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A.Clasificare: (Classification.of Nouns )


Andrew Romania, Bucharest, Monday, July.


a)       substantive abstracte (Abstract Nouns): happiness, music, weather, autumn, time ,luck, beauty, freedom, fun.

b) substantive concrete. (Concrete Nouns glass, concrete, cotton, silk, leather;

girl, table, tree, rain;

c) substantive numarabile. (Countable Nouns

-au forma si de singular si de plural ; pot fi folosite cu many, few, several;

cat - cats, pen - pens.

d) substantive nenumarabile (Uncontable Nouns) :

-se folosesc cu verbul la singular.

-au forma numai de singular;

-pot fi folosite cu munch , little;

coal, coffe, food, ice, iron, rice, sand, steel, cruelty,honesty, patience, anger, happiness, hope, joy, pride, relief, respect, help, travel, sleep, work, freedom , baggage, business, equipment, furniture, housework, homework, advice, music, noise, peace, news, youth, knowledge, measles, fun, courage, despair, sugar, economics, beauty, information, scissors, tea, machinery, merchandise, money, nonsense, progress, research, spaghetti, strength, aeronautics, astronautics, electronics, mathematics, psysics,politics,aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, billiards, cards, checkers, darts,diabets, mumps.

e)substantive colective. (Collective Nouns):

army, team, fleet, flock, audience, committee, community, council, crew, enemy, gang, government, group, herd, jury, navy, press, public, staff.


cat, boy, weather, idea, cloud, soldier.


driver, childhood, writer, actress, pianist, imposibility.


pencilbox, icecream, classroom, a merry-go-round, bypass

B. Genul substantivelor (Gender of Nouns)

a)       masculin: man, boy, father, brother, son, uncle, wolf, lion

b)       feminin: woman, girl, mother, sister, daunghter, aunt, she-wolf, lioness.

c)       neutru: pen, bag, table, idea, cloud

d)       comun: friend, cousin, doctor, engineer.

Formarea substantivului feminin din masculin:

1) prin cuvinte diferite:

boy - girl

son - daughter

father - mother

king - queen

nephew - niece

uncle - aunt

2) prin adaugarea unui sufix:

bride - bridegroom

actor - actress

3) cu ajutorul pronumelui:

wolf - she-wolf

4) folosind un cuvant ajutator:

doctor - lady-doctor

C.      Cazul substantivelor (Case of Nouns)

1. Nominativ The Nominative Case)- cazul subiectului:

The boy is singing a nice song.

2. Dativ. (The Dative Case)-cazul complementului indirect:

Mother told a beautiful story to her daughter.

3. Acuzativ. (The Accusative Case)-cazul complementului direct:

Tom bought a doll for my daughter.

4. Genitiv. (The Genitive Case)- cazul atributului:

a)       genitivul sintetic : - `s se adauga la substantivele la singular sau la pluralele neregulate:

boy`s ball, man`s work, men`s works.

- )se adauga la pluralele regulate sau la substantivele proprii terminate in `s:

boys` balls, Whites` car.

Genitivul sintetic se foloseste cu:

Substantive ce denumesc persoane sau fiinte:

The bird`s wings the student`s papers

Susan`s bag the horses` food

The boy`s toy my parents` house

Mother`s blouse teachers` books

The cat`s tail children`s toys

Substantive ce denumesc unitati de timp, spatiu, masura:

A life`s work

A mile`s distance

Two weeks` work

A pound`s worth of apples

Yesterday`s newspaper

Substantive ce pot fi personificate:

Romania`s history

The sea`s voice.

Substantive ce denumesc o organizatie:

The government`s decision

The army`s retreat

Substantive ce denumesc elemente geografice sau locuri:

England`s weather

The Danube`s waters

The world`s population

The city`s parks

Substantive din expresii legate de natura:

The ocean`s roar

The sun`s heat

The moon`s light

Substantive din expresii legate de distanta:

At arm`s length

A ten yards` distance

Substantive din expresii legate de dimensiune si valoare:

A pound`s weight

Three dollars` worth

Substantive ce urmeaza dupa sake:

For peace`s sake

For order`s sake

For pity`s sake

b) genitivul analitic :

Constructia cu of se foloseste:

Cu substantivele la genul neutru:

The leg of the table

The colour of the car

The window of the room

The back yard of the house

In expresii mai lungi:

The child of the woman you have talked.

D.      Numarul substantivelor (Number of Nouns):


Regula generala de formare a pluralului substantivelor in limba engleza este de a adauga un -s la sfarsitul substantivului:

Boy - boys

Idea - ideas

Horse - horses

Cat - cats


a) Atunci cand substantivul se termina in x, s, z, ch si sh acesta primeste terminatia - es la plural:

box - boxes brush - brushes

fox - foxes finish - finishes

bus - buses buzz - buzzes

glass - glasses quiz - quizzes

church - churches

watch - watches

dish - dishes

b) Atunci cand substantivul se termina in o precedat de o consoana, acesta primeste terminatia --es la plural:

tomato - tomatoes domino - dominoes

potato - potatoes echo - echoes

hero - heroes Negro - Negroes

dar: radio - radios

piano - pianos

photo - photos.

c) Atunci cand substantivul se termina in y precedat de o consoana, acesta primeste terminatia -ies la plural:

lady - ladies country - countries story - stories

baby - babies party - parties victory - victories

city - cities factory - factories

fly - flies

dar: toy - toys day - days

boy - boys key - keys

d) Atunci cand substantivul se termina in -f(e) acesta primeste la plural terminatia -ves.

Knife - knives wolf - wolves calf - calves

Wife - wives loaf - loaves half - halves

Life - lives thief - thieves scarves - scarves

Leaf - leaves shelf - shelves wolf - wolves

Dar roof - roofs

e) Unele substantive schimba la plural o vocala sau doua:

Man - men

Woman - women

Louse - lice

Goose - geese

Foot - feet

Tooth - teeth

Mouse - mice

f)        Unele substantive primesc la plural terminatia -en sau -ren:

Child - children

Ox - oxen

g)       Unele substantive nu isi schimba forma la plural:

Carp - carp aircraft - aircraft

Deer - deer crossroads - crossroads

Sheep - sheep dice - dice

Pike - pike fish - fish

Trout - trout fruit - fruit

Series - series hovercraft - hovercraft

Species - species spacecraft - spacecraft

h)       Unele substantive provenite dintr-o limba straina isi pastreaza forma de plural ca in limba de provenienta.

Stimulus - stimuli

Larva - larvae

Alga - algae

Phenomenon - phenomena

i)         Substantivele compuse primesc la plural un -s la cuvantul mai important:

Mother-in-law mothers-in-law

Sunflower sunflowers

Rain-coat rain-coats


a)       care au numai forma de singular:

meat, luggage, furniture, bread, money;

music, information, knowledge, homework, luck;

news, mathematics, economics, measles;

b)       care au numai forma de plural si au verbul la plural:

trousers, pyjamas, jeans, shorts, knickers, slacks, tights, pants, spectacles;

glasses, scissors, tongs, shears, scales, pliers, pincers, nutcrackers, compasses, binoculars;

the rich, the poor, goods;

police, people;

the Carpathians, the Alps, the Highlands

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