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Present Perfect Tenses


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Present Perfect Tenses

Present Perfect Tenses se foloseste pentru a exprima o anumita perioada de timp anterioara unui moment prezent (moment de referinta), avand legatura cu acest moment.

Ca si la celelalte timpuri si Present Perfect Tense are doua forme:

Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Continoues

Present Perfect Simple

A)   Definitie

Present Perfect Simple exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata inainte de momentul prezent dar care are legatura cu prezentul, sau il influenteaza

B)   Forma

Ca toate timpurile perfecte, Present Perfect se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar TO HAVE, conjugat la timpul momentului de referinta (Present Tense), la care se adauga participiul trecut al verbului deconjugat.

C)  Conjugare





I have worked

Have I worked?

I have not worked

You have worked

Have you worked?

You have not worked

He has worked

Has he worked?

He has not worked

She has worked

Has she worked?

She has not worked

It has worked

Has it worked?

It has not worked

We have worked

Have we worked?

We have not worked

You have worked

Have you worked?

You have not worked

They have worked

Have they worked?

They have not workeds

D)  Folosire

Present Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata inainte de momentul prezent si care are legatura sau influenteaza prezentul.

Adverbe specifice:

a)    Just, Already, Yet

Just - se foloseste in propozitiile afirmative (He has just left).

Already - se foloseste in propozitiile interogative si in cele afirmative atunci cand se exprima surprinderea;

Has he already left ?

He has already left.

Yet - se foloseste in propozitiile negative (He hasn't left yet

b)    Lately, Recently

What have you done lately ?

I have done nothing recently.

c)     Adverbe de frecventa: ever, never.

Have you ever been to London

I have never been to London.

d)    For/Since

for - se foloseste pentru a exprima perioada de timp scursa de la inceputul actiunii;

since - exprima momentul inceperii actiunii.

I have worked at this paper for two hours.

I have worked at this paper since 12 o'clock.

Present Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata desfasurata intr-o perioada de timp ce nu s-a incheiat.

I have written a letter to Mary this mourning (The mourning is not finished)

Present Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata care are un rezultat concret in prezent.

I have laid the table.

Present Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune neterminata in momentul prezent cu verbe ce nu pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu.

I have known him for 15 years.

Present Perfect Continoues

a)    Definitie:

Present Perfect Continoues se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut, continuata pana in prezent cu posibilitatea de a se continua si dupa acest moment.

b)    Formare

c)     Conjugare:





I have been working

Have I been working?

I have not been working

You have been working

Have you been working?

You have not been working

He has been working

Has he been working?

He has not been working

She has been working

Has she been working?

She has not been working

It has been working

Has it been working?

It has not been working

We have been working

Have we been working?

We have not been working

You have been working

Have you been working?

You have not been working

They have been working

Have they been working?

They have not been working

d)    Folosiri

Present Perfect Continoues se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut, continuata pana in prezent, cu posibilitatea de a se continua si ulterior.

Adverbe specifice:

for/since (I have been working for 5 hours

all day long (She has been working all day long)

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