro / D. Celeste / ser / cinzento.

2. pais / Steve / ser / americano.

3. canetas / preto / estar / mesa.

4. ano passado / Steve / estar / Portugal / casa / famlia Santos.

5. bolas / tnis / ser / branco / ou / cor-de-laranja / ?

6. Steve / nunca / lembrar-se / nome / bolo.

7. eu / esquecer-se / sempre / fechar / porta.

8. ns / levantar-se / sempre / cedo / mas / tambm / deitar-se / cedo.

9. todos / lembrar-se / tia Celeste.

10. Natal / ser / 25 / Dezembro.

IV. achar, almoar, chegar, conhecer, decidir, estar, ir (4x), levar, ouvir, sair, ser (2x), ver

O Miguel e a Sofia vao . o Steve a Sintra. Como o Steve ainda nao .. a vila, . que uma ptima ideia.

No sbado de manha, .. cedo de casa e .. a Sintra pelas dez horas. primeiro tomar um cafe e comer as famosas queijadinhas. Depois, ao castelo. a p at l, porque a paisagem realmente bonita. O Steve tudo com muita atenao e .. as histrias que o Miguel lhe conta.

. quase uma hora e j .. todos cheios de fome. a um pequeno restaurante e . l.

tarde ..visitar outros locais.

V. Exemplo: Est aqui muito calor. Abrir / janela

Abre a janela!

1. Estamos cheios de sede. Beber / sumo de laranja

2. Tenho frio. Vestir / casaco, mae

3. Estou cheia de fome. Comer / fatia de bolo, Sofia

4. Precisa de ajuda, mae? Pr / mesa, se fazes favor

5. Onde ficam os Correios, por favor? Seguir / em frente / e / virar / esquerda

6. Posso falar-lhe? Entrar / e / fechar / porta, por favor

7. Sabes onde est o meu jornal, Rui? Ver / sala, pai

8. Vamos experimentar o vdeo novo. Ler / primeiro / instrues.

9. Estou com calor. Despir / camisola, Rui

10. Nao sei onde fica a rua. (Voc) Pedir / informaes a um polcia.

VI. Exemplo: Data de construao da igreja e do museu: 1650

A igreja tao antiga como o museu. (antigo)

Vida no campo e na cidade: ritmo diferente.

A vida no campo menos agitada do que na cidade. (agitado)

1. Altura do Paulo e do Miguel: 1,75 m.

. (alto)

2. Invernos em Portugal e na Alemanha: temperaturas diferentes.

.. (rigoroso)

3. Preos das calas e da saia: 24 cada.

.. (caro)

4. Vinho de mesa e vinho do Porto: diferente graduaao.


5. rea do quarto e da sala: 18 m2 cada.


VII. Exemplo: Tambm vens . (ns)?

Tambm vens connosco?

1. Hoje nao vou sair . (ela). Podem contar .. (eu) para o cinema.

2. A Sofia j falou . (eu) e logo tarde vai falar (tu).

3. Quem que vai .. (vocs) no carro?

A Sofia. A Teresa e o Paulo tm de ir .. (tu).

4. Posso ir . (voc) s compras, mae?

Podes. Entao o teu pai j nao precisa de vir .. (ns)

5. Lembram-se da conversa que tive . (os senhores)?

Sim, mas tambm me lembro que nao concordmos . (o senhor).

VIII. Conjugue os verbos no pretrito perfeito simples

a. Quando praia, foram logo dar um mergulho. (chegar)

b. O Miguel e os irmaos .. passar o dia na praia. (resolver)

c. Depois, a Sofia ao sol e o Miguel e o Rui . jogar bola. (deitar-se / ir)

d. Ontem muito calor. (estar)

e. Por isso, cedo e, depois do pequeno-almoo, . umas sandes, frutas e bebidas para pr no cesto. (levantar-se / arranjar)

IX. Ponha as frases do exerccio anterior na rdem correcta.

2 3 4 5

X. Exemplo: Estou a puxar as cordas com toda a fora.

Estou a pux-las com toda a fora.

1. Podes goardar o martelo e as cavilhas.

2. Tens a carteira na mochila? .?

3. Ajuda-me a montar a tenda. ..

4. Estou a esticar as cordas. .

5. Pe o saco-cama l dentro. .

6. Puseram os casacos e foram dar uma volta.

7. Fechem a porta chave.

8. Eles dao os bilhetes ao empregado.

9. Faz o caf primeiro.

10. Vs o filme connosco? ..?

XI. Conjugue no pretrito perfeito simples: dar, dizer, haver, ir, poder, pr, saber, vir, ter

1. J .. que ontem nao aulas.

Quem que te .?

2. Chegaste tao cedo?

. com o Miguel; ele -me boleia

3. Porque que nao .. connosco ao cinema?

Nao . . de estudar.

4. Onde que . o relatrio, D. Ana?

. lo em cima da sua secretria.

5. Que caminho que vocs fizeram?

Para l .. pela estrada velha, para c . pela auto-estrada.

You scored 60%

The Sensitive Guy

Isn't he sweet? You definitely go for the guy who has a serious case of feelings -- whether he wears them on his sleeve or not. Manners seem important to him, and to you. And it's a good bet your soul mate would as easily tune in to ballads on the radio as he would stage a protest against cruelty to animals. Tapping into his soft side, however, may not always be so easy. A guy who's clued in to his feelings may also be protective of them. So if you find yourself face-to-face with one of these sweeties, don't wait for him to make the first move. Let him know you want to get to know him better. Sensitive types think with their heart as well as their brain -- he'll get the hint.

Now that you know what type of man you're looking for, get out there and find him with a workshop created by Dating Expert Myreah Moore, Find a Man in 30 Days.

And for answers to your dating and relationship questions, ask the iVillage experts:

Dating Doyenne

Relationship Saver

Plus, His Moan Zones: Learn to touch and tempt him all over with these passion pointers from

You scored 30%

The Confident Chap

You definitely know what you want -- a guy who's sure of himself. It's this self-assuredness that has gotten him where he wants to be. Perhaps he's at the top of the corporate ladder, the president of his condo board or the most sought-after when his friends need advice. What you gain in a relationship with this guy is a companion who knows most of the answers and will make you feel safe and cared for. As great as this type of support can be, the reality is that your ideas and his won't always mesh. And once you tell him your take on a situation, he may argue with you and try to get you to see things his way. Don't let this get you down or make you stop thinking for yourself. As long as you don't let his strong personality overpower you or take away your independence, you and Mr. Confident can make quite a pair. After all, a difference in opinions makes any relationship more interesting.

Now that you know what type of man you're looking for, get out there and find him with a workshop created by Dating Expert Myreah Moore, Find a Man in 30 Days.

And for answers to your dating and relationship questions, ask the iVillage experts:

Dating Doyenne

Relationship Saver

Plus, His Moan Zones: Learn to touch and tempt him all over with these passion pointers from

You scored 10%

The Fun-Loving Fellow

Party on! Whether at a gathering with friends or in line at a movie, you pick out the most personable guy of the group, and it's easy to see why: You enjoy a good time and a good laugh and need someone who can appreciate these as much as you do. A man like this is great to have in your life because he can hold his own in any situation, and with anybody. The one downside is that he is not necessarily discerning. He may as easily chat up your three-year-old niece as his beautiful next-door neighbor. But don't let his flirting be his fatal flaw; instead, remember it's what drew you to him in the first place. But do keep in mind that his 'playfulness' may make it tough for him to settle down.

Now that you know what type of man you're looking for, get out there and find him with a workshop created by Dating Expert Myreah Moore, Find a Man in 30 Days.

And for answers to your dating and relationship questions, ask the iVillage experts:

Dating Doyenne

Relationship Saver

Plus, His Moan Zones: Learn to touch and tempt him all over with these passion pointers from

You scored 0%

The Sporty Stud

In your arena, this guy is number one. You favor a man who likes football over one who brings flowers. Why? For starters, you're attracted to a competitive spirit and the drive to win. Not to mention, a guy who loves the game is probably pretty playful. Translated into a relationship, these qualities can be top-notch, although the same qualities that initially attract you may also drive you crazy. A competitive guy, for instance, may make a terrific athlete, but that same quality may also make him feel like he's in competition for your feelings -- with your friends, your family, your job and so on. Likewise, you may sometimes feel like you're in competition with his friends, athletic hobbies, etc. But remember, this type of man considers himself a team player, which means that in a relationship, you'll be able to count on him to be supportive, interested in your opinions and willing to work together to make the two of you a winning pair.

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