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A. CATEGORIILE GRAMATICALE ( The Grammatical Categories)
sg. pl.
I I we
II You You
III He, she, it They
Obs. La persoana a III-a sg. verbul primeste la timpul prezent simplu,modul indicativ,terminatia -s sau -es.
Andrew plays football.
He does his homework.
Diateza activa .( the Active Voice)- subiectul face actiunea.
Andrew came home yesterday.
Diateza pasiva. ( the Passive Voice) -subiectul sufera actiunea savarsita de verb.
The letter is written by Andrew.
Diateza reflexiva - nu este marcata formal in limba engleza ( subiectul face actiunea si el o si sufera).
I wash myself every day.
Aspectul simplu ne arata ca actiunea se repeta sau se face in mod general.
Andrew goes to school every day. t
Aspectul continuu ne arata ca actiunea se desfasoara in mod continuu si neintrerupt intr-o perioada de timp bine definita.
Andrew is going to school now.
Verbe care nu se folosesc la aspectul continuu:
verbe care arata sentimente: to love, to hate, to like, to dislike, to detest, to please, to refuse, to prefer, to want, to hope, to wish to satisfy, to regret.
Verbe care arata activitati mentale: to think, to suppose, to belive, to agree, to know, to mean, to forget, to intend, to notice, to remember, to imagine, to expect, to surprise, to need, to understand.
Verbe care arata perceptii senzoriale:to see, to feel, to taste, to hear, to smell, to sound, to look, to look like, to appear.
Verbe care arata o actiune de moment: to begin, to end, to start, to stop.
Verbe modale: can, must, may ,shall, will, ought to, need, dare.
Alte verbe ca: to appear, to be, to belong, to chance, to consist, to contain, to comprise, to cost, to connect, to contribute, to date, to depend, to deserve, to exist, to fail, to have, to hold, to include, to matter, to mean, to possess, to resemble, to suffice, to weigh.
Cand actiunea este bine definita in timp avem:
a) prezent
b) trecut
c) viitor
Cand actiunea s-a desfasurat intr-un moment anterior unui timp fix si nu este definita in timp:
a) prezent perfect
b) trecut perfect
c) viitor perfect
Moduri personale:
a) Modul indicativ The Indicative Mood).
b) Modul subjonctiv. ( The Subjunctive).
c) Modul conditional. ( The Conditional).
d) Modul imperativ. ( The Imperative).
Moduri impersonale:
a) Modul infinitiv. ( The Infinitive).
b) Modul participiu. ( The Participle).
c) Modul gerundiv. ( The Gerund).
B. VERBE TRANZITIVE SI VERBE INTRANZITIVE. (Transitive and Intransitive Verbs)
Verbul tranzitiv este verbul dupa care urmeaza in mod obligatoriu un complement direct.
Andrew read Shakespeare's poems.
Verbul intranzitiv nu primeste complement direct si nici nu are diateza pasiva.
Andrew is reading for his exams.
a) ajuta la formarea unor constructii verbale compuse:
I am singing a song.
b) nu au inteles de sine statator:
Does he finish his work?
c) se pun la modul, timpul, numarul si persoana cerute de context:
I have my dress washed.
Verbele auxiliare sunt: TO BE, TO HAVE, TO DO, TO LET, SHALL, WILL, SHOULD, WOULD.
a) sunt verbe speciale:
b) au echivalenti modali, deoarece nu au toate timpurile si modurile:
c) nu primesc desinenta -s sau -es la persoana a III-a singular a modului indicativ.
d) formele interogativa si negativa ale timpurilor prezent si trecut nu sunt formate cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar TO DO.
e) Nu au forma de infinitiv si verbul care urmeaza dupa un verb modal se pune la infinitivul scurt nu au particula TO nici inaintea lor si nici dupa; exceptie facand verbul OUGHT TO).
Verbele modale si echivalentii lor sunt:
Can could to be able to
Must - to have to
May might to be allowed to
to be permitted to
Shall should -
Will would -
Ought to - -
Need needed -
Dare dared -
- formeaza trecutul si participiul trecut prin adaugarea sufixului -ed la infinitiv.
- prin adaugarea sufixului - ed unele verbe sufera modificari:
to bake - baked
to travel - travelled
a) care nu sufera nici o modificare in scriere:
to beset to hurt to set
to bet to knit to shed
to bid to let to shut
to broadcast to overcast to slit
to burst to overset to split
to cast to overspread to spread
to cost to put to sweat
to cut to read to thrust
to forecast to recast to upset
to hit to reset
b) care sufera o singura modificare in scriere:
- la past tense si past participle sunt la fel:
abide- abode blend-blent clothe-clad
backbite-backbit bless-blest creep-crept
backslide-backslid breed-bred dare-dared
behold- beheld bring-brought deal-dealt
bend-bent build-built dig-dug
bereave-bereft burn-burnt dream-dreamt
beseech-besought buy-bought dwell-dwelt
bethink-bethought catch-caugth feed-fed
bind-bound cleave-clove feel-felt
bleed-bled cling-clung fight-fought
flee-fled hang-hung lead-led
fling-flung have-had lean-leant
foretell-foretold hear-heard leap-leapt
gainsay-gainsaid heave-heaved learn-learnt
get-got hold-held leave-left
gild-gilt inlay-inlaid lend-lent
gird-girt keep-kept light-lit
grind-ground kneel-knelt lose-lost
misdeal-misdealt oversleep-overslept send-sent
mislead-misled pay-paid shine-shone
misunderstand-misunderstood rebuild-rebuilt shoe-shod
outshine-outshone relay-relaid shoot-shot
overfeed-overfed rend-rent sit-sat
overhang-overhung repay-repaid sleep-slept
overhear-overheard retell-retold slide-slid
sling-slung stave-stove think-thought
smell-smelt stick-stuck tread-trod
speed-sped sting-stung unbend-unbent
spell-spelt strike-struck undersell-undersold
spend-spent string-strung waylay-waylaid
spell-spilt sunburn-sunburnt wed-wedded
spin-spun sweep-swept weep-wept
spit-spat swing-swung win-won
spoil-spoilt teach-taught wind-wound
stand-stood tell-told withhold-withheld
c) verbe care sufera doua modificari in scriere:
- au forme diferite la infinitive, past tense si past participle
arise-arose-arisen chide-chid
be-was-been choose-chose-chosen
bear-bore-born come-came-come
become-became-become do-did-done
befall-befell-befallen draw-drew-drawn
beget-begot-begotten drink-drank-drunk
begin-began-begun drive-drove-driven
bespeak-bespoke-bespoken eat-ate-eaten
bestride-bestrode-bestrid fall-fell-fallen
betake-betook-betaken fly-flew-flown
bid-bade-bidden forbear-forbore-forborne
bide-bode-bided forbid-forbade-forbidden
bite-bit-bitten forego-forewent-foregone
blow-blew-blown foreknow-foreknew-foreknown
break-broke-broken foresee-foresaw-foreseen
forgive-forgave-forgiven lade-laded-laden
forswear-forswore-forsworn misgive-misgave-misgiven
freeze-froze-frozen mistake-mistook-mistaken
give-gave-given mow-mowed-mown
go-went-gone ourbit-outbade-outbid
grave-graved-graven outdo-outdid-outdone
grow-grew-grown outgo-outwent-outgone
hide-hid-hidden outgrow-outgrew-outgrown
know-knew-known outride-outrode-outridden
outrun-outran-outrun overrun-overran-overrun
outwear-outwore-outworn oversee-oversaw-overseen
overbear-overbore-overborne overtake-overtook-overtaken
overcome-overcame-overcome overthrow-overthrew-overthrown
overdo-overdid-overdone partake-partook-partaken
overdraw-overdrew-overdrawn rid-ridden-rid
overeat-overate-overeaten ride-rode-ridden
overgrow-overgrew-overgrown ring-rang-rung
overlie-overlay-overlain rise-rose-risen
override-overrode-overridden rive-rived-riven
run-ran-run sink-sank-sunk
saw-sawed-sawn slay-slew-slain
see-saw-seen smite-smote-smitten
sew-sewed-sewn sow-sowed-sown
shear-sheared-shorn spring-sprang-sprung
show-showed-shown steal-stole-stolen
shrink-shrank-shrunk stink-stank-stunk
shrive-shrove-shriven strew-strewed-strewn
sing-sang-sung stride-strode-stridden
strive-strove-striven undertake-undertook-undertaken
swear-swore-sworn underwrite-underwrote-underwritten
swell-swelled-swollen underdo-underdid-underdone
swim-swam-swum wake-woke-waked
take-took-taken wear-wore-worn
thrive-throve-thriven withdraw-withdrew-withdrawn
throw-threw-thrown write-wrote-written
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