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The Subjunctive Mood


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The Subjunctive Mood

presents the action as possible when it is projected in the future

unreal when it is projected in the past

Tenses : - The present subjunctive

The past subjunctive I    è synthetical subjunctive

The past subjunctive II

The analitical subjunctive

I The Synthetical Subjunctive

a The Present Subjunctive Tense

presents an action contrary to the present situation

form : it is identical with the Short Infinitive

it is not very much used in English today, there is a tendency to replace it by the analytical subjunctive

It is necessary that he come. (that he should come)

b The Past Subjunctive I

presents the action contrary to a present situation

form : is identical with the Past Tense

to be : were in all persons

it is used in subordinate clauses :

after wish to express an action, desire in the present

I wish he came. I wish I had a car.

after the phrase "it's high time", when the action is projected in the present.

It's high time you told us the truth.

in adverbial clauses of comparison after as if or as though when the action is projected in the present

She speaks as if (as though) she were ill.

in conditional sentences (clauses) (=equivalent of the Romanian Cond.prezent)

I would come to see you if I had the time.

in adverbial clause of comparison after even if / even though (chiar daca)

I wouldn't buy this car even if / even though I had the money.

in purpose clause after in case (= in caz ca: I'll stay home, in case Mike stops by.; =ca sa nu:     I gave her a lift in case she missed the train.=Am dus-o cu masina ca sa nu piarda timpul)

c    The Past Subjunctive II

presents the action as unreal or contrary to a past reality

form: it is identical with the Past Perfect (had + Past Participle)

it is used:

after wish when the action is projected in the past

I wish you hadn't done it! (De n-ai fi facut asta!)

after "it was high time" (era timpul)

It was high time he had told us the truth. (Era timpul ca el sa spuna adevarul)

in adverbial clause of comparison, after as if / as though when the action is projected in the past

She spoke as if / as though she had been ill. (Vorbea de parca era bolnava)

in conditional clause, when the verb in the main clause is in the Past Conditional

I would have visited you, if I had had the time.(Te-as fi vizitat, daca as fi avut timp)

in adverbial clause of concession, when the action is projected in the past (after even if / even though)

I wouldn't have bought this car even if I had had money.

II The Analytical Subjunctive

presents a hypothetical action in the terms of assumption, order, request, necessity.

It is formed: may, might, should, would, could + Infinitive (Present or Past)

it is used mainly in object clauses after that ("that" clauses)

It is necessary that he should come. (E necesar ca el sa vina)

in Purpose Clause

after lest: (lest + should + verb in the affirmative è ca sa nu)

I gave her a lift lest she should miss the train.

after "for fear" (de teama sa)

I gave her a lift for fear she should miss the train.

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